Interim schools chief gets new job - Receive the Entire Key West ...

Interim schools chief gets new job - Receive the Entire Key West ... Interim schools chief gets new job - Receive the Entire Key West ...
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THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 20113AMILE MARKERSMONROE COUNTYGriffin is cleared to runISLAMORADALearn whitefly managementKEY WESTLOWER KEYSChamber’s social Thurs.Assistant Supervisor of ElectionsJoyce Griffin has been cleared torun for her office’s top <strong>job</strong>.Griffin had asked <strong>the</strong> Departmentof Justice for an opinionon whe<strong>the</strong>r her <strong>job</strong> would pose aconflict with her running for <strong>the</strong>Monroe County supervisor of electionsposition. Being employed by<strong>the</strong> elections office, she said shedidn’t want to violate any electionlaws or terms of federal grants <strong>the</strong>office has received in recent years.The Justice Department ruled<strong>the</strong>re are no conflicts. Griffinhas been with <strong>the</strong> Supervisor ofElections office since 1984. She willface <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> City CommissionerBarry Gibson.Entomologist Catharine Mannionwill give two free workshops Thursdayon how to manage <strong>the</strong> Rugose spiralingwhitefly pest in landscaping.The 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. seminaris for <strong>the</strong> general public and mastergardeners.From 2 to 4 p.m., Mannion willgive a presentation tailored to commerciallandscapers and pest controloperators.Both will be held in <strong>the</strong> CommunityRoom, next to <strong>the</strong> pool house, inFounders Park, Mile Marker 87.Seating is limited, so preregister byemailing Kim Gabel at or call 305-292-4501.For more information, go online to courtesy of Alyson Crean/<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Police DepartmentThe public is invited to <strong>the</strong> annual Law Enforcement Day Memorial Service at 5 p.m.Friday in Bayview Park. The ceremony will include a wreath-laying, 21-gun salute, honorguards and <strong>the</strong> Police Pipe & Drum Corps of Florida. In <strong>the</strong> U.S. in 2010, 158 officerswere killed in <strong>the</strong> line of duty, including nine in Florida. Monroe County sheriff’s DeputyMelissa Powers was one of <strong>the</strong>m.The Lower <strong>Key</strong>s Chamber ofCommerce’s social this month,from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, willbe held at <strong>the</strong> Big Pine & Lower<strong>Key</strong>s Habitat for Humanity, atMile Marker 30, oceanside.There will be hot and coldhors d’oeuvres as well as libations,organizers say.A 50/50 raffle and businesscard drawings also will beoffered.A $10 per person donationhelps support <strong>the</strong> Lower <strong>Key</strong>sChamber.For more information, call<strong>the</strong> chamber at 305-872-2411 oremail at HallContinued from Page 1Aincluding a re<strong>new</strong>ed offerfrom Realtor Curtis Skomp tosell Harris School to <strong>the</strong> cityfor $6.9 million.Mayor Craig Cates wasdefeated by his colleagues’unwillingness to keep open<strong>the</strong> Glynn Archer ElementarySchool option.“I just don’t understand it.Make your motions; vote howyou want,” Cates said afterfailing to get any support fora resolution that would havekept all City Hall options on<strong>the</strong> table.Cates wanted <strong>the</strong> commissionto extend <strong>the</strong> deadline fornegotiations with <strong>the</strong> SchoolDistrict about shared use ofGlynn Archer until <strong>the</strong> ongoingconflict over <strong>the</strong> height of<strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong> middle school wasresolved. His proposal alsosought to direct city staff tobegin <strong>the</strong> planning process fora <strong>new</strong> facility on Angela Street,which could require severalvariances, or exceptions to citybuilding laws. He also wantedBusContinued from Page 1AThe district is not changing its schoolchoice policy to allow any student to go toany school, as long as <strong>the</strong>re is room available,only <strong>the</strong> transportation it provides.The district is required to providetransportation only to <strong>the</strong> school in <strong>the</strong>student’s residential area, which wouldbe Marathon High School for Big Pineareastudents.An Audit and Finance CommitteeBurkeContinued from Page 1Aary negotiations this year andlast year, and <strong>the</strong> controversyover <strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong> Horace O’Bryantschool going from a middleschool to a kindergartenthrough eighth-grade school,which was done in oppositionto many parents’ wishes. AndBJORN DAG VAAGEN1935 - 2011Bjorn Dag Vaagen diedTuesday, April 19, 2011, in Oslo,Norway, from acute leukemia.Before moving to Winter Park,Fla., he was a 20-year residentOBITUARIESto continue evaluating <strong>the</strong>feasibility of <strong>the</strong> city buyingHabana Plaza shopping center,where <strong>the</strong> temporary governmentoffices are currentlylocated.“This resolution doesn’tdo anything. It just continuesdown <strong>the</strong> path we’vebeen taking for two years,”Commissioner Teri Johnstonsaid. “Our <strong>job</strong> is to give direction.This is not direction, toproceed down three differentavenues. We’ve got to stop <strong>the</strong>indecision. We can’t look at onemore structural study or getone more architect involved.”Johnston, who has longsupported a <strong>new</strong> facility onAngela Street, made a motionto move forward with thoseplans. Cates was <strong>the</strong> only dissentingvote.“How can we say we’re a progressivecommission when weare going back on a decision wealready made?” CommissionerClayton Lopez asked, agreeingwith Johnston.The 6 to 1 vote reflected <strong>the</strong>sentiments of three residents,who criticized <strong>the</strong> SchoolDistrict and warned against aof <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, charter memberof <strong>the</strong> Sunset Rotary Club of<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> and member of <strong>the</strong>Power Squadron.He is survived by his longtimefriend, Marie ClairePenot.partnership, while urging <strong>the</strong>commission to move aheadwith Angela Street construction.“Nobody in <strong>the</strong>ir right mindwould partner with <strong>the</strong> SchoolDistrict. I didn’t vote for CityHall at Glynn Archer. I voted toallow <strong>the</strong> city to negotiate forGlynn Archer,” said ChristineRussell, referring to a referendumlast year in which nearly70 percent of voters supportedsuch negotiations.Commissioners’ frustrationcontinued during a discussionof Commissioner JimmyWeekley’s proposed changesto <strong>the</strong> residential parkingprogram for a one-year trialperiod.Weekley worked withParking Director John Wilkinsto design a plan that wouldhave allowed each city residentwith a driver’s license andcar to buy a $25 decal for residentialspots.There was opposition fromcity residents, as well as thosewho live in <strong>the</strong> Lower <strong>Key</strong>s, butdrive to work in <strong>the</strong> city.Johnston repeated her positionthat <strong>the</strong> proposal didmember who lives in Big Pine <strong>Key</strong> warned<strong>the</strong> district to spread <strong>the</strong> word early andvet <strong>the</strong> plan publicly and diplomatically,or risk an uproar.“If what you do is issue a fiat, you’regoing to have an eruption on Big Pine,”Larry Murray said at a meeting Monday.“The perception in Big Pine is <strong>the</strong>re areofferings in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> that aren’t availablein Marathon and <strong>the</strong> perception is <strong>the</strong>cool thing to do is to go to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. ...But if you want to have a riot, <strong>the</strong>n havea riot.”There will be more opportunities forsome people in <strong>the</strong> communityare livid over <strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong> HOBbeing built too tall, in violationof <strong>the</strong> city’s height cap for thatNew Town neighborhood.Griffiths applauded Burkefor establishing an internalauditing committee in <strong>the</strong>wake of a financial scandal inwhich <strong>the</strong>n-Adult EducationCoordinator Monique Acevedowas convicted of stealing districtmoney. Griffiths also creditedBurke with helping <strong>the</strong>district become more efficientand move toward performancepay for teachers.Burke could have been morevisible and “accessible to <strong>the</strong>man on <strong>the</strong> street,” however,Griffiths said.“Overall, his time was positive,but <strong>the</strong>re were some missteps,”he said.Burke did not return severaltelephone and email messagesseeking comment.Burke’s salary in Monroe is$140,000. Lee County advertised<strong>the</strong> <strong>job</strong> with a salary rangeof $165,000 to $195,000.“Each of <strong>the</strong> four finalistsbrought quality to <strong>the</strong> table,and <strong>the</strong> decision was difficultfor all of us,” Lee County Schoolnothing to address <strong>the</strong> causeof <strong>the</strong> parking shortage. Shewants legislative changes thatprevent restaurants from addingseats without providingparking. She wants <strong>the</strong> buildingdepartment to prohibit <strong>the</strong>subdivision of single-familyhomes into multi-unit dwellingswithout creating off-streetparking.Lopez and Weekley were <strong>the</strong>only two in favor of <strong>the</strong> proposal.• In o<strong>the</strong>r commission action,Commissioner Mark Rossi putCity Manager Jim Scholl “onnotice” that Scholl’s decisionto hire Craig, interim planningdirector, as <strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong> planningdirector was <strong>the</strong> wrong choice.“Quite frankly, I don’t seehow a man can run a planningbusiness in <strong>the</strong> city and be <strong>the</strong>city planner,” Rossi said.Lopez and Gibson echoedhis concerns.Scholl emphasized that <strong>the</strong>contract discussions are centeredon eliminating <strong>the</strong> possibilityof any conflicts.“If we can’t do that, <strong>the</strong>n wewon’t hire him,” Scholl said.mmiles@keys<strong>new</strong>s.comelectives at Marathon High School asmore students — and by necessity, moreteachers — come to <strong>the</strong> school, Jarasaid, adding he would disseminate <strong>the</strong>information through <strong>the</strong> school advisorycouncils.“I’ll have a call out to <strong>the</strong> Big Pine communityto start understanding. We havetwo great <strong>schools</strong>,” he said. “We are reallylooking at a situation with Marathon HighSchool that we are under capacity. We’reat 45 percent student capacity. We havean opportunity.”mphelps@keys<strong>new</strong>s.comBoard Chairman Thomas Scottsaid in a prepared statementTuesday. “In <strong>the</strong> end, Dr. Burke’squalifications were at a higherlevel than <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs’, and thatis what we were looking for— someone who can hit <strong>the</strong>ground running and continuemoving our district forward.”Burke came to MonroeCounty with 25 years’ experiencein <strong>the</strong> Miami-Dadeschool system and sevenyears as a superintendent inMassachusetts.The governor appointedBurke in 2009, until voters couldelect a <strong>new</strong> <strong>schools</strong> superintendent,but voters last year decidedMonroe County should havea School Board-hired ra<strong>the</strong>rthan elected superintendent.tohara@keys<strong>new</strong>s.comGunContinued from Page 1Awho was in a nearby houseat <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong> incident,was placed in <strong>the</strong> custody of<strong>the</strong> Florida Department ofChildren and Families.The arrest also led to <strong>the</strong>seizure of more than 10 guns,in a truck, in addition to <strong>the</strong>gun Shuler reportedly wascarrying, according to policereports. Two officers respondedto reports of an argumentat 20th Terrace and DonaldAvenue about 10:30 p.m. andallegedly found Shuler walkingwith a .40-caliber handgunin her left hand, hanging a<strong>the</strong>r side. Officers reportedlydrew <strong>the</strong>ir guns and repeatedlyordered her to drop <strong>the</strong>gun before and after she allegedlypointed it at <strong>the</strong>m.Shuler dropped <strong>the</strong> gunand was arrested. Then one of<strong>the</strong> officers rounded <strong>the</strong> corneron Donald Avenue andsaw John McConnell, 23, wholives nearby at 1221 20th St.,walking in <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong>street. That officer handcuffedMcConnell for questioning,according to reports.Three o<strong>the</strong>r men, includingShuler’s reported formerboyfriend — Michael ScottAderholt, 23, of Lancaster, Va. —on <strong>the</strong> scene were questionedby police. None was charged.CrabContinued from Page 1Apound for mediums and $12to $15 for larges.“It was a good year overall,”Nichols said. “It wassteady. We had some goodruns and <strong>the</strong> price stayedfairly good. Fuel prices wereAderholt, <strong>the</strong> reportedfa<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> child and a bailbondsman in Virginia, gavepolice this account:He said he parked his 2003Ford truck at an airport inNewport News, Va., on May2 and came to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> towork on a warrant and takesome vacation time. Shuler,with whom he had broken upfour months earlier, allegedlydrove his truck from that airportto <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> with <strong>the</strong>irchild, without his permission,he said.Aderholt alleged Shulershowed up with <strong>the</strong>ir childat his house and <strong>the</strong> couplebegan arguing before she“threw (<strong>the</strong> child) at him and<strong>the</strong>n left <strong>the</strong> house,” accordingto <strong>the</strong> report.Two o<strong>the</strong>r men at <strong>the</strong> scenetold officers <strong>the</strong>y saw Shulerarguing with Aderholt andwere not aware that Shulerhad a gun, reports say.The weapons in <strong>the</strong> truck allbelong to Aderholt and one of<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r men, he reportedlytold police.Those guns included four.22-caliber rifles, five shotguns,a 30.06 rifle and anAR-14 assault rifle, as wellas assorted correspondingammunition and cases, whichwere all placed into evidence.Shuler remained in <strong>the</strong>Monroe County DetentionCenter Tuesday in lieu ofan issue at <strong>the</strong> end of seasonand <strong>the</strong> crab prices did dropby about $1 to $1.50. It wasbreak-even in <strong>the</strong> last fewmonths of <strong>the</strong> season.”Stock Island Lobster Co.’sPeter Bacle called <strong>the</strong> seasona “good average season.”“The boats did well,” hesaid. “The price was good.”tohara@keys<strong>new</strong>s.comCITIZEN OF THE DAYJUDITH E. GASAWAYJudith E. Gasaway, 63, of<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, Fla., passed away onSaturday, May 7, 2011, at Lower<strong>Key</strong>s Medical Center in <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong>, Fla.She was born on April 4, 1948,at Valparaiso, Ind., to Cecil andTressa (Kingsley) Jones.Paid obituaries are published onceunless <strong>the</strong> family or funeral home iswilling to pay for reruns. Obituaries up tosix inches are $65; $75 with a photo.Those more than six inches will becharged $10 an inch. Free death noticesOBITUARY POLICYSurviving is her daughter,Jalyn Krause of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>; andgranddaughter, Kaitlin Krauseof <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.Per her wishes, <strong>the</strong>re will beno services; her remains werecremated. The Dean-Lopez FuneralHome is entrusted with allfuneral arrangements.list only <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> person whodied and where services will be held.Obituaries may be edited to conformwith Citizen style and usage. E-mailedsubmissions are preferred. Send <strong>the</strong>m to<strong>new</strong>sroom@keys<strong>new</strong> O’NEAL/The CitizenKristen Wheeler, a nurse with Visiting Nurse Association &Hospice of <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>s, said shorter commutes and outdoorshowers are her favorite things about living in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s.Originally from Detroit, Wheeler moved to <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> sevenyears ago. She added that she loves spending time in <strong>the</strong> sunand taking in a movie at Tropic Cinema.

4A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011EDITORIAL BOARDPAUL A. CLARIN/PUBLISHERTOM TUELL/EDITORRALPH MORROW/SPORTS EDITOROPINIONED BLOCKCHARLIE BRADFORDKEN DOMANSKISHIRLEY FREEMANTODD GERMANThere are good signsin real estate marketAn analysis of propertytransactions over <strong>the</strong>past 16 months suggests<strong>the</strong> real estate marketin <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Florida<strong>Key</strong>s is seeing a measurablelift. From where we sit, thisis encouraging <strong>new</strong>s, thoughcertainly not a signal thatprices are headed upwardanywhere near <strong>the</strong> peaks thatforeshadowed an unsustainablebubble.In <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, today’s marketfor residential properties isabout 40 percent below itspre-bubble peak. On average,that’s about where prices werenine years ago, in 2002.Never<strong>the</strong>less, what’sencouraging is <strong>the</strong> fact thatlocal real estate brokers tellus that more than 600 residentialproperties in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>have changed hands sinceJan. 1, 2010. Moreover, youcan add a few more to thattotal to account for sales thatoccurred without <strong>the</strong> assistanceof a broker.Three important considerationssupport our feeling ofencouragement.Despite <strong>the</strong> fact that arelatively small percentage oftransactions involved “shortsales” or bank-owned properties,more than 50 percent of allsales were entirely cash transactions.That’s an abnormallyhigh percentage, but a sure sign<strong>the</strong>re are investors with readymoney to spend on familyhousing, including, no doubt,income-producing rentals.Also, in <strong>the</strong> first fourmonths of 2011, four residentialproperties and two commercialproperties sold formore than $2 million. A goodomen.We should also take note of<strong>the</strong> fact that developers areonce again sniffing aroundfor promising projects, yetano<strong>the</strong>r positive sign.Secondly, residential andGOVERNMENT WEBSITES:Monroe Countyhttp://www.monroecounty-fl.govCity of <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>http://www.keywestcity.comCity of Marathon of Islamoradahttp://www.islamorada.fl.usCity of <strong>Key</strong> Colony Beachhttp://www.keycolonybeach.netEditorialcommercial sales represent<strong>job</strong>s for tradesmen and contractorsthat have been hithard by <strong>the</strong> recession. Onereliable authority has opinedthat each sale may representpart-time or full-time workfor as many as 100 people,mainly for repairs, rehabilitation,landscaping and o<strong>the</strong>rupgrades and purchases.Finally, mortgage loans areavailable at reasonable rates.What’s changed are <strong>the</strong> toughercriteria buyers may face inobtaining financing. Lendingsources will expect prospectivebuyers to make significantequity investments, as was<strong>the</strong> norm prior to <strong>the</strong> bubbledays. Also, mortgage loans thatexceed <strong>the</strong> real value of landand buildings are definitely athing of <strong>the</strong> past.In thinking about factorsthat account for <strong>the</strong> relativelyencouraging status of ourlocal market at a time whenso many communities elsewherein <strong>the</strong> United Statesare still in <strong>the</strong> doldrums, wenever<strong>the</strong>less cannot cite soliddata that distinguishes <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s from o<strong>the</strong>rregions.Is it because “paradise” issuch a special place, still aremarkably attractive investmentover <strong>the</strong> long term?Is it because o<strong>the</strong>r communitieswere overbuilt byspeculators during <strong>the</strong> bubbleand now find <strong>the</strong>mselves withhuge inventories that won’tsell even at significantly distressedprices?In short, it may be thatour little island’s economy isunique and may be able towea<strong>the</strong>r uncertainties thatcontinue to send cautionarysignals to markets elsewhere.— The CitizenMonroe County Sheriff’s Officehttp://www.keysso.netMonroe County School Districthttp://www.keys<strong>schools</strong>.comMonroe County Clerkhttp://www.clerk-of-<strong>the</strong>-court.comMonroe County Property Appraiserhttp://www.mcpafl.orgMonroe County Tax Collectorhttp://www.monroetaxcollector.Why Huckabee’s populism will be missedBY ROSS DOUTHATThe New York TimesMost candidates for<strong>the</strong> highest officein <strong>the</strong> land spendmonths, if not years, curryingfavor with <strong>the</strong> rich and powerful:glad-handing at fundraisingdinners, schmoozingin mansions, pressing <strong>the</strong>flesh in Aspen and Manhattanand Nob Hill.Not so Mike Huckabee.He ran for president in 2008with no money, no campaigninfrastructure, no professionalhandlers or ad gurusor wardrobe consultants.(When I interviewed himin New Hampshire, he hadjust ironed his own suit.) Hisentire campaign — whichwon him more delegatesthan Mitt Romney’s lavishlyfinanced operation — consistedof showing up for anytelevision program that wouldhave him, and turning on <strong>the</strong>charm.It’s no surprise, <strong>the</strong>n, thatHuckabee prefers his <strong>new</strong>life as a Fox News host to <strong>the</strong>dubious pleasures of ano<strong>the</strong>rpresidential run. But he’ll bemissed in <strong>the</strong> 2012 race, andnot just because his absencepromises to dramaticallyreduce <strong>the</strong> entertainmentvalue of <strong>the</strong> Republicandebates.He’ll be missed because heembodied a political persuasionthat’s common in Americanlife but rare in America’s politicalclass. This worldview mixescultural conservatism with economicpopulism: it’s tax-sensitivewithout being stridently antigovernment,skepticalof Wall Street as wellas Washington, andas concerned aboutimmigration, familybreakdown and publicmorals as it is about <strong>the</strong>debt ceiling.This combination ofviews represents one of <strong>the</strong>plausible middle groundsin American politics. Youcan find it in <strong>the</strong> RepublicanParty, among <strong>the</strong> evangelicalsand Catholics whose votesmade <strong>the</strong> presidencies ofRonald Reagan and GeorgeW. Bush possible. You canfind it among independentvoters, particularly in whata recent Pew report calls <strong>the</strong>“disaffected” demographic,whose hostility to big governmentcoexists with anxietiesabout corporate power andsupport for redistributionof wealth. And you find it in<strong>the</strong> Democratic Party as well— from <strong>the</strong> dwindling ranksof pro-life Catholic liberalsto <strong>the</strong> “Bill Cosby conservatives”in <strong>the</strong> African-Americanmiddle class.But few of <strong>the</strong>se people aremembers of <strong>the</strong> Americanelite. Call someone a “centrist”or a “moderate” in<strong>the</strong> salons of Washingtonor New York, and everyo<strong>new</strong>ill assume that you’re talkingabout a deficit hawkwho supports open borders,or a Republican CEO whowrites checks to PlannedParenthood. Among ourleadership class, centrisminvariably means somecombination of big-businessconservatism and socialprogressivism — <strong>the</strong>politics of pro-choiceRepublicans, hedgefund Democrats andMichael Bloombergindependents.This is whyHuckabee’s 2008 campaignseemed to come out ofnowhere. The press wasbaffled, and often delighted:Here was a right-wing politicianwho talked easily abou<strong>the</strong>alth care and admitted that<strong>the</strong> Bush economy had beenlousy for working families.(There would have been lessdelight, of course, if he hadactually won <strong>the</strong> Republicannomination: Then all <strong>the</strong> talkwould have turned to hissupposedly “scary” views onissues like abortion.)Republican elites, meanwhile,were appalled. Theycalled him a class warriorand a pro-life liberal, andregularly insinuated that hehad jumped above his station.(Lisa Schiffren, a formerspeechwriter for Dan Quayle,memorably suggested thatHuckabee go back to “thatbait shop on <strong>the</strong> lake. ... You’llbe surrounded by nice neighbors,real Christians, and youcan be <strong>the</strong> smartest guy in <strong>the</strong>room.”)Never mind thatHuckabee’s record as governorof Arkansas was at least asconservative as Mitt Romney’sin Massachusetts. Somehow,<strong>the</strong> Romney of 2008 justseemed like a more plausibleRepublican nominee. Likemany American politicalentrepreneurs, from GeorgeW. Bush to John Edwards toRush Limbaugh, he was awell-connected rich guy posingas a populist. WhereasHuckabee really was a populist— a graduate of OuachitaBaptist University ra<strong>the</strong>r thanHarvard Business School, anda man with no interest in <strong>the</strong>rhetorical correctness andinterest-group ring-kissingthat both parties expect of<strong>the</strong>ir nominees.Of course, his 2008campaign also reflectedpopulism’s inevitable flaw: adesperate lack of policy substance.Huckabee won votesby talking about issues that<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Republican candidateswouldn’t touch, buthis actual agenda was a grabbag of gimmicks and crankideas. And nothing in his subsequenttelevision career hasindicated a strong interest inputting policy meat on <strong>the</strong>bones of his worldview.Still, his candidacy illuminateda path that morepoliticians should take. Welive in an age of economicstagnation and social crisis,and <strong>the</strong> two are intimatelyconnected. The collapse of<strong>the</strong> two-parent family andunfettered low-skilled immigrationhave made Americamore stratified. The WallStreet-Washington axis reallydid drive <strong>the</strong> country into aditch.For all his faults, MikeHuckabee k<strong>new</strong> how to talkabout <strong>the</strong>se problems. Nowwe need leaders with ideas forwhat do about <strong>the</strong>m.Ross Douthat is a syndicatedcolumnist with The NewYork Times.Nice guys finish first — an evolving perspective of human evolutionBY DAVID BROOKSThe New York TimesThe story of evolution,we have been told, is<strong>the</strong> story of <strong>the</strong> survivalof <strong>the</strong> fittest. The strong eat <strong>the</strong>weak. The creatures that adaptto <strong>the</strong> environment pass on<strong>the</strong>ir selfish genes. Those thatdo not become extinct.In this telling, we humansare like all o<strong>the</strong>r animals— deeply and thoroughly selfish.We spend our time tryingto maximize our outcomes —competing for status, wealthand mating opportunities.Behavior that seems altruisticis really self-interest in disguise.Charity and fellowshipare <strong>the</strong> cultural drapery atop<strong>the</strong> iron logic of nature.All this is partially true, ofcourse. Yet every day, it seems,a book crosses my desk,emphasizing a different sideof <strong>the</strong> story. These are booksabout sympathy, empathy,cooperation and collaboration,written by scientists,evolutionary psychologists,neuroscientists ando<strong>the</strong>rs. It seems <strong>the</strong>re’sbeen a shift amongthose who study thisground, yielding amore nuanced, andoften gentler picture ofour nature.The most modestof <strong>the</strong>se is“SuperCooperators” by MartinNowak with Roger Highfield.Nowak uses higher math todemonstrate that “cooperationand competition are foreverentwined in a tight embrace.”In pursuing our self-interestedgoals, we often have anincentive to repay kindnesswith kindness, so o<strong>the</strong>rs willdo us favors when we’re inneed. We have an incentiveto establish a reputation forniceness, so people will wantto work with us. We have anincentive to work in teams,even against our short-termself-interest because cohesivegroups thrive. Cooperationis as central to evolutionas mutation and selection,Nowak argues.But much of <strong>the</strong><strong>new</strong> work movesbeyond incentives,narrowly understood.MichaelTomasello, <strong>the</strong>author of “Why WeCooperate,” deviseda series of tests tha<strong>the</strong> could give tochimps and toddlers in nearlyidentical form. He found thatat an astonishingly early agekids begin to help o<strong>the</strong>rs, andto share information, in waysthat adult chimps hardly everdo.An infant of 12 monthswill inform o<strong>the</strong>rs aboutsomething by pointing.Chimpanzees and o<strong>the</strong>r apesdo not helpfully inform eacho<strong>the</strong>r about things. Infantsshare food readily with strangers.Chimpanzees rarely evenoffer food to <strong>the</strong>ir own offspring.If a 14-month-old childsees an adult having difficulty— like being unable to opena door because her hands arefull — <strong>the</strong> child will try to help.Tomasello’s point is that<strong>the</strong> human mind veered awayfrom that of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r primates.We are born ready tocooperate, and <strong>the</strong>n we buildcultures to magnify this trait.In “Born to Be Good,”Dacher Keltner describes <strong>the</strong>work he and o<strong>the</strong>rs are doingon <strong>the</strong> mechanisms of empathyand connection, involvingthings like smiles, blushes,laughter and touch. Whenfriends laugh toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>irlaughs start out as separatevocalizations, but <strong>the</strong>y mergeand become intertwinedsounds. It now seems asthough laughter evolved millionsof years ago, long beforevowels and consonants, as amechanism to build cooperation.It is one of <strong>the</strong> many toolsin our inborn toolbox of collaboration.In one essay, Keltnercites <strong>the</strong> work of <strong>the</strong> EmoryUniversity neuroscientistsJames Rilling and GregoryBerns. They found that <strong>the</strong>act of helping ano<strong>the</strong>r persontriggers activity in <strong>the</strong> caudatenucleus and anterior cingulatecortex regions of <strong>the</strong> brain, <strong>the</strong>parts involved in pleasure andreward. That is, serving o<strong>the</strong>rsmay produce <strong>the</strong> same sort ofpleasure as gratifying a personaldesire.In his book, “The RighteousMind,” to be published earlynext year, Jonathan Haidt joinsEdward O. Wilson, David SloanWilson, and o<strong>the</strong>rs who arguethat natural selection takesplace not only when individualscompete with o<strong>the</strong>rindividuals, but also whengroups compete with o<strong>the</strong>rgroups. Both competitions areexamples of <strong>the</strong> survival of <strong>the</strong>fittest, but when groups compete,it’s <strong>the</strong> cohesive, cooperative,internally altruisticgroups that win and pass on<strong>the</strong>ir genes. The idea of “groupselection” was heresy a fewyears ago, but <strong>the</strong>re is momentumbehind it now.Human beings, Haidtargues, are “<strong>the</strong> giraffes ofaltruism.” Just as giraffes gotlong necks to help <strong>the</strong>m survive,humans developed moralminds that help <strong>the</strong>m and<strong>the</strong>ir groups succeed. Humansbuild moral communities outof shared norms, habits, emotionsand gods, and <strong>the</strong>n willfight and even sometimes dieto defend <strong>the</strong>ir communities.Different interpretations ofevolution produce differentways of analyzing <strong>the</strong> world.The selfish-competitor modelfostered <strong>the</strong> utility-maximizingmodel that is so prevalent in<strong>the</strong> social sciences, particularlyeconomics. The <strong>new</strong>, morecooperative view will complicateall that.But <strong>the</strong> big upshot is this:For decades, people tried todevise a rigorous “scientific”system to analyze behaviorthat would be divorced frommorality. But if cooperationpermeates our nature, <strong>the</strong>n sodoes morality, and <strong>the</strong>re is noescaping ethics, emotion andreligion in our quest to understandwho we are and how wegot this way.David Brooks is a syndicatedcolumnist with The New YorkTimes. His column appears inThe Citizen on Wednesdays.

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 20115ASTATEMIAMIDrifter <strong>gets</strong> life for stabbingTALLAHASSEEBill aimed at aiding insurers signedCAPE CANAVERALDELANDMan allegedly didn’t report bodyA drifter has been sentenced to lifein prison for fatally stabbing a SouthFlorida woman during a burglary.A Miami-Dade judge sentenced 35-year-old Reynerio Alonso Rivero onTuesday after he pleaded guilty tomurder.Alonso Rivero admitted to authoritiesthat he broke into <strong>the</strong> home ofPercy and Elizabeth Palomino onApril 17.He said he was looking for moneyso he could play poker at Miami’sMagic City casino. He had worked at<strong>the</strong> couple’s banquet hall many timesover <strong>the</strong> years.Alonso Rivero told police that heattacked Elizabeth Palomino whenshe returned home unexpectedly.Gov. Rick Scott has signed into law a billdesigned to streng<strong>the</strong>n property insurancecompanies that cover damages from hurricanes,fires and o<strong>the</strong>r hazards.The legislation Scott signed Tuesday also isaimed at reducing fraudulent sinkhole claims.The sponsor, Sen. Garrett Richter, a NaplesRepublican, said in a statement that <strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong> lawwill “promote a competitive market with solventcompanies that our policyholders can rely on.”Critics said it would lead to higher premiumsfor homeowners and o<strong>the</strong>r property owners.Former Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed a similar measurelast year.In a related action, <strong>the</strong> State Board ofAdministration, chaired by Scott, filed anemergency rule giving <strong>the</strong> Florida HurricaneCatastrophe Fund more time to respond to aninflux of claims from 2005 storms.JOHN RAOUX/The Associated PressThe crew of space shuttle Atlantis, from left, mission specialistRex Walheim, commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurleyand mission specialist Sandy Mangus, greet NASA workers andmembers of <strong>the</strong> media Tuesday as <strong>the</strong> shuttle makes its wayfrom <strong>the</strong> Orbiter Processing Facility to <strong>the</strong> Vehicle AssemblyBuilding to prepare for its final launch at <strong>the</strong> Kennedy SpaceCenter. The final launch of Atlantis is targeted for mid-July.Authorities have charged a man withfailing to report a death after he found aboarder in a room over <strong>the</strong> garage.The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office says55-year-old William Hendrix Jr. found <strong>the</strong>body about 4 p.m. Monday. He told deputiesthat he <strong>the</strong>n mowed <strong>the</strong> grass and,afterward, poured bleach over <strong>the</strong> body tocover <strong>the</strong> odor of decomposition.According to an arrest report, Hendrixtold deputies he feared reporting <strong>the</strong> deathbecause his girlfriend — who owns <strong>the</strong> home— did not want him to take in boarders.The girlfriend found out, and calledauthorities at 12:25 a.m. Tuesday.Hendrix told authorities he took <strong>the</strong> manin because he was down on his luck. Thesheriff’s office said foul play was not suspected.Search narrows for Florida’snext education commissionerBY CHRISTINE ARMARIOThe Associated PressThe search for Florida’s next educationcommissioner has narrowed to about ahalf dozen potential candidates, thoughit remains to be seen whe<strong>the</strong>r recruiterswill be able to lure <strong>the</strong>m from top <strong>job</strong>s totackle one of <strong>the</strong> country’s largest <strong>schools</strong>ystems.At a Board of Education meetingTuesday, recruiters said <strong>the</strong>y had identifiedand spoken with about six candidates who<strong>the</strong>y believe could significantly advanceeducation in Florida. They did not providenames, but said <strong>the</strong> candidates includecurrent superintendents, corporate leaders,and government appointments in<strong>the</strong>ir respective states.Encouraging <strong>the</strong> candidates to apply iscomplicated by a number of challenges,including <strong>the</strong> Florida sunshine laws, underwhich all applications are public. WilliamAdams, regional search associate for <strong>the</strong>headhunting firm Ray and Associates,said some candidates may wait until <strong>the</strong>last minute to expose <strong>the</strong>mselves, or untilconvinced <strong>the</strong>y’d be a good fit.BY JENNIFER KAYThe Associated PressMIAMI — The U.S. governmentsaid Tuesday it is grantingHaitian immigrants whofled <strong>the</strong>ir poor Caribbean nationafter last year’s devastatingearthquake more time to liveand work legally in <strong>the</strong> U.S. whileHaiti rebuilds.Haitian immigrants with temporaryprotected status, whichwas set to expire in July, canapply to extend <strong>the</strong> residencyThe firm has not received many applications,but Adams stressed that <strong>the</strong>y aremore concerned about <strong>the</strong> quality of <strong>the</strong>candidates than quantity.“We are going to continue to push thosepeople to apply,” Adams said.Whoever steps into <strong>the</strong> role will havebig shoes to fill: Outgoing CommissionerEric Smith has become a national leaderin education reform and under his tenure,<strong>the</strong> state jumped ahead in education rankingsand was named a winner of <strong>the</strong> $4.35billion Race to <strong>the</strong> Top competition. Thestate is currently pursuing a number ofreforms, including changing how teachersare evaluated, increasing standards andturning around failing <strong>schools</strong>.“Florida is not broken like a lot of statesin terms of education,” Adams told <strong>the</strong>board. “That makes our <strong>job</strong> even moredifficult.”Smith will be leaving in June. He hassaid he wants to allow Gov. Rick Scott <strong>the</strong>opportunity to select a leader who willpursue his education agenda.Also at <strong>the</strong> meeting on Tuesday, FrancesHaithcock, chancellor of public <strong>schools</strong>,provided <strong>the</strong> board with an update on <strong>the</strong>and employment benefits forano<strong>the</strong>r 18 months, until January2013, authorities said.Originally, only Haitians livingillegally in <strong>the</strong> U.S. before <strong>the</strong>Jan. 12, 2010, quake that shatteredHaiti’s capital were eligiblefor <strong>the</strong> protected status.Now, Haitians who arrivedup to one year after <strong>the</strong> quakeand have lived here continuouslyever since also are eligiblefor temporary protected status,Homeland Security officials saidin a statement.Many of those Haitians weremedically evacuated after <strong>the</strong>earthquake on temporary visas,humanitarian parole or througho<strong>the</strong>r immigration measuresthat are expiring or did not allowemployment.“They’ve been stranded here.They have no place to return toand no ability to sustain <strong>the</strong>mselves,”said Randy McGrorty,head of <strong>the</strong> Archdiocese ofMiami’s Catholic Legal Services.The pool of Haitians eligiblefor temporary protected statusCommissioner Eric Smith is stepping down.state’s Race to <strong>the</strong> Top implementation.The state was awarded $700 million topursue reforms that will double <strong>the</strong> numberof incoming high school freshmenwho graduate and go on to college, andcut <strong>the</strong> achievement gap in half by 2015.Haithcock said <strong>the</strong>y are concentratingon four areas: data systems; rigorousstandards and assessments; working withstruggling <strong>schools</strong> and teacher quality.Sixty-four of <strong>the</strong> state’s 65 districts haveRace to <strong>the</strong> Top programs that have beenapproved.Government to give Haitians more time in US after earthquakenow includes those who wereliving in <strong>the</strong> U.S. before Jan. 12,2010, but who did not apply forthat, Homeland Security officialssaid.Application informationis to be posted in English,French and Haitian Creole on<strong>the</strong> Department of HomelandSecurity’s website.The extension was “nothingshort of a lifeline for tensof thousands of Haitians livingin <strong>the</strong> U.S.,” said U.S. Rep.Frederica Wilson, D-Fla.Panel: Fla. judge’s actionson courthouse broke rulesBY BILL KACZORThe Associated PressTALLAHASSEE — A stateinvestigative panel on Tuesdayaccused a Florida appellatejudge of violating judicialethics in connection with <strong>the</strong>building of a costly courthousethat critics have dubbed<strong>the</strong> “Taj Mahal” because of itsgrandiose design, massive sizeand amenities.Allegations against 1stDistrict Court of Appeal JudgePaul Hawkes include ordering<strong>the</strong> destruction of publicrecords related to <strong>the</strong> $48.8 millioncourthouse in Tallahassee.The destroyed documentswere relevant to <strong>the</strong> JudicialQualifications Commission’sinvestigation of Hawkes ando<strong>the</strong>r reviews of <strong>the</strong> courthouseproject, according <strong>the</strong>complaint.Besides bringing allegationsthat he ramrodded through<strong>the</strong> courthouse project, <strong>the</strong>commission alleges Hawkesviolated judicial canons bybullying court staffers, misleadinghis fellow judgesand directing his law clerk tohelp one of his sons, a lawyer,with a case appealed from<strong>the</strong> 1st District to <strong>the</strong> FloridaSupreme Court.The commission’s investigativepanel filed <strong>the</strong> probablecause charges with <strong>the</strong>Supreme Court, which hasfinal authority over judges. If<strong>the</strong> justices find Hawkes violatedjudicial canons, he couldface penalties ranging from areprimand to removal fromoffice.“Your willingness to circumventpolicy practice andpeople to gain your objectiveswithout regard to <strong>the</strong> proprietyof <strong>the</strong> means employeddemonstratesan inabilityto distinguishbetween <strong>the</strong>proper andimproper useof <strong>the</strong> prestigeof your judicialoffice,” <strong>the</strong>Hawkespanel wrote. It added that <strong>the</strong>allegations, if proved, “demonstrateyour unfitness to hold<strong>the</strong> office of judge.”Hawkes did not immediatelyreturn a call seeking comment.He has 20 days to file a formalresponse and seek a hearingbefore <strong>the</strong> commission tochallenge <strong>the</strong> allegations.The judge is a formerRepublican state representativewho previously workedas a top legislative staffer andaide to <strong>the</strong>n-Gov. Jeb Bush,who appointed Hawkes to <strong>the</strong>court in 2003. His colleagueselected him <strong>chief</strong> judge at <strong>the</strong>end of 2008, but <strong>the</strong> SupremeCourt removed him from thatpost in November amid <strong>the</strong>courthouse flap. He remainson <strong>the</strong> bench, though.Then-Chief Financial OfficerAlex Sink last year questioned<strong>the</strong> project’s cost. Sheand o<strong>the</strong>r critics complainedabout such amenities as privatesoundproof bathroomsas well as kitchens for each of<strong>the</strong> 15 judges, miles of Africanmahogany trim, granite counterand desktops, etched glasswindows, a glass dome andmassive columns inside andout.Gov. Scott: Somebudget spendingwill be vetoedTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSCUSTOMERAPPRECIATIONCome get your Loyalty Cardand have your 10th entréeabsolutely FREE.Not available with any o<strong>the</strong>r offer.Check Out Our Summer Specials!Starting at $15.00•DAILY•Dinner - 5:30 -10 pmReservations Suggested at:TALLAHASSEE — Gov. RickScott expects to veto someline items in <strong>the</strong> $69.7 billionbudget Florida lawmakershave handed him.The Legislature cut spendingby nearly $4 billion, butScott said on Tuesday that“<strong>the</strong>re will be additional savings.”The Republican governorsaid he hasn’t determined yethow much he’ll veto.Scott, who ran on a <strong>job</strong> creationplatform, said he’s goingthrough <strong>the</strong> budget line byline to determine which itemscreate <strong>job</strong>s and which don’t.He made it clear, though,that he’s interested only increating private sector, notpublic, <strong>job</strong>s, and he sidesteppeda question aboutteacher layoffs.Scott said he’ll be looking atstate colleges and universitybuilding projects. He questionedif <strong>the</strong> state could affordto bond any more of <strong>the</strong>m.LET THEREBE LIGHT!Michaels’ Light Side Menu features smallerportions of Chef Michael’s most popular dinnerentrées like Filet al Forno, Snapper Meuniere,Veal Saltimbocca, Smoked Penne, SeafoodAlfredo and Steak Caesar. Lighter on <strong>the</strong> waistlineand <strong>the</strong> wallet…all priced from $12.95.Nightly from 5:30305-295-1300www.michaelskeywest.comFollow us on Facebook & TwitterReservations suggested1029 Southard 340646340854www.cafesole.comor Call 305-294-0230THURSDAY 05/19/2011andWEDNESDAY 05/25/2011341062340855

6A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011ROSE IS ROSECOMICSPat BradyMOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMMMike PetersPEANUTSCharles M. SchulzSHOEJeff MacNellyDILBERTScott AdamsKIT & CARLYLE Larry WrightMODERATELY CONFUSED J. StahlerGARFIELDJim DavisHERMANJim UngerMARMADUKE Brad AndersonBEETLE BAILEYMort WalkerBORN LOSERArt & Chip SansonARLO & JANISJimmy JohnsonFRANK & ERNESTBob ThavesSUDOKUComplete <strong>the</strong> grid so thatevery row, column and 3x3 boxcontains every digit from 1 to 9inclusively.THE GRIZZWELLSBill SchorrMONTYBIG NATEJim MeddickLincoln PeirceTHE WORLD ALMANACWednesday, May 18, 2011Today is <strong>the</strong> 138th day of 2011and <strong>the</strong> 60th day of spring.TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1917,<strong>the</strong> United States passed aconscription law requiring registrationof all men aged 21 to30 who were not already in <strong>the</strong>military.In 1974, India successfully testedits first nuclear weapon.In 1980, Mount St. Helenserupted in Washington State.In 1998, <strong>the</strong> federal governmentfiled an antitrust caseagainst Microsoft.TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: FrankCapra (1897-1991), film director;Perry Como (1912-2001),singer; Margot Fonteyn (1919-1991), ballet dancer; PopeJohn Paul II (1920-2005),Roman Catholic leader; ReggieJackson (1946-), baseballplayer; Chow Yun-Fat (1955-),actor; Yannick Noah (1960-),tennis player; Tina Fey (1970-), actress/comedian; JoakimSoria (1984-), baseball player.TODAY’S SPORTS: In 2004,<strong>the</strong> Arizona Diamondbackleft-hander Randy Johnsonbecame, at age 40, <strong>the</strong> oldestpitcher ever to throw a perfectgame.TODAY’S FACT: In addition to<strong>the</strong> five countries that have officiallyacknowledged capabilityto deploy nuclear weapons(United States, Russia, UnitedKingdom, France, China), atleast four o<strong>the</strong>rs have nuclearcapability but are not signatoriesto nuclear-proliferationtreaties (India, Pakistan, Israel,North Korea).TODAY’S QUOTE: “Truth mustbe <strong>the</strong> foundation stone, <strong>the</strong>cement to solidify <strong>the</strong> entiresocial edifice.” -- Pope JohnPaul IITODAY’S NUMBER: $62.5 billion-- value of Microsoft salesin <strong>the</strong> fiscal year ending June30, 2010.TODAY’S MOON: Between fullmoon (May 17) and last quarter(May 24).Find Today's Horoscope, Crossword Puzzle, Celebrity Cipher, BridgeTips and Dear Abby in <strong>the</strong> Citizen <strong>Key</strong>swide Classified Section.

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 20117APHOENIXFiesta Bowl wants cash backThe Fiesta Bowl is seeking <strong>the</strong> returnof thousands of dollars in campaigncontributions made to U.S. Sens. JohnMcCain and Jon Kyl, and o<strong>the</strong>r Arizonapoliticians, according to documents.The contributions were made bybowl employees and <strong>the</strong>ir families that<strong>the</strong> bowl <strong>the</strong>n reimbursed. In all, itwants $48,225.17 returned.The documents from <strong>the</strong> bowlshowed that <strong>the</strong> money was given tonearly two dozen o<strong>the</strong>r Arizona politicians.A recent internal report by <strong>the</strong>Fiesta Bowl detailed reimbursementsto employees for political donationsin apparent violation of federal andstate laws, plus thousands of dollars ininappropriate spending.NEW YORK — CNN anchorDon Lemon has come out asa gay man in his <strong>new</strong> book, adisclosure he knows comes ata risk.WhileLemon’smemoir, titled“Transparent,”also covershis journalismcareer, he’s preparedfor muchLemonof <strong>the</strong> reaction to focus onmore personal matters, whichinclude growing up without afa<strong>the</strong>r and his revelation tha<strong>the</strong> was sexually abused as achild.In his book, <strong>the</strong> 45-year-oldLemon writes of having livedwith “dark, ugly secrets” thattook him years to bring into<strong>the</strong> light.Being black made being gayfeel even worse, he said in aninterview Monday, “becauseof how <strong>the</strong> black communityperceives a gay person. AnAfrican-American male istaught that he has to be masculine.“And our community issteeped in religion, with <strong>the</strong>church preaching againsthomosexuality. I prayed alot growing up that I wouldchange, that I would bestraight,” he said.“But no matter how goodI was, how much I prayedand denied what I was, it wasalways <strong>the</strong>re.”Lemon says it would benaive to assume that <strong>the</strong> publicwon’t have strong opinionsabout what he has written, andhe’s braced for some people toreact negatively.“But it’s important foreveryone to be truthful aboutwho <strong>the</strong>y are,” he said, addingthat CNN has been “very supportive”of his decision to gopublic.Few national televisionNATIONJUNEAU, ALASKACompany abandons pipeline projectOne of two companies planning to buildmajor natural gas pipelines in Alaska hasdropped its bid, saying Tuesday that it didn’tsecure <strong>the</strong> support necessary to justify goingforward with its project.The announcement from Denali-The AlaskaGas Pipeline raised questions about <strong>the</strong> prospectsfor building a long-hoped-for line inAlaska.For years, Alaskans have dreamed of a gasline as a way to help shore up revenues as oilproduction declines, create <strong>job</strong>s and provide amore reliable source of energy.But Denali cited changes in <strong>the</strong> market —lower gas prices, <strong>the</strong> rise of North Americanshale — as making it tough to get <strong>the</strong> commitments<strong>the</strong>y needed to move forward.TransCanada has progressed with state financialsupport, something Denali never received.PEOPLE IN THE NEWS<strong>new</strong>s anchors have publiclyacknowledged being gay, withMSNBC’s Rachel Maddow perhaps<strong>the</strong> best known.Lemon, who serves as a correspondentand anchors “CNNNewsroom” during weekendprime time, joined <strong>the</strong> networkin 2003.“Transparent” will bereleased next month.✬ ✬ ✬ ✬ ✬NEW YORK — In a recentepisode of “30 Rock,” AlecBaldwin’s character, JackDonaghy, went through a kindof midlife crises, splitting intofour alternate versions of hisself.One, “sideways Jack,” chastisedDonaghy for allowing anintended six-month stop in TVto turn into five years, leavinghim stalled and no longer a“shark.”“You don’t even know what ashark is anymore!” exclaimed<strong>the</strong> alternateDonaghy.The episodeplayed artfullywith Baldwin’sown careerambitions,which didn’tinclude sitcomHAVRE, MONT.NIKKI CARLSON/The Associated PressFort Belknap Headstart students read <strong>new</strong> books <strong>the</strong>y pickedout Saturday at <strong>the</strong> United Way of Hill County’s ‘Plant A Seed …READ!’ event in <strong>the</strong> Holiday Village Mall in Havre, Mont.Baldwinstardom until Tina Fey’s “30Rock” came along.Now, though, Baldwin iscontemplating his exit from“30 Rock.” He has one seasonleft on his contract with NBCand has said he will leave atthat point.“That’s pretty much all Ithink about right now,” saidBaldwin in a recent interview.“To finish <strong>the</strong> show, I’m goingto do this year, <strong>the</strong>n startthinking about what I wantto do next. It’s <strong>the</strong> big question.It’s been a great experience,and I’ve loved doing <strong>the</strong>show. It changed my life. I’llnever have it this good again,Former Md. county exec pleads guilty to corruptionI know that. But I know thatI’ve got to do something different,try something different.I don’t know what that’sgoing to be.”This summer, Baldwin willbe shooting Woody Allen’snext film, to be shot in Rome,as well as <strong>the</strong> big screenadaptation of <strong>the</strong> Broadwaymusical “Rock of Ages” and <strong>the</strong>indie drama “Hick.”Though Baldwin, 53,worked primarily in moviesbefore “30 Rock” and hassince worked in such filmsas 2009’s “It’s Complicated,”he says he won’t necessarilyreturn to that path.✬ ✬ ✬ ✬ ✬BALTIMORE — A womanwho played a Baltimore druggang assassin in HBO’s “TheWire” has pleaded not guilty toconspiring to sell heroin.Felicia “Snoop” Pearsonentered <strong>the</strong> plea TuesdayNEW HAVEN, CONN.Bushes’ fraternity suspendedA prestigious Yale fraternity thatcounts both Bush presidents amongits alumni is being banned fromrecruiting and holding activities oncampus for five years after pledgeswere ordered to chant obscenitiesagainst women.Yale said it also disciplined severalDelta Kappa Epsilon members andasked <strong>the</strong> fraternity’s national office tosuspend <strong>the</strong> chapter for five years.The fraternity, based in Ann Arbor,Mich., came under fire in October afterpledges marched through campusand chanted phrases about sex actsincluding necrophilia. Chapter leaderslater apologized, and <strong>the</strong> nationalfraternity office ordered <strong>the</strong>m to stopall pledge activities.morning during an arraignmentin Baltimore CircuitCourt. An Aug. 9 jury trial datewas set.Pearson is one of 64people charged in March in“Operation Usual Suspects,” ajoint state-federal prosecutionof an alleged east Baltimoredrug gang. She is charged inan indictment with conspiringwith two men to distributeheroin.The 30-year-old Pearsonwas released weeks later on$50,000 bond with electronicmonitoring that has allowedher to leave <strong>the</strong> state to pursueher acting career.She declined to commentafter <strong>the</strong> arraignment. AttorneyBenjamin Sutley says it’s tooearly to know if <strong>the</strong> three willbe tried toge<strong>the</strong>r.TROPIC CINEMA • 416 Eaton St.JANE EYRE (2:00), 4:15, 6:30, 8:45HANNA (3:45), 8:30BILL CUNNINGHAM NEW YORK (1:45), 4:00, 6:15, 8:30SOUL SURFER (1:30)ATLAS SHRUGGED PT 1 (2:15), 4:30, 6:45, 9:00BUY TIX WWW.TROPICCINEMA.COM • 877-761-3456343627BY BEN NUCKOLSThe Associated PressGREENBELT, Md. — A former Marylandcounty executive pleaded guilty Tuesdayto shaking down developers for hundredsof thousands of dollars in cash and o<strong>the</strong>rfavors in exchange for doing business with<strong>the</strong> county, part of a wide-ranging publiccorruption probe that prosecutors said isfar from over.The plea came six months after formerPrince George’s County Executive JackJohnson accepted $15,000 in cash from adeveloper and was immediately confrontedby FBI agents. Shortly <strong>the</strong>reafter, agentstapping Johnson’s cell phone listened ashe called his wife while agents were at <strong>the</strong>door of <strong>the</strong>ir home and asked her to flusha $100,000 check down <strong>the</strong> toilet and tostuff nearly $80,000 in cash in her underwear.He and his wife were <strong>the</strong>n arrestedand <strong>the</strong> cash was recovered.“I want to say to all <strong>the</strong> citizens of ourcounty that I’m very sorry for what hap-JOSE LUIS MAGANA/The Associated PressFormer Prince George’s County Executive JackJohnson waves Tuesday to supporters as heleaves <strong>the</strong> U.S. District Court in Greenbelt.pened,” Johnson, dressed in a dark suitand striped tie, said outside court. “We allhave sinned and fallen short of <strong>the</strong> gloryof <strong>the</strong> Lord.”Johnson, a Democrat, led <strong>the</strong> Washingtonsuburb of more than 860,000 residentsfrom 2002 through 2010. He’s nowlikely to face an even longer stint in prison.Federal sentencing guidelines callfor him to receive between 11 and 13years, although U.S. District Judge Peter J.Messitte is not required to sentence himwithin that range. Johnson pleaded guiltyto one count each of extortion and evidenceand witness tampering, and prosecutorsagreed to drop six o<strong>the</strong>r counts,including bribery.Sentencing was set for Sept. 15. Johnson,62, remains free on supervised release.His wife, Leslie Johnson, was electedto <strong>the</strong> County Council shortly before herNovember arrest and was sworn in despitecalls from several council members thatshe step aside. She was scheduled to entera guilty plea earlier this month, but <strong>the</strong>hearing was abruptly canceled.U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein said prosecutorsare treating <strong>the</strong> cases separatelyand that Jack Johnson’s guilty plea has nobearing on any agreement Leslie Johnsonmight reach. She is charged with witnessand evidence tampering, and any felonyconviction would force her to give up hercouncil seat.340502340945Coast Guard closes part of Mississippi River to cargo vesselsBY ALAN SAYREAND HOLBROOK MOHRThe Associated PressJACKSON, Miss. — TheCoast Guard closed <strong>the</strong> swollenMississippi River north of NewOrleans on Tuesday, haltingcargo vessels on <strong>the</strong> nation’sbusiest waterway in <strong>the</strong> latesteffort to reduce pressure fromrising floodwaters.The 15-mile closure atNatchez, Miss., blocked vesselsheading toward <strong>the</strong> Gulfof Mexico and o<strong>the</strong>rs trying toreturn north after dropping off<strong>the</strong>ir freight.If <strong>the</strong> channel remainsclosed, it could bring trafficto a standstill up and down<strong>the</strong> mighty river, which movesabout 500 million tons of cargoeach year.And <strong>the</strong> interruption couldcost <strong>the</strong> U.S. economy hundredsof millions of dollars forevery day that it idles bargescarrying coal, timber, iron, steeland more than half of America’sgrain exports.Coast Guard officials saidwakes generated by passingbarge traffic could increase <strong>the</strong>strain on levees designed tohold back <strong>the</strong> river.Authorities were also concernedthat barges could notoperate safely in <strong>the</strong> floodedFEDERAL LIFELINE NOTICEriver, which has risen to <strong>the</strong>level of some docks and submergedo<strong>the</strong>rs.It was not clear how long<strong>the</strong> channel would be closed.Authorities suggested at least afew days. The river is expectedto stay high in some places forweeks.“Several days is not somethinganyone likes, but it willnot be catastrophic,” Port ofNew Orleans spokesman ChrisBonura said.The Coast Guard did nothave comprehensive figureson how many vessels wereimmediately affected, but <strong>the</strong>agency stopped at least 10 nearNatchez.Verizon Wireless customers may be eligible to receive reduced-rate telecommunications serviceunder <strong>the</strong> Federal Lifeline and Link Up programs.Qualifying customers will save at least $8.25 per month. Service activation fees may also bewaived if you qualify for Link Up assistance. Additional discounts are available for eligible residentsof Tribal lands.You may be eligible for Lifeline and Link Up assistance if you currently participate in a qualifyingpublic assistance program or o<strong>the</strong>rwise satisfy <strong>the</strong> federal income requirements. Theserequirements vary by state.To receive fur<strong>the</strong>r information about <strong>the</strong> Lifeline and Link Up program, call Verizon Wireless at800-924-0585 or go to Wireless only offers Lifeline/Link Up assistance in areas where <strong>the</strong> company has beendesignated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.Toll included. Taxes, surcharges and fees, such as E911 and gross receipts charges, vary by market & could add between 6% & 39% to your bill; 83¢Administrative/line/mo. is not tax, is not pro-rated & is subject to change.IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Subject to Month to Month Customer Agreement and Calling Plan, 45¢/min after allowance. Customers eligible forLinkUpassistancewillreceivea50%discounton<strong>the</strong>ActivationFee,andVerizonWirelesswillwaive<strong>the</strong>remainderof<strong>the</strong>©2011VerizonWirelessNATLQ2May 18, 2011 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen341195341125

8A THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011WORLDTUXTLA GUTIERREZ, MEXICO513 migrants found in trucksTRIPOLI, LIBYAAno<strong>the</strong>r Gadhafi official defectsAJDABIYA, LIBYACAIROMubarak’s wife releasedPolice in Mexico’s sou<strong>the</strong>rn Chiapasstate found 513 migrants on Tuesdayinside two trailer trucks bound for <strong>the</strong>United States.Hundreds of thousands of migrantstravel through Mexico each year in <strong>the</strong>hopes of reaching <strong>the</strong> United States,but this was <strong>the</strong> largest group rescuedin recent years.Chiapas state police discovered <strong>the</strong>migrants while using X-ray equipmenton <strong>the</strong> trucks at a checkpoint in <strong>the</strong>outskirts of city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, <strong>the</strong>National Immigration Institute said in astatement.Police also arrested four peopleaccused of smuggling <strong>the</strong> migrants, whoare from Central and South America andAsia, Chiapas state prosecutors said.Ano<strong>the</strong>r high-ranking Libyan official hasdefected and fled <strong>the</strong> country amid a wideningNATO campaign of bombings aswell as leafleting and o<strong>the</strong>r psychologicalwarfare to persuade Moammar Gadhafi’stroops to stop fighting.Shukri Ghanem, <strong>the</strong> Libyan oil ministerand head of <strong>the</strong> National Oil Co.,crossed into neighboring Tunisia by roadon Monday, according to a Tunisian securityofficial and Abdel Moneim al-Houni, aformer Libyan Arab League representativewho was among <strong>the</strong> first wave of Libyandiplomats to defect.The defections suggest Gadhafi’s politicalstructure is fraying, but it’s unclear whe<strong>the</strong>r<strong>the</strong>re is enough internal strife to seriouslyundermine his ability to fight rebel forcesas NATO airstrikes pound Libyan tar<strong>gets</strong>.RODRIGO ABD/The Associated PressAli Ibrahim, 5, poses for a picture Tuesday with a weapon belonging to arebel fighter at <strong>the</strong> last checkpoint that allows <strong>the</strong> presence of reportersahead of <strong>the</strong> front line with Moammar Gadhafi troops in Ajdabiya.Egypt’s Justice Ministryon Tuesday ordered <strong>the</strong> wifeof deposed President HosniMubarak released from custodywithout bail, after she relinquishedher disputed assets.Suzanne Mubarak, 70, hasturned over her property andmoney to <strong>the</strong> state. It’s valued atsome $4 million.The move aimed to settle corruptionallegations against her,but it was unclear whe<strong>the</strong>r shestill faces trial.Mrs. Mubarak was hospitalizedover <strong>the</strong> weekend aftershe fainted and complained ofchest pains during interrogation.IMF <strong>chief</strong> undera suicide watchBY DAVID B. CARUSOThe Associated PressNEW YORK — IMF <strong>chief</strong> Dominique Strauss-Kahn was placed under a suicide watch injail, while pressure mounted on him to resignTuesday and <strong>the</strong> hotel maid who accused himof attempted rape said through her lawyer thatshe had no idea who he was when she reportedhim to <strong>the</strong> police.Law enforcement officials emphasized thatStrauss-Kahn had not tried to harm himself butthat guards were keeping a close watch on himjust in case.Meanwhile, details began to emerge abouthis accuser, a 32-year-old immigrant from <strong>the</strong><strong>West</strong> African nation of Guinea with a 15-yearolddaughter.“There is no way in which <strong>the</strong>re is any aspectof this event which could be construed consensualin any manner. This is nothing o<strong>the</strong>r thana physical, sexual assault by this man on thisyoung woman,” her attorney, Jeffrey Shapiro,told The Associated Press. He added: “She didnot know who this man was until a day or twoafter this took place.”Strauss-Kahn, <strong>the</strong> 62-year-old managingdirector of <strong>the</strong> International Monetary Fund,was arrested Saturday and is being held withoutbail at <strong>the</strong> city’s Rikers Island jail, kept apartRICHARD DREW/The Associated PressDominique Strauss-Kahn waits to be arraignedMonday in Manhattan Criminal Court.from his fellow prisoners in a unit that normallyhouses inmates with contagious diseases.Police and prosecutors said he ambusheda housekeeper who had come to clean his$3,000-per-night at a New York hotel. Lawyersfor <strong>the</strong> influential banker have challenged thataccount, saying <strong>the</strong> evidence doesn’t supportaccusations of forcible sex.They wouldn’t elaborate, but <strong>the</strong> assertiongave rise to speculation that <strong>the</strong>y might argue itwas consensual sex. At <strong>the</strong> same time, some ofStrauss-Kahn’s supporters in France, where hewas considered a possible challenger next yearto President Nicolas Sarkozy, have suggested hemay be <strong>the</strong> victim of a setup.The woman’s lawyer, Shapiro, said <strong>the</strong>re wasno truth to suggestions that she had fabricatedher account, describing her as an honestwoman with “no agenda.”Queen makes historic peace trip to IrelandBY GREGORY KATZ AND SHAWN POGATCHNIKThe Associated PressDUBLIN — Sometimes words aren’t necessary.That was <strong>the</strong> case Tuesday when QueenElizabeth II placed a wreath in Dublin’s Gardenof Remembrance to honor <strong>the</strong> Irish rebels wholost <strong>the</strong>ir lives fighting for freedom — fromBritain.The queen became <strong>the</strong> first British monarchto set foot in Dublin for a century.Her four-day visit is designed to show that <strong>the</strong>bitter enmity of Ireland’s war of independence90 years ago has been replaced by Anglo-Irishfriendship, and that peace has become irreversiblein <strong>the</strong> neighboring British territory ofNor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland.The ceremony under threatening steel-grayskies was simple and direct, its meaning clear.There were no apologies, no acknowledgmentof misdeeds, but <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong> Britishmonarch on ground that is sacred to manyIrish was a powerful statement of a desire tostart a<strong>new</strong>.Helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft patrolled<strong>the</strong> skies and marksmen kept watch on roof-ARTHUR EDWARDS/The Associated PressBritain’s Queen Elizabeth II lays a wreath Tuesdayin <strong>the</strong> Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.tops during <strong>the</strong> ceremony for any attempt byIreland’s most extreme nationalists to disrupt<strong>the</strong> event.A few hundred supporters of Irish RepublicanArmy dissident groups did clash with police on<strong>the</strong> security perimeter a half-mile away, but <strong>the</strong>trouble didn’t interrupt <strong>the</strong> queen’s carefullychoreographed procession through Dublin.Harris High School, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> circa 1940YOU’VE COME A LONG WAYAND TODAY’S GRADS HAVE TOO340644IT MAY HAVE BEEN A WHILE SINCE YOU GRADUATED FROMHIGH SCHOOL, BUT YOU HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN<strong>the</strong> thrill of it all. 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SPORTS1B THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011Alex RodriguezHOMERS ABOUNDMLB ROUNDUP, 3BSPORTS SHORTSNBA: MIAMI AT CHICAGO (8:30 P.M.)BOUNCING BACKHeat try to shrug off loss, tie Bulls in Game 2SWIMMINGERIC GAY/The Associated PressThunder center Kendrick Perkins (5) dribblesagainst Mavs forward Peja Stojakovic during<strong>the</strong> first half of Game 1 of <strong>the</strong> <strong>West</strong>ernConference finals Tuesday in Dallas. TheMavericks led, 104-99, late in <strong>the</strong> fourth.Ano<strong>the</strong>r round of NFL labortalks ends without agreementMINNEAPOLIS — The NFL and its locked-outplayers wrapped up ano<strong>the</strong>r round of courtorderedmediation Tuesday without any signs ofa <strong>new</strong> agreement and <strong>the</strong> clock ticking on <strong>the</strong>2011 season.Officials and attorneys for both sides said<strong>the</strong>y will return for more closed-door talks withU.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan on June 7,four days after a key appeals court hearing inSt. Louis on <strong>the</strong> legality of <strong>the</strong> lockout.NFL lead negotiator Jeff Pash and formerVikings standout Carl Eller both said <strong>the</strong> talkswent well, but <strong>the</strong>re was no indication of anyprogress toward a <strong>new</strong> collective bargainingagreement.San Francisco Giants agree tomake anti-gay bullying videoSAN FRANCISCO — The San FranciscoGiants will follow in <strong>the</strong> footsteps of PresidentBarack Obama, pop star Janet Jackson andmore than 10,000 o<strong>the</strong>rs who have madevideos for an anti-suicide campaign gearedtoward gay youth, <strong>the</strong> team said Tuesday.The World Series champions agreed toproduce a YouTube spot for <strong>the</strong> “It Gets Better”campaign at <strong>the</strong> request of a fan who startedan online petition signed by 6,000 people.Seattle writer Dan Savage launched <strong>the</strong>“It Gets Better” project last year amid severalhighly publicized suicides by gay teenagers.It provides messages of hope to counter <strong>the</strong>despair of bullied or rejected teens.Michael Jordan appears atOprah Winfrey farewellCHICAGO — Michael Jordan surprised OprahWinfrey at her farewell show at Chicago’sUnited Center, where his statue sits outside.Jordan was one of many celebrities whoattended Tuesday night’s “Surprise Oprah! AFarewell Spectacular.”Actor Will Smith introduced Jordan, describing<strong>the</strong> United Center as <strong>the</strong> “house thatMichael Jordan built.”Jordan came on stage and hugged Winfreyto loud cheers. Jordan led <strong>the</strong> Chicago Bulls tosix NBA championships during <strong>the</strong> 1990s.Winfrey yelled to <strong>the</strong> crowd, “M.J. is in <strong>the</strong>house!”The basketball legend told Winfrey shehas meant a lot to him and inspired him. Hewished her <strong>the</strong> best and told her he loves her.Winfrey announced in November 2009 thatshe would end “The Oprah Winfrey Show” thisseason after 25 years.BY ANDREW SELIGMANThe Associated PressDEERFIELD, Ill. — There wasn’t much elseLeBron James could do o<strong>the</strong>r than shrug it alloff and vow to perform better in Game 2 of <strong>the</strong>Eastern Conference finals.Game 1 certainly didn’t go well for <strong>the</strong> Miami.With James and Dwyane Wade struggling, and<strong>the</strong> Heat getting beaten badly on <strong>the</strong> boards,Chris Bosh’s 30 points weren’t enough to bail out<strong>the</strong> Heat in <strong>the</strong> opener. The top-seeded ChicagoBulls won, 103-82, and now have a chance tograb a commanding lead when <strong>the</strong> seriesresumes tonight at <strong>the</strong> United Center.“We’ve been able to bounce back this yearno matter if it’s been <strong>the</strong> regular season or <strong>the</strong>postseason,” James said. “Learn from mistakesin <strong>the</strong> previous game and <strong>the</strong>n move on.We’ve done that. We’re looking forward to <strong>the</strong>challenge, we’re excited about tomorrow’s opportunityto be here and try to steal homecourt.”If <strong>the</strong>y don’t get more from James and Wade,<strong>the</strong> Heat won’t get that chance, and a 2-0 deficitis more daunting than it sounds. The Bulls neverlost more than two in a row on <strong>the</strong>ir way to aleague-leading 62 wins and <strong>the</strong>ir first conferencefinals appearance since <strong>the</strong> second championshipthree-peat 13 years ago. They swept threeclose games from <strong>the</strong> Heat during <strong>the</strong> regularseason and are off to a good start in this series.James and Wadecame in on asurge, only tohave <strong>the</strong> plugpulled againstone of <strong>the</strong>league’s stingiestdefenses.Coming offback-to-back gameswith 35 and 33 points againstBY BRIAN MAHONEYThe Associated PressSECAUCUS, N.J. — TheCleveland Cavaliers got a hugejump on <strong>the</strong>ir post-LeBronJames rebuilding processTuesday night, winning <strong>the</strong> lotteryand <strong>the</strong> No. 1 selection innext month’s NBA draft.Turning a pick <strong>the</strong>y acquiredfrom <strong>the</strong> Los Angeles Clippersinto <strong>the</strong> No. 1 selection, <strong>the</strong> Cavswill pick first for <strong>the</strong> first timesince 2003, when <strong>the</strong>y draftedJames out of high school.He left for Miami last summerand <strong>the</strong> Cavs tumbled toBoston in <strong>the</strong> semifinals, James scored just 15 in<strong>the</strong> opener while hitting 5 of 15 shots. He couldn’tshake Luol Deng or active big men like Taj Gibsonand Joakim Noah helping out.Wade didn’t have much luck, ei<strong>the</strong>r, after averaging30.2 points against <strong>the</strong> Celtics. He finishedwith 18 points — six in <strong>the</strong> second half — and <strong>the</strong>Bulls broke it open down <strong>the</strong> stretch on <strong>the</strong>ir wayto a lopsided victory.“I think we’ve got to play better,” said Deng, whoscored 21 points. “I really do. We played really well.If you look at <strong>the</strong> final score, we won bya lot, but it really wasn’t that kind ofgame. It really wasn’t. It was tied at <strong>the</strong>half. They had <strong>the</strong> lead at some pointin <strong>the</strong> third quarter. So <strong>the</strong>re’s a lot ofthings we’ve got to get better at.”He saw too many fastbreaks in<strong>the</strong> early going, some sloppyball handling. League MVPDerrick Rose committedthree of his four turnoversin <strong>the</strong> openingminutes but had nonein <strong>the</strong> second half, andin many ways, it wasa textbook performanceby a team tha<strong>the</strong>ld opponents to aleague-low 43-percentshooting.Sure, Miami hitjust over 47 percentof its shots, but o<strong>the</strong>rthan Bosh (12 of18), no one else<strong>the</strong> second-worst record in <strong>the</strong>league, but <strong>the</strong>y will have twotop-four picks next month as<strong>the</strong>y try to back owner DanGilbert’s boast that <strong>the</strong>y wouldwin a title before James. Theyalready had <strong>the</strong>ir own pick andacquired ano<strong>the</strong>r at <strong>the</strong> tradedeadline from <strong>the</strong> Clippers in<strong>the</strong> Baron Davis deal.Gilbert sent his son, 14-year-oldNick Gilbert, to <strong>the</strong> podium and<strong>the</strong> kid came up with a stunningvictory, as <strong>the</strong> Clippers’ pick, originallyNo. 8, had only a 2.8 percentchance of landing at <strong>the</strong> top.Minnesota will select secondand Utah turned New Jersey’sreally steppedup and Miamioften looked outof sync.See HEAT, page 3BCavs win top pick in draft lotterypick from <strong>the</strong> Deron Williamstrade into <strong>the</strong> No. 3 selection.The Timberwolves continued<strong>the</strong>ir unbelievable lottery losingstreak, falling to 0 for 14 anddropping for <strong>the</strong> eighth time.They had a 25 percent chanceof winning after finishing with aleague-worst 17-65 record.Instead <strong>the</strong> luck went to <strong>the</strong>Cavs, who are used to playingdeep in <strong>the</strong> playoffs and hope<strong>the</strong>y won’t have to worry aboutthis trip again.Cleveland will likely decidebetween point guard KyrieIrving of Duke or Arizona forwardDerrick Williams.ERIC BASS/The CitizenMhyria Miller stands with her coach Jon Olsen,who trained her at Coral Shores and now onceagain for her shot at <strong>the</strong> 2012 Olympic Gamesin London.Miller beginsroad to 2012Olympic GamesBY ERIC BASSCitizen StaffThere is no disputing that one of <strong>the</strong> hardestthings to achieve in all of sports is winningan Olympic gold medal, or for thatmatter, any medal in Olympic competition.Two of <strong>the</strong> hardest sports in which to achievethat goal are swimming and track and field,and making <strong>the</strong> United States Olympic swimteam may be <strong>the</strong> most difficult task of <strong>the</strong>mall. That very quest of making America’sOlympic swim team will be attempted by<strong>Key</strong>s native Mhyria Miller.Miller was surrounded by water growingup in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s with her parents Jim and SueMiller and her bro<strong>the</strong>r Luke on Big Pine<strong>Key</strong>. She was home-schooled and, througha Florida High School Athletic Associationprogram, was given <strong>the</strong> opportunity to competefor Coral Shores High under <strong>the</strong> guidanceof her coach, three-time Olympic goldmedalist Jon Olsen.In her senior year at Coral Shores shewon two state championships, one in <strong>the</strong>100 breaststroke and a second in <strong>the</strong> 200individual medley, and earned a full athleticscholarship to <strong>the</strong> University of Georgia. At<strong>the</strong> collegiate level she went on to become anhonorable mention All-American and holds<strong>the</strong> two fastest times ever swam in Georgiahistory for both <strong>the</strong> 100 and 200 breaststrokeevents. She also holds <strong>the</strong> university’s poolrecord for <strong>the</strong> 100 breaststroke.Now one of <strong>the</strong> toughest parts in herchallenge to make <strong>the</strong> 2012 United StatesOlympic team for London starts in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>sand everyone here can help. That challengeis <strong>the</strong> daunting task of raising enoughSee MILLER, page 3BKEYS CALENDARTODAY ON TVCYCLINGVERSUS — Tour of California, stage 4, Livermoreto San Jose, Calif., 5 p.m.MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLFSN, WGN — Chicago Cubs atFlorida, 7 p.m.SUN — Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 p.m.ESPN — Colorado at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.NBA CONFERENCE FINALSTNT — Game 2, Miami at Chicago,8:30 p.m.NHL CONFERENCE FINALSVERSUS — Game 2, San Jose atVancouver, 9 p.m.SOCCERESPN2 — Women’s national teams,U.S. vs. Japan, at Cary, N.C., 7 p.m.FLORIDA LOTTERYCash 3: Afternoon drawing: 6-7-3Evening drawing: 6-9-5Play 4: Afternoon drawing: 7-8-3-2Evening drawing: 3-8-1-6Fantasy 5: N/AMega Money: N/AMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: FLORIDA AT NEW YORK METSRain washes out Marlins-Mets; makeup on July 18BY DAVE SKRETTAThe Associated PressNEW YORK — Maybe if <strong>the</strong>wea<strong>the</strong>r remains lousy in New York,David Wright won’t end up going on<strong>the</strong> disabled list after all.The Mets’ star was expected to hit<strong>the</strong> DL before Tuesday night’s gameagainst <strong>the</strong> Florida Marlins after anMRI exam <strong>the</strong> previous day revealeda stress fracture in his lower back.But with big, green globs of rainlighting up <strong>the</strong> radar, <strong>the</strong> game wascalled off about two hours before<strong>the</strong> scheduled first pitch. So <strong>the</strong>team has decided to wait until todaybefore officially putting <strong>the</strong>ir fivetimeAll-Star on <strong>the</strong> disabled list.Rain has been falling in <strong>the</strong> NewYork area for several days, and <strong>the</strong>teams played through a soupy mistin <strong>the</strong> Marlins’ 2-1, 11-inning victoryMonday night. But with heaviershowers in <strong>the</strong> forecast for TuesdayPAUL J. BERESWILL/The Associated PressMarlins catcher Brett Hayes, left, congratulates reliever Leo Nunez (46) afterNunez picked up <strong>the</strong> save in Florida’s 2-1, 11-inning win over <strong>the</strong> New York Mets onMonday night at Citi Field in New York. Rain washed out Tuesday’s series finale.night, <strong>the</strong> teams decided to call <strong>the</strong>series finale off.It will be made up July 18, an offday for both teams.“Are you kidding?” Mets managerTerry Collins asked, when team GMSandy Alderson came out to <strong>the</strong>dugout to tell him <strong>the</strong> game wasbeing postponed. At <strong>the</strong> time, <strong>the</strong>clouds had broken for <strong>the</strong> first timein days and sun was shining downon <strong>the</strong> water-logged field.There have been 29 postponementsin <strong>the</strong> majors this season,including <strong>the</strong> Pittsburgh atWashington and Baltimore atBoston washouts Tuesday. Last year,<strong>the</strong>re were a total of 21 all season.“Yesterday it was raining and weplayed,” Marlins skipper EdwinRodriguez said with a sly smile. “Todayit’s not raining and we don’t play.”The Mets and <strong>the</strong> Marlins willboth slide <strong>the</strong>ir starting rotationback one day.Jonathon Niese will pitch tonightwhen <strong>the</strong> Mets open a two-gameset against <strong>the</strong> Nationals at CitiField. Ricky Nolasco will pitch for<strong>the</strong> Florida Marlins when <strong>the</strong>y host<strong>the</strong> Chicago Cubs in <strong>the</strong> opener of atwo-game series.Marlins shortstop Hanley Ramirezsaid he’s staying upbeat about hisplay. Ramirez went 0 for 6 andstranded seven runners Mondaynight, dropping his average to .204.KEYSNEWS.COM — AND SPORTS TOO

2BTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011SPORTS: ScoreboardSPREADSGLANTZ-CULVER LINEMajor League BaseballNational LeagueFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat Philadelphia -150 Colorado +140at Florida -150 Chicago +140at Cincinnati -160 Pittsburgh +150at New York -125 Washington +115at St. Louis -170 Houston +160Atlanta -110 at Arizona +100Milwaukee -125 at San Diego +115at Los Angeles -135 San Francisco +125American LeagueNew York -115 at Baltimore +105at Toronto -130 Tampa Bay +120at Boston -155 Detroit +145at Chicago -115 Cleveland +105Texas -140 at Kansas City +130at Oakland -155 Minnesota +145Los Angeles -125 at Seattle +115NBA PlayoffsFAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOGat Chicago 2 (181 1 ⁄2) MiamiNHL PlayoffsFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat Vancouver -155 San Jose +135NHL PLAYOFFSCONFERENCE FINALS(Best-of-7)EASTERN CONFERENCETampa Bay 1, Boston 1Saturday, May 14: Tampa Bay 5, Boston 2Tuesday, May 17: Boston 6, Tampa Bay 5Thursday, May 19: Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.Saturday, May 21: Boston at Tampa Bay, 1:30 p.m.x-Monday, May 23: Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m.x-Wednesday, May 25: Boston at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.x-Friday, May 27: Tampa Bay at Boston, 8 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCEVancouver 1, San Jose 0Sunday, May 15: Vancouver 3, San Jose 2Tonight: San Jose at Vancouver, 9 p.m.Friday, May 20: Vancouver at San Jose, 9 p.m.Sunday, May 22: Vancouver at San Jose, 3 p.m.x-Tuesday, May 24: San Jose at Vancouver, 9 p.m.x-Thursday, May 26: Vancouver at San Jose, 9 p.m.x-Saturday, May 28: San Jose at Vancouver, 8 p.m.MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLAMERICAN LEAGUEEast DivisionW L Pct GBTampa Bay 24 18 .571 —New York 21 19 .525 2Boston 21 20 .512 2 1 ⁄2Toronto 21 20 .512 2 1 ⁄2Baltimore 19 21 .475 4Central DivisionW L Pct GBCleveland 26 13 .667 —Detroit 22 19 .537 5Kansas City 20 21 .488 7Chicago 18 25 .419 10Minnesota 12 27 .308 14<strong>West</strong> DivisionW L Pct GBLos Angeles 22 20 .524 —Texas 22 20 .524 —Oakland 21 20 .5121 ⁄2Seattle 17 23 .425 4Monday’s GamesTampa Bay 6, N.Y. Yankees 5Toronto 4, Detroit 2Boston 8, Baltimore 7Cleveland 19, Kansas City 1Texas 4, Chicago White Sox 0Oakland 5, L.A. Angels 4, 10 inningsSeattle 5, Minnesota 2Tuesday’s GamesN.Y. Yankees 6, Tampa Bay 2Toronto at Detroit, ppd., rainBaltimore at Boston, ppd., rainCleveland 7, Kansas City 3Chicago White Sox 4, Texas 3L.A. Angels at Oakland, lateMinnesota at Seattle, lateTonight’s GamesN.Y. Yankees (Colon 2-2) at Baltimore (Britton 5-2), 7:05 p.m.Tampa Bay (Hellickson 4-2) at Toronto (R.Romero3-4), 7:07 p.m.Detroit (Coke 1-5) at Boston (C.Buchholz 4-3),7:10 p.m.Cleveland (Masterson 5-1) at Chicago White Sox(Peavy 0-0), 8:10 p.m.Texas (Ogando 4-0) at Kansas City (Duffy 0-0),8:10 p.m.Minnesota (Pavano 2-4) at Oakland (McCarthy1-4), 10:05 p.m.L.A. Angels (Weaver 6-3) at Seattle (Vargas 2-2),10:10 p.m.Thursday’s GamesMinnesota at Oakland, 3:35 p.m.L.A. Angels at Seattle, 3:40 p.m.N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m.Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7:07 p.m.Detroit at Boston, 7:10 p.m.Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m.Texas at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.NATIONAL LEAGUEEast DivisionW L Pct GBPhiladelphia 25 16 .610 —Florida 24 16 .6001 ⁄2Atlanta 25 19 .568 1 1 ⁄2Washington 20 21 .488 5New York 19 22 .463 6Central DivisionW L Pct GBCincinnati 25 17 .595 —St. Louis 24 19 .558 1 1 ⁄2Milwaukee 20 21 .488 4 1 ⁄2Pittsburgh 18 23 .439 6 1 ⁄2Chicago 17 23 .425 7Houston 15 27 .357 10<strong>West</strong> DivisionW L Pct GBColorado 22 18 .550 —San Francisco 22 19 .5371 ⁄2Los Angeles 19 23 .452 4San Diego 18 23 .439 4 1 ⁄2Arizona 17 23 .425 5Monday’s GamesSt. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1Washington 4, Pittsburgh 2Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 4Florida 2, N.Y. Mets 1, 11 inningsAtlanta 3, Houston 2Colorado 7, San Francisco 4San Diego 8, Arizona 4Milwaukee 2, L.A. Dodgers 1Tuesday’s GamesAtlanta 3, Houston 1, 11 inningsPittsburgh at Washington, ppd., rainColorado 5, San Francisco 3Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 5Florida at New York, ppd., rainSt. Louis 2, Philadelphia 1San Diego at Arizona, lateMilwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, lateTonight’s GamesColorado (De La Rosa 5-1) at Philadelphia(Hamels 4-2), 7:05 p.m.Chicago Cubs (Dempster 2-4) at Florida (Nolasco3-0), 7:10 p.m.Pittsburgh (Morton 4-1) at Cincinnati (Arroyo 3-3),7:10 p.m.Washington (Gorzelanny 2-2) at N.Y. Mets (Niese2-4), 7:10 p.m.Houston (Norris 2-2) at St. Louis (Lohse 4-2),8:15 p.m.Atlanta (Teheran 0-1) at Arizona (J.Saunders 0-5),9:40 p.m.Milwaukee (Gallardo 4-2) at San Diego (Moseley1-5), 10:05 p.m.San Francisco (Cain 3-2) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw5-3), 10:10 p.m.Thursday’s GamesPittsburgh at Cincinnati, 12:35 p.m.Washington at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m.Houston at St. Louis, 1:45 p.m.Colorado at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m.Chicago Cubs at Florida, 7:10 p.m.Atlanta at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.Milwaukee at San Diego, 10:05 p.m.San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.Late Monday resultMARLINS 2, METS 1 (11)FloridaNew Yorkab r h bi ab r h biCoghln cf 4 0 0 0 JosRys ss 5 0 2 0R.Webb p 0 0 0 0 Harris 3b 4 0 0 0Choate p 0 0 0 0 Hu ph-2b 1 0 0 0Badnhp p 1 0 1 1 Beltran rf 3 0 1 0LNunez p 0 0 0 0 Bay lf 4 0 1 0HRmrz ss 6 0 0 0 DnMrp 1b 4 1 1 0Morrsn lf 4 0 0 0 Turnr 2b-3b 5 0 2 1GSnchz 1b 4 0 1 0 Pridie cf 5 0 1 0Dobbs 3b 3 0 0 0 RPauln c 2 0 0 0Hlms ph-3b 2 0 0 0 Thole ph-c 1 0 0 0Stanton rf 4 2 2 1 Pelfrey p 2 0 0 0J.Buck c 3 0 0 0 Hairstn ph 1 0 0 0Hayes pr-c 1 0 0 0 Byrdak p 0 0 0 0Infante 2b 4 0 3 0 Isrnghs p 0 0 0 0JJhnsn p 1 0 0 0 FRdrgz p 0 0 0 0Mujica p 0 0 0 0 FMrtnz ph 1 0 0 0Cousins ph 1 0 1 0 OConnr p 0 0 0 0MDunn p 0 0 0 0 Igarash p 0 0 0 0Bnifac ph-cf 2 0 1 0 Niese ph 1 0 1 0Totals 40 2 9 2 Totals 39 1 9 1Florida 000 000 100 01 — 2New York 000 100 000 00 — 1E—H.Ramirez (7), Jos.Reyes (3). DP—Florida1, New York 1. LOB—Florida 12, New York 12.2B—Turner (3). 3B—Niese (1). HR—Stanton (8).SB—Jos.Reyes 2 (16). CS—Bay (1). S—Infante,Jo.Johnson, Bay.IP H R ER BB SOFloridaJo.Johnson 5 7 1 1 2 3Mujica 1 0 0 0 0 1M.Dunn 2 0 0 0 0 5R.Webb 2-3 1 0 0 2 1Choate 1-3 0 0 0 0 0Badenhop W,1-0 1 0 0 0 2 0L.Nunez S,15-15 1 1 0 0 0 2New YorkPelfrey 7 6 1 1 2 1Byrdak 1-3 0 0 0 1 0Isringhausen 2-3 0 0 0 0 0F.Rodriguez 1 0 0 0 1 1O’Connor 1 0 0 0 0 2Igarashi L,2-1 1 3 1 1 0 1HBP—by F.Rodriguez (J.Buck). WP—Jo.Johnson, Pelfrey.Umpires—Home, Bill Miller; First, Chris Conroy;Second, James Hoye; Third, Manny Gonzalez.T—3:31. A—23,721 (41,800).NBACONFERENCE FINALS(Best-of-7)EASTERN CONFERENCEChicago 1, Miami 0Sunday, May 15: Chicago 103, Miami 82Tonight: Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.Sunday, May 22: Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m.Tuesday, May 24: Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m.x-Thursday, May 26: Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.x-Saturday, May 28: Chicago at Miami, 8:30 p.m.x-Monday, May 30: Miami at Chicago, 8:30 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCEOklahoma City vs. DallasTuesday, May 17: Oklahoma City at Dallas, lateThursday, May 19: Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.Saturday, May 21: Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m.Monday, May 23: Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m.x-Wednesday, May 25: Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.x-Friday, May 27: Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9 p.m.x-Sunday, May 29: Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9 p.m.2011 DRAFT ORDERJune 23 at The Prudential Center, Newark, N.J.First Round1. Cleveland (from L.A. Clippers)2. Minnesota3. Utah (from New Jersey)4. Cleveland5. Toronto6. Washington7. SacramentoON THE WATER8. Detroit9. Charlotte10. Milwaukee11. Golden State12. Utah13. Phoenix14. Houston15. Indiana16. Philadelphia17. New York18. Washington (from Atlanta)19. Charlotte (from New Orleans via Portland)20. Minnesota (from Memphis via Utah)21. Portland22. Denver23. Houston (from Orlando via Phoenix)24. Oklahoma City25. Boston26. Dallas27. New Jersey (from L.A. Lakers)28. Chicago (from Miami via Toronto)29. San Antonio30. ChicagoSecond Round31. Miami (from Minnesota)32. Cleveland33. Detroit (from Toronto)34. Washington35. Sacramento36. New Jersey37. L.A. Clippers (from Detroit)38. Houston (from L.A. Clippers)39. Charlotte40. Milwaukee41. L.A. Lakers (from Golden State via New Jersey)42. Indiana43. Chicago (from Utah)44. Golden State (from Phoenix via Chicago)45. New Orleans (from Philadelphia)46. L.A. Lakers (from New York)47. L.A. Clippers (from Houston)48. Atlanta49. Memphis50. Philadelphia (from New Orleans)51. y-Portland52. z-Denver53. Orlando54. Cleveland (from Oklahoma City via Miami)55. Boston56. L.A. Lakers57. Dallas58. L.A. Lakers (from Miami)59. San Antonio60. Sacramento (from Chicago via Milwaukee)y-May be conveyed to Detroit via Denver.z-May be conveyed to Portland or to Detroit.GOLFPGA TOURCrowne Plaza InvitationalSite: Fort Worth, Texas.Schedule: Thursday-Sunday.Course: Colonial Country Club (7,204 yards,par 70).Purse: $6.2 million. Winner’s share: $1,116,000.Television: Golf Channel (Thursday-Friday, 3-6p.m., 8:30-11:30 p.m.) and CBS (Saturday-Sunday, 3-6 p.m.).Last year: Zach Johnson won his seventh PGATour title, shooting 65-66-64-64 for a tournament-record21-under 259 total. Brian Davis wassecond, three strokes back.Last week: South Korea’s K.J. Choi won The PlayersChampionship at TPC Sawgrass, beating DavidToms with a par on <strong>the</strong> first hole of a playoff. Tomsmissed a 3 1 ⁄2-foot comeback putt for par in <strong>the</strong>playoff on <strong>the</strong> island-green 17th.Notes: Phil Mickelson, <strong>the</strong> 2000 and 2008 winner,is skipping <strong>the</strong> tournament. ... No. 10 MattKuchar is <strong>the</strong> highest ranked player in <strong>the</strong> field. ...Champions Tour player Kenny Perry, <strong>the</strong> 2003 and2005 winner, is making his 22nd start at Colonial.... Ben Hogan won his hometown event five times.... Canadian Mike Weir, fighting a left wrist injury,has made one cut in nine starts this year, shooting76 or higher in his last 10 rounds. ... The ByronNelson Championship is next week at TPC FourSeasons in Irving.LPGA TOURSybase Match Play ChampionshipSite: Gladstone, N.J.Schedule: Thursday-Sunday.Course: Hamilton Farm Golf Club (6,585 yards,par 72).Purse: $1.5 million. Winner’s share: $375,000.Television: Golf Channel (Thursday, 6:30-8:30p.m.; Friday, 2-4 a.m., 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Saturday,2-4 a.m., 4:30-7 p.m.; Sunday, midnight-2 a.m.,4:30-7 p.m.; Monday, midnight-2 a.m.).Last year: South Korea’s Sun Young Yoo won herfirst LPGA Tour title. Seeded 28th, Yoo beat No.10 Angela Stanford 3 and 1 in <strong>the</strong> final. Yoo alsobeat No. 32 Karen Stupples, No. 5 Cristie Kerr,No. 12 Song-Hee Kim, No. 4 Yani Tseng and No.1 Jiyai Shin.Last event: Maria Hjorth took advantage of AlexisThompson’s collapse in a failed bid to become<strong>the</strong> youngest LPGA Tour winner, rallying to win<strong>the</strong> Avnet LPGA Classic on May 1 in Mobile, Ala.Hjorth beat Kim by two strokes. The 16-year-oldThompson, tied for <strong>the</strong> lead entering <strong>the</strong> finalround, had a 78 to tie for 19th.Notes: Hamilton Farm also was <strong>the</strong> site of matchplayevents in 2005 and 2006. Marisa Baena wonin 2005, and Brittany Lincicome took <strong>the</strong> 2006title, beating Michelle Wie, Lorena Ochoa and JuliInkster in <strong>the</strong> final three matches. ... After singlerounds Thursday and Friday, <strong>the</strong> third round andquarterfinals will be played Saturday and <strong>the</strong> semifinalsand final are set for Sunday. ... Hall of FamerKarrie Webb has won two of <strong>the</strong> first six events thisyear, taking <strong>the</strong> HSBC Women’s Championship inSingapore and LPGA Founders Cup in Phoenix inconsecutive starts.EUROPEAN TOURVolvo World Match PlaySite: Casares, Spain.Schedule: Thursday-Sunday.Course: Finca Cortesin Golf Club (7,380 yards,par 72).Purse: $4.82 million. Winner’s share: $1,135,040.Television: Golf Channel (Thursday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon; Saturday, 7 a.m.-noon, 7:30-9:30 p.m.;Monday, 6 a.m.-noon, 7:30-9:30 p.m.).Last year: No tournament. In November 2009,England’s Ross Fisher beat Anthony Kim 4 and 3in <strong>the</strong> final at Finca Cortesin.Last week: Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland’s Darren Clarke won<strong>the</strong> Iberdrola Open in Spain for his 13th EuropeanTour title and first since 2008. Chris Wood andDavid Lynn tied for second, three strokes back.Notes: Top-ranked Lee <strong>West</strong>wood, No. 2 LukeDonald, No. 3 Martin Kaymer, No. 5 GraemeMcDowell and No. 6 Rory McIlroy top <strong>the</strong> 24-man field along with Masters champion CharlSchwartzel. ... The event was played at Wentworthin England from its inception in 1964 to 2007.... After round-robin play in eight three-mangroups, <strong>the</strong> top two in each group will advanceto <strong>the</strong> round of 16. ... <strong>West</strong>wood is comingoff consecutive victories in <strong>the</strong> Ballantine’sChampionship in South Korea and <strong>the</strong> Asian Tour’sIndonesian Masters. ... Donald won <strong>the</strong> WorldGolf Championships-Match Play Championshipin Arizona in February, beating Kaymer 3 and 2in <strong>the</strong> final.EUROPEAN TOUR/EUROPEANCHALLENGE TOURMadeira Islands OpenSite: Porto Santo, Madeira Islands.Schedule: Thursday-Sunday.Course: Porto Santo Golf (7,047 yards, par 72).Purse: $993,160. Winner’s share: $165,520.Television: None.Last year: England’s James Morrison won his firstEuropean Tour title, birdieing <strong>the</strong> final hole for aone-stroke victory over countryman Oliver Fisher.Last week: Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland’s Darren Clarke won<strong>the</strong> Iberdrola Open in Spain for his 13th EuropeanTour title and first since 2008. Chris Wood andDavid Lynn tied for second, three strokes back.Notes: The Seve Ballesteros-designed course ison a small island off Madeira, a Portuguese archipelagoin <strong>the</strong> Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles westof Morocco. The 13th and 14th holes feature 500-foot seaside cliffs. ... Ireland’s Des Smyth won in2001 at 48 years, 34 days to become <strong>the</strong> oldestwinner in European Tour history.NATIONWIDE TOURBMW Charity Pro-AmSite: Greer, S.C.NHL PLAYOFFSSchedule: Thursday-Sunday.Courses: Thornblade Club (7,024 yards, par 71),The Carolina Country Club (6,951 yards, par 72)and Bright’s Creek Golf Club (7,435 yards, par 72).Purse: $600,000. Winner’s share: $108,000.Television: Golf Channel (Thursday, 1-3 p.m.;Friday, midnight-2 a.m., 1-3 p.m.; Saturday, midnight-2a.m., 1-4 p.m., 9:30-11:30 p.m.; Sunday,1-4 p.m., 9:30-11:30 p.m.).Last year: Justin Hicks closed with a birdie for atwo-stroke victory over four players. He finished at20-under 266.Last event: University of Georgia senior RussellHenley became <strong>the</strong> second amateur championin Nationwide Tour history, winning <strong>the</strong> StadionClassic on May 8 on <strong>the</strong> Bulldogs’ home course.Daniel Summerhays is <strong>the</strong> only o<strong>the</strong>r amateur winnersince <strong>the</strong> tour began in 1990, taking <strong>the</strong> 2007Nationwide Children’s Hospital Invitational.Notes: The final round will be played on <strong>the</strong>Thornblade Club. The Carolina Country Club is inSpartanburg, S.C., and Bright’s Creek is in MillSpring, N.C. ... The tour is off next week. Playwill resume June 2-5 with <strong>the</strong> Melwood PrinceGeorge’s County Open in College Park, Md.CHAMPIONS TOURNext event: Senior PGA Championship, May 26-29, Valhalla Golf Club, Louisville, Ky.Last event: Tom Lehman won <strong>the</strong> Regions Traditionat Shoal Creek on May 8 for his third victory inseven Champions Tour events this year, beating PeterSenior with a par on <strong>the</strong> second hole of a playoff.COLLEGE BASEBALLTUESDAY’S SCORESEASTRhode Island at Hartford, ccd., rainSt. John’s at Boston College, ccd., rainSOUTHColl. of Charleston 9, Presbyterian 5Duke 7, The Citadel 5E. Kentucky 10, Dayton 5ETSU 8, Georgia Tech 6Florida Atlantic 7, Miami 4Georgia Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 14, Charleston Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 9High Point at Virginia, ccd., rainMarshall at Wake Forest, ccd., rainNorth Carolina 7, Appalachian St. 2N.C. State 4, William & Mary 0Old Dominion 7, East Carolina 4VMI at Virginia Tech, ccd., rainWinthrop at Charlotte, ccd., rainW. Kentucky at Kentucky, ccd., rainMIDWESTLouisville 8, Indiana 4SOUTHWESTStephen F. Austin 6, Texas-Pan American 3TRANSACTIONSTUESDAYBASEBALLMajor League BaseballMLB—Suspended Cleveland minor league OF JohnDrennen (Akron-EL) 50 games after a positivedrug test.American LeagueCHICAGO WHITE SOX—Placed INF Mark Teahen on<strong>the</strong> 15-day DL, retroactive to May 12. Selected <strong>the</strong>contract of INF Dallas McPherson from Charlotte(IL).NEW YORK YANKEES—Placed RHP Rafael Sorianoon <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL, retroactive to May 14. RecalledOF Chris Dickerson from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre(IL).National LeagueARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS—Named Bob Melvinspecial baseball advisor.CHICAGO CUBS—Selected <strong>the</strong> contract of OF TonyCampana from Iowa (PCL). Recalled LHP ScottMaine from Iowa. Optioned OF Tyler Colvin andRHP Marcos Mateo to Iowa.CINCINNATI REDS—Reinstated 3B Juan Franciscofrom <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL and optioned him to Louisville(IL).HOUSTON ASTROS—Selected <strong>the</strong> contract of RHPFernando Rodriguez from Oklahoma City (PCL).Optioned LHP Fernando Abad to Oklahoma city.MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Placed LHP Mitch Stetteron <strong>the</strong> 15-day DL, retroactive to May 15. Selected<strong>the</strong> contract of C Mike Rivera from Nashville (IL).Designated RHP Sean Green for assignment.Seguin’s 2 goals, 2 assists help liftBruins over Lightning, even seriesBY HOWARD ULMANThe Associated PressToday’s Picture:CONTRIBUTED PHOTORichard DeLeon, from Miami, caught this 50-pound wahoo recently while fishing in <strong>Key</strong> Largoon Capt. Chan Warner’s party boat ‘Gulfstream.’Weekly Tides:See <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r map, Page 2AToday’s News:Fishing tournaments coming up in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>sNo matter what <strong>the</strong> season,<strong>the</strong>re’s always something to fishfor in <strong>the</strong> waters surrounding <strong>the</strong>Florida <strong>Key</strong>s and <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>. Everymonth <strong>the</strong>re’s a choice of tar<strong>gets</strong>,tackle and tactics that makes<strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s one of <strong>the</strong> world’s trulyunique saltwater sport-fishinglocations.The diverse fishing opportunitiesare reflected in an abundanceof tournaments. While<strong>the</strong> calendar here lists selecttournament highlights, a comprehensiveschedule of <strong>Key</strong>s anglingchallenges can be found at 11 - Nov. 30: <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>Fishing Tournament. <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.More than 40 species of fish aretargeted over <strong>the</strong> course of 8.5months, with divisions for men,women, junior anglers (ages 10to 14) and Pee Wees (under 10years old). Contact Doris Harris atWe Want You:305-295-6601 or visit 20-22: Coconuts DolphinTournament. <strong>Key</strong> Largo. A “truckload”of cash and prizes topping$50,000 attract anglers to oneof South Florida’s largest-drawingtournaments. The angler who landsa fish exceeding 63.9 pounds,<strong>the</strong> current state record, wins atwo-year lease on a 2011 HondaRidgeline RT pickup truck valued atmore than $10,000. Call CharlesMountain at 561-512-4455 oremail 20-22: Florida <strong>Key</strong>s TripleSlam Fishing Tournament. BigPine <strong>Key</strong>. This inshore, offshoreand spearfishing competition isone of <strong>the</strong> <strong>new</strong>est tournaments in<strong>the</strong> <strong>Key</strong>s. Nearly $17,000 in cashprizes is awarded, along with aspecial prize for <strong>the</strong> lady anglerwho catches <strong>the</strong> largest dolphin.If you have an outstanding catch or fishing <strong>new</strong>sto report:• Fax: 305-295-8016• Write: Daily Fishing Report, 3420 Northside Drive,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040• Drop it off 24 hours a day through <strong>the</strong> slot in <strong>the</strong>front of The <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Citizen buildingEmail: wjacobson@keys<strong>new</strong>s.comCall Terry Thomas at 305-872-7679 or visit 21: Anchors AweighTournament. This is both an inshoreand offshore tournament and can befished from private, charter or partyboats. Cashe prizes for heaviestdolphin, wahoo, grouper and snapper.All proceeds benefit <strong>the</strong> AnchorsAweigh Club, Inc., a 12-step recoverycenter and are fully tax deductible.Contact Pete Thomas at 305-509-7244 or email 21-22: Ladies TarponTournament. Marathon. The bestof-<strong>the</strong>-bestlady anglers cometo compete in this two-nightall-release challenge, one of <strong>the</strong>Florida <strong>Key</strong>s’ longest-runningtournaments. The highly chargedchallenge offers good-ribbing funbut stiff competition. Call SueMoore at 305-289-2248 or — Tyler Seguin had two goals andtwo assists and <strong>the</strong> Boston Bruins fed off <strong>the</strong>energy of <strong>the</strong> recently promoted rookie tobeat <strong>the</strong> Tampa Bay Lightning, 6-5, and tie <strong>the</strong>Eastern Conference finals at one game each onTuesday night.Boston earned a split at home and snapped<strong>the</strong> Lightning’s eight-game winning streak thatbegan when <strong>the</strong>y were down 3-1 to Pittsburghin <strong>the</strong> first round. Game 3 is at Tampa Bay onThursday.The Bruins have won nine of 11.The shifty, 19-year-old Seguin, <strong>the</strong> second pickin last year’s NHL draft, was benched for <strong>the</strong> first11 playoff games because of perceived defensiveshortcomings. He rejoined <strong>the</strong> lineup for <strong>the</strong> seriesopener, getting a goal and an assist, when PatriceBergeron sat out because of a mild concussion.On Tuesday, with Bergeron still sidelined,Seguin tied it at 2 just 48 seconds into <strong>the</strong> secondperiod <strong>the</strong>n made it 4-2 at 6:30. VincentLecavalier cut <strong>the</strong> Lightning’s deficit to 4-3 witha power-play goal at 7:48, but Seguin set up twogoals by Michael Ryder that put Boston on top6-3 entering <strong>the</strong> third.Steven Stamkos and Dominic Moore scoredin <strong>the</strong> final period for <strong>the</strong> Lightning.Adam Hall gave <strong>the</strong> Lightning a 1-0 lead 13seconds after <strong>the</strong> opening faceoff, <strong>the</strong> quickestgoal in <strong>the</strong> team’s playoff history. In <strong>the</strong>ir opening5-2 win, <strong>the</strong> Lightning set club postseasonrecords with two goals in 19 seconds and threein 1:25, all in <strong>the</strong> first period.Nathan Horton tied Game 2 with a power-playgoal at 13:58, but <strong>the</strong> Lightning took a 2-1 leadwhen Martin St. Louis scored with 7 seconds leftin <strong>the</strong> first period.The Bruins came out aggressively in <strong>the</strong> secondperiod and scored five goals.Seguin started <strong>the</strong> barrage when he tooka pass from Ryder at his blue line and usedexceptional speed to race between Tampa Baydefensemen Randy Jones and Victor Hedman.Seguin went in alone on Dwayne Roloson, cutfrom right to left, and lifted a backhander over<strong>the</strong> sprawling goalie.ELISE AMENDOLA/The Associated PressBruins right wing Michael Ryder celebrates his goalin <strong>the</strong> second period of Game 2 of <strong>the</strong>ir EasternConference finals series Tuesday night in Boston.The Bruins won, 6-5.David Krejci put <strong>the</strong> Bruins ahead for goodat 2:24 with <strong>the</strong> only Bruins’ goal of <strong>the</strong> secondperiod that didn’t involve Seguin.Boston’s Tim Thomas stopped Ryan Maloneon a breakaway and, 22 seconds later, Seguinconnected again at 6:30. Skating in on <strong>the</strong> right,he called for <strong>the</strong> puck. Horton passed from <strong>the</strong>left, and Seguin put in a 10-footer to <strong>the</strong> left ofRoloson.After Lecavalier cut <strong>the</strong> lead to one at 7:48,Seguin sparked <strong>the</strong> Bruins again.His shot from <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> right circle hitRyder’s leg in front of <strong>the</strong> net. It slid to <strong>the</strong> leftwhere Ryder gained control and beat Roloson at16:16 on a power play.The crowd chanted, “Tyler Seguin, TylerSeguin.”

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011SPORTS3BBOXINGLeonard says in bookhe was abused by coachCOLLEGE FOOTBALLRB Storm Johnsontransferring from UMPLAYING IN THE RAINTENNISRoddick out of Niceevent due to shoulderHEALTHCeltics’ Rivers fineafter throat surgeryNEW YORK — Sugar RayLeonard says in his upcomingautobiography that he wassexually abused by a coach as ayoung boxer in <strong>the</strong> early 1970s.In “The Big Fight: My LifeIn and Out of <strong>the</strong> Ring,” <strong>the</strong>Hall of Famer writes than anunnamed “prominent Olympicboxing coach,” who has sincedied, assaulted him in a car ina deserted parking lot.Leonard, who turned 55 onTuesday, won a gold medal in 1976and <strong>the</strong>n went on to capture fiveworld titles in five weight classes.CORAL GABLES —Running back Storm Johnsonis transferring out of Miami.Hurricanes coach AlGolden made <strong>the</strong> announcementTuesday night.Johnson discussed <strong>the</strong> possibilityof transferring fromMiami at times last season,when he had nine carries for119 yards as a freshman. Ofthose nine carries, four werefor at least 10 yards, includinga 71-yard burst againstSouth Florida for his onlyMiami touchdown.MARK CRAMMER/The Associated PressMembers of <strong>the</strong> Davidson and Clemson baseball teams play a pretendtennis match during a long rain delay in <strong>the</strong> first inning ofTuesday’s game at Doug Kingsmore Stadium in Clemson, S.C.NICE, France — AndyRoddick withdrew from <strong>the</strong>Open de Nice on Tuesdayand is in doubt for <strong>the</strong>French Open because of aright shoulder injury.Nice organizers saidRoddick will miss today’smatch against VictorHanescu after being hurt inlast week’s Italian Open.The 11th-ranked Roddicksaid that he doesn’t want totake any risks ahead of <strong>the</strong>French Open, which startsSunday.BOSTON — Boston Celticscoach Doc Rivers is recoveringfrom surgery to remove abenign polyp from his throat.The team said Tuesdaythat doctors told Rivers he iscancer free.Rivers joked that his familywill be happy that he can’ttalk for two weeks. But healso urged all coaches to get<strong>the</strong>ir throats checked after<strong>the</strong> stress put on <strong>the</strong>ir vocalcords during <strong>the</strong> season.Rivers signed a five-yearextension last week.MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: ROUNDUPSTRONG OFF THE BENCHMcCann hits two homers to lift Braves past Astros in 11THE ASSOCIATED PRESSATLANTA — Brian McCann tied it witha pinch-hit, two-out homer in <strong>the</strong> ninthinning, <strong>the</strong>n hit a two-run shot in <strong>the</strong>11th to lead <strong>the</strong> Atlanta Braves past <strong>the</strong>Houston Astros, 3-1, on Tuesday.The Braves were trailing 1-0 and downto <strong>the</strong>ir final strike in <strong>the</strong> ninth whenMcCann drove a 1-2 pitch <strong>the</strong> oppositeway, <strong>the</strong> ball just clearing <strong>the</strong> wall in leftcenter.The All-Star catcher stayed in <strong>the</strong> gamebehind <strong>the</strong> plate and two innings later, heended it with his fourth homer of <strong>the</strong> season— a towering drive down <strong>the</strong> rightfieldline, just inside <strong>the</strong> foul pole againstJeff Fulchino (0-2).Cory Gearrin (1-1) escaped a bases-loaded,one-out jam in <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> 11th andwas rewarded with his first career win.ROCKIES 5, GIANTS 3DENVER — Carlos Gonzalez’s two-run single offJavier Lopez capped a four-run eighth-inning rallyand <strong>the</strong> Rockies surged back into first place in<strong>the</strong> NL <strong>West</strong> with a win over <strong>the</strong> Giants.Gonzalez, whose three-run homer off TimLincecum propelled Colorado past <strong>the</strong> Giants onMonday night, sent a fastball to right field to snapa 3-3 tie and make a winner of Matt Belisle (4-2), who worked one inning of relief.Huston Street pitched <strong>the</strong> ninth for his 14thsave in 15 tries. He gave up a one-out single toCody Ross but started a game-ending double playon Andres Torres’ screaming comebacker.With <strong>the</strong> two-game sweep, <strong>the</strong> Rockies moveda half game ahead of <strong>the</strong> Giants in <strong>the</strong> division,and <strong>the</strong>y snapped a streak of nine straight lossesin games started by ace Ubaldo Jimenez.REDS 7, CUBS 5CINCINNATI — Reliever Kerry Wood’s throwingDAVID GOLDMAN/The Associated PressAtlanta’s Brian McCann hits a walkoff two-run homer in <strong>the</strong> 11th inning Tuesday to lift <strong>the</strong>Braves to a 3-1 home win over Houston.error let two runs score and Chris Heisey followedwith a tiebreaking sacrifice fly in <strong>the</strong> eighth inningthat sent <strong>the</strong> Reds over <strong>the</strong> sloppy Cubs.The Cubs self-destructed with four errors in asteady rain. All seven of Cincinnati’s runs wereunearned.Wood (1-3) threw wide of third while trying toget a forceout on Ryan Hanigan’s sacrifice bunt,allowing <strong>the</strong> catcher to go all <strong>the</strong> way to thirdbase while <strong>the</strong> tying runs scored. Heisey put <strong>the</strong>Reds ahead and Joey Votto added an RBI double.The Reds won for <strong>the</strong> 11th time in 13 games,sweeping <strong>the</strong> two-game series.AMERICAN LEAGUEWHITE SOX 4, RANGERS 3CHICAGO — Gordon Beckham scamperedhome on Cody Eppley’s wild pitch in <strong>the</strong> eighthinning, lifting <strong>the</strong> Chicago White Sox to a sorelyneeded victory over Texas.Beckham began <strong>the</strong> inning with a walk andmade it all <strong>the</strong> way to third on pinch-hitterDallas McPherson’s single to center. McPherson,who was promoted when Mark Teahen went on<strong>the</strong> disabled list earlier in <strong>the</strong> day, picked uphis first hit since Sept. 10, 2008, for Florida atPhiladelphia.Eppley (1-1) <strong>the</strong>n bounced his first pitch toAlexei Ramirez, and Beckham rushed home togive Chicago a 4-3 lead.Jesse Crain (1-1) pitched 1 2 ⁄3 scoreless inningsto get <strong>the</strong> win and Sergio Santos worked a perfectninth for his sixth save in six chances.YANKEES 6, RAYS 2ST. PETERSBURG — Alex Rodriguez homeredtwice, Jorge Posada had two hits and <strong>the</strong> NewYork Yankees stopped a six-game losing streak.With Yankees managing general partner HalSteinbrenner in attendance, New York ended itslongest skid since dropping seven in a row fromApril 20-27, 2007.Posada doubled and singled while batting seventhas <strong>the</strong> designated hitter. It was his first startsince he pulled himself out of <strong>the</strong> lineup Saturdaysoon after he was set to bat ninth.Posada was roundly booed before his first atbatin <strong>the</strong> second, when he grounded out.Elliot Johnson homered for <strong>the</strong> AL East-leadingRays (24-18), who are 11-13 at home thisseason.Hall of Famer Killebrewdies of cancer at 74BY DAVE CAMPBELLThe Associated PressOBITUARYMINNEAPOLIS — HarmonKillebrew, <strong>the</strong> affable, bigswingingHall of Famer whosetape-measure home runsmade him<strong>the</strong> cornerstoneof <strong>the</strong>MinnesotaTwins andperhaps <strong>the</strong>most popularplayer in<strong>the</strong> team’sKillebrew51-year history,diedTuesday after battling esophagealcancer. He was 74.The Twins said Killebrewpassed away peacefully at hishome in Scottsdale, Ariz., withhis wife, Nita, and <strong>the</strong>ir familyat his side. He announced hisdiagnosis just six months ago,and last week Killebrew said hewas settling in for <strong>the</strong> final daysof his life after doctors deemed<strong>the</strong> “awful disease” incurable.Killebrew is 11th on baseball’sall-time home run list after anexceptional 22-year career. Hiseight seasons with 40 or morehomers still is tied for second inleague history to Babe Ruth, andhis uppercut swing formed <strong>the</strong>silhouette that inspired MajorLeague Baseball’s official logo.“No individual has evermeant more to <strong>the</strong> MinnesotaTwins organization and millionsof fans across Twins territorythan Harmon Killebrew,”Twins president Dave St. Petersaid. He said Killebrew’s legacy“will be <strong>the</strong> class, dignityand humility he demonstratedeach and every day as a Hall ofFame-quality husband, fa<strong>the</strong>r,friend, teammate and man.”At Target Field, where <strong>the</strong>video board showed a pictureof Killebrew, members of <strong>the</strong>Twins’ ground crew slowly liftedhome plate and slipped underit a plastic-encased, black-andwhitephoto of Killebrew windingup for a swing. The picture,believed to be from <strong>the</strong> 1960s,will stay beneath <strong>the</strong> plate <strong>the</strong>rest of <strong>the</strong> season.Twins catcher Joe Mauer saidhe felt like he had lost a familymember.“He has treated me like oneof his own,” Mauer said. “It’shard to put into words whatHarmon has meant to me. Hefirst welcomed me into <strong>the</strong>Twins family as an 18-year-oldkid and has continued to influencemy life in many ways. Heis someone I will never forgetand will always treasure <strong>the</strong>time we spent toge<strong>the</strong>r.”Killebrew, an 11-time All-Star, was <strong>the</strong> American League’sMost Valuable Player in 1969after hitting 49 home runs with140 RBI and 145 walks, all teamrecords that stand to this day.BY RALPH D. RUSSOThe Associated PressNEW YORK — The latest classof College Football Hall of Famersis loaded on <strong>the</strong>defensive line.Defensive tacklesMarty Lyonsof Alabama,Russell Marylandof Miami, DougEnglish of Texasand Rob WaldropMarylandof Arizona wereamong <strong>the</strong> 14players chosenfor induction.Also headed for<strong>the</strong> Hall are DeionSanders, whoturned cornerbackinto a glamourposition atLyonsFlorida State from1985-88, and former Michigan coachHeatContinued from page 1BThere was too much isolation, not enough ballmovement, patience. Then again, Bulls coachTom Thibodeau pointed out Miami’s ball movementoften comes out of isolation.“Miami’s been a good ball-movement teamall year,” he said. “They have players thatwhen <strong>the</strong> ball comes back to <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>y cango one-on-one. That’s what makes <strong>the</strong>m sodangerous and tough to guard. Sometimes,your best ball movement comes off isolationCOLLEGE FOOTBALLMaryland, Lyons lead ’11 Hall of Fame classLloyd Carr, who won 75 percent ofhis games and <strong>the</strong> 1997 nationalchampionship in 13 seasons leading<strong>the</strong> Wolverines.The rest of <strong>the</strong> players in <strong>the</strong> classrevealed Tuesday were: Floridareceiver Carlos Alvarez, Oregon Statefullback Bill Enyart, Georgia defensiveback Jake Scott, Nebraska guardWill Shields, Minnesota quarterbackSandy Stephens, <strong>West</strong> Virginia linebackerDarryl Talley, Oklahoma halfbackClendon Thomas and MichiganState receiver Gene Washington.Fisher DeBerry, who led Air Forceto a winning record in 17 of his 23seasons as Falcons coach, will alsobe inducted in December.The Hall of Fame selection of1995 Heisman Trophy winnerEddie George from Ohio State wasannounced Monday.Lyons, Maryland and Carr tookpart in a <strong>new</strong>s conference Tuesdayat <strong>the</strong> NASDAQ MarketSite in TimesSquare.“As my mo<strong>the</strong>r would say, andshe said it a lot of times to me, ‘Son,you’ve led a charmed life,’”Marylandsaid.Maryland was born in Chicagoand was lightly recruited out of highschool <strong>the</strong>re, but went on to staron some of Miami’s greatest teams.He helped <strong>the</strong> Hurricanes win twonational titles from 1986-90 beforebecoming <strong>the</strong> first overall pick in <strong>the</strong>1991 draft by <strong>the</strong> Dallas Cowboys.“Twenty-five years ago, not evenknowing I was going to play collegefootball at a high level, and here25 years later after having played10 years in <strong>the</strong> NFL ... but some ofmy best times, where I was formed,were at <strong>the</strong> University of Miami,”he said.Lyons grew up in Florida and settledin <strong>the</strong> New York area after a longNFL career with <strong>the</strong> Jets.He played in Tuscaloosa from1975-78 and got choked up talkingabout his old college coach,because you have to commit two defendersto <strong>the</strong> player, and once <strong>the</strong> ball moves,now you’re getting wide open shots or easiershots.”James said: “You got be patient. It’s harder toattack on <strong>the</strong> front side of <strong>the</strong>ir defense because<strong>the</strong>y load on <strong>the</strong> strong side. You’ve got to be ableto get <strong>the</strong> ball from one side to ano<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong>nattack <strong>the</strong>ir defense. They got a lot of length andathleticism.”And <strong>the</strong>y don’t allow many second chances.No team outrebounded opponents by a widermargin than <strong>the</strong> Bulls at 5.74 per game. Theyowned <strong>the</strong> Heat on <strong>the</strong> boards during <strong>the</strong> regularBear Bryant, his Alabama teammatesand <strong>the</strong> Crimson Tide fans,many of whom are still dealing with<strong>the</strong> aftermath of deadly tornadosthat swept through <strong>the</strong> state lastmonth.“Right now <strong>the</strong>y’re going througha difficult time in <strong>the</strong>ir life with <strong>the</strong>devastating tornado,” he said. “Butcome Dec. 6 I’m going to put <strong>the</strong>mall on my back and we’re going to getinducted into <strong>the</strong> College FootballHall of Fame.”English helped Texas to a pair ofSouthwest Conference championships,playing for <strong>the</strong> Longhornsfrom 1972-74.Waldrop was <strong>the</strong> nose guard forArizona’s famed “Desert Swarm”defense. In his senior season of1993, he won <strong>the</strong> Outland Trophy as<strong>the</strong> nation’s top lineman.The <strong>new</strong> inductees were chosen by<strong>the</strong> National Football Foundation’shonors court from a list of 79 finalists.season and did it again in Game 1, to a 45-33tune. They grabbed 19 offensive rebounds tojust six for <strong>the</strong> Heat and outscored <strong>the</strong>m 31-8 onsecond-chance points.Miami could go with a bigger rotation and activateZydrunas Ilgauskas and Erick Dampier, but<strong>the</strong>y would be sacrificing athleticism.“It’s not about bigger bodies, it’s about wanting<strong>the</strong> ball,” Bosh said. “Collectively, as a team,we have to do good <strong>job</strong> of keeping bodies onthose bigs. Containing <strong>the</strong> screen and roll withD-Rose and just going our <strong>job</strong> like we know weare capable of. We’ve done it all season, we justhave to capitalize tomorrow.”MillerContinued from page 1Bmoney and support so she can concentratesolely on training for <strong>the</strong> next yearto <strong>the</strong> Olympic Trials held at <strong>the</strong> QwestCenter in Omaha, Neb., June 25 to July 2,2012. A committee of people called <strong>the</strong>“Friends of <strong>the</strong> Pool” organization, alongwith businesses in <strong>the</strong> area, are working tohelp generate funds to support her trainingand travel costs. The initial fundraiserfor Miller will be held at Doc’s Diner in <strong>Key</strong>Largo on Friday night from 5 to 8 p.m.,with a dinner being donated and cookedby Dr. Jim Boilini.Tickets for <strong>the</strong> event are available for $20,and donations to her training fund can alsobe done online at, where visitors will find a “MhyriaMiller Friends of <strong>the</strong> Pool” section. Friday’sevent will also feature silent auction items.Along with her pool training, Miller doesan extensive weight training program, and<strong>the</strong> owners of Froggy’s Gym in Tavernier,Donna and Ed Webb, have gladly given thisyoung athlete access to use <strong>the</strong>ir facility atno cost. This is an example of one of <strong>the</strong>many things any business can do to helpMiller in her quest.To date, Miller has already swam <strong>the</strong>qualifying time for <strong>the</strong> Olympic Trials in<strong>the</strong> 100 breaststroke and over <strong>the</strong> weekendswam <strong>the</strong> qualifying time for <strong>the</strong> 200 breaststrokein Charlotte, N.C., where all <strong>the</strong> topswimmers showed up to race, includingnone o<strong>the</strong>r than 14-time gold medalistMichael Phelps.There are currently about 30 girls whohave a legitimate shot at making <strong>the</strong> teamin <strong>the</strong> breaststroke events and Miller isclearly one of <strong>the</strong>m. Only two swimmersmake <strong>the</strong> team in each event, so her undividedattention is needed to reach this goalas she looks to become <strong>the</strong> first athletefrom <strong>the</strong> Florida <strong>Key</strong>s to make an Olympicteam.

4BKEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDTHE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 2011HOROSCOPES for todayFight to keeptrump controlwho are hard to please.trick is taking <strong>the</strong> time to listen to<strong>the</strong>ir problems and trying to help<strong>the</strong>m resolve <strong>the</strong>ir quandaries.CANCER (June 21-July 22)-- Avoid wasting your time oninsignificant problems or projects.Try to think large, because er, be one who only uses practical,logical procedures to isolategame values and a singleton in whenever he pleases. Or,ing four-card heart support, diamonds. East may trumpyou’re especially adept at puttingtoge<strong>the</strong>r meaningful arrangements.wherewithal to make your hopesyour objectives. You do have <strong>the</strong>(or void) in clubs. South if East takes his heart kingLEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- realities.By Phillip Alder would have signed off in and plays a club, South ruffsWednesday, May 18, 2011 Although you might be somewhat CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.four hearts, and North could with dummy’s heart ace,adept at taking a chance on reasonableventures, it doesn’t give lish meaningful goals, and to19) -- It behooves you to estab-Pat Paulsen, a comedian have passed.plays a diamond to his jack,and satirist who ran for presidentsix times and died in cashed dummy’s heart ace and claims.The original declarer draws East’s two trumps,you license to bet on matters that pursue <strong>the</strong>m with much vigorare nothing but pie-in-<strong>the</strong>-sky. and intelligence. It is one of thoseVIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -1997, said, “Assuming ei<strong>the</strong>r at trick three, <strong>the</strong>n led ano<strong>the</strong>rtrump. But when Eastdays where <strong>the</strong> harder you work,- Only hard work on your part <strong>the</strong> luckier you’ll get.<strong>the</strong> Left Wing or <strong>the</strong> Rightwill put Lady Luck in <strong>the</strong> mood toAQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Wing gained control of <strong>the</strong> played low, South had los<strong>the</strong>lp you successfully close out-- Be able to discern <strong>the</strong> differencebetween playing a loner’scountry, it would probably trump control. If he led aa matter of material significance.If you coast, she’ll let you bailfly around in circles.” third round, East would winrole and sharing in somethingyourself out.When declarer is in a with his king and play athat has a larger promise of benefits.Each has its value, but you’ll suit contract, success may club, forcing out declarer’sLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) --Don’t abdicate your position orhave to do <strong>the</strong> choosing. depend upon retaining trump final heart while East stilllet <strong>the</strong> controls slip through yourPISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -fingers concerning a matter orcontrol. In this deal, South is had one trump left.enterprise you personally direct.- A situation that appears to have in five hearts. <strong>West</strong> leads <strong>the</strong> In case trumps were 4-1,Keep a tight rein on <strong>the</strong> importantdismal prospects could take a bigclub ace and continues with declarer should have led athings.turn for <strong>the</strong> better, but only after<strong>the</strong> club king. After ruffing low heart from <strong>the</strong> boardSCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- a lot of hard work. Be ready toin <strong>the</strong> dummy, how should at trick three. If he winsYour Any financial gains you make will make a large due only to <strong>the</strong> hard work you ARIES (March 21-April 19) declarer plan <strong>the</strong> play? <strong>the</strong> trick, he continues withand/or your associates contribute -- Take all <strong>the</strong> time you need to North’s four no-trump was ano<strong>the</strong>r heart, playing lowto <strong>the</strong> effort, and not to Dame make a well-thought-out decisionBlackwood, a big overbid. from <strong>the</strong> board. If EastFortune. No more, no less. on a critical matter. By carefullyBetter would have been four ducks, declarer leads a heartSAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. studying all <strong>the</strong> facts, you’ll act21) -- If you have to be a dream-wisely, with choice results. clubs, a splinter bid show-to dummy’s ace and runs <strong>the</strong>KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ®You’re likely to do far betterin joint endeavors than youwill when you decide to playa solo role, in coming months.Recognize when it is to youradvantage to team up with o<strong>the</strong>rsand when its best to go it alone.TAURUS (April 20-May 20)-- Investment proposals that arepresently yielding good resultsare likely to continue to do so.Though <strong>the</strong> returns may not beas great as those from riskierventures, you should stick to <strong>the</strong>tried and true.GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Your ingratiating manner winsyou <strong>the</strong> respect of even those000ANNOUNCEMENTS010....................................Public Notices020............................Volunteers Wanted030...............................................Travel040.........................................Personals050....................................Lost & Found060..........................................Pets Found100SERVICES110..............................Child/Adult Care112...................................Money To Lend120............................Private Instruction130................................Mortgage Broker200EMPLOYMENT210........................................Jobs Wanted220...............Help Wanted Lower <strong>Key</strong>s230..............Help Wanted Middle <strong>Key</strong>s240.................Help Wanted Upper <strong>Key</strong>s300MERCHANDISE305......................................................Pets310..................................Sporting Goods315...............................................Bicycles320..............................Household Goods321...........................................Furniture325...................................Miscellaneous327...............................................Jewelry329.....................................Yard Sale Map330.......................Yard Sales Lower <strong>Key</strong>s331.....................Yard Sales Middle <strong>Key</strong>s332.......................Yard Sales Upper <strong>Key</strong>s335...........................................Antiques337....................................................Art338...............................................Fine Art340.........................Musical Instruments345.........................................Appliances350...............................Office Equipment351.........................................Electronics355....................................Wanted to Buy400RENTALS402.......................................Roommates404............................Rooms Lower <strong>Key</strong>s406..........................Rooms Middle <strong>Key</strong>s408............................Rooms Upper <strong>Key</strong>s410...............Mobile Homes Lower <strong>Key</strong>s412.............Mobile Homes Middle <strong>Key</strong>s414...............Mobile Homes Upper <strong>Key</strong>s416........Furnished Condos Lower <strong>Key</strong>s417....Unfurnished Condos Lower <strong>Key</strong>s418........................Condos Middle <strong>Key</strong>s420..........................Condos Upper <strong>Key</strong>s422............Furnished Apts. 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Boats669.............................Dockage/Storage670.............................................AviationNOTICE TOADVERTISERSIn case of errors,please check your ad<strong>the</strong> first day it appears.In <strong>the</strong> event of an error,we are responsible for<strong>the</strong> first incorrect insertionof an ad. The Citizendoes not assumeresponsibility for anyreason beyond <strong>the</strong> costof <strong>the</strong> ad itself.CANCELLATIONSAll word ad rates areplacement fees andnon-refundable (for frequencydays canceled).Ads may be removedfrom publication withplacement fee remaining.CHANGESOnce an ad has beenplaced only acceptableminor changes can bemade to <strong>the</strong> ad.050 Lost & FoundLOST CATIn Flagler & Leon areaLooks like Siamesew/blue eyes. Name isLucy. She hasgenetic defect andneeds medicine daily.Please call 305-294-8070110 Child/Adult CarePETITE FEETDAYCARERegistered Family Daycare.Home provider hasimmediate openings forall ages. Full-time,part-time and drop in.Contact 305-433-1692excellent referencesavailable.010 Public Notice 040 Personals220 HELP WANTED 220 HELP WANTED 220 HELP WANTED 220 HELP WANTED 220 HELP WANTED 220 HELP WANTEDCOMPUTER PROBLEM LOWER KEYSLOWER KEYSLOWER KEYSLOWER KEYSLOWER KEYSLOWER KEYS24/7 Onsite Service $$1 POSITION OPEN$$MEDICAL ASSOCIATERECEPTIONIST/ADMINHome: $35.00/hr plus THE UPS STOREExcellent opportunity,ASSISTANTMile Marker Travel CostCashiering, computerstrong computer skills required.$12 to $14 hourFirm. Computer skills aNeeded for Professional305-849-5252and customer servicedepends on experience.must. Email resume torequired. No prior appli-Call 877-389-6538.oropeza@oropeza-parks.comcants please. Join ourprofessional and friendlyteam. 292-4177. Apply at1107 <strong>Key</strong> Plaza. In <strong>the</strong>Kmart Shopping Plaza.**ATTENTION**OLD TOWN TROLLEYTOURS OF KEY WESTIs hiring Conductors. Wewill pay you while trainingFT days and PT evenings.Full benefit packageavailable for FT. Formore information call296-6688 or fax your resumeto 305-292-8939 oremail us at:keyott@historictours.comEOE & Drug FreeWorkplace.COOK & COUNTERhelp needed for Duval 45 hours perweek. Call Doug at872-8221CROWNE PLAZAKEY WEST LA CONCHA*Room AttendantsExperience is preferred,must be able to handlehigh volume*Bartender/ServerAbility to work in ei<strong>the</strong>rposition, with prior experienceof minimum 1 yearin each position (Availability:as scheduled between11:00a - Close, AllDays)*BusserNo Prior Experience Necessary(Availability: asscheduled between6:00a - Close, All Days)*HostNo Prior Experience Necessary(Availability: asscheduled between4:00p - Close, All Daysand 9:00a - 4:00p onWeekends)*Front OfficeSupervisorPrevious hotel experiencenecessary, willingto work morning, eveningand weekend shifts, 40+hours per week. Experiencewith Opera hotelmanagement system aplus.*Front Desk ClerkPrevious Hotel experiencenecessary, willingto work morning, eveningand weekend shifts, 40+hours per week.**Applicants must haveverifiable referencesand hotel experience inorder to apply**Apply in person at:430 Duval St.M-F, 10am-3pmEOE/M/F/V/D, Drug FreeWorkplaceWe are looking for anenergetic individualto manage our ‘<strong>new</strong>’Subway in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>.Previous fastfood managementexperience a plusbut not necessary.Excellent pay& benefits.Send resume to:jcox@tomthumbfl.com343715Electrician WantedApply Near Shore Electric5680 1st Ave. #5.Stock Island between8:30am & 3:30pm.(305)294-3991F/T Hskpg RoomInspectorPier House Resort islooking for a room inspector.Housekeepingexperience is required.English fluency as wellas current, strong, stable,verifiable experience is amust. Excellent benefitspackage, meal & parkingavailable. EOE M/F/D/V- Drug Free WorkplaceApply: H/R Dept.One Duval St.M-F, 10am-4pmFLORIDA KEYS SPCAis seeking qualified applicantswith good communicationskills required toassist customers inchoosing <strong>the</strong> right pet for<strong>the</strong>ir family. Successfulindividuals must be dedicatedand hardworkingwith an interest in animalwelfare. Duties includeperforming <strong>the</strong> generalphysical examination ofall animals entering <strong>the</strong>shelter, maintaining catrooms, feeding and socializingcats and kittens,housekeeping tasks suchas laundry and dishwashingand cleaning litterpans. Non-smokers only.Please apply at 5230College Road or sendresume applicants neednot inquire.HOUSEKEEPINGLooking for a full-timeHousekeeping Person.Prefer English speaking.Please apply in person at1015 Fleming between8am and 4pm.JEWLERY STORE ONDUVAL ISWe would be glad to welcomea reliable peopleoriented, well manneredperson with a pleasantself presentation as avaluable member of ourgreat team. Applicationsare available at Artisans327 Duval St. or Aria 718Duval St.Hospitality Manager<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Inn looking fora Manager. Reservationand Housekeeping experiencenecessary. Employeeand Guest Relationsimportant. Full time.Please reply to box 160,c/o The Citizen PO Box1800 <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> FL33041.KW RESORTUTILITIES, CORP.Mechanics /Maintenance<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> WastewaterUtility is looking forskilled full/part time mechanics.Candidatesmust have <strong>the</strong> ability tomaintain industrial equipment,pumps, and blowers.Candidates shallhave basic troubleshootingskills relating to electromechanicalequipment.Welding skill a bonus.Must be able todocument maintenancework. Candidates shallbe dependable and willingto be scheduled oncall, and must live, attime of employment,South of MM 25. Hoursare flexible and pay andbenefits are commensuratewith experience andqualifications. FAX resumesto 305-295-0143or send to:KWRUemployment@gmail.comKW RESORTUTILITIES, CORP.Wastewater PlantOperatorsWanted Full/Part Time<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> WastewaterUtility is looking for aClass C or higher wastewaterplant operator licensedin Florida. Payand benefits are commensuratewith experienceand qualifications.FAX resumes to305-295-0143 or email:KWRUemployment@gmail.comLOOKING FORVET TECHFast pace animal hospitalplease email resumedoctorbump@gmail.comMARINA FORKLIFTDRIVERExperience required.Call 305-294-4676ext 112 or 109.MECHANICSTired of working flat-rate?Looking for secure incomewith benefits? Weare looking for full-timeASE certified technicians.Shift will include weekends.Pay commensuratewith certificationsand experience. Cleandriving record is a must.Full benefit packageavailable for all FT positions,including 401(k),Med, Den, Life, and 2wks vacation. Apply inperson at 122 SimontonSt. or fax resume to292-8939 or email us at:keyott@historictours.comEOE & Drug FreeWorkplace.Medical BillingTrainees Needed!Hospitals, Doctors &Insurance hiring now!No experience Needed!Local training & JobPlacement availableHS Diploma or GEDto qualify for Program1-888-778-045600072717NIGHT CLERKOvernight shift 10pm-8am 4 nights/wk. Performnight audit. Proficient inExcel, previous hotel experienceand guest relationsa plus. Email resumeto or apply at600 Fleming. Drug FreeWorkplace.P/T HOUSEKEEPERSThe Galleon Resort ishiring P/T Housekeepersfor Saturdays only.Please apply in person at617 Front St. or call at305-296-7711 ext. 1722.Previous applicants noneed to apply.P/T HOUSEKEEPINGINSPECTORSThe Galleon Resort ishiring p/t inspectors forSaturdays only. Pleaseapply in person at 617Front Street or call at305-296-7711 ext 1722.Part Time HousekeeperMust be able to workSundays & Mondays. Experiencerequired. Smallguest house, no kitchens.Great pay, good tips.(305)296-7274.PLUMBERS HELPERNEEDEDGood driving record required.Call 294-6276.POSITIONSAVAILABLEatWESTIN KEY WEST,SUNSET KEY,WEATHER STATIONAND BANANA BAY<strong>West</strong>in*Night Audit*Houseperson*Maintenance EngineerSunset <strong>Key</strong>*Massage Therapist*Nail Tech Part-time*Spa Receptionist*Night Cleaner+ Previous applicantsneed not apply again.+ Application hours arefrom 9am to 3:30pm.+Can also apply on-lineto:hr@westinkeywestresort.comDrug Free Work Place -An Equal OpportunityEmployerApply in Person245 Front Street,<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, FL 33040Tel: 305-294-4000Fax: 305-292-4348CHILD CARE TEACHERF/T position in <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>has <strong>the</strong> primary responsibilityfor <strong>the</strong> health,safety, intellectual activity,social interaction andoverall development of<strong>the</strong> children in <strong>the</strong> program.HS diploma orGED plus completion of40 hours of state mandatedchild care trainingrequired, CDA preferred.Email resume orfax to 305-809-5010.Good benefits and competitivesalary. WHFS isan EEOC and Drug FreeEmployer.PRO DESK SALESOverseas Lumber Supplyis now accepting applicationsfor Pro Desk Sales.Experience in lumber andbuilding materials with astrong background inwindow & door salesrequired. Hardware andpaint knowledge a plus.Must have a professionalappearance, beenergetic, and customerservice oriented. This is afull time position withbenefits & competitivepay. Please apply inperson at 30251 OverseasHwy, Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>.EOERetail Sales PositionExperienced retail salesperson needed, hourlywage plus commission,apply in person. <strong>Key</strong><strong>West</strong> Hammocks, 719Duval Street.Retail Sales PositionsTervis, a premier providerof insulated drinkware,is opening a retailstore on Duval St. Weare taking applicationsfor Assist. Store Managerand part- time positions.Competitive pay. Excellentbenefits for full time.Apply at<strong>job</strong> EOE941-966-2114.RN, OFFICECOORDINATOR,2 RECEPTIONIST<strong>Key</strong>s Medical Group -Has immediate positionsavailable for an RN, OfficeCoordinator and 2Receptionist. Email resumetoJennifer.Colen@hma.comor fax resume to(305)745-1927, We offerexcellent benefits andcompetitive salaries. Alsomay apply with Don Canalejo,at 5900 CollegeRd, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>, EOE,Drug-Free Workplace.SALES ASSOCIATESFairvilla is looking forself-motivated, dependableand creative SalesPeople to work in a fun &exciting atmosphere. F/TDay shift available.Hourly wages & commission.Pay based on experience.We offerbenefits & paid vacation.Must be 18 to apply. Apply520 Front St.THE KEY WESTBOTANICAL GARDENis seeking a full-timesalaried environmentaleducator to teachhands-on science toPre-K through HighSchool students in bothan indoor and outdoorsetting. Must have reliabletransportation andbe willing to travel to<strong>schools</strong> from <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> toMarathon. Position requiresevent planning,fundraising, ability to lift aminimum of 25 pounds,work some weekends,occasional evenings, andan interest in camping.Two years of successfulprimary school teachingexperience preferred. Aninterest in environmentaleducation is a must!The position will run fromSept 19- June 18th. Resumesand cover letterswill only be accepted byemail. Email to:Leylanedin@gmail.comby May 20th.TICKET SALES/RENTAL AGENTOutgoing, neat, dependable?Full & Part-Time,Hourly pay + commission.Apply in person @<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> Moped, 3340N. Roosevelt Blvd. 9-5.WAIT STAFFLooking for experienceWait Staff. Fulltime Summerwork. Apply in person425 Greene St. Beforeor after lunch.305 PetsTOY RAT TERRIERSFull bred. All puppies areUKCI registered andcome with papers andshots. This dog is notonly happy outside butloves to be in your lap.They are great with kidsand very protective of<strong>the</strong>ir owner. By far one of<strong>the</strong> smartnest breeds Ihave ever known. Calland ask for Rick.(810)955-3053315 BicyclesPair of Beach CruisersTandem & Caloi Alumn.lg seats/ $200 296-1972.321 FURNITUREDINING TABLEWITH 6 CHAIRS7 feet long w/leaf. Lightwood. Great condition.$280 OBO. Call Susan orPete 305-295-9777.325 MiscellaneousRestaurant SuppliesIce machine, 5 kegcooler, 42” wood burninggrill, 3 glass door cooler,chairs & tables, metalshelving, 2 vanities, winecooler, fry machine,wooden blinds, portableA/C, table umbrellas &more. (305) 896-2855

THE KEY WEST CITIZEN ◆ WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 20111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 1213 1415 16 17 1819 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 3132 3334 35 36 3738 3940 41 42 43 44 45 46 4748 49 50 5152 5354 55SHAG TAU VOWSPA I R ERS OLEOAL L I ANCE CL I PMTN STA I RSRHYME S L EDEEO NUCLE IERGS CAP SLOBFRAU LAG TAPEBWANA S MA TWOVE KOALAARREST JETBEAR BLOWHARDBATT SEA EBAYEKES PAN RENEANSWER GRID FOR 05/17/2011 CROSSWORD325 MiscellaneousStained Glass Sheetsapproximately 12” X 18”,all colors, all types.Priced to sell at $3-$5 asheet. 296-7677WATER TREATMENTPLANT -Located at 100 HammocksTrail #2114, <strong>Key</strong>Largo, FL 33037 - 12TGD plant - biologicalnitrogen and chemicalphosphorous removalcapabilities - attacheddigester -dual clarifiersand dual chlorine contactchambers - steel construction-includes blowers,diffusers, air lifts andbar screen. Asking$25,000 Contact KahlilBond 561-702-8308Potential bidders should contactGehring Group at toreceive a copy of <strong>the</strong> RFP andsupporting documents.May 18, 2011FICTITIOUS NAMESFICTITIOUS NAMENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that<strong>the</strong> undersigned, desiring toengage in a business under <strong>the</strong>fictitious name, TERVIS, located at431 Front St., Unit 3, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,FL 33040, intends to register <strong>the</strong>said name with <strong>the</strong> FloridaDepartment of State, Tallahassee,Florida.Dated this 16th day of May, 2011.May 18, 2011NOTICE OF SALEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THESIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITOF FLORIDA, IN AND FORMONROE COUNTYCIVIL DIVISIONCASE NO. 2010-CA-997-KCIT LENDING SERVICESCORPORATION,vs.CALL FOR BIDSCALL FOR BIDSTHE UTILITY BOARD OF THECITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA,operator of <strong>Key</strong>s Energy Services(KEYS), hereby gives notice toprospective bidders that sealedproposals will be received byGehring Group on behalf ofKEYS, at Gehring Group, RE:<strong>Key</strong>s Energy RFP 14-11, 11505Fairchild Gardens Ave., Suite 202,Palm Beach Gardens, Florida33410 until 2:00PM on June 7thfor:KEYS BID: #14-11Request for Proposals for FullyInsured, Self Funded, orMinimum Premium Medical,Voluntary Dental, Basic Life andAD&D, Voluntary Life, LongTerm Disability, EmployeeAssistance Program, andVoluntary Vision Insurance.Plaintiff,Sole Owner:Tervis Tumbler Co.325 MiscellaneousATMsFree PlacementsSales, Distributorssought. Moneytree ATMfactory rep. will be in<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> <strong>the</strong> 24th-30th.Please call1-800-566-0286to schedule a meeting toshow you how yourbusiness can makemore money.327 JewelryNEED CASHWe buy Gold, Estateitems. Diamonds, Rolex,Cars, Mopeds,Laptop, Iphone. No onespays more. Open 7days. 305-304-8831.Men’s Tag Heuer Estateitems, Rolex, Diamonds.Know one paysmore. Open 7 days cashpaid. $1,71-304-8831.ACROSS1 Feeling <strong>the</strong>effects of aworkout5 Cherchez la—!10 Kitchen wear12 Wore away13 Draculaportrayer14 Salonofferings15 Technicalsch.16 — kwon doNOTICE OF SALEHABANA HOLDINGS, INC., aFlorida corporation, as successorby conversion of HABANAHOLDINGS LLC, a Nevada limitedliability company; PINEWOODWASTEWATER SERVICES, INC,a Florida corporation; BATCONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC,d/b/a PINEWOODWASTEWATER, a Florida limitedliability company; CRYSTINA A.BASS; CHRISTOPHER A. BASS;ALL KEYS GAS DISTRIBUTION,LLC, a Florida limited liabilitycompany; and UNITED STATESOF AMERICA, SMALLB U S I N E S SADMINISTRATION,Defendants.402 Roommates**PROFESSIONAL**REDUCED!!!Share Large Old Townbrand <strong>new</strong> 4BR superluxhouse. Suit one person:own queen size bed. Pvtswimming pool. $299/wk.minimum 6-12 mo. lease.305-896-4004404 ROOMSLOWER KEYS716 DUVAL ST.HEARTBREAK HOTELStay in <strong>the</strong> heart of OldTown. Beautifully furnished,immaculatelyclean, full kitchens, tilebaths, cable TV &cold A/C. Starting at$399/week + taxor 2 nite min@ $99/nite305-296-5558www.heartbreakhotel.orgNOTICE OF SALENOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,pursuant to <strong>the</strong> Final Judgment ofForeclosure entered in <strong>the</strong>above-styled cause, in <strong>the</strong> CircuitCourt of <strong>the</strong> Sixteenth Judicial Circuitof Florida, in and for MonroeCounty, Florida, <strong>the</strong> Clerk of <strong>the</strong>Circuit Court, will sell <strong>the</strong> followingreal property and personal property,situated in Monroe County,Florida, and more particularly describedas follows:PARCEL "C"Description of Part of "C" of aparcel of Land described inMonroe County, Florida in Deedrecorded in Official RecordsBook 805, page 2085, being apart of <strong>the</strong> Northwest quarter of<strong>the</strong> Southwest quarter ofSection 25, Township 66 South,Range 29 East, on Big Pine Hey,Monroe County, Florida, andbeing more particularly describedas follows:Commencing at <strong>the</strong> Northwestcorner of <strong>the</strong> Northwest quarterof <strong>the</strong> Southwest quarter ofSection 25, bear East, 50 feet;<strong>the</strong>nce bear South 516.86 feet to<strong>the</strong> Point of Beginning of <strong>the</strong>parcel of land herein intendedtobe described; from said Point ofBeginning, continue South155.57 feet; <strong>the</strong>nce bear East280 feet; <strong>the</strong>nce bear North155.57 feet; <strong>the</strong>nce bear <strong>West</strong>280 feet back to <strong>the</strong> Point ofBeginning.PARCEL "A"A tract of land in a part of <strong>the</strong>KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED18 Harden19 Spring back22 Rathbonecostar25 Alone — —!29 Gawked at30 Olympicfencing blades32 Dark-eyeddamsel33 Gemmeasure34 Plant twice37 Cable cars38 Most certain40 Happyfeeling43 Reubenbread44 Notoriety48 Neighborof France50 Part of anear52 Lone Starnine53 Uneven54 Manypetaledblossom55 Yvette’sfriendDOWN1 Told, as atale2 PTA andNEA3 Float basics(2 wds.)4 Printer’sunits5 Week da.6 Geologicalperiods7 Consumergds.8 Assemble9 Publishingexecs10 “TheGreatest”11 In —(as found)12 Standingupright17 Wheel buy(2 wds.)20 1950srecords21 Chooses22 Japanese<strong>the</strong>ater23 Borodinprince24 Stampbacking26 Besides(2 wds.)27 Vaccines28 Sports squad31 Ave. crossers35 CommonMarket money36 Tumble<strong>the</strong> wash39 Cartoonshrieks40 Feliciano orFerrer41 Latch —42 Embellishedstory45 Debate side46 Ration out47 England’sIsle of —48 Travel guide49 Shy, in aflirtatiousway51 Eco-friendlyfeds404 ROOMSLOWER KEYSOld Town EfficiencyRentals By <strong>the</strong> WeekKing $260; single $210;1BR w/full kitchen.$270.1 week deposit. 4 weekminimum. Priv. entrance,priv. bath, own A/C, cableTV, W/D, WIFI. Nodrugs, alcohol. Sorry nopets. 305-395-8731N/S Room/Private Bathin nice renovated home$900/mo includes utilities.fls=$2700. Call305-923-3567. MidtownCLEAN AIRCONDITIONED ROOMFor rent. Shared bathroom,kitchen and livingroom. Parking and utilitiesincluded. On 1900block of Flagler by HighSchool. $600 p/m and$300 deposit. Call Barry305-923-6711.LEGAL NOTICESNOTICE OF SALENorthwest quarter of <strong>the</strong>Southwest quarter of Section25, Township 66 South, Range29 East, on Big Pine <strong>Key</strong>,Monroe County, Florida, andbeing more particularlydescribed by metes and boundsas follows:Commencing at <strong>the</strong> Northwestcorner of <strong>the</strong> Northwest quarterof <strong>the</strong> Southwest quarter ofSection 25, Township 66 South,Range 29 East, bear East for adistance of 330 feet; <strong>the</strong>ncebear South for a distance of520.645 feet to <strong>the</strong> Point ofBeginning of <strong>the</strong> tract of landhereinafter described;From said Point of Beginning,bear East, for a distance of100.00 feet; <strong>the</strong>nce bear South,for a distance of 151,785 feet;<strong>the</strong>nce bear <strong>West</strong>, for a distanceof 100.00 feet; <strong>the</strong>nce bearNorth, for a distance of 151.785feet back to <strong>the</strong> Point ofBeginning.(All of <strong>the</strong> above describedproperty shall hereinafter bereferred to as <strong>the</strong> “RealProperty.”)toge<strong>the</strong>r with:(i) all property now or hereafteraffixed or attached orincorporated upon <strong>the</strong> RealProperty including withoutlimitation all furnaces, heatingequipment, air conditioners,fans, water heaters, pipes,ducts, wiring and electricalfixtures, conduits, plumbing,sinks, partitions, restroomfixtures, light fixtures, windowsand window coverings, andfloor, ceiling and wall coverings,and all replacements <strong>the</strong>reofand substitutions <strong>the</strong>refor,which, to <strong>the</strong> fullest extentpermitted by law shall bedeemed fixtures and a part of<strong>the</strong> Real Property; (ii) allbuilding materials, fixtures,equipment and o<strong>the</strong>r personalproperty to be incorporated intoany improvements constructedon <strong>the</strong> Real Property; (iii) allinterest of Habana Holdings,Inc., a Florida corporation, assuccessor by conversion ofHabana Holdings LLC, a Nevadalimited liability company,(“Mortgagor”) in all goods,materials, supplies, fixtures,equipment, machinery, furnitureand furnishing and o<strong>the</strong>rINVITATION TO LINGERIE PARTY BRINGSBLUSH TO HESITANT GUESTDEAR ABBY: I’m a senior in highschool and about to graduate. The weekafter graduation, one of my close friendsis getting married. I have no qualmsabout <strong>the</strong> marriage, but I’m confusedabout <strong>the</strong> pre-wedding parties.The bride and groomare registered at three storesand have had a Tupperwareparty already. However, I havereceived an invitation to alingerie party to which guestshave been instructed to bring <strong>the</strong>bride lingerie with gift receiptsattached.Am I wrong in thinking thatbuying intimate apparel is <strong>the</strong>responsibility of <strong>the</strong> couple? Iplan to buy <strong>the</strong>m a wedding gift from<strong>the</strong> registry, but I feel odd being askedto essentially contribute to <strong>the</strong>ir sex life.Abby, if I decline <strong>the</strong> invitation, whatwould be <strong>the</strong> proper way to do it? --BRINGING A BLENDER IN MONTANADEAR B.A.B.: If you are unable toattend <strong>the</strong> shower, all you need to sayis you’re unavailable on that date. Youdo not have to give a reason. However,lingerie showers can be a fun way forwomen to bond with each o<strong>the</strong>r. I onceattended one at which a guest jokinglybrought <strong>the</strong> bride a pair of handcuffs.(In Montana, a set of spurs might makean interesting gag gift.)However, if you prefer not to“contribute to <strong>the</strong> couple’s sex life,”why not bring a high-necked flannelnightgown? Your gift could be <strong>the</strong> talkof <strong>the</strong> party.Readers, care to offer any o<strong>the</strong>r giftsuggestions?DEAR ABBY: I represent OperationPaperback: Recycled Reading for <strong>the</strong>Troops. Our 10,000 volunteers, at<strong>the</strong>ir own expense, collect gently usedpaperback books and send <strong>the</strong>m tomilitary members and organizationsdeployed all over <strong>the</strong> world.Since 1999, we have sent over a404 ROOMSLOWER KEYSROOM ON DUVAL ST.$800 mo. includes util.Avail now. 305-304-4775.410 MOBILE HOMESLOWER KEYS2BR/1.5BA Stock Island$1400/mo. F/$1000 sec.Includes utilities.(305)797-8848416 FURN CONDOSLOWER KEYSSMATHERS BEACH1, 2 & 3 bedroom fullyfurnished condos on 8acres of gated seclusion,2 pools & tennis courts.All you need are clo<strong>the</strong>sand groceries. Availablefor 6 to 9 month leases.Monthly rates range from$1,250 to $1,750. Utilitiesincluded.Gale Shepard305-294-6069NOTICE OF SALEpersonal property which arenow or hereafter affixed to,placed upon or used inconnection with, <strong>the</strong> RealProperty, and all replacements<strong>the</strong>reof, and substitutions<strong>the</strong>reof; (iv) all interest ofMortgagor in all rents, issuesand profits, as well as <strong>the</strong> fees,charges, accounts, or o<strong>the</strong>rpayments for <strong>the</strong> use oroccupancy of rooms and o<strong>the</strong>rpublic facilities, and allaccounts, contract rights,general intangibles, chattelpaper, instruments, documents,notes, drafts, letters of credit,insurance policies, insuranceand condemnation awards andproceeds, tradenames,trademarks and service marks,arising from or related to <strong>the</strong>Real Property and any o<strong>the</strong>rbusiness conducted on <strong>the</strong> RealProperty; (v) all of Mortgagor'sinterest in and rights pursuantto any franchise or licensingagreement or o<strong>the</strong>r similaragreement with respect to <strong>the</strong>Real Property but only to <strong>the</strong>extent such sale does notviolate any such agreement;and (vi) all books, records andfiles relating to, any of <strong>the</strong>foregoing.all at public sale, to <strong>the</strong> highestand best bidder, for cash, at <strong>the</strong>Monroe County Courthouse at5 0 0Whitehead Street, <strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong>,Florida 33040 at 11:00 a.m., onJune 06, 2011.Any person claiming an interestin <strong>the</strong> surplus from <strong>the</strong> sale, if any,o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> property owner asof <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong> lis pendens and<strong>the</strong> United States of America,Small Business Administration,must file a claim within 60 daysafter <strong>the</strong> sale.Pursuant to Florida Statute45.031(2), this notice shall bepublished twice, once a week fortwo consecutive weeks, with <strong>the</strong>last publication being at least 5days prior to <strong>the</strong> sale.Robert M. Quinn, Esq.Jin Liu, Esq.Carlton Fields, P.A.P.O. Box 3239Tampa, FL 33601-3239May 18 & 25, 2011DANNY L. KOLHAGEClerk of Circuit CourtBy:Shonta McLeodDeputy Clerk417 UNFURN.CONDOSLOWER KEYSGOLF CLUB 2/1W/D, pool, parking, freshpaint and carpet, freecable, $1600mo. F/L/S.Small pets ok.797-1287.422 FURNISHED APTS.LOWER KEYSOld Town Studiow/loft $1,250/movaulted ceilings, fans,queen bed, 8’ window togarden, A/C, cable, W/D,WIFI, BBQ. No drugs,Sorry no pets.305-295-9000neversketchy.KEYSWIDECLASSIFIED®305.292.7777PUBLIC NOTICEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FORMONROE COUNTY, FLORIDAPROBATE DIVISIONIN RE: ESTATE OFROY J. ENQUIST,Deceased.File No. 44-11-CP-25-MDivision: ProbateNOTICE TO CREDITORSThe administration of <strong>the</strong> estateof ROY J. ENQUIST, whose dateof death was January 30, 2011, ispending in <strong>the</strong> Circuit Court forMonroe County, Florida, ProbateDivision, <strong>the</strong> address of which isClerk of <strong>the</strong> Circuit Court, ProbateDivision, <strong>the</strong> address of which is3117 Overseas Highway,Marathon, FL 33050. The namesand addresses of <strong>the</strong> PersonalRepresentative and <strong>the</strong> PersonalRepresentative's attorney are setforth below.All creditors of <strong>the</strong> decedentand o<strong>the</strong>r persons having claimsor demands against Decedent'sestate, on whom a copy of thisnotice is required to be served,must file <strong>the</strong>ir claims with thisc o u r tWITHIN THE LATER OF 3MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OFTHE FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYSAFTER THE DATE OF SERVICEOF A COPY OF THIS NOTICEON THEM.All o<strong>the</strong>r creditors of <strong>the</strong>decedent and o<strong>the</strong>r personshaving claims or demands againstdecedent's estate must file <strong>the</strong>irclaims with this court WITHIN 3MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OFTHE FIRST PUBLICATION OFTHIS NOTICE.ALL CLAIMS NOT FILEDWITHIN THE TIME PERIODSSET FORTH IN SECTION733.702 OF THE FLORIDAPROBATE CODE WILL BEFOREVER BARRED.NOTWITHSTANDING THETIME PERIODS SET FORTHABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO(2) YEARS OR MORE AFTERTHE DECEDENT'S DATE OFDEATH IS BARRED.The date of first publication ofthis notice is May 11, 2011.Petitioner:JOHN LLOYD ENQUIST, SR.5Bmillion books and have received thanksfrom Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea,Germany, ships at sea, and dozens ofplaces on <strong>the</strong> globe where our militaryserves.Because units are continuallybeing deployed, reassigned andrecalled, we struggle to maintaincurrent address lists. We wouldappreciate <strong>the</strong> assistance of yourforum in spreading <strong>the</strong> wordto service members and <strong>the</strong>irfamilies that <strong>the</strong>y need onlyto go to to register, and we willsee to it that <strong>the</strong>y have qualityreading material to provide anescape from <strong>the</strong>ir day-to-daytrials. Thank you for your help. -- DANBOWERS, RED LION, PA.DEAR DAN: What a wonderfuloffer. But be careful what you wishfor, because Dear Abby readers are <strong>the</strong>most generous and patriotic people in<strong>the</strong> world!DEAR ABBY:Mystepdaughtercameand cleaned our house when my wife --her mo<strong>the</strong>r -- was ill. I appreciated herefforts, until I noticed she had put <strong>the</strong>toilet brush in <strong>the</strong> dishwasher with <strong>the</strong>dishes. I quietly removed it.Am I overreacting because I nolonger want to eat at her house? Thismade me extremely uncomfortablebecause most of our family ga<strong>the</strong>ringsare at her house. -- TURNED OFF INTEXASDEAR TURNED OFF: Ew! HadI been in your position, when I sawwhat she had done, I’d have hit highC. And I wouldn’t have been subtleabout removing <strong>the</strong> toilet brush from<strong>the</strong> dishwasher. What a gross lapse ofjudgment. I wouldn’t want to eat a<strong>the</strong>r house ei<strong>the</strong>r, and I’d let my spouseknow exactly why. (Please tell me yourstepdaughter didn’t learn this from hermo<strong>the</strong>r.)422 FURNISHED APTS.LOWER KEYSHistoric Seaport AreaLarge studio apartment.Hardwood flrs, A/C, fans.$900/mo. F/L. Avail 6/1.(305)747-4013424 FURNISHED APTS.MIDDLE KEYSMarathon Studio Apt.with full kitchen, yearlease. Cute, partly furnished,W/D, air, privatelocation. $950/mo. inc.utils., credit ref. check,F/L/S. No pets.609-425-7800428 UNFURNISHEDAPTS. LOWER KEYSOLD TOWNStudio 504 Ca<strong>the</strong>rine St.New kitchen and bath,DW, front porch, singleperson only. No dogs.$950 month.904-910-1072.428 UNFURNISHEDAPTS. LOWER KEYSEFFICIENCYNear beaches , centralA/C, ceramic tile floors,hurricane windows.One-year lease $900/moplus utilities. F/L/S. (305)294-1465 or (305)797-2099.1 Bedroom Apt.Located Big Coppitt <strong>Key</strong>Ave. B $1,100 /mo.plussec. dep. all util paid.Call Richard 294-4529.OLD TOWN 2/1New! Central A/C, D/W,W/D, granite- SS kitchen,wood flrs, no dogs. F/L/S$1,700/mo. Credit check.1-317-997-6493PUBLIC NOTICEPetitioner23 Meadowbank RoadOld Greenwich, CT 06870Attorney for Petitioner:EDWARD P. GUTTENMACHER,ESQ.Florida Bar No. 147060Guttenmacher & Bohatch,P.A.7301 SW 57th Court, Suite 560South Miami, Florida 33040Telephone: (305) 294-2247Fax: (305) 666-1949May 11 & 18, 2011NOTICEPURSUANT TO <strong>the</strong> provisionof Chapter 194.035(1) of <strong>the</strong>Florida Statutes, <strong>the</strong> Clerk of <strong>the</strong>Value Adjustment Board is nowaccepting applications fromindividuals who are willing andqualified to serve as SpecialMagistrate for <strong>the</strong> purpose oftaking testimony and makingrecommendations to <strong>the</strong> Board.“A special magistrate appointedto hear issues of exemptions andclassifications shall be a memberof The Florida Bar with no lessthan 5 years' experience in <strong>the</strong>area of ad valorem taxation. Aspecial magistrate appointed tohear issues regarding <strong>the</strong>valuation of real estate shall be astate certified real estate appraiserwith not less than 5 years'experience in real propertyvaluation. A special magistrateappointed to hear issuesr e g a r d i n g<strong>the</strong> valuation of tangible personalproperty shall be a designatedmember of a nationally recognizedappraiser's organization with notless than 5 years' experience intangible personal propertyvaluation.”All applicants must complete<strong>the</strong> Florida Department ofRevenue’s Value AdjustmentBoard Training to qualify for serve.Please forward resume to:Danny L. KolhageClerk to <strong>the</strong>Value Adjustment BoardPO Box 1980<strong>Key</strong> <strong>West</strong> FL 33041-1980*Deadline for submission is July29, 2011May 15 & 18, 2011

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