Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ...

Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ... Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ...


EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT – SCREENING FORM1. Title of document/service for Management of Needlestickassessment& Contamination Injuries2. Date of assessment 11.11.20113. Date for review 11.11.20134. Directorate/Service Human Resources5. Approval Committee Health and SafetyYes/NoRationale6. Does the document/service affect one group less or more favourably than anotheron the basis of: NO Race No Document aims to provide a template ofexpectations of roles at a strategic leveland shop floor level. It acts as a framework,therefore does not adversely or favourablyaffect any one group. Aim for all staff at alllevels. Gender (including transgender) No Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Religion or belief No Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Sexual orientation, to includeheterosexual, lesbian, gay andbisexual peopleNoDocument sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Age No Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually. In particular inrelation to vaccination response Disability – learning disabilities,physical disabilities, sensoryimpairment and mental healthissuesNoDocument sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Marriage and Civil Partnership No Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Pregnancy and Maternity No Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually. Consideration tobreast feeding and ante natal care andRBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 32 of 33

7. Does this document affect anindividual’s human rights?8. If you have identified potentialdiscrimination, are the exceptionsvalid, legal and/or justified?NoNoconsideration of vaccinationsDocument sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually.Document sets out aims and expectationsof roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually.9. If the answers to any of the abovequestions is ‘yes’ then:Demonstrate that such a disadvantage oradvantage can be justified or is validAdjust the policy to remove disadvantageidentified or better promote equalityIf neither of the above possible, submit toDiversity Committee for review.TickRationale10. Screener(s)11. Date Policyapproved by CommitteeLucy Perkins / John McGilveryNovember 201112. Upon completion of the screening and approval by Committee, this document should beuploaded to papertrail.RBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 33 of 33

7. Does this document affect anindividual’s human rights?8. If you have identified potentialdiscrimination, are the exceptionsvalid, legal and/or justified?NoNoconsideration <strong>of</strong> vaccinationsDocument sets out aims and expectations<strong>of</strong> roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually.Document sets out aims and expectations<strong>of</strong> roles at a strategic level. This acts as aframework, therefore does not adversely orfavourably affect any one group. Related,more specific policies may need to beassessed individually.9. If the answers to any <strong>of</strong> the abovequestions is ‘yes’ then:Demonstrate that such a disadvantage oradvantage can be justified or is validAdjust the policy to remove disadvantageidentified or better promote equalityIf neither <strong>of</strong> the above possible, submit toDiversity Committee for review.TickRationale10. Screener(s)11. Date Policyapproved by CommitteeLucy Perkins / John McGilveryNovember 201112. Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the screening and approval by Committee, this document should beuploaded to papertrail.RBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 33 <strong>of</strong> 33

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