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<strong>www</strong>.<strong>GOALias</strong>.<strong>blogspot</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Physics0-1 Current i through the coil entering at Aincrease from zero to a maximum value. Fluxlines are set up i.e., the core gets magnetised.With the polarity shown voltage and currentare both positive. So their product p is positive.ENERGY IS ABSORBED FROM THESOURCE.1-2 Current in the coil is still positive but isdecreasing. The core gets demagnetised andthe net flux be<strong>com</strong>es zero at the end of a halfcycle. The voltage v is negative (since di/dt isnegative). The product of voltage and currentis negative, and ENERGY IS BEINGRETURNED TO SOURCE.One <strong>com</strong>plete cycle of voltage/current. Note that the current lags the voltage.2-3 Current i be<strong>com</strong>es negative i.e., it entersat B and <strong>com</strong>es out of A. Since the directionof current has changed, the polarity of themagnet changes. The current and voltage areboth negative. So their product p is positive.ENERGY IS ABSORBED.3-4 Current i decreases and reaches its zerovalue at 4 when core is demagnetised and fluxis zero. The voltage is positive but the currentis negative. The power is, therefore, negative.ENERGY ABSORBED DURING THE 1/4CYCLE 2-3 IS RETURNED TO THE SOURCE.240FIGURE 7.7 Magnetisation and demagnetisation of an inductor.

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