Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ...

Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ... Management of Needlestick & Contamination Injuries - Royal ...


8.0 TRAINING & PROMOTION OF SAFE SHARPS PRACTICEStaff will receive information and training on waste management, including proceduresfor the safe use of sharps and needlestick procedures, as part of corporate and localinduction.Staff will receive additional training and advice in relation to sharps safety andneedlestick reporting procedures as necessary via their line manager, for example aspart of mandatory training, as part of an AIR investigation or, as part of a team briefing.Sessions may also be arranged via Occupational Health on request.All training must be recorded on ESR.Managers will receive training in risk management; the Trust has accreditation and runsIOSHH Risk Management in Healthcare Course.9. 0 MONITORINGThe Trust Sharps Injury Prevention and Management Group will monitor and reviewsharps injuries quarterly and report back to the Health & Safety Committee. Details ofthe indicators to be reported are included within the terms of reference for the SharpsPrevention Group (See Appendix G). Feedback from the National Staff Survey which iscarried out on an annual basis will also be fed back to the Sharps Prevention Group andreported back to the Health and Safety Committee on an annual basis.Data from AIR forms will be provided from Risk Management department quarterlyworking in conjunction with the Occupational Health Department and discussed at theSharps Prevention Group (see Appendix G). Trends identified will be investigated andappropriate recommendations made to reduce the risks associated to the lowest extentreasonably practicable.An annual Waste Management Audit (to include availability and use of sharps bins) willbe included as part of the Annual Governance Audit Tool (GAT) within department anddirectorates. The results of which will be fed back to the Health & Safety Committee.An annual Sharps external audit will be carried out by Daniels and will be reported to theSharps Prevention Group. The results of which will be fed back to the Health and SafetyCommitteeThe Trust’s is working towards using safer needle devices to ensure legislativecompliance for 2013. September 2011 training commenced within the Trust, from thatpoint forward a majority of venepuncture needles will be safety devices.Audit plan for 2011/12 includes plans to Audit Staff Awareness of NeedlestickProcedures and re audit ‘systems to ensure safe disposal of sharps waste. A copy ofthis report will be reviewed by the Sharps Prevention Group in addition to discussion atthe Audit Committee. The Sharps Prevention Group will be responsible for monitoringand implementation of any internal audit report recommendations and action plans.Annual audit carried out by GUM of the Review of compliance with PEP processesIn accordance with the NHSLA risk management standards for Acute Trusts 2011/12,the following minimum criteria will be monitored by the indicators outlined in Appendix G(Sharps Prevention Group Terms of Reference).RBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 16 of 33

CRITERIA HOW WHERE WHEN LEADReview of sharpsinjuries reported toOcc Health & via AIRforms to RiskSharps InjuryManagement. ThePrevention &sharps group shallManagementidentify areas of nonCommitteecompliance withQuarterlypolicies and makesuggestions for actionsto address theseReportingarrangements inrelation toinoculationincidentsProcess for themanagement ofan inoculationincident (includingprophylaxis)Review of sharpsinjuries reported toOcc Health & via AIRforms to RiskManagement. Thesharps group shallidentify areas of noncompliance withpolicies and makesuggestions for actionsto address theseSharps InjuryPrevention &ManagementCommitteeQuarterlyOccupationalHealth & RiskManagementOccupationalHealth &Emergency DeptReview of compliancewith PEP processes –annual audit carriedout by GUMSharps InjuryPrevention &ManagementCommitteeAnnuallyEmergency Dept,GU Medicine andOrganisationsexpectations inrelation to stafftraining, asidentified in thetraining needsanalysisMonitored as perMandatory trainingpolicy. As permandatory trainingPolicyDirectorateperformancereviews6 MonthlyTrainingdepartment /Directorates’10.0 REVIEWThis policy will be reviewed bi-annually by the Occupational Health Department andapproved by the Trust Health & Safety Committee.RBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 17 of 33

8.0 TRAINING & PROMOTION OF SAFE SHARPS PRACTICEStaff will receive information and training on waste management, including proceduresfor the safe use <strong>of</strong> sharps and needlestick procedures, as part <strong>of</strong> corporate and localinduction.Staff will receive additional training and advice in relation to sharps safety andneedlestick reporting procedures as necessary via their line manager, for example aspart <strong>of</strong> mandatory training, as part <strong>of</strong> an AIR investigation or, as part <strong>of</strong> a team briefing.Sessions may also be arranged via Occupational Health on request.All training must be recorded on ESR.Managers will receive training in risk management; the Trust has accreditation and runsIOSHH Risk <strong>Management</strong> in Healthcare Course.9. 0 MONITORINGThe Trust Sharps Injury Prevention and <strong>Management</strong> Group will monitor and reviewsharps injuries quarterly and report back to the Health & Safety Committee. Details <strong>of</strong>the indicators to be reported are included within the terms <strong>of</strong> reference for the SharpsPrevention Group (See Appendix G). Feedback from the National Staff Survey which iscarried out on an annual basis will also be fed back to the Sharps Prevention Group andreported back to the Health and Safety Committee on an annual basis.Data from AIR forms will be provided from Risk <strong>Management</strong> department quarterlyworking in conjunction with the Occupational Health Department and discussed at theSharps Prevention Group (see Appendix G). Trends identified will be investigated andappropriate recommendations made to reduce the risks associated to the lowest extentreasonably practicable.An annual Waste <strong>Management</strong> Audit (to include availability and use <strong>of</strong> sharps bins) willbe included as part <strong>of</strong> the Annual Governance Audit Tool (GAT) within department anddirectorates. The results <strong>of</strong> which will be fed back to the Health & Safety Committee.An annual Sharps external audit will be carried out by Daniels and will be reported to theSharps Prevention Group. The results <strong>of</strong> which will be fed back to the Health and SafetyCommitteeThe Trust’s is working towards using safer needle devices to ensure legislativecompliance for 2013. September 2011 training commenced within the Trust, from thatpoint forward a majority <strong>of</strong> venepuncture needles will be safety devices.Audit plan for 2011/12 includes plans to Audit Staff Awareness <strong>of</strong> <strong>Needlestick</strong>Procedures and re audit ‘systems to ensure safe disposal <strong>of</strong> sharps waste. A copy <strong>of</strong>this report will be reviewed by the Sharps Prevention Group in addition to discussion atthe Audit Committee. The Sharps Prevention Group will be responsible for monitoringand implementation <strong>of</strong> any internal audit report recommendations and action plans.Annual audit carried out by GUM <strong>of</strong> the Review <strong>of</strong> compliance with PEP processesIn accordance with the NHSLA risk management standards for Acute Trusts 2011/12,the following minimum criteria will be monitored by the indicators outlined in Appendix G(Sharps Prevention Group Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference).RBCHOCCHEALTH\DATA\WS\POLICIES\NEEDLESTICKPOLICY\SHARPS POLICY\VERSION 6 LP 2011Page 16 <strong>of</strong> 33

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