AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription

AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription AAC Framework: A resource to support device prescription


Guidelines for Considering Speech Generating Device (SGD) Options Based on the ICF(www.who.int)Health ConditionImpairment- Mentalfunctions/cognition- Diagnosis & Prognosis- Sensory (vision &hearing)-Neuromusculoskeletal(access)Activity- Communication- InterpersonalInteractions &relationships- Learning & applyingknowledge- Mobility (for portabilityof device)Participation- Home- Education- Community life- EmploymentEnvironment- Products & Technology- Best match, support & training- Attitude of family & othersPersonal Factors- Motivation- Attitude- Past experience and effectNext

Lifestages• It is important to look at what is happening for the client now,as well as their future needs.• Increased understanding of lifestages assists us to identifycommunication partners, communication functions, and theenvironments where communication is required for theindividual• Having an understanding of needs for now and later will helpyou to set realistic functional goals for meaningful outcomes• There a some resources that you can use to supportexploration of life-stagesMore detailsNext

Guidelines for Considering Speech Generating Device (SGD) Options Based on the ICF(www.who.int)Health ConditionImpairment- Mentalfunctions/cognition- Diagnosis & Prognosis- Sensory (vision &hearing)-Neuromusculoskeletal(access)Activity- Communication- InterpersonalInteractions &relationships- Learning & applyingknowledge- Mobility (for portabilityof <strong>device</strong>)Participation- Home- Education- Community life- EmploymentEnvironment- Products & Technology- Best match, <strong>support</strong> & training- Attitude of family & othersPersonal Fac<strong>to</strong>rs- Motivation- Attitude- Past experience and effectNext

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