AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription

AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription


Timetable for Growing Up“ Young people and their families go through many changes asthey grow up. The Growing Up Ready resources are designedto help children and youth with disabilities to get ready foradult life.”www.hollandbloorview.ca/resourcecentre/growing_up/documents/timetable.pdfParentingSocialSelf-CareEducationMedicalBack

Prescription Process3 key stages:• Assessment and information gathering• Trials & goal setting• Evaluation & decision makingAssessment &InformationGatheringIdentify trialoptions & setgoalsEvaluation /DecisionMakingNext

Timetable for Growing Up“ Young people and their families go through many changes asthey grow up. The Growing Up Ready <strong>resource</strong>s are designed<strong>to</strong> help children and youth with disabilities <strong>to</strong> get ready foradult life.”www.hollandbloorview.ca/<strong>resource</strong>centre/growing_up/documents/timetable.pdfParentingSocialSelf-CareEducationMedicalBack

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