Theoretical Test

Theoretical Test Theoretical Test
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MHz): δ 203, 178, 173, 132 (for two identical carbons), 127 (for two identicalcarbons), 65, 49, 48.δ, chemical shift; H, integrals; d, doublet; dd, doublet of doublet; J, couplingconstant; t, triplet; s, singletChorismate mutase is believed to stabilize the transition state of Claisenrearrangement. Thus it is an interesting target for inhibitor design. Inhibitors,called transition state analog (TSA)s that resemble the transition state (TS,e.g., the species in brackets “[ ]” above) of the reaction are designed tooccupy the active site. Several inhibitors were designed and synthesized,and among them eight turned out to be potent inhibitors of the enzyme. Thelower the IC 50 (inhibitor concentration of 50% of the enzymatic activity) value,the better the inhibitor.CO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HCO 2 HHOCO 2 HOH1IC 50 = 2.5 mMOH2IC 50 = 1.3 mMOH3IC 50 = 0.78 mMOH4IC 50 = 1.1 mM5IC 50 = 5.3 mMHO 2 CCO 2 HHaOCO 2 HHaOCO 2 HHO 2 COCO 2 HOH6IC 50 = 0.017 mMOH7IC 50 =0.0059 mMOH8IC 50 = 0.00015 mM22

11-3. Choose all correct statements based on the structures and IC 50 valuesof above inhibitors. Increase of factor 5 is considered to be important.(a) Configuration of the hydroxyl group plays an important role in the TSand inhibitor design.(b) The presence of both carboxylic groups is important in the TS andinhibitor design.(c) Transition state of the reaction contains two six-membered rings withone chair and one twist-boat conformation.(d) 7 and 8 can be distinguished on the basis of the 1 H-NMR of H a .11-4. Draw the transition state of the transformation of chorismic acid toprephenic acid based on the TSA structures and their IC 50 values.11-5. Compared with the uncatalyzed thermal conversion, chorismatemutase accelerates conversion of chorismic acid to prephenic acid 1.0x 10 6 fold at 25 o C by lowering the activation energy of the reaction.Calculate the decrease in activation energy of chorismate mutase at25 o C.∆H ≠ uncat is 86,900 J/mol for the thermal conversion of chorismic acid toprephenic acid. At what temperature will the rate of the uncatalyzedthermal conversion be the same as that of the enzyme-catalyzedconversion at 25 o C, assuming that E a = ∆H ≠ .23

11-3. Choose all correct statements based on the structures and IC 50 valuesof above inhibitors. Increase of factor 5 is considered to be important.(a) Configuration of the hydroxyl group plays an important role in the TSand inhibitor design.(b) The presence of both carboxylic groups is important in the TS andinhibitor design.(c) Transition state of the reaction contains two six-membered rings withone chair and one twist-boat conformation.(d) 7 and 8 can be distinguished on the basis of the 1 H-NMR of H a .11-4. Draw the transition state of the transformation of chorismic acid toprephenic acid based on the TSA structures and their IC 50 values.11-5. Compared with the uncatalyzed thermal conversion, chorismatemutase accelerates conversion of chorismic acid to prephenic acid 1.0x 10 6 fold at 25 o C by lowering the activation energy of the reaction.Calculate the decrease in activation energy of chorismate mutase at25 o C.∆H ≠ uncat is 86,900 J/mol for the thermal conversion of chorismic acid toprephenic acid. At what temperature will the rate of the uncatalyzedthermal conversion be the same as that of the enzyme-catalyzedconversion at 25 o C, assuming that E a = ∆H ≠ .23

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