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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Electric Chargesand FieldsThe electric field vector E 1Bat B due to the positive charge q 1pointstowards the left and has a magnitudeE9 2 –2 −8(9 × 10 Nm C ) × (10 C)1B 2= = 3.6 × 10 4 N C –1(0.05 m)The electric field vector E 2Bat B due to the negative charge q 2pointstowards the right and has a magnitudeE9 2 –2 −8(9 × 10 Nm C ) × (10 C)2B 2= = 4 × 10 3 N C –1(0.15 m)The magnitude of the total electric field at B isE B= E 1B– E 2B= 3.2 × 10 4 N C –1E Bis directed towards the left.The magnitude of each electric field vector at point C, due to chargeq 1and q 2isE9 2 –2 −8(9 × 10 Nm C ) × (10 C)1CE2C 2= = = 9 × 10 3 N C –1(0.10 m)The directions in which these two vectors point are indicated inFig. 1.14. The resultant of these two vectors isπ πEC= E1cos+ E2cos = 9 × 10 3 N C –13 3E Cpoints towards the right.EXAMPLE 1.91.9 ELECTRIC FIELD LINESWe have studied electric field in the last section. It is a vector quantityand can be represented as we represent vectors. Let us try to represent Edue to a point charge pictorially. Let the point charge be placed at theorigin. Draw vectors pointing along the direction of the electric field withtheir lengths proportional to the strength of the field ateach point. Since the magnitude of electric field at a pointdecreases inversely as the square of the distance of thatpoint from the charge, the vector gets shorter as one goesaway from the origin, always pointing radially outward.Figure 1.15 shows such a picture. In this figure, eacharrow indicates the electric field, i.e., the force acting on aunit positive charge, placed at the tail of that arrow.Connect the arrows pointing in one direction and theresulting figure represents a field line. We thus get manyfield lines, all pointing outwards from the point charge.Have we lost the information about the strength ormagnitude of the field now, because it was contained inthe length of the arrow? No. Now the magnitude of thefield is represented by the density of field lines. E is strongnear the charge, so the density of field lines is more nearthe charge and the lines are closer. Away from the charge, FIGURE 1.15 Field of a point charge.the field gets weaker and the density of field lines is less,resulting in well-separated lines.Another person may draw more lines. But the number of lines is notimportant. In fact, an infinite number of lines can be drawn in any region.23

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