Minotti - Chanintr Living

Minotti - Chanintr Living

Minotti - Chanintr Living

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Introducing Darryl Carter for Thomasville. Imagine traditional, re-imagined. With a sculptural grace that gives shape to thepossibilities for new-traditional today. We invite you to preview our newest collection, Darryl Carter for Thomasville.3rd Floor, Siam Paragon, Rama 1 Road, Bangkok 10330 T + 662 129 4508thomasville.com

Fall 2009With the FALL issue of <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong>, not only do we celebratethe launch of <strong>Minotti</strong> but also the result of a creativecollaboration between <strong>Minotti</strong> Italy and Khun Duangrit Bunnag(DBALP) in designing the new store that will be opening inOctober on the 2nd floor of the Promenade. As many of youalready know, <strong>Minotti</strong> is regarded as the epitome of Italiandesign and contemporary elegance. A second-generationfamily-owned furniture company, their commitment to excellencein design and craftsmanship over the years makes us very proud tointroduce them to our customers.Another introduction this Fall is our own little lighting store.Wouldn’t it be convenient to find beautifully designed ceiling,table, floor, and wall lamps all in one space? This October,<strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> Lighting will be opening on the Ground Floor ofthe Promenade with many collections of imported designerlighting.Don’t miss the tips on improving your health through sleep (Page12-13) and our new Q&A section by Dr. Oexman, one of America’sleading sleep surface experts and director of a major ergonomicresearch facility, who will be answering your questions aboutsleep.Hope you enjoy our second issue and we look forward towelcoming you to our stores.Very best,CONTENTS4-5<strong>Minotti</strong> at <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong>6-7Everyday Gratitude by Barbara Barry8-9Speaking of China10-11Fashion Meets Furniture at DEDON12-13Is Your Sleep Healthy?14-15Thomas Pheasant Cleans Up Classicism16-17Darryl’s Design Tips18-19Herman Miller Recreates a Classic20-21Fashion Crowd at La Société22-23<strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> Suggests...<strong>Chanintr</strong> Sirisant24-25What and Where to Buy26<strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at The Met Condoon the cover:wearing collectionby rodolfo dordoniminottihead officechanintr livingnai lert tower, 10th floor2/4 wireless road, patumwanbangkok 10330 thailandchanintrliving.comtel: +662 655 5188fax: +662 655 5189editor@chanintrliving.comdesigned bycasestudy limitedcasestudylimited.com

<strong>Minotti</strong> OpensNew Store inBangkokThe name <strong>Minotti</strong> is synonymous with the wordscontemporary, elegance and quality. For over sixty years,<strong>Minotti</strong> S.p.A., an Italian furniture design andmanufacturing company has created furnishings for adiscerning audience of designers and design-savvy peoplewho want to live a contemporary and elegant lifestyle. Incollaboration with Rodolfo Dordoni, <strong>Minotti</strong> hasbecome an international brand of luxury, standing as anequal with other famous Italian fashion brands.In October 2009, <strong>Minotti</strong> will open its doors at thePromenade on Wireless Road in Bangkok.4 CHANINTR LIVING© 2009 <strong>Minotti</strong>. All rights reserved.

Khun Duangrit Bunnag of DBALP architectural firmdesigned the new store which features the latestcollection from <strong>Minotti</strong>. Rodolfo Dordoni, a famousItalian architect and interior designer, is the creativedirector for <strong>Minotti</strong> and has designed most of the piecesin this and other collections.The 2009 collection is made up of twenty-four pieceswhich when placed together, achieves a uniquelyharmonious style. Traditional and modern are the keyprinciples that joins and coordinates all of the individualpieces to act as a whole thereby creating a contemporarylook that is always aware of the past but at the same time,isn’t afraid to look to the future.We welcome you to come to the new <strong>Minotti</strong> store where you canexperience this famous brand in an elegant, contemporarysetting. The 2009 Collection is available exclusively through<strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at the <strong>Minotti</strong> showroom on the 2nd Floor ofThe Promenade.CHANINTR LIVING 5

Everyday Gratitudeby Barbara BarryI have come to believe that the little thingswe do on a regular basis give a structure and ameaning to our lives. Other cultures call themrituals and there seems to be something sacredin the very essence of that word. I like the littlerituals of everyday living.Eating, bathing, and sleeping arethe necessities of living but theyalso can become treasured ritualsif we look at them in a new way.Just by being “present” when wedo them, slowing down andlooking at how we do these ritualsbrings our focus and our attentionto them and elevates them.I remember a friend and I discussing how much we lovefresh blueberries and how excited we are when they arein season. So excited, that we simply stuff our mouthsfull of those gorgeous little berries. Then one day Idecided to eat them one at a time, pretending I had justpicked them fresh off the vine. Each one burst withflavor in my mouth and I felt the joy and the gratitudeof being alive and nourished. I have never eaten ablueberry in the same way since and they serve as littlereminders for me to slow down.Ritual can be found in shopping for our food, preparingit and eating it if we are present to it and not in a rush.Shopping at places where we know the people andknow where the food comes from, washing andcleaning the food before we prepare it, recognizing thebeauty in it and setting a lovely place at the table, evenif only for yourself, honors the act of cooking.Lately, I have been eating alone in silence. It makes themeal taste better because my awareness is brought towhat I am doing. So many meals are eatenunconsciously, which seems so amazing when there isso much hunger in the world.At the end of the day, my favorite thing is taking abubble bath…just the sound of the running water calmsmy nerves and when I soak I try to clear my mind andfeel grateful for all that I have and for the hot waterthat we take for granted.Instead of just “crashing” at night, I try to make a littleritual around bedtime because I believe that how youfall asleep affects how you wake up and so I try to clearmy mind to rest peacefully. I sleep on freshly ironedsheets in pressed pajamas. It makes the whole idea ofgoing to bed feel special; as if I am in a fine hotel. Idon’t have a television in my bedroom and I don’t takethe computer to bed either. I mostly read, and, sometimes,I listen to radio programs that put me in touchwith happenings far outside my world that put my lifein perspective.So as we are scurrying around looking for the meaning of life,it is nice to look at what we do daily and take the time toacknowledge what a gift can be found in our everyday living.In the end, gratitude is the most elegant posture we can take.6 CHANINTR LIVING

© 2008 Barbara Barry. All rights reserved.CHANINTR LIVING 7

Speaking ofChinaHave you ever wondered about china?Is it earthenware, porcelain, or, ceramics?Well, actually china is all of the above.China is a general term used to describe all dinnerware.But there are different types of china andthis is where most of the confusion lies.Earthenware: The most commonceramic material, which is usedextensively for pottery tableware anddecorative objects. Earthenware is lessstrong, less tough, and more porousthan stoneware - but its low cost andeasier working compensate for thesedeficiencies. Due to its higherporosity, earthenware must usually beglazed in order to be watertight.Usually fired at 1000°C to 1150 °C.Stoneware: Stoneware’s ideal firingtemperature ranges from about1200°C to 1315 °C. In essence, it isman-made stone. Some considerporcelain to be stoneware but stonewarecontains a higher content ofimpurities.Porcelain: A translucent ceramicmaterial fired in a kiln to temperaturesbetween 1,200°C and 1,400°C. Porcelainderives its name from the Italianporcellana, because of its resemblanceto the translucent surface of a seashell.Porcelain is informally referred to as“china” in some English-speakingcountries, as China was the birthplaceof porcelain making.Bone China: This ceramic is a type ofporcelain first developed in Britain inwhich calcined cattle bone (bone ash)is a major component. It is characterizedby high whiteness, translucency andstrength.The Martha Stewart Collection withWedgwood is now available exclusivelythrough <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> from MarthaStewart Furniture Gallery at SiamParagon.© 2008 Martha Stewart <strong>Living</strong> Omnimedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Modern TableSetting 101In this modern world, it is rare toattend a dinner party where thehostess has set the table in a formalsetting. Most likely, the only timethat you run across a formal tablesetting is at a wedding banquet orgala dinner where there are far toomany guests to set the silverware andglassware for every course. However,when you dine in a very formalrestaurant, the waiter will take careof placing the proper glass and utensilso that you, the guest, does not haveto think about what to use or not touse. Just remember, always start fromthe outside and work your waytoward the plate. For glassware, startat the left most glass and work yourway to the right.When eating Western food at home, the typical table setting is very simple.A few things to know:• Knife blades always face the plate.• The napkin goes to the left of the fork, or on the plate.• The bread and butter plate are optional.What used to be considered an informal placesetting has now become the formal place settingDinner plate: This is the ‘hub of thewheel’ and is usually the first thing tobe set on the table. In our illustration,the dinner plate would beplaced where the napkin is, with thenapkin on top of the plate. A dinnerplate should be at least 31cm wide.Some recent designers are usingover-sized dinner plates but we thinkit’s better to keep your plate to arespectable size. This also controlsthe amount of food you eat!Forks: The forks are placed to the leftof the plate. The dinner fork, thelarger of the two forks, is used for themain course; the smaller fork is usedfor a salad or first course.Napkin: The napkin is folded or put ina napkin ring and placed either to theleft of the forks or on the center ofthe dinner plate. We recommend a56cm square napkin but for buffets,we suggest a large 61cm napkin sothat your guest may easily drape themover their laps.Dinner knife: The dinner knife is setimmediately to the right of the plate,cutting edge facing inward. At aninformal meal, the dinner knife maybe used for all courses, but a dirtyknife should never be placed on thetable, placemat or tablecloth. If youmust keep your utensils for the nextcourse, bring your fork to the righthand side of the plate and use yourfork as a rest so as not to dirty thetable.Spoons: Spoons go to the right of theknife. In our illustration, soup isbeing served first, so the soupspoongoes to the far (outside) right of thedinner knife.Glasses: Drinking glasses of any kind –water, champagne, wine – are placedat the top right of the dinner plate.Salad plate: This is placed to the leftof the forks. If salad is to be eaten asthe second course just prior to themain course, do not use the saladplate but use a smaller luncheon size,23cm, plate to serve the salad on.Bread plate with butter knife: If used,the bread plate goes above the forks,with the butter knife placed diagonallyacross the edge of plate, handleon the right side and blade facingdown.Dessert spoon and fork: These can beplaced either horizontally above thedinner plate or can come out after thedinner service has been cleared andjust as dessert is being served.Coffee cup and saucer: We suggest thatyou do not place the coffee cup andsaucer on the table as it makes thetable appear cluttered. Bring thecoffee cups and saucers to the tablewith dessert.And remember, allow at least 61cmfor each place setting, your guestswill be much more comfortable.CHANINTR LIVING 9

© DEDON GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved.Fashion Meets Furniture at DEDONDEDON reinterpreted some of the most classicpatterns in fashion for their collection SLIM LINE byJean-Marie Massaud and created four exceptional newcollections: Fashion Meets Furniture like never beforewith the limited edition Special Edition D.D.C.Collection. Each production is limited based on a yearthat the pattern influenced fashion.Within the DEDON Dress Code collection is theEDINBURGH collection that takes inspiration fromone of the most famous patterns of all time, tartanplaid. This collection retraces its history; starting inScottish highland culture, visiting the traditionalatmosphere of British clubs, stopping in the infamousPunk era of The Sex Pistols and ending withcontemporary fashion designers such as VivienneWestwood and Ralph Lauren. The EDINBURGHcollection is limited to 1,975 pieces because in 1975,Malcolm McLaren, the music producer and the partnerof fashion icon, Vivienne Westwood, became themanager of the band to be known as The Sex Pistols,the legendary British Punk band.The CAMBON collection invites you back to thefamous fashion district of Paris, home of groundbreakinginnovations such as Christian Dior’s New Look.Many sophisticated women where inspired by theclassic hounds tooth pattern, strolling down Parisianavenues a la Audrey Hepburn. The CAMBONcollection is limited to 1,961 pieces because in 1961,the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s, celebrated the eleganceof Audrey Hepburn as a style icon influenced by thehaute couture of Givenchy.10 CHANINTR LIVING

CambonMarseilleOsloEdinburghThe MARSEILLE collection takes us on a trip throughfashion history, starting at the time of the GoldenTwenties in Europe, visiting summer flings at theFrench Riviera with Pablo Picasso in the 1960s andtraveling quickly back to the present time of Jean-PaulGaultier’s subversive sailor chic which never goes outof style. The MARSEILLE collection is limited to1,984 pieces because in 1984, a young French fashiondesigner by the name of Jean-Paul Gaultier becameinternationally known for his striped Breton t-shirt andprovocative fashions.With the OSLO collection, the classically knittedNorwegian style gets an updated look. The collectionbrings the rough and untamed wilderness of the Scandinavianlandscape into the big cities of our times. TheOSLO collection is limited to 1,970 items because in1970 in Northern Europe, a group of environmentalistsjoined together for the first time in what was tobecome the environmental movement of today. Thetraditional knitted Norwegian Pullover, the preferredclothing item worn by the founders of this movement,became popular at that time and today has achieved thestatus of a fashion classic.The DEDON Dress Code Collection is now availableexclusively through <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at DEDON Showroom,The Promenade Décor, Ground Floor, Bangkok andThe Plaza Surin,Unit M6, Phuket.CHANINTR LIVING 11

Are these some sleep problems that describe you ?I only need 4-5 hoursof sleep a night.You may think that you are doing fine however, inthe long run, your body is paying the price. Sleepexperts agree that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep anight to function well the next day. When you don’tget enough sleep, you could suffer from a cold, theflu, obesity, high blood pressure and negative moodswings.Is your sleephealthy?Just because your eyes are closed and you experiencelong stretches of unconsciousness doesn’t mean you’regetting the right kind of sleep. Not all sleep is createdequal.I feel tired, but I slept8 hours last night.It doesn’t matter how much you get. Ideally, youshould be getting “nourishment” out of every hour ofsleep. That is created by a healthy sleep environment,engaging positive pre-sleep behavior and sleepingon a mattress and pillow that supports yourskeletal-muscular system and maintains proper bodyalignment.I don’t have a problemwith sleep. I’m asleepas soon as I hit the pillow.The average time from when your head hits thepillow to when you fall asleep should be 15-20minutes. If it’s less than that, your body is telling youto get more sleep or higher-quality sleep.I never get comfortablewhen I sleep. I toss andturn and wake upthroughout the night.If you wake up with discomfort or pain, that is a signthat it’s time to change your mattress. Your bodyshould be getting proper pressure relief andalignment when you sleep. If not, you are notgetting deep, nourishing sleep. Until you view abetter mattress and pillow as a necessity rather thana luxury, your sleep will be compromised. And thatmeans your health and well-being are compromisedas well.12 CHANINTR LIVING© 2008 Sleep to Live by Kingsdown. All rights reserved.

Dr. Robert Oexmananswers your sleepquestions.Q: I thought a firm mattress was thebest kind to buy, but I’m tossing andturning all night. I just can’t get comfortable.What’s the answer?-Arada V., Sleepless in PhuketA: In our research facility, we monitorand measure how the environment impactssleep. We have learned that the sleepsurface is the most important factor in thecause of sleep disruption. Over the years,mattresses became firmer and harder,thinking that was support. But hard is notat all supportive.Stand tall.Sleep improves your posture.When a person lies flat on a hard mattress,we can see that the small of the back is notsupported, and that bridge develops veryhigh pressure underneath the shoulders andhips. This added pressure may result insleep disturbances. We find that peoplewho experience high pressure “toss andturn” a lot more at night. Just as your foothas an arch that needs to be supported byproper footwear, so does the back. And justas your tennis shoe has a cushion to reducepressure, so should your sleep surface.To sleep well, you need a surface thatprovides support and pressure reduction.Try a mattress with a firmness that supportsthe arch in your back, fills the small of theback, and cushions the pressure points atthe shoulders, hips and knees. With propersupport and cushioning, you should get agood, restful night’s sleep.Body AlignmentYour mattress recommendation is based on pure science. Proper bodyalignment is when your head, shoulders, hips and heels are in line.When a mattress provides proper body alignment it will maintain yourbody’s natural shape so you will sleep and feel better.Pressure ReliefWhen your mattress surface relieves pressure, you’ll be able to stayin one position longer and experience deeper, undisturbed sleep.Sleep better with o% interestFrom September 15 – December 31, 2009Enjoy 0% interest payments up to 6 monthswhen using your SCB or Citibank credit cards.Dr. Oexman oversees the Sleep to Live Institute’sResearch of Sleep and How the ENVIRONMENTImpacts Sleep. He is a doctor of Chiropractics and amember of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.SIAM PARAGON3F SIAM PARAGON, BANGKOK T. 02.129.4477CENTRAL CHAENGWATTANA4F CENTRAL PLAZA, CHAENGWATTANA T. 02.101.0567WWW.SLEEPTOLIVE.COM

Thomas PheasantCleans Up ClassicismThomas Pheasant“When I started this collection, I was workingon designs for my own home. So I used manyof them as starting points. It helped personalizethe collection. It reflects me and my style ina new way.”“My personal evolution in design has been built on trying tounderstand the past and involve the present. It’s an endless yetexciting experience of understanding design history. Takingthe familiar and making it new is something I try to do withmy interiors and my furniture collections,” says ThomasPheasant, the award-winning Washington, D.C.-basedinterior designer who divides his time between the U.S.Capitol and Paris, where he has kept an apartmentsince 2000. He has created the Thomas Pheasantcollections for Baker and McGuire furniture since2002 combining classic forms with modernistictouches and uses architectural elements from Greece,China and Italy.Bel-AirLounge Chair“I love this shape so much. It's solean and sculptural. I think it has avery Hollywood style to it, a bit ofglam–thus the name. Group four ina living room or just one in abedroom. It has real presence.”14 CHANINTR LIVING© 2008 Baker Furniture. All rights reserved.

FacetChandelier“The glass lights up just like the base ofthe table lamp. The crystal and goldfinial captures the light and sends a bit ofshine into the room.”Bench“I like the modest scale. At 50 inches itwould look great at the foot of a bed orpulled up to a dining table. I used leatheron the sides and base, chenille for theseat--I like to mix textures in similarcolors. The nail heads create theboundary between the different fabrics.”Though Pheasant appreciates the “democratization” ofdesign through the media and e-commerce shopping atmiddle-level retailers, “the concept of acquiring good piecesand building interiors over time has yielded to a ‘get it quickand later throw it away’ sensibility,” he says. “I truly lovethe conveniences technology brings, but I’m very concernedabout the human ability to keep up with the new demandsthese advances bring.”“Sometimes the most remarkable interiors are the ones thathave been created totally from the imagination,” saysThomas Pheasant. “Great leaps of faith are required on thepart of the client. That’s why creating interiors for a clientwith whom I’ve worked before is usually the most satisfying.”Pheasant’s diverse accomplishments have been widelypublished in the most prestigious architecture anddesign publications including Architectural Digest,British House & Garden, Elle Décor, Harpers &Queen, The New York Times Magazine and HouseBeautiful.The Thomas Pheasant Collection for Baker and McGuire isavailable exclusively through <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at the Bakershowroom, The Promenade Décor, Tel. 02-655-0418.St. GermainArmchair“I wanted to introduce a classicupholstered chair that would fit in anyroom, modern or traditional. In my ownhome I have atraditional tablesurrounded by ivory leather chairs. It's amix I like.”FacetTable Lamp“We started with the shape. I wanted afaceted cone but wasn't sure about thematerial. I thoughtmaybe rock crystalor glass. So we went to Italy and madeone with glass and illuminated it. That'swhen we saw howelegantly the shaftlights up. It was really spectacular!”CHANINTR LIVING 15

Design TipsAnyone Can UseTip 1Find perfection in imperfection. Inother words, live in your home! Whenyou do, you will find that signs of lifemake for interesting design elements.Rugs worn with time or a piece ofbeloved furniture invites continueduse and gives a welcoming feel.Tip 2Personalize your home. Decoratingshould be an inspiring, creativeprocess. Regardless of your budget,you should never settle for anuninteresting environment. If somethingspeaks to you – whether it is anarchitectural element, found object,the drawing your child did atpreschool yesterday or a preciousartifact – incorporate it into yourdécor. Take a chance. Considerbuilding a room around it.Tip3Create a sense of intimacy. Try toavoid the impulse to line the edges ofa room with furniture which creates avoid at the center of a room. If you areworking with a large room, considerdividing it into smaller vignettes thatare more conducive to conversationwith family members or guests.Tip 4Create a balance. Finding the properbalance throughout the home willcreate a sense of harmony. The scaleof your furnishings is important toconsider so that one object, or theplacement of that object in the room,does not overwhelm the space, thuscompromising the functional andvisual comfort. Think of it as visuallytipping the scale.Darryl Carter is an interior designer with inherently good taste.He has achieved something quite rare in the world of interiordecorating: a signature look…The New Traditional. The NewTraditional look pairs extravagant with affordable, perfect withimperfect. Polished surfaces play against pitted woodenartifacts. Antiques converse with bold modern art. Creamywhite walls rise above coffee-dark floors. Deliberate symmetry isjolted by a bit of appealing disarray. In this issue, Darryl offersdecorating tips on designing a home that reflects individual styleand your personality.Tip5Create a respite. When you have created a home that fits your lifestyle, a placewhere you can relax with your family and proudly entertain guests, you knowyou are finished designing. It’s alright to have a bare wall – not every squareinch of a room has to be covered. Know when to stop.16 CHANINTR LIVING

Tip 6Integrate elements that complementrather than compete. Floor finishesand rugs are essential to maintaining acohesive flow. Give your floor finishjust as much consideration as you doyour wall color. Floors frame walls inthe same sense as art is framed and the“matting” is critical.Tip 7Choose classic patterns and colors fordrapery and upholstery textiles. Subtlepalettes throughout the home supportthe sense of continuity as roomsunveil themselves. Punches of darkcolor or pattern should be usedsparingly; otherwise they may becometoo present, defeating the purpose ofcohesive blending.Tip 8Create a welcoming environment.Make rooms that suggest use. Yourrooms can be beautiful and approachableat the same time. For example, fill sofacushions with down feathers r a t h e rthan foam so that an impression is leftafter someone sits on them instead ofspringing back into form. Additionally,choose soft fabrics that will becomesofter with wear such as cottonvelvets, linens and other textiles thatfeel good to the touch.The MayfairNightstand andHutch© 2008 Thomasville. All rights reserved.This adaptable nightstand stands out in the Darryl Carter forThomasville collection because of its unique Belgian blue-washedfinish and the optional hutch which can instantly becomes yourpersonal secretary. In keeping with Darryl's signature philosophyof mixing unexpected objects, periods and finishes together, theMayfair Nightstand and Hutch is a stand-out winner. Availableexclusively through <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at the Thomasville showroomin Siam Paragon. Baht 76,000.CHANINTR LIVING 17

Herman MillerRecreates a ClassicWith an archive full of innovation, aesthetic advancement,and alliances with today’s brightest designers, wewould be remiss not to share this design gem withThailand. Herman Miller Select, a once-per-yearlimited edition product release for those with impeccabletaste and an eye for good design has just beenintroduced world-wide. But hurry! There are only 500limited-edition chairs available. Be it a once decommissionedpiece culled from Herman Miller’s archives, aclassic that’s been fashioned of new materials andfinishes, or a new objet d’art, the annual release isselected for originality and is signed and/or numberedfor authenticity.© 2008 Herman Miller, Inc., Zeeland, Michigan. All rights reserved.The first-ever release in the Herman Miller Selectprogram is the Eames Molded Plywood Lounge Chairfinished in walnut veneer with a refined cowhideupholstered seat and back.And that’s not all. The chairs comes packaged in acowhide-patterned gift box which contains a limitededition signed, numbered and framed print of the chairby photographer Nick Merrick, of Hedrich BlessingPhotography. Product information and the certificateof authenticity (for the limited-edition of 500) arepresented in a sleeve that slides into the box top of thegift packaging. A numbered nameplate on the bottomof the chair corresponds to the number of thephotographic print.Once again, Herman Miller shows that they are leaders indesign and innovation. The Herman Miller Select EamesChair is available now at the Herman Miller showroom atThe Promenade Décor in Bangkok.18 CHANINTR LIVING


The New Christian Liaigre DesignedLa Société RestaurantDraws the Fashion CrowdParis has recently acquired yet another hip spot. LaSociété restaurant, without a doubt, is one of the mostsophisticated and stylish representatives of the famousCostes Brothers restaurant empire. Designed byChristian Liaigre, the 130-seat eatery is housed in anhistoric 1851 building in the very heart of chic and livelySaint Germain des Pres. It may take some moments tobe noticed, but when you do, you won’t be disappointed.There are no bright signs; just a massive 19th centuryoak-wood door invites you into its minimalistic lobby.La Société is located across from the historic SaintGermain church and has already attracted the Fendifamily, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana,Bernard-Henri Lévy and former super model and firstlady of France, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy.With interiors from the Parisian master, ChristianLiaigre, the designer behind Buddakan and the MercerHotel in New York, the look pays respect to thehistoric structure by employing classic materials ofwhite Carrara marble, mahogany and bronze in amodern perspective throughout. A contemporary yetwarm interior features a calm palette of gray, beige andchocolate, while its rough flooring brings out theantique patina of the building. It boasts massive whitecolumns, a 5.6 m high ceiling in the central area andcustom-made leather and mahogany furniture. Thesimplicity of the design sets La Société high abovearchetypal design boundaries. A special trait of thespace is the use of sculptural works of 8 artists, addinguniqueness and personality.The menu, which includes lobster and herb salad andshrimp risotto, will not surprise Hotel Costes regulars,but there are a few additions, including a “Le Club SaintGermain” sandwich and the Paris Gratinée, that are awink to the Saint Germain spirit. Reservations arerequired.La Société4 Place Saint-Germain-des-Pres75006 Paris, FranceT.+33.1.5363.6060christian liaigre furniture is available exclusively throughchanintr living at the hyle by christian liaigre storeat the promenade décor, 2nd floor.20 CHANINTR LIVING

Photo Courtesy of Christian LiaigreCHANINTR LIVING 21

chanintr living suggests...BooksAll things ItalianInspired Stylesby AssoulineIn the rich and eclectic world of interiors,it is the designers who remind us that thespaces we inhabit can be timeless works ofart. Colorful and lushly photographed,INSPIRED STYLES is an anthology ofthe ideas, creative palettes, and selectworks of fifteen exemplars of interiorstyle, each of whom designs for the Kravetand Lee Jofa Fabrics and FurnishingsCompany. Barbara Barry and ThomasO’Brien are included as they share theircreative processes and what inspires andguides their unique and world-appreciatedaesthetic. Inspired Styles is an invaluablereference for both amateurs and professionalswho aspire towards remarkableinteriors and beautiful living spaces.StationeryVeniceGianni BassoStampatore5306 Calle del FumoVenezia 30131 Italy+39 41 523 4681Monday - Saturday8:30am -12:30pm and2:00pm -7:00pmWhile visiting Venice a few years ago, wecame across this extraordinary old-worldprinter. Gianni Basso is one of the oldestand most reliable printers in Venice. Fromvisiting cards to personal diaries, Gianni isthe man to know when you are in need ofsocial stationery. Mr. Basso hand prints onan old Gutenberg press using hand mixedpaint. He takes no orders by phone, fax orinternet. He has no website and does notuse computers at all. The only way to placean order with him is in person. Comeloaded with cash, as it’s the only form ofpayment he accepts.A New Earth:Awakening toYour Life’sPurposeby Eckhart TolleBuilding on the astonishing success of ThePower of Now, Eckhart Tolle presentsreaders with an honest look at the state ofhumanity and then gently, and in verypractical terms, leads us into a newconsciousness. We will come to experiencewho we truly are–which is somethinginfinitely greater than anything wecurrently think we are–and learn to liveand breathe freely. Essential reading foreveryone.22 CHANINTR LIVINGFashionThe Sartorialistthesartorialist.blogspot.comSelected as one of Time Magazine’s Top100 Design Influencers, The Sartorialist, isa must-see blog for anyone consideringgoing to Italy. As Scott Schuman pointsout, “I always felt that there was a disconnectbetween what I was selling in theshowroom and what I was seeing realpeople (really cool people) wearing in reallife.” So he started a blog to showcasestreet fashion from all over the world.Italian cities are heavily featured and agreat inspiration.

GourmetShoppingPeckVia Spadari, 9Closed Sundays and Monday mornings.peck.itIf you love food then you’ll love this place.This place is the Harrods or Fortnum &Mason of Milan for food - nothing but thefinest selection of the best food. Theselection is primarily Italian; cheeses, thefinest cuts of meat, fresh pasta, and loadsof olives and breads. Downstairs you'llfind one of the best public cellars of winein Europe.Bring back the Italian Tuna packed in oliveoil, sea salts or Italian Arborio rice formaking risotto. Your friends will love you!Top Spender Awardfrom <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong>Thinking of purchasing furniture fromone of our brands at <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong>?Well, now is the time to shop.From September 1 - October 31, 2009The 3 top spenders of <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> will receive a complimentary 3 daysand 2 nights in a 3-bedroom villa with private swimming pool and roomservice at the super exclusive The Estates Samui, during November andDecember 2009. This complimentary luxury package is valued atup to Baht 300,000.CoffeeSant Ambroeus MilanoC.so Matteotti, 7 - 20121 Milansantambroeusmilano.itThe taste of pure Italian coffee tradition iswell established at Sant Ambroeus, thevenerable coffee shop that has been inexistence since 1936. This celebratedbakery and confectionary store becamethe meeting place for the local intelligentsiathat begin their day with Sant Ambroeus’slegendary cappuccino. Go and have atleast one cappuccino, it will change theway you judge all coffee henceforth.The Estates Samui is an exclusive and private collection of 14 villascradled on a hillside overlooking one of the most pristine beacheson the island of Samui. The Estates Samui are located on stunningLaem Yai Bay in a secluded cove above a private beach that is adjacentto the Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui.• American breakfast is included each day during your visit. • Airfare is notincluded and must be organized by the winners. • Winners will be taken toThe Estates Samui via luxury transportation to and from the Samui airport.• Maximum number of guests per villa is 4 people per Top Spender Award.• Top Spender is determined by the total amount ordered with <strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong>during the period from September 1 – October 31, 2009 and a deposit paid.• Top Spenders may choose to stay at The Estates Samui between Novemberand December 2009. • Top Spender Awards may not be exchanged for cashand must be used during the specified dates. • All sales through the <strong>Chanintr</strong>Special Sales Event do not count toward the Top Spender Award program.

material possessions:The Guide ofWhat andWhere to BuyEmbodyHerman MillerDesigned specifically for people who sit atcomputers, Embody makes you feel likeyou’re floating. It promotes health-positivesitting, creating harmony between you andyour computer to help you focus on yourwork and think more clearly. In fact, it’s thefirst work chair that supports your bodyand your mind.Baht from 69,000BoxwoodDrinksTableBarbara BarryThe distinct lines of this contemporarydrinks table express both elegance anddignity. The table is flawlessly executedwith narrow bands of dark walnut tracerylayered over a polished mirror. Antiquesilver details mirrored glass insert top.Baht 215,000SavannahPoster BedThomasvilleWeather subtly integrating a panel bed orcreating a focal point with a four-poster(without overwhelming the space), DarrylCarter understands the delicate dance ofdesigning a bedroom that both relaxes andinspires. With and unerring sensitivity togeometry and scale, Darryl Carter furnishingsprovide the tools to express your own newtraditional sensibilities with sculptural grace.Baht 152,50024 CHANINTR LIVINGBody Caress Sleep to Live by KingsdownBody Caress bed is designed to give youthe ultimate postural alignment beginningwith our first night’s rest. Each Body Caress model features a Full Coil Box Spring, FullBody Surround , and Cushion Cloud ®Construction to give you the best in posturalalignment, and the pressure relief you needfor a great night’s sleep.Baht 148,000 Mattress onlyWearingBy Rodolfo Dordoni<strong>Minotti</strong>Wearing means a seating system whosedesign root lies in the single pouf, 92x92 cm,matched with the swivel service table. Basedon square, rigorous shapes, it is enhanced byremarkably fine tailoring details; it elegantlycaters to a twofold aspect – simple yet richwith details in the fabric version, outstandingand rigorous in the button down leatherversion.Baht from 161,000

Available AtBAKERThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0418 www.bakerfurniture.comL eau CommodeLaura Kirar CollectionBakerThe cabinet is set with a polished bronzepull decorated with Kirar’s signature warmgray silk tassel. When opened, two traydrawers and one fixed and one adjustableshelf are exposed for flexible storage options.Baht 393,400BARBARA BARRYSiam Paragon, 3rd Floor, BangkokT. 662 129 4799 www.barbarabarryco.comCHRISTIAN LIAIGREThe Promenade Décor, 2nd FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0388 www.christian-liaigre.frDEDONBangkok The Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, Bangkok T. 662 655 5188Phuket The Plaza Surin, Unit M6, PhuketT. 667 627 1626 www.dedon.deH B FThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0400 www.chmsystems.comHERMAN MILLERThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0400 www.chmsystems.comHICKORY CHAIRThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0418 www.hickorychair.comGramercy BenchMartha Stewart FurnitureThe Gramercy Bench by Martha Stewart isreminiscent of the metal fencing thatsurrounds the private garden in GramercyPark in New York City. This park is theonly private park in Manhattan and onlyallows access to residents facing the park.The price of admission: US$350 annually.The price of the Gramercy Bench:Baht 35,000 for a lifetimeKRAVETAvailable at: Barbara BarrySiam Paragon, 3rd Floor, BangkokT. 662 129 4799 www.kravet.comMARTHA STEWART FURNITURESiam Paragon, 3rd Floor, BangkokT. 662 129 4577 www.marthastewart.comMcGUIREThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0418 www.mcguirefurniture.comMINOTTI – Opening SoonThe Promenade Décor, 2nd FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 5678 www.minotti.comBoccaChristian LiaigreBocca desk lamp in bronze with black patinaand aquarelle paper shade. “In Italy, in Rometo be exact, there is an old fountain whichsymbolizes a mouth where water and it’ssaid, the truth flows. It’s this fountain thatinspired my interpretation of the ‘Bocca’lamp, which in Italian means mouth.”said Christian Liaigre.Baht 135,000Obelisk -Art for the gardenBy Frank LigthartDedonBecause when the four lounge chairs andthe coffee table are not being used, theyare stacked and form a work of art. Theyturn into a towering stone, which provesthat stacked furniture does not have tolook like stacked furniture.Baht 188,500SHAWThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0400 www.chmsystems.comPOSHThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 0400 www.chmsystems.comSLEEP TO LIVE by KINGSDOWNSiam Paragon Siam Paragon, 3rd FloorBangkok T. 662 129 4477Central ChaengwattanaCentral Chaengwattana, 4th FloorNonthaburi T. 662 101 0567www.sleeptolive.comTHOMASVILLESiam Paragon, 3rd Floor, BangkokT. 662 129 4508 www.thomasville.comCHANINTR LIVINGLIGHTING – Opening SoonThe Promenade Décor, G FloorWireless Road, BangkokT. 662 655 5188 www.chanintrliving.comCHANINTR LIVING 25

<strong>Chanintr</strong> <strong>Living</strong> at The Met Condo26 CHANINTR LIVINGproject: the met condominium, south sathorn road, show-unit 31st floor; space: 196 sq.mcontact: khun nirin hoessnai lert tower, 10th floor, 2/4 wireless road, bangkok 10330 thailandt. 02.129.4434 m. 08.9143.6616design@chanintrliving.comPhoto Courtesy of The Met

up toFEATURINGWOOD FURNITURECOLLECTION FROMA BELGIANDESIGNER75%offfurniturehome & living salenew shipment of contemporaryand traditional furnituresofas and home accessoriesseptember 18 - 22, 200910 am - 7 pmstudio 61, sukhumvit 61chanintr specialeventexclusive privileges with major credit cardsto preview the highlights, visit www.chanintrliving.com/september09sale.pdf02 655 5188 for more information

THE ORIGINAL.HANDWOVEN FROM WEATHER-RESISTANT DEDON FIBER.DEDON Collections HEMISPHERE and ORBIT. Design by Richard Frinier.Bangkok The Promenade Décor · G Floor · Wireless Road · Bangkok 10330 Tel +66 2655 5188Phuket The Plaza Surin · Unit M6 · Cherngthalay · Thalang · Phuket 83110 Tel +66 7627 1626www.dedon.de

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