AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription

AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription


How do we gather information regarding‘impairment’?• Access to medical records and allied healthreports• Comprehensive case history information• Use of checklists / resources as identified• Accessing further information from crediblesources e.g. Medical websites regarding‘diagnosis’ and ‘prognostic’ information.Next

Resources – ImpairmentRefer to Resource List:Resources for ICF Domains.pdfNext

How do we gather information regarding‘impairment’?• Access <strong>to</strong> medical records and allied healthreports• Comprehensive case his<strong>to</strong>ry information• Use of checklists / <strong>resource</strong>s as identified• Accessing further information from crediblesources e.g. Medical websites regarding‘diagnosis’ and ‘prognostic’ information.Next

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