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Fakulti Sains Sosial, UNIMAS<strong>NAMA</strong> <strong>KURSUS</strong>KOD <strong>KURSUS</strong><strong>PENGURUSAN</strong> <strong>KESIHATAN</strong> <strong>DAN</strong> <strong>KESELAMATAN</strong>PEKERJAAN(Occupational Health and Safety Management)SSB3074KREDIT 4PRASYARATSINOPSISTiadaKursus ini direkabentuk bertujuan untuk menyepadu danmemperkemaskan pengetahuan disamping memberi pemahamankepada para pelajar berhubung sistem pengurusan keselamatandan kesihatan pekerjaan. Di samping itu juga, kursus ini akanmemberi peluang kepada para pelajar untuk mendalami perikepentingan pengurusan kesihatan dan keselamatan pekerjaankhususnya dari aspek hubungan industri. Mereka juga akandidedahkan dengan pelbagai tugasan, latihan serta nilai-nilaiutama dalam keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan.(This course is design to integrate and refine the knowledge andunderstanding of students with regards to the occupationalsafety and health management system. The course hopefully willgive students a better understanding of the importance ofoccupational safety and health especially from the aspect ofindustrial relations. They will also be exposed to various tasks,assignments and key values in occupational safety and health.)HASILPEMBELAJARANDi akhir kursus ini, pelajar-pelajar boleho Memahami peranan serta tanggungjawab pihak pengurusandan pekerja dalam memastikan kejayaannya serta hal-halyang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesihatanpekerjaan dan mengetahui cara-cara pelaksanaan aspekpengurusannya secara berkesan. (C2)o Mempunyai pengetahuan dan pemahaman berhubungaspek kepentingan rekabentuk, pelaksanaan danpenyelenggaraan program kesihatan dan keselamatanpekerjaan. (P2)o Membincangkan aspek perundangan berkaitan kesihatanSSB3074 Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 1 / 5

Fakulti Sains Sosial, UNIMASodan keselamatan pekerjaan secara lebih khusus danmendalam. (A3)Memahami kepentingan hubungan industri berkaitankesihatan dan keselamatan pekerjaan dalam konteksorganisasi. (P3, CT, TS, EM, LS)JAMPEMBELAJARANPELAJARKuliahTutorialPembelajaran Berpusatkan PelajarBelajar SendiriKuiz, Ujian, & PeperiksaanJumlah28 Jam5 Jam5 Jam116 Jam6 Jam160 JamUNITPEMBELAJARANJamPembelajaranBersemuka1. Pengenalan kepada ilmu kesihatan dan keselamatanpekerjaan32. Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dari AspekPerundangan- Perspektif Historikal Perkembangan PerundanganKeselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan di Malaysia- Undang-Undang Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan 1994 (Akta 514) (perbincangan yang lebihmendalam dan mengkaji kes-kes perundanganberkaitan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan diMalaysia)43. Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dari AspekPerundangan- Undang-Undang Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan 1994 (Akta 514) (perbincangan yang lebihmendalam dan mengkaji kes-kes perundanganberkaitan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan diMalaysia)44. Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dari AspekPerundangan- Undang-Undang Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan 1994 (Akta 514) (perbincangan yang lebih4SSB3074 Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 2 / 5

Fakulti Sains Sosial, UNIMASmendalam dan mengkaji kes-kes perundanganberkaitan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan diMalaysia)5. Jenis-jenis Penyakit dan Kecacatan Akibat Pekerjaan- Kesan kimia, fizikal dan biologi- Kesan psikologi, emosi dan mental- Hazad, Risiko dan Bahaya- Kategori Hazad46. Amalan Pengurusan Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan- Faktor Manusia dan Keselamatan- Takrif SKKP- Perkembangan Sistem Pengurusan KPP- Elemen utama dan SPKKP47. Amalan Pencegahan Kerugian dan PengurusanKawalan- Risiko di Tempat Kerja- Pengurusan Risiko Keselamatan Pekerjaan- Punca Kemalangan- Kerugian dalam Kemalangan- Kos Kemalangan- Prinsip-prinsip Pengurusan PencegahanKemalangan48. Pembentukan Budaya Kerja yang sihat dan selamat 4- Pembangunan Sistem Prosedur Kecemasan danKeselamatan9. Sistem penyiasatan kemalangan pekerjaan- Takrifan Kemalangan- Penyebab dan Punca Kemalangan- Urutan Pemberitahuan & Pelaporan Kemalangan- Mengukur pencapaian pelaksanaan ProgramKeselamatan Pekerjaan410. Pengauditan Keselamatan Pekerjaan- Audit Keselamatan- Objektif Audit Keselamatan- Jenis Audit Keselamatan4SSB3074 Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 3 / 5

Fakulti Sains Sosial, UNIMAS- Membangun dan Melaksanakan Sistem Audit11. Teknologi Maklumat dalam pengurusan keselamatandan kesihatan pekerjaan- Sumbangan Teknologi Maklumat dalamPengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan- Peranan Perisian dalam Sistem MaklumatPengurusan K & KP- Pengurusan Pangkalan Data Pengurusan K & KP412. Pembentangan Isu-isu Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan- Para pelajar secara berkumpulan akan menyediadan membincangkan isu-isu semasa berhubungkeselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan khususnyadalam konteks tempatan.413. Pembentangan Isu-isu Keselamatan dan KesihatanPekerjaan- Para pelajar secara berkumpulan akan menyediadan membincangkan isu-isu semasa berhubungkeselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan khususnyadalam konteks tempatan.414. Penggulungan Kursus3PENILAIAN E-Learning10 %Tugasan Kajian Kes10 %Kerja Berkumpulan Penilaian Risiko15 %Analisis Hazad10 %Ujian Pertengahan25 %Ujian Akhir30 %Jumlah100 %RUJUKAN 1. Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (Akta514)2. Workmen's Compensation Act(1952)3. Banford, M.(1995). Work and Health: An Introduction toOccupational Health Care. London: Chapman.SSB3074 Pengurusan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan 4 / 5

structure as a sphere of sovereign individuals bound together by a universal truth, a truth thatenvelops us all in love. But, what has this got to do with healing?""The vertical model prevents all that," said Helen, "because it causes isolation." Sheconfided to me, that as a child, she had been taught to look up to God in prayer and pray forhis love for her. She suggested to me that this type of hierarchical model for identifyingourselves isolates us from our humanity and from one-another. It isolates. It doesn't healanything.Moments later she described to me what it means to heal. She described it by her ownexperience in helping to heal a friend. Her friend had been in hospital undergoing extensivesurgery. She told me that twenty minutes after the procedure had been scheduled to start, shehad felt a sickening feeling.She said that she had focused on that person and become sensitive to his needs. She saidthat she had sensed an urgent need for help. She said that together with that feeling, imagescame to mind of the truth about our humanity. She said that she saw images of a wide array ofhuman hearts, all connected horizontally with one-another, standing side by side in a lateralrelationship. She said that she saw a vast network of hearts bound to each other in this laterallattice of our human world, sharing and supporting one-another physically, with each heartcontributing some of its strength in support of the strength of her friend's heart during hisoperation. There appeared to have been a need for some extra strength. She said that she sawimages of a universal flow of support that reflected the lateral flow of our love for ouruniversal humanity. She said that she clung to this image until the mental atmosphere becamequiet again and a sense of peace returned. Soon, however, the awareness of a crisis reasserteditself.She told me that this process repeated itself two more times. At three different points,altogether, she had became aware of a need for help, and tree times her response was the sameand with equal clarity, with images of what she had felt to be the universal truth drawn fromher own experiences. She explained that this image of a lateral lattice of interconnected humanhearts was not a dream image, conjured up in the intensity of the moment. She said it reflects aprofound perception of a reality that she has long understood and learned to love as the realityof her being and that of the whole of the human universe.She said that after two-and-a-half-hours of these repeating cycles of supporting realizationsfounded on an underlying discovered truth, the need for that process suddenly stopped. "Themind became very quiet," she said. "Even though the surgery wasn't supposed to be finishedfor another hour, the mental atmosphere became totally still. A great peace came over me.Evidently, the point of crisis had passed."She told me that her friend looked wonderful when she came to visit him into the hospitalthat afternoon. She saw a glowing face, a brightly radiant expression. She said that what shesaw surprised her for a moment, because it was so radically inconsistent with someone comingout of surgery just hours before."That is what love is," she said to me. "Love is really a scientific process. It unfolds ashealing.""A scientific process?" I said astounded."Of course it is," Helen replied. She explained that healing involves nothing more than an

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