Team Members' Newsletter July 2013 ...Mainfreight's Mid Year ...

Team Members' Newsletter July 2013 ...Mainfreight's Mid Year ...

Team Members' Newsletter July 2013 ...Mainfreight's Mid Year ...

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L’acqua è vitae va difesaElda Gaino e Alessandro LudovisiGlianni 2005-2015 sono stati dichiarati dalle Nazioni Unite Decennio internazionaledell’acqua “Water of life”, con l’intento di promuovere iniziative per unagestione intelligente e a lungo termine delle risorse idriche del pianeta. Nel titolostesso del programma è implicita la consapevolezza che l’acqua è una necessitàirrinunciabile per la sopravvivenza di tutti i viventi.La vita è nata nell’acqua e anche la prima diversificazione delle forme attualmentepresenti si è verificata in quest’ambiente. Il lungo cammino che ne è seguito,costellato di ostacoli, ha richiesto alle specie viventi adattamenti di vario genereche sono stati raggiunti grazie all’elevata capacità di riprogrammare il disegnostrutturale e funzionale iniziale, per renderlo più confacente alle esigenze diambienti variamente ricchi di acqua. Qualunque siano state le tappe evolutive,comunque, l’acqua è stata e rimane parte integrante della funzionalità di tutti iviventi e senza questa componente la vita che oggi osserviamo non sarebbe tale.Quando si parla di acqua è implicito considerare questo termine nell’accezione piùampia, intendendo con esso sia le acque marine che quelle dolci, e quando si parladi vita è bene tenere presente che la nostra stessa sopravvivenza non può assolutamenteessere svincolata da questo elemento al quale è legata dalla stessa storiaevolutiva. A noi uomini piace essere considerati i guardiani della vita, ma ciò comportauna crescente consapevolezza dell’importanza del nostro ruolo nella salvaguardiadegli equilibri naturali. È fuor di dubbio, infatti, che la popolazione umanasia capace di influenzarli in maniera profonda interagendo con essi a vari livelli espesso, purtroppo, sottovalutando quanto sia importante preservarne l’integrità.Da tempo, l’antropizzazione e gli interventi sull’ambiente – spesso dettati più daeventi di contingente calamità che da una intelligente programmazione – hannoprodotto una crescente inquietudine sul futuro del nostro pianeta. Agli alboridello sviluppo industriale, le politiche fortemente “antropocentriche” consideravanole risorse naturali, e l’acqua in particolare, come un bene praticamente infinitoe inesauribile a completa disposizione dell’uomo. È ben noto quanto T.H.Huxley, biologo e filosofo britannico particolarmente influente, soprannominato il“mastino di Darwin”, si fosse pubblicamente esposto affermando che la natura erain grado di rigenerarsi e produrre risorse in maniera praticamente infinita. Lapresa di coscienza, nella seconda metà del secolo scorso, di quanto fosse pericolosoperseverare in tale errata considerazione, ha spinto le nazioni e le organizza-verso dove?Matura laconsapevolezzadel legametra disponibilitàdi acqua,cambiamenticlimaticie conservazionedellabiodiversità.Servono peròscelte politicheconcreteElda Gaino eAlessandroLudovisi,docenti presso ilDipartimento diBiologia cellulare eambientaledell’Università diPerugiaCoscienza72-3°2011

4Chopper on new Quad UnitFTL’s ChopperAt first we thought Nathan McEldowney had ordered hisnew linehaul rescue unit…Luckily for him it was FTL owner driver Hayden Lilley’snew 8 x 4 Quad Unit moving this spectacular load, whichtravelled from Wellington to Napier for some repair work.Ian Garrick and Harry ReynoldsMainfreight Invercargill – 25-year Legends!25 <strong>Year</strong> LegendsHarry Reynolds, the Kaumatua of Bluff,and long time team member Ian Garrickcelebrated 25 years of service recently.They received their certificates of appreciationon the ‘Deck’ of the new Invercargill branch.Mainfreight Group truck line upMainfreight Truck ShowLaurence ‘Punga’ Purchase; FTL Driver along with his wife Jenny,did a fantastic job of organising the first Mainfreight truck show heldin Hamilton in February.30 Group units attended from all brands. People’s Choice awardwent to Greg Camenzind from Mainfreight Rotorua.Greg Camenzind – Mainfreight Rotorua‘People’s Choice’ truck

5Hot Cross Bunny TimeOne of Mainfreight’s special times of the year is delivering Hot Cross Bunsto our customers just before the Easter holiday.Our team in Timaru really got in the spirit of it this year; Nathan Kippenbergerwhipped out his ‘special bunny suit’... Nice one mate!!Nathan Kippenberger, Mainfreight TimaruInvercargill OpeningThe proud Invercargill teamare finally in and enjoying theirfantastic new shed. Invercargill’sMayor, Tim Shadbolt (worldfamous in New Zealand) officiallyopened the branch on 14 May.Local school performanceInvercargill <strong>Team</strong> with their foundation stone(L-R: Bruce Plested, Lisa McGilvray, John Searle, Ross Wells, Jackie Buckley-Gray, Andrew McLean, Leonna Turner,Dean Cribb, Jason Gray, Nathan McKay, Dean Reynolds, Marama Karatai Bloxham, David Searle, Murray Magon,Stephen Monaghan, Harry Reynolds, Mayor Tim Shadbolt)

6John Graham, Palmerston North Branch Manager and Bruce Plested doing the honoursPalmerston North OpeningThe Palmerston North team unveiled their ‘rock’ atthe recent official branch opening on 19 March.The official opening settingLocal iwi assisted with the formalitiesto create a very special Opening

9Mainfreight Air & Ocean – Ben Fitts<strong>Team</strong> – We are halfway through<strong>2013</strong> and well into the new financialyear. Thank you for your input overthe last six months, many of youhave well and truly gone the extramile for your team mates andcustomers, it is appreciated. In abusiness that revolves aroundpeople and communication youhave absolute control over ourperformance, please keep this inmind in all that you do.We completed the financial yearwith profit ahead of the previousyear by 9.7%. While this is an OKresult we are capable of a lot moreand with your continued effort andfocus on quality we can double thesize of this business in 5 years(15% year on year growth). Salesrevenue was flat at 1.8% ahead ofprevious year; there are a lot ofreasons for this, but we ultimatelyaim for at least 10% growth so havework to do. The new financial yearhas got off to a much stronger startand we must work hard to continuethis momentum.To grow we must do two simplethings well:1. Continue to introduce newcustomers to our business2. Look after all of our currentcustomers by delivering qualityservice every time withoutexceptionWe need to keep our sales energyup. This does not just apply to thesales team; we all have aresponsibility to keep ourcustomers happy and to maintainhealthy relationships. Rememberour customers will be our bestadvocates in the market if we lookafter them well.We have made significant advancesin terms of our single globaloperating platform and theshipment visibility that this providesour customers through Mainchain,but this is all worthless without yourfocus on quality, data integrity andcommunication. You have a lot ofresponsibility, no matter your role,as our customers’ perception of ourperformance relies on us all playingour part.To our sales team, continue to beinnovative in your approach, putyourself in your customer’s shoesand look at what you arepresenting. Would you buy off you?Is there a better way? If we trulyadd value and help our customers,we have a point of difference andrate becomes a secondaryconversation.Maintain your global relationships,this is your responsibility. There willalways be unexpected challengesas we move cargo around the globeand there are times that an emailjust won’t do the job. Pick up thephone and talk to your brother orsister overseas, get to know themand work together to get the jobdone.We have another big target to hitthis year – that won’t ever change!A number of branches have setstretch targets, good on you andgood luck.Remember: Control what you cancontrol, there is little that you don’t.Thanks again <strong>Team</strong>, yourcontribution is appreciated andgood luck for the year ahead.CBAFF (Customs Brokers andFreight Forwarders Federation)Young Achiever of the <strong>Year</strong> AwardCongratulations to Arina Serbanescu fromMainfreight Air & Ocean Auckland.Arina was awarded the CBAFF Young Achieverof the <strong>Year</strong> Award.Arina is one of our new grads and has only beenin the freight forwarding industry for four months.

10Monkey Business atAuckland Airfreight –Antoinette WardIn November 2012 Mainfreight Air& Ocean assisted with the export of12 Capuchin Monkeys from FranklinZoo in Auckland to Mogo Zoo inSydney. It was a very busy day forall concerned. The Auckland Zooteam assisted the Franklin Zooteam to catch the monkeys andcomplete their final health checksbefore they were placed into theircages to commence their journey.The Mainfreight truck arrived atthe zoo at 3.00pm and the cageswere carefully loaded onto thetruck, strapped down and off toAuckland Airport. Upon arrival atthe Airport, the Mainfreight teammet the truck and the cages werecarefully removed from the truckand loaded onto the airline unitsready for export.The monkeys were carefullymonitored by the Zoo team andgiven water when required.At 7:30pm they were loaded ontothe aircraft and at 7:45pm the planewas on its way to Mogo Zoo inSydney. Travelling with themonkeys was Sam White fromFranklin Zoo. Sam stayed fora week in Sydney to settle themonkeys into their new home.The monkeys arrived safely intoSydney at 9:15pm. Within 30minutes of arriving they wereunloaded and on their way toMogo Zoo located some 298kmfrom Sydney.I was also lucky enough to travelwith the monkeys. While a freighteraircraft is not the most comfortablefor passenger travel in you certainlyget the best view sitting in thecockpit and seeing the city lightsas you take off and land. Thismovement was a full Mainfreightteam effort and I was complimentedby several outside parties howimpressed they were withMainfreight’s professionalism andcare of this very precious cargo.We have received the following noteof thanks from Franklin Zoo.“Franklin Zoo Charitable Trust would like to thank Mogo Zoo, Auckland Zoo, Mainfreight and Tasman Cargofor helping to give Dr Helen Schofield’s beloved capuchin monkeys a new home and providing them with abright future, a wonderful new habitat and an excellent skill base to look after their welfare needs. The Trustis so very grateful that this family of 12 monkeys will be very well taken care of in their new home.”Subject: UPLIFT CONFIRMATION AKLSYD HJ001 29NOV12Shipment 615-83341484 12pcs 253Kgs CapuchinMonkeysLDD P1P-3774SQ,PAG-40855SQ- UPLIFTEDAKLSYD HJ00129NOV12Shipment 615-83341484 1pce Not discussed Antoinette LDD FLIGHT DECK - UPLIFTEDAKLSYD HJ00129NOV12Antoinette became freight herself for the homeward journey!

11Surf Lifesaving Nationals“The New Zealand Surf LifesavingChampionships were held at Mt MaunganuiBeach, Tauranga, New Zealand on the 7 - 9March <strong>2013</strong>. Megan Lockie from the MainfreightAir & Ocean Christchurch team competedalongside her canoe crew from Taylors MistakeSurf Life Saving Club. The canoe arena gotthrough a massive day, with all long-course titlesfinalised in the morning and short-course in theafternoon, an exercise which normally would’vetaken three days. Megan and her Taylors MistakeSurf Lifesaving Crew won GOLD in both Canoeevents, the open women’s long-course and openwoman’s short course canoe races.”Megan (front left)Well done Megan!Monster Bluefin Tuna to Japan -Christchurch AirfreightA monster bluefin tuna was recently caught offthe East Cape of New Zealand by a three-mancrew fishing boat owned by Whitianga locals.It had a live weight of 415kg and a gutted weightof 361kgOur Christchurch team assisted with the airfreightof this Bluefin Tuna to Japan ex Auckland.The tuna was shipped in a large wooden “coffin”and moved on an Air New Zealand flight leavingAuckland and arriving into Japan the next daywhere it was sold on the Japanese market forNZ$30,000 (NZ$83.00/kg).Megan the Medallist (third from left)Mainfreight Mack BBQMainfreight Air & Ocean Wellington recently put ona BBQ for the Wellington Hot Rod community.The cars left the Mainfeight Wellington facility and drovein convoy to Raumati where we hosted them at Hot RodLegend Clive Taylor’s replica USA garage and diner.Natasha Jacobs and Steve Curle from Mainfreight doing the cookingon Clive’s unique Mack BBQGiant tuna with the lucky fisherman

12Owens New Zealand – Kevin BabbingtonYet another challenging financialyear for the Red <strong>Team</strong> has flown by.Some very bold targets andpromises were made back in March2012 at the Branch Managersconference, which at the time madea few knees shake and some palmsvery sweaty (namely mine).Toachieve these targets was going totake a massive effort. Yes, this isthe case every year from our team,but these numbers were going totake us to a whole new level interms of our contribution to theGroup.We are very pleased to announcewe have made our year-end target,an increase of 9% compared to theprevious year. The most satisfyingresult has come from our OwensChristchurch branch which finishedup 19% on the previous year. Twoyears ago this profit level was partof a three-year goal for OwenDonald and his team and throughhard work, hard calls, long nightsand lots of tears they have nailed itone year earlier than expected, sowell done to you all team.Health and Safety has been, andshould be, at the top of our agendain all areas of our business. Of latewe have had a run of unnecessaryspills and accidents that could havebeen prevented if we had more of afocus on minimising risks throughregular training, PAT meetings andgenerally being aware of oursurroundings and looking out forour mates. We need to get thiscount down dramatically. We mustnever forget how dangerous ourindustry can be, big vehicles andmachinery, heavy loads, andexposure to the elements puts usall in harm’s way. If there is anythingyou can see in or around yourbranch that needs to be addressed,don’t wait for the Branch Manageror Operations Manager to sort it.Identify it as a hazard and getit fixed; you may avoid seriousdamage to team and customers’freight.Things to do and remember:• Be safe in all you do, Healthand Safety should be at thetop of your list.• As always, be good to eachother – our business shouldnever be that big that we can’ttake the time to say hello toeach other.• Cross training – get out of yourseat and spend a bit of timelearning what your neighbourdoes, make yourself able to helpin all areas, not just your own.• Finally celebrate your wins! Bigor small, they all contribute toour goal and should be sharedwith everyone, so grab the belland give it a damn good shake!Auckland ChallengeThe Owens Auckland ladies teambi-annual outdoor challenge thisyear was “The Karangahake Gorge”which was recently voted 51st outof 101 for must do’s for Kiwis. TheGorge between Waihi and Paeroa ispacked with gold-mining historyand relics. This region was oncethe most lucrative gold mining areain New Zealand.The team tackled effortlessly the5 km through rail tunnels, oversuspension bridges and along theriver’s edge. The river in areas lookslike it was flowing upstream and thecyanide tank ruins were of greatinterest. The team were lucky withthe weather, not a drop of rain untilwe were settled into our WaihiBeach bach having a few warm updrinks at the end of the day. Laterthat night Waihi Beach was blockedoff due to landslides on both roadsinto this area.(L-R) Pauline Bent, Candy Worden, Kelly Portland, Jackie Mein,Aliana Tahaafe, Tarryn Neal, Rhoda MalvedaEach challenge we tackle inspiresus all to succeed, understand eachother’s strengths and work togetheras a team. The downside of theentire weekend was only having oneshower and one mirror in the onebathroom – not ideal for a group offemales!

13(L-R) Wietske de Groot from Owens Christchurch assisted by Teresa and Bonnie (Customers) at the Annual Sefton Primary Tug o’War.Annual Sefton Primary Tug of WarOur Christchurch team recently took part in the Annual Sefton Tug of War. Everyone got into the spirit of theday despite the bad weather and were all looking pretty strong on the ropes. They had a successful day andour mixed team was placed third, just beaten by Grizz Wylllie’s team who have been the winners for the pasttwo years.Night TrainThis beautiful combination is Rig 2,and runs between Auckland andChristchurch five days a week.Owner Driver: Andrew Tautari.Owen the BearWith so many ofour team away onmaternity leave,Owen the Bear hasbeen a regularfeature in ourbaby gift baskets.Farewell MaryRetiring after 20 years of service isMary McCloughen from the Admin <strong>Team</strong> at OwensAuckland. Mary started with us as a casual and never left!Mary will be greatly missed by us all, but hopefully will popin and check on us from time to time.Paul Tolson leads the tributes at Mary’s farewell

14AustraliaAustralia Group – Rodd Morgan<strong>Team</strong>,We are pleased to advise that lastfinancial year we again achievedreasonable growth in both profitand sales. Our combined Australianrevenues grew by over $60 millionand more importantly our profit hashad double digit growth.Each of our four business brandsimproved profitability compared tolast year with the Logistics teamperhaps being the standoutperformer, achieving profit growthof 172% for the year. Our Owensteam also achieved a usefulimprovement in profit although theywould agree that there is still a longway to go before we are where weneed to be.These solid results do not happenby accident. They are only possibleif our team performs to a higherstandard than our competition –which fortunately is the case inmany instances. Thank you tothose team members who are inthis category.If you are currently not performingat your best, then please takeimmediate action to change this.We need every single one of usdoing our job to the highest ofstandards. This is the only way thatwe will survive and grow. If we donot have every member of our teamperforming at the highest of levels,not only do we have a reducedchance of success – we in fact haveno chance of success.Never has it been more important toprovide a quality of service thatensures our customers receive highlevels of value. We must also havehead turning presentation of ourpeople, buildings and vehiclesalong with understanding whatbeing “easy to deal with” reallymeans – these are also keyrequirements for success.We want to take this opportunityto remind our team that giving ourcustomers great service is a nonnegotiablerequirement for eachand every team member. Thissimply means that every one of usmust perform our specific role inour business properly to ensure thatour customers’ freight is deliveredin good condition where and whenit should be. This applies to everypart of our business. We demandof ourselves that we forcefully striveto be a business that our customerssay is the best in the world. If youknow of team members that are notdoing the right thing, then we hopethat you take it upon yourself to tellthem “that is not the way we dothings around here”. Pressure fromall of us to lift our standards willmake us a dramatically betterbusiness that we will all benefitfrom.In a business like ours there arealways plenty of things that needto be done. Where we have knownissues in the business, we want toencourage our team to adopt anurgent attitude to take thenecessary action to fix the problem– today, not tomorrow. Majorissues simply cannot wait untiltomorrow; they must be fixed rightnow. Remember, the only thingworse than taking the wrong actionis to take no action.Everyone will be familiar with ourPositive Action <strong>Team</strong> Meetings.The name of these meetings isdeliberate and is hopefully selfexplanatory.Regular, concisePositive Action <strong>Team</strong> Meetingswhere agreed actions to fixingproblems are written down withnames and dates against them, arethe real secret to fixing any and allof our issues. The best people tofix problems are the people whowork within those problems everyday. Be sure that the team that youare part of are having regular,properly constructed PositiveAction <strong>Team</strong> Meetings.We are now well into the newfinancial year and as usual we facechallenging but exciting times thatare filled with enormousopportunity.The Air & Ocean team has somereally strong new business comingon board that sees us in asignificantly better position than theway we went into last year. ThePerishable operations in Melbourneand Sydney are going from strengthto strength and we look forward toestablishing Perishables in Brisbanevery soon. We are very confidentabout the coming year and lookforward to achieving much bettergrowth than what we have seenover the last few years.The Owens team has shown anability to grow sales and now needsto ensure that this growth transfersto the bottom line. We areprogressively obtaining moresatisfactory facilities andinfrastructure which will greatly helpthe team to achieve betterefficiencies and services and leadto margin improvements that willimprove profits.As mentioned earlier, the Logisticsteam has had a very strong yearwhich is a credit to everyoneinvolved. The challenge is tocontinue this on. A continued,unrelenting focus on managingefficiency and productivitymeasures is critical.

15We have had some excellentcustomer wins recently which willallow us to open some new sitesand help us to grow the scale of theLogistics business.The Transport team has enduredsome real challenges to our marginswhich in part is being dealt with bya much greater focus on ourcartage costs. In particular, theamount of money we spend on theuse of outside hire – we naturallywant more of this money to go toour dedicated owner driver team.Another key business decision thatthe Transport team has recentlysuccessfully implemented is theproactive reduction of the amountof loose, small carton or parcelconsignments that has proliferatedin the business over the years.We simply will not handle this sortof freight anymore as it distracts usfrom our core service of providingAustralia-wide day-definite deliveryof skids and pallets and other‘forklift-able’ freight. Making thisdecision was a very significantmoment in our history and theTransport team should becongratulated for the professionaland fast paced implementation ofthis key strategy.Overall, we are incredibly optimisticabout our opportunities to continueto profitably grow our business in allareas that we operate in. Wecurrently have seven major propertydevelopment projects underwaywhich really highlights ourdetermination to make long-termdecisions that will help us tocontinue to provide great value toour customers and to be around forthe next 100 years. That said,winning profitable new customersneeds to be a key goal for everymember of our team – not just thesales team.As a business we are immenselyproud of the burgeoningrelationship we are building with theBooks In Homes programme inAustralia. We now sponsor sevenschools around Australia which is atotal of 1,486 kids. We ask that ifyou know anybody who you thinkmight be interested in gettinginvolved in the programme, invitethem to a book giving assembly –we reckon this wonderfulexperience will ensure that they getpermanently involved.Finally, we wanted to restate to ourteam that, irrespective of which partof our business that you might bein, providing high quality services toour customers that is better thanour competitors’, is the only way totake on and overcome all thechallenges that we face as abusiness.Our company’s success remainsdirectly related to the quality weprovide.Thanks <strong>Team</strong>.Mainfreight Transport Australia – Bryan CurtisIn the December report we wrote ofa number of concerning trends inour business aside from revenue.We have seen these trends continuein the last five months at analarming rate:• Revenue – Our revenueincreased 20.1% for the financialyear ended 31 March <strong>2013</strong>.• Margin – Margin decreased by0.9% for the financial year toMarch <strong>2013</strong>, this decreaserepresents over AU$2 million inlost margin.• Profit – Our profit for the yearwas 6.1% ahead of last year,which is below our businessexpectations of at least a 15%increase.In recent weeks we have focussedon a number of areas to improveour quality and the level of servicethat we have supplied ourcustomers.• Positive Action <strong>Team</strong> Meetings– revisiting the way we hold ourPositive Action <strong>Team</strong> meetings.1. These meetings are aboutfinding ways to do things betterand you making decisions onwhat you can control.2. Only record positive actions/decisions, who is responsible forcompleting the decision and thedate this is due to be completed.3. The team should be prepared bycoming to the meeting withissues that need solving byrecording these in notebooks/diaries etc. as the issues orideas arise prior to the meeting.4. Meetings should be held weeklyat a fixed time and day so thateach team member knows wellin advance of their scheduledmeeting time and the meetingshould last no more than 30minutes.• DIFOT % - the percentage ofconsignments Delivered In FullOn Time. This is the reason weare in business – to deliver ourcustomers’ freight in full and ontime – and we need to achieve ameasure of at least 99%. Ourperformance over the lastmonths has been well short ofwhere we have to be. Our wholebusiness, through PositiveAction <strong>Team</strong> meetings, mustfocus all our energy and brainson finding ways to achieve 99%today.

16• Parcels strategy.Over time we have seen adramatic increase in the numberof parcels and smallerconsignments handled throughour network for a number ofreasons. This increase has putenormous pressure on us andcompromised our service levelsto our customers, given that wedo not have the specialisedhandling equipment that theparcels experts do. Our corebusiness is the road expressmovement of skids and palletsacross Australia.By focussing on our core businesswe will lift the level of service weprovide our customers and ensurethe future of not only you and yourfamily, but the future of Mainfreightfor the next 100 years. In early Maywe began the process of talking tocustomers about collectivelyseeking solutions to remove theparcels from our business and weexpect to have seen a decrease inthese smaller consignments by thetime you are reading this. Thisinitiative will also generateimmediate cost savings as webecome more efficient in the waywe handle and deliver our freightvolume with less parcels in thenetwork.It has never been more importantthan now that we spend the nextfew weeks getting our performance,systems and structure right – theequivalent of our pre-seasontraining – before the expectedvolume increase in September.We cannot provide the inadequateservice levels to our customers andsister companies that we did lastyear.Things to do better for therest of the year.• Ensure that our Positive Action <strong>Team</strong>meetings are held weekly and arefocussed on positive actions theparticipants can control.• Load our challenging freight onto our firstlinehaul units out rather than leave it tothe last.• Use more electric and manual pallet jacksto move freight around our depots ratherthan forklifts.• Ensure our facilities are spotless at alltimes regardless of how old they are.Gold Coast DepotIn January our Gold Coast team moved from a facility that we were embarrassed to show customers to one thatwe can all be proud of.

17My Exchange ExperienceAn experience of a lifetime!My name is Martin Wierzbicki andlast year I was lucky enough to beselected to spend one year abroadas part of the new globalexchange program between WimBosman in Europe andMainfreight. I was based in theNetherlands in our Logistical hubin ‘s-Heerenberg on the border ofGermany. It was a sensationalexperience on all levels, where Ilearnt to be a more accomplishedteam member of our globalbusiness and also develop on apersonal level.I still remember the day that thesuccessful candidates wereannounced and I was selected forthe opportunity of a lifetime.Initially, I didn’t know what toexpect and was overjoyed at beingselected but also slightly nervousabout the challenges that I wouldbe facing in the near future. Thesupport from both Mainfreight andWim Bosman leading up to theday of my departure and duringthe entire year I spent abroad wasexceptional and made theexperience all the more enjoyableand educational.I cannot even begin to describethe sheer amount of newopportunities I was given todevelop my career inside ourglobal company. In my first fewdays I was introduced to the localteam members and what wasimmediately obvious was howfriendly and inviting everyone was.I had the chance to spend the firstfew weeks experiencing all thedepartments of Wim Bosman’sEuropean operation based in‘s-Heerenberg which includedmeetings and hands-onexperience inside the day-to-dayoperation. I was even sent on atruck route with a Wim Bosmandriver for an entire day!!After the introductory period I hada basic understanding of how WimBosman operates in Europe andwas ready to join the Logisticsteam. Throughout the year I waspart of two new implementationsat the ‘s-Heerenberg warehouse,one which I had a supporting rolein and the second I had thechance to coordinate myself.I also spent a period of time as a<strong>Team</strong> Leader for a great team thatlooked after one of the growingcustomers for us in Europe. I wasalso part of the MTP (ManagementTrainee Program), which allowedme to collaborate and work withother trainees on projects from allover our European locations.Spending twelve months workingin Europe and having all the abovepositions that entailed a vastvariety of different responsibilitiesand collaboration with newpeople, allowed me to learn newmethods of warehousing and waysof adding value for customers in acompletely different supply chainand logistical environment. Ofcourse being based in the centreof Europe I was also able to traveland see many of the amazingsights in Europe. The balance ofwork and time to travel made theyear seem like a working holiday.I was able to visit many countriesover the twelve months includingFrance, Germany, Spain, Belgium,Luxemburg, Serbia and Poland.The year flew by at anunbelievable pace and the entireexperience was one that I willnever forget. The exchangeprogram not only taught me howto operate in differentenvironments, experience differentcultures and make new friendsand contacts for life, but it alsochallenged me at every corner.I am ecstatic that I took theopportunity provided byMainfreight and Wim Bosman andI encourage all our team membersthat meet the criteria to apply andtake the challenge on. You will notregret it! I am privileged to havebeen an ambassador for thisamazing program and I would liketo thank everyone at Mainfreightand Wim Bosman that providedme support over the last 12months and gave me theopportunity to learn and grow withour global company.

18Mainfreight Logistics Australia - René van HoutumThe fiscal year <strong>2013</strong> has justfinished and what a year it was forLogistics Australia! We realisedmore than 21% growth comparedto the previous financial year and allbranches are now profitable.Congratulations to the whole teamon this result and thanks for all thehard work and dedication.The Australian summer was hot andlong this year! The team enjoyed awell-earned holiday after the “sillyseason” and huge workload beforeChristmas. However, the firstmonths of the new calendar yearshowed a much higher workloadthan the year before at the sametime … full steam ahead directlyafter the holiday period!In February this year we held ourannual Sales conference. Besidesdetermining our sales targets andhow to realise these targets, theteam also discussed the benefits ofthe enhanced account managementstructure and how to furtherimprove this. More and more wehave the right tools available topro-actively propose improvementsin the customer’s supply chain.A week later the Branch Managersconference took place.As always, this is a greatopportunity to jointly discuss thechallenges for the new financialyear and how to attack these. Itwas good to conclude that we havestarted to reap the benefits of thechanges we implemented last yearregarding branch specific costpricing, the new calculation modeland the productivity measurements.Furthermore we kicked off “ProjectReal Time”, to make sure that weare using radio frequencytechnology everywhere and for allprocesses where technicallypossible. It’s great to see thatsome branches already use thistechnology 100% – no excuses forother branches anymore to not useradio frequency! After a successfulpilot year, voice picking will beimplemented in parts of thebusiness shortly.The upcoming months will befascinating. We are currently in theprocess of implementing two newlyacquired big customers in theNoble Park and Somertonbranches. In both cases, theprocesses are complex and requiredetailed project managementduring the implementation phase.Within the Logistics team we havewelcomed a new Branch Manager- Luke van Meel has taken over theBranch Manager’s role from HamishWoods and is now managing theSomerton branch. Luke started asa graduate with Mainfreight and, inline with the Mainfreight culture,was promoted from within afterhaving spent a couple of years indifferent roles. Hamish will beresponsible for the implementationof one of the new customers andwill move to business developmentto support further growth of thebusiness.In all states the warehouses are fullor close to full. We very muchwelcome the start of the buildingactivities in Brisbane and Sydney,which will give us opportunities forfurther growth in these locations.In the other states, we closelywatch for opportunities to opennew warehouses/branches. Wewant to take these steps as soonas possible, but without creatingover capacity and increasing costwithout additional revenue.Exciting times ahead and it isimportant that we keep themomentum going. We must furtherincrease the quality in our business.This means fewer service failures,less time spent on stock control,less cost… Revenue and profitgrowth comes with excellent quality,satisfied customers and a happyteam!Noble Park (Melbourne)In the picture the entire award winning “Branchof the <strong>Year</strong>” Noble Park team! Well done team, anachievement realised by extremely hard work andlong days. And it looks like the team wants more…the team is now officially “Easy to deal with…”after attending the training provided by Steve andColleen from the Training Centre.At the time of the release of this newsletter, the NoblePark team is in full swing to prepare the branch for a3,000 pallets new account, starting in the third quarterof this calendar year… Never a dull moment!!The award winning Noble Park team!

19Sydney Road (Melbourne)The Sydney Road team has sevennew customers. Two existingcustomers moved from anotherMelbourne branch to Sydney Road,and not less than five newcustomers have been implemented.This leaves its mark in the utilisationof the warehouse, which is close tofull now.A lot of time and effort has beenspent on improvement of thequality of the processes. Radiofrequency is now deployed for allinwards and outwards processes.The first results are already there,achieving a 100% stocktake resultfor the biggest customer in thewarehouse, well done!Moorebank (Sydney)It is great to see how hard theMoorebank team has worked onthe further development of thebranch and the result is there.Revenue growth, in combinationwith cost control has made thebranch profitable.On top of that, the branch was thefirst Logistics branch executing allinwards and outwards processeswith radio frequency, resulting inmore efficient processes withincreased stock accuracy. Theaudit results have never been ashigh, well done team! The teamhas introduced a new activitywhich has already become atradition… “Bring the dishes” isan activity that takes place on aregular basis, where teammembers bring their own dishesprepared at home. Given thefact that a lot of differentcultures are represented in thebranch, this is a great way toenjoy different kinds of goodfood in combination with theteam socialising together.The order pick area created for oneof the new customers at Sydney Road.The Moorebank team would like tothank Ceryl van Hasselt, the Dutchgrad from Wim Bosman who joinedthe team over the last year for hiseffort and positive impact.Unfortunately he had to go back toWim Bosman at the end of March…Thanks Ceryl!“Bring the dishes…”Prestons (Sydney)The Prestons team is getting stronger andstronger and is developing a couple ofyoung future leaders!! The profit resultsare better compared to last year which isa result of more efficient processesexecuted with a higher quality. Stock takeresults have improved dramatically over thelast year, the presentation of the branch ismuch better than it was before!!The branch has been facing large inwardsvolumes, up to 120 containers in one week,but with hard work the team has been ableto manage this in a proper way.The Prestons team at the Christmas party

21Mainfreight Air & Ocean/CaroTrans Australia - Steve ThorogoodThe year end results for MainfreightAir and Ocean and CaroTransAustralia showed no significantgains on year 2012. Sales revenuegrew by around 4% with overall netoperating profit around the same asthe year prior.We did see some of ourbranches hit their pledges andcongratulations go to the Perth,Adelaide, Sydney Perishable /Export Airfreight and Melbourneteams.Margin erosion is still somethingwe have to manage as customersdemand more for less in atightening economy which is stillputting pressure on our returns.As a business we have to continueto be smarter to control this andprove our worth to our customers.We have seen some good growth incustomer gains from some of oursales team members during thepast year and hope to see thatcontinue with our other sales teammembers also hitting significanthighs this financial year.Products that have seen goodgrowth over the last year are ourairfreight export, airfreight import,CaroTrans FAK groupageprogramme, our Liquid LogisticsTanks Business and our MainfreightAutomotive product.The start of this financial year hasbeen different to the past couple ofyears as we have started with somegood quality sales gains and furtheropportunities are being worked onaround the country. We have alsoseen our smaller branches inTownsville, Newcastle, SydneyPerishable, Springbank Street(Melbourne), Adelaide, Perth andthe CaroTrans Branches all beginthe year positively. Key changeshave also been made in Branch andSales Management in some of ourbranches through the start of thiscalendar year.responsibility of moving an icecream delivery vehicle fromMelbourne to New Zealand.CaroTrans Melbourne team move ice creamvan to New Zealand.The Mainfreight Automotive teamhave attended a few shows thisyear to continue to promote thisarea of our business. One of thoseshows were the Philip IslandClassic over the Australia Dayweekend. With the attendance ofGiacomo Agostini, former WorldChampion, this event saw goodattendance. We have received 10bookings so far plus we also haveeight bikes waiting to ship for onecustomer, who attended the show.The Bike that Agostini rode thatweekend was owned by aMainfreight customer and wasrebuilt and imported throughMainfreight ex the USA.Another show was the Top Gearfestival in Sydney where 40,000people attend over the two days.We had a steady stream of peopleat our stand during the show.Within the first week of the eventwe had car bookings from HongKong, New Zealand and two carsex the USA.Mainfreight Automotive with itsfacility in the USA and the onebrand all the way has proved verypositive in the marketplace. Alongwith the many referrals basedaround the service of our team, theattendance at the trade shows andthe advertising has resulted in goodgrowth in the product in the past 18months.For those of you who haven’t seenit yet, the Mainfreight AutomotiveFacebook page is up and running.The page has regular updates oninteresting vehicles we’re shipping,swap meets and car shows weattend, and vehicles for sale - forour customers looking to buy andimport a vehicle.www.facebook.com/mainfreightautomotiveBecome a fan and send this link toall your car crazy friends –especially those outside the US– our business is shipping cars,bikes, trucks, boats and relatedfreight from the USA to pretty muchanywhere else on the planet!Thanks and happy hunting from theMainfreight Automotive <strong>Team</strong>!During the course of the year asyou would have seen in previousnewsletters we do get somedifferent movements to service.Recently our CaroTrans Melbourneteam were charged with theLee Amour from Mainfreight Automotive working the standat the Top Gear Show in Sydney.

22It is always important for our teamsto enjoy their work and to get realsatisfaction from coming to work ina place where the environment ispositive and enjoyable; anenvironment of support, training,mentoring and where everyone isstriving to be better than thecompetition. That’s what creates abusiness that our customers can beproud to be associated with.Comment from Rebecca McRaeafter her Outward Boundexperience.Hi Steve, Brian, & Marty,I just wanted to pass on mysincerest thanks to you all for theamazing opportunity to attendOutward Bound. I feel so honouredto have been given the chance togo, and I’ve already started toimplement changes into myeveryday life so Air & Ocean will beseeing the benefits well into thefuture.I thoroughly enjoyed the courseand feel I learnt lots of very valuablelessons from the experience.I met 13 other fantastic people whoI know I can always call on forsupport, encouragement or simplyto bounce ideas off as I continue tobuild my Mainfreight career.On the last day of Outward Bound,we were all given the incredibleopportunity to give a gift back toMainfreight, keeping in mind our100 year vision. I presented my giftto Emmet Hobbs from the board, aswell as my OB team, Marty & Dallas(our OB Facilitator). I know youwere there Marty but for Brian &Steve’s benefit, I wanted to sharethis gift with you because I’m nowreally passionate about bringing thisgift to fruition, and getting the wordout there across the world toincrease environmental awarenessand reduce costs in ourbusiness. I’m putting together abrief plan/info pack to share thePDF splitter program with thegreater Mainfreight family. I’m sureacross all brands we print PDFdocuments unnecessarily and thefree PDF splitter program allows aneasy solution to this problem. It hassignificantly reduced the amount ofBrisbane team celebrating Australia Day <strong>2013</strong>Rebecca McRae and the outward bound team <strong>2013</strong>.paper my team use, as well asincrease their efficiency in day-todaytasks. I want to share this withthe greater Mainfreight family soeveryone can take advantage of thetool.Thanks again - BeckJessica Rankin and Dave Coughlin at theCabernet Wine Tasting event in Adelaide.Customers joined us at the event also.This year we have continued to increase our Liquid Logistics tanksbusiness both in the Wine and Spirit Tanks and also the Industrial Tankswith our key partners. With that in mind, we have become involved in theWinestate Awards and Magazine which goes out to 80,000 industryreaders plus the Qantas and Virgin airline lounges. As part of this we alsoget to present our business at wine shows around the country, as wecontinue to grow our brand in the sector even further with our domesticand international offerings.We must all strive to continually improve on our offering, internally to eachother and our business around the world, and of course also to ourcustomers, reaching beyond our current levels and targets. This takescommitment from each of us and requires perseverance and hard work.The key to our business is our team; at times the pressures and demandsof work are high but rest assured your efforts are valued and I thank youone and all, which I know at times maybe not said as much as it could be!

23Owens Transport Australia – Cameron ClodeExcitement continues to grow inAustralia with our new site inSydney (Port Botany) underway.Our market share across thecountry has grown at a frantic paceand last financial year saw recordrevenue reported nationally. Whilelast year’s sales have grown at over25%, profitability has not keptpace. Our Perth branch wasprofitable in its first full year ofoperation, Melbourne continues toshow good signs and Brisbane ismaintaining its positive results.Some weeks ago a heads ofagreement for a new purpose builtsite at Port Botany in Sydney wassigned. A development applicationhas been lodged with BotanyCouncil and construction isexpected to commence in June<strong>2013</strong>. This new site will be a boonfor our Sydney operation. The teamwill have total control over allaspects of the site. The hardstandarea will be 9,000m2 allowing us tooperate a new container reachstacker and hold a capacity of over500 TEU (twenty foot equivalentunit – shipping container). A3,500m2 warehouse and largeThe new Sydney site as it is todayawning area will ensure we maintainour current depot operation. Withquarantine and bond licensing onthe site we will be able to offer a fullsuite of services ensuring wecontinue our growth and add furthervalue to the Group.In the past twelve months we havetaken on more warehouse andhardstand space in Melbournealong with our own piece ofinfrastructure in Perth on theGroup’s Kewdale site. Brisbane isnow well and truly on the radar for asite to take us into the next decadeand beyond. Currently our Brisbaneteam operate on two sitesgenerating inefficiencies andduplicated costs. We are hopefulthat a suitable site will be located inthe coming months and expect thesite to replicate our Sydneyoperation functions.The past few months have seensome exciting new energy in ourbusiness. This is no coincidence aswe have increased the number ofgraduates within our team. This isadding some vigour and certainlysome fresh new ideas in how werun our operations. Our customersare noticing this and passingpositive comments on our mixbetween our experienced andyoung and eager new teammembers.We continue to offer IT benefits toour customers that are quiteinnovative in our transport market.We are seeing positive results inacquiring new business, particularlyfreight forwarders. Thedevelopment being undertaken byour own IT department hasprovided instant communicationbetween our and our customer’soperating systems. It appears ourcompetitors talk about this but wehave been one of a few transportoperators successful in delivering it.Savings are made for bothbusinesses by generating lessadministrative tasks, speeding upcommunication and allowing us tofocus on further improvements inour ever evolving business. It isintegral all team members use thesystem to its full capability, fromwand usage to allocating andinvoicing.To remove the ‘grey’ from ourcustomer service expectations wehave been very pro-active indiscussing, communicating anddocumenting standard operatingprocedures. Everyone is now awareof their requirements and what levelof service will be maintained. Thishas been well accepted by ourcustomers and ensures our serviceremains high and our efficienciesare optimised.Each branch now has a strategy forwhat our expectations are for thecoming year. Responsibilities havebeen provided for our key areassuch as service, quality, operationsand sales. These are measuredwith weekly KPI’s and reviewed inour regular PAT meetings.

24It is critical that we stay ahead ofour competition whilst ensuring ourmargins are maximised.Operationally we are investing inmore light weight skel trailers, 20’– 40’ empty sideloaders, super Bdouble trailing equipment andadditional tautliners for our depotoperations. With this newequipment we will see operationalbenefits including being able totravel direct routes to customers,less use of outside subcontractorsand increased ability to movecontainers more efficiently from thewharves.Once again we need to bereminded that we are all responsiblefor workplace health and safety.Please make sure we are all proactivewhen it comes to safety.Positive Action <strong>Team</strong> meetingsneed to be held regularly, monthlysafety meetings need to be had andany risks dealt with immediately.We all need to go home the sameway that we arrived at work.As we continue down our excitingpath, let’s make sure we stayinnovative and remember that aspart of this great company andculture of ours we can achieveanything!Owner driver Steven Schmidt from Perth made this awesome Owens truck cake forSandra Ali’s birthday. Maybe a second calling…Our Sydney team farewelling Mike Hilton who retired after nearly 30 years at Owens.L-R Billy McCracken, Steven Slezak, Scott Davies, Rubinco Corboski,Josepine Kimberly, Mike Hilton, John Rawling, Steve Butler, Craig Connors,Paul McCracken & Scott BeauchampAn out of gauge water purifier being deliveredby Owens to country QueenslandThe Sydney Owens and Air & Ocean teamsenjoying a team BBQ.

25United StatesMainfreight USA – John HepworthGlobal GrowthAs we finish another financial year our Air & Oceandivision finished with good growth in all of ourproducts. In a year that has been tough in so manytrade lanes, it is exciting to see that the Mainfreightvolumes have continued to grow year on year.Our largest carrier support with Ocean TEU’s wasHamburg Sud who carried 12% of our global volume.Our largest carrier support with airfreight kilos wasSingapore Airlines who carried 17% of our globalvolume.• Seafreight TEU volumes grew 6% over last year• Airfreight kilo volumes grew 5% over last year• Customs brokerage grew 20% over last yearWe thank these carriers and all our key partner carrierswho work alongside our teams, in every point of theglobe, as we ensure we deliver our customers’ freighton time and in good condition.What is Ahead of Mainfreight USA in <strong>2013</strong>/14?Mainfreight USA has finished this financial year withrecord profits again. Both business units, Domestic andAir & Ocean, have performed well with net profits forDomestic up 23% and International up 276%. In ournewsletter one year ago we set targets for ourselvesand we are pleased to say all of these have been met.This year our goal is simple – SALES.Over the past 3 years we have defined our businessmodel which is shown below;Domestic – Products• White Glove – Home and Office deliveries.• Time Definite – Same day, Next day, 2 to 3 dayservices. The traditional business of an Americandomestic freight forwarder.• Ground – LTL, Truck loads, Port Operations andIntermodal.• Trans Border – Canada• Trans Border – Mexico• Logistics.Air & Ocean – Products• Sea and Air Imports• Sea and Air Exports• Customs Brokerage• Purchase ManagementWe split our business 18 months ago into the abovetwo divisions.This financial year we have done the same with oursales teams. We have the tools both in our IT solutionsand clear product definition. For us this year it is allabout selling our products, we have specialist salespersonnel who can negotiate in front of prospectiveclients, and have the product knowledge to gain theirtrust. And our customer service teams can back themup with the same knowledge when we bring newclients on board.To achieve our goals we have established two newpositions, Director Air & Ocean Sales and DirectorDomestic Sales along with our VP of Sales. We havegone back to basics and retrained our branchmanagers in how to effectively manage a sales teamand create a sales focused branch. This means thebranch managers commit to being on the roadthemselves at least two days a week and ensuring ourcustomer services teams internally step up to deliver ahigh performing product. In our main branches we haveestablished a customer care person whose job it is tobe the key point of contact for our key customers.We have also had regional meetings with both our salesteams and the branch managers on each product toensure they are aligned with the same vision and areseen as one team.For Mainfreight USA our future is bright; we are in thebiggest market in the world; we are still a small playerin a $33 billion industry; all we need to do is believe inourselves, step up to the plate, and hit a home run.The exciting news is we have done that for the pastthree years and we know we can do it again.

26Mainfreight Mexico & New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, the Ministryof Foreign Affairs and Trade - Working TogetherMainfreight was one of the only25 companies invited to theNew Zealand business missionto Mexico earlier this year, and inpartnership with New Zealand Tradeand Enterprise organized a cocktailhour event during their visit. Thisevent allowed Mainfreight toannounce to our Kiwi partners theopening of Mainfreight’s newestbranch in Mexico City.Mainfreight owes a special vote ofthanks to Alex Turnbull – ManagingDirector of Fonterra Latin America,and also leader of the 25 Kiwibusiness delegation, as his speechreally paid the Mainfreight Group ahuge compliment as a Kiwicompany taking on the world.Group picture – John Hepworth, Annabel Mahnke, Fernando Ruiz, Jesus Calzadaalong with attendees of the eventMainfreight USA Logistics – Contributed by Dallas Wymes2012/13 has been a tremendousyear for Mainfreight USA Logistics.We have more than doubled ourrevenue from the previous year.We went from $3.1 million in2011/12 to $7.3 million in 2012/13and we aren’t slowing downanytime soon.One of the major reasons for thishyper growth is the development ofa strategic partnership with SPSCommerce. Through thispartnership, Mainfreight has theability to provide a seamless serviceto our customers who are selling tothe large “big box” retailers. We canprovide EDI connectivity for ourcustomers to the retailers. We areable to send Advanced ShippingNotices (ASN’s) and print UCC 128labels to comply with retailrequirements.Today, we are picking, packing andshipping orders to some of thelargest retailers in the US such asWal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath &Beyond, Costco, etc. The list isgrowing weekly and you can beassured that if your customer hasthe need to ship to a retailer,Mainfreight USA can deliver.We are also continuing to bring ine-Commerce business whichmeans more orders and more everyday freight. With continued growthin e-Commerce comes additionalchallenges such as the need formore automated processes allowingus to pick more orders per hour.One of these challenges is the needto map MIMS to our courierpartners such as FedEx. Withoutthe persistence of Nathan Chaney,we would not even be close.However, because of his continuedefforts, we will have the mappingbetween FedEx and MIMS in thecoming days or weeks. Great jobNathan!In addition to our retail logisticsbusiness growth, we have growna current client from inventory of1,200 pallets in 2010 to about30,000 pallets today. To handle thisgrowth, we have opened 4PLoperations in Pasadena, TX andmost recently in the heavyweightcorridor of the Los Angeles port inCarson, CA. These two warehouseshave a combined capacity of324,000 square feet of space.Even with all this growth, we havea long way to go. With a totalcapacity of 60,289 pallets whichincludes our 4PL operations, wehave 33,529 pallets or 56%capacity. We need to get theseempty pallet spaces filled so wecan move on to the next level ofLogistics in the USA. Our goal isto have “stand alone” logisticsfacilities in our major markets likeLos Angeles, Newark and Chicago.The USA Logistics <strong>Team</strong> is ready forthe challenges ahead and is lookingforward to our continued growth.

27Mainstreet – Contributed by John EshuisAt the time of writing this, we arejust about to go live on Mainstreetin the USA. The last few weekshave been busy for the all of theteam – we’ve been training!We tried a new approach toimplementing a new system,effectively delivering four layers oftraining:1. Videos have been available sinceearly February for the team toget a feel for the product,understand the basics ofMainstreet and understand thenavigation.2. Webinars followed on from thevideo’s, to give the teammembers deeper insight into thefeatures, and to prepare them forthe face to face training3. Champions were trained fromeach branch (1 champion for 6team members) at four regionaltraining workshops.They were equipped with thein-depth training required to goback to the branch to work withtheir team mates and get thebranch operational by June 12th.4. Branch training by thechampions. One on onetraining, as well as group trainingon site, with the team that runsthe branch. Branches jumpedright in and individualized theiron site training in various ways.It was great to see the buy infrom everyone.We are supporting all that trainingwith ongoing Q&A webinar sessionswhere the team can join anddiscuss challenges they are facing.Overall, this project is coming to anexciting conclusion! Many, manyhours of work have gone into thisby the US Super Users, led byMelissa Holmes, and an incrediblelevel of commitment from theNZ IT team, led by Anthony Barrettand the developers from Sandfield(long time partners of Mainfreightand the creators of Maintrak, MIMS,OnSale, OnIssue and OnAccount).Mainstreet will provide muchneeded workflow and visibility, tohelp us move our customers’ freightthrough our network with muchmore efficiency for the office team.There will be many benefits forMainfreight USA, the biggest onebeing that this is OUR software,and we can do with it what thebusiness needs!Thanks to all the team who havetackled this challenge with thepositive attitude we like to see! Thisis going to be a bit of a challengeduring and after go live – while weall adjust to change – but we feelthat the business is ready, and theteam is more than capable to makeit a success!** Stop Press - USA now successfully running on Mainstreet **From single database to single minded sales force in Australasia –Contributed by Jason BraidThe saying goes something likethis: “…do something you love andyou will never work a day in yourlife…”. The strong relationshipsbeing built between the Mainfreightteams in China, Australia, NewZealand and the USA are more likevisiting and working with greatmates and family these days.Our joint sales efforts are showingresults of revenue growth, groupstrength, teamwork, trust andconfidence.This year we will have 13 multiplejoint effort and two way salescampaigns between the USA andAustralasia. This is more than 26weeks spent by Mainfreight teamsin joint selling campaigns this year.Our strongest commitment inMainfreight history.Our growth will center on a numberof internal and external factors:In true Mainfreight style, someridiculous growth targets on theTPEB… we moved less than 10,000TEU last year and the goal is now20,000 TEU this year! Our newTPEB contracts have the strongestpricing and carrier servicecommitment ever !! … there will beno excuses only success !TPEB sales for Air & Ocean areturning in our favor. In what was atraditional “FOB” or “EXW” tradelane… Our teams in Asia are findinggreat pre-paid opportunities and aregaining large new accounts in whatis typically a tough consignee/buyercontrolled market.We are Targeting the WHALES. Inthe past we had our sights onmedium sized or boutiqueopportunities for growth. Our sightshave shifted dramatically. We haveour foot in the door of some of thelargest clients we’ve never beenable to crack before and this is theyear we are going to make ithappen.Our teams are capitalizing on ourshared pipeline network andexisting top 100 global clients inother Mainfreight markets.We are seeing stronger sales leadgeneration, follow up andCLOSING.Finally, We have started intensiveand detailed sales training for theAir & Ocean sales teams and Air &Ocean branch managers. We willbe sending new team membersfrom the USA team overseas toexpand knowledge base and buildteam/family strength. Weunderstand it is important to haveour teams understand foreignculture, global markets and to meetfellow Mainfreight team membersaround the world. This promotes awant and need to grow the trades.We understand we are in a largemarket but as a company we areway too small. We have large goalswith the foundation of the businessnow laid; it is now all about sales!Relationships with our team matesaround the world are key, we mustwork for one another and try andmake one another look good.

28Mainfreight Livery Gathering MomentumToday we have in excess of 75 trucks painted in Mainfreight colors across the USA. The feedback from our clientsis great as most trucking companies do not commit to a total paint out of their vehicles.The EURO gaining strength…. – Contributed by Tom ValentineThe financial markets may share aview of the Euro currency in declineagainst global currencies, but wehave momentum and growth toreport between Mainfreight EU andMainfreight USA ! What is anchoringour growth and igniting the salesteams is the synergy betweenclients, products and services. Oneof our largest EU/US air exportpositions has been sold and closedfrom follow up and engagement offof the same air import position. Wehave had 2 major sales successesby integrating the USA white gloveand domestic distribution productinto the EU airfreight exportproduct. The clients are seeing thevalue of our single databasethrough MainChain visibility, singlecompany responsibility and singleinvoice accountability. As our Air &Ocean teams have now moved tothe Opportunity Manager inCargoWise, we are now managinga shared pipeline and working truebi-lateral sales development. This isjust the start! Here are someadditional highlights... along with aphoto of where all of ourdevelopment ideas are born:• Eight major sales campaignsbetween EU/US this year with4 already completed includingMainfreight attends GovernmentTransportation ForumOn February 19th & 20th, Mainfreight attended the ThirdAnnual Government Transportation forum at the RonaldReagan Building in Washington, D.C. The GSA forum wasdesigned for individuals from the transportation industry andfederal representatives responsible for procuring, managingand implementing transportation solutions and services (nonDOD business) that are eligible to use GSA TransportationServices. Mainfreight <strong>Team</strong> Members Glenn Johnson(Baltimore, Sales) and Frank Crossan (Director, GovernmentServices) ran the booth and explained the new automatedtransportation management solutions and availableMainfreight options to show attendees. They were verypleased with the great turnout that they received at this show.Military is our fastest growing sales vertical and will have aturnover this year in excess of $40 million. Frank Crossan hasalso been able to train Mike Ligthart from Mainfreight Europeto develop military sales and this has become a strongrevenue source for Air and Ocean in Holland.campaigns with MainfreightFRANCE !• Significant CLOSED business asa result of calls with WimBosman road transport teams• Scheduled AIR consolidationsbetween Chicago, New York,Amsterdam and Brussels• Major US clients now using WimBosman for 3PL and distributionservices• Major Wim Bosman clients nowusing Mainfreight USA for 3PLand supply chain services

29CaroTrans – Greg HowardWith each year comes a new set ofchallenges and opportunities – andthis past year had its share of ‘em.Our US operations started out theyear with gusto and pace butmidway through the year we foundourselves fiercely battling irrationaland unsavory rate offers from ourcompetitors, softer trade volumesin the Europe sector, Super StormSandy, work stoppage at the portsof Los Angeles and a six-monthlong open air longshoremen’scontract dispute which affectedoperations at all US East Coastand Gulf ports.Despite these challenges, theCaroTrans team pulled togetherand delivered results which wereconsistent with the prior year.While total sales revenue was uponly slightly, we experienced growthof 13.2% in our import salesrevenue, total gross margin trendedback towards the 20% mark andROR was within the targeted range.It is encouraging to see our twonewest US branches post improvedresults. The Dallas branchcelebrated its 2nd birthday this yearand Keith Morris (Branch Manager)proudly received the plaque at theBranch Managers meeting forexceeding their profit pledge. Keithand the team have set a lofty profitpledge for <strong>2013</strong>/2014 and anxiouslyawait the return of Will Young whorelocated from the US to NewZealand where he has worked insales at CaroTrans Auckland for thepast three years. Will has beensuitably “blue blooded“ and willreturn home in <strong>July</strong> to take up thesales role in Dallas.Our team in Seattle has stormed themarket and within their first year ofopening, they’ve establishedCaroTrans as the “real deal”.The competitors who have beenentrenched in the market for yearshave been served a wake up calland the positive response fromcustomers has been overwhelming.We expect big results from thesmall and mighty Seattle team aswe expand and strengthen ourpresence in the Pacific Northwest.In two years since establishing theoperation in Santiago Chile, theCaroTrans brand and services arewell recognized in the marketplace.Our market share throughout theWest Coast of South Americaregion continues to grow as we addexpanded service offerings fromLos Angeles and New York.Our investment in developing theservices between China and Chileis delivering improved results butwe have our work ahead of us inorder to bring the trade to a levelsimilar to that of the USA-Chiletradelane.Our Chile team has aspirations of25% growth in market share withinthe following year and consideringthe team’s hard work, passion anddedication, this is attainable.The CaroTrans Le Havre branch stillhas the “new office smell” to it andis moving quickly to establish ourbrand as the pre-eminent servicebetween the USA and France.Truly our size, service scope andfocus are major advantages andthe fresh approach to the marketis welcomed by many clients asevidenced with the new businessbeing gained and prospects foreven more. Once our presencein the USA-France trade is firmlysettled, we will expand servicesto include trade with our networkpartners in Singapore and Brazil.Moving forward, our teams arebuilding on the lessons learned.They remain focused on striving toperform better than the prior yearand on achieving this year’s profitpledges.This year, as a team unified, we will:1. Achieve 20% sales growththrough focused sales andmeasured results2. Invest in sales across thenetwork to ensure we havededicated sales team membersin all branches3. Demonstrate our extraordinarycapabilities and expertise in aunified and coherent fashion.Our future lies in workingtogether to present all servicesavailable across our network4. Focus on leveraging additionalbusiness from existingcustomers. These customersalready entrust us withbusiness in selected areas andshould be open to trusting uswith other areas of opportunity5. Get more aggressive at rippingbusiness away from ourcompetition6. Focus on improving load factorutilization and strive to achievethe targets – use the operationswhite boards7. Continue to develop importsales to reach the target of20% of total revenue8. Take every opportunity toenhance the customerexperience every day. Eachof us - regardless of our roles- can make a critical differenceto how the customer perceivesCaroTrans9. Hire more grads in all branches10. Have fun winning!<strong>Team</strong>, we are off to a good startthis year…Let’s make <strong>2013</strong>/2014 ourDEFINING YEAR !

30National Sales MeetingScottsdale ArizonaFebruary 28/29The CaroTrans National Salesmeeting was held at the samevenue and immediately followingthe Branch Manager’s meeting.The timing of this year’s meetingenabled Michael Forkenbrock to getthe sales team to align their salesplan with the Branch Managers’business plan. Previously, the salesmeeting was held a month followingthe Branch Meeting and based onthe response from the team, thisyear proved to be perfect timingand is the plan for scheduling futuresales meetings.Each member of the sales teamwas put to the test of developingthe proper sales strategy needed toachieve the lofty profit pledges.Attention was focused on the“CaroTrans DNA”, importance ofeffective pipeline and core accountsales management, import productknowledge and the need for clearmeasurement and accountability fora result driven performance acrossthe entire team.Door to Port Web Rate applicationCaroTrans recently introduced aninnovative tool that has receivedacclaim in the trade press and highpraise from customers worldwide.This USA export LCL rating toolcalculates all possible truck andocean routings in our system foran individual shipment and returnsthree rates based on fastest transitSeveral members of our sales team up for an early morning run in the Arizona desertWe had Raul Katz from our Chileoperation spend time with the salesteam explaining the significance ofthe South American market andhow we must dominate the tradesimilar to our position in theOceania market. In the course ofthe past four years, the SouthAmerican market has deliveredstrong and steady growth for us.It has become our newest “rainmaker” and further expansiontime and the total price from doorto foreign port.It is especially useful to our agentsand customers outside the countrydealing with USA geography andthe problems of a country with atown named Springfield locatedin 35 different states.of our service coverage will benecessary to grab hold of a largershare of the market.The team left the meeting with aclear understanding of the tasks athand and are hard at work with thepassion and drive needed toachieve their targets.Outward Bound -Meredith McKay(CaroTrans Baltimore branch)This past April I had the opportunityto travel to New Zealand to takepart in an Outward Bound coursealong with 13 other Mainfreightmembers from throughout theworld. I was extremely excited toparticipate, especially after hearingothers experiences, but neverwould have imagined howchallenging yet amazing OutwardBound would turn out to be.The course is designed to pushus to our limits physically andemotionally, but it also taught usTop row (L – R): Peter Wilson, Hamish Quinn, Harrold Dost, Luke Darlington,Shawn Lim, Brandon Confer, Nicholas Gray, Meredith McKayBottom row (L – R): Danielle Te Tai, Kitty Henson, Judy Liu, Stefanie Henry,Alexia Vander Zanden, Chanine Loef

31how to translate our teamwork andleadership skills we needed to getthrough the course into skills wecould take back to everyday workand personal life. From the verybeginning we were impelled to takeadvantage of opportunities thatcame our way. We pushed ourlimits and with the support of ourteam behind us, we found thataccomplishing something initiallyoverwhelming was actually quiteexhilarating. Together we,McKenzie 580, learned that lifeshould be lived and not taken forgranted, and that we need helpfrom others in order to achieve ourgoals. The entire experience iscertainly one I will never forget andthough we came together asstrangers we left with new-foundfriendships and a drive to achievewhat we set our minds and heartsto do.Baltic/Russia FocusWe recently expanded our networkcoverage of the Baltic and CIS(Commonwealth of IndependentStates made up of the formerSoviet Republics) markets byoffering weekly direct LCL and FCLservices to the Port of Klaipeda inLithuania. The expansion featuresan alliance with a full service partnerwho is well established with brandrecognition and extensive coveragethroughout the region.In 2012, Russia became part of theWorld Trade Organization bringingconfidence and stability to businessand trading partners. This newservice is our first step in ourdevelopment and investment in thisgrowing region of the world as wemove closer to establishing aCaroTrans operation in StPetersburg and finally launch directLCL & FCL services from the US toCaroTrans RVNothing beats a tail gate party at aJimmy Buffet concert together witha whole bunch of happy customers.We rolled out the CaroTrans LandYacht and hosted a customerappreciation night at an outdoorJimmy Buffet concert in Atlanta.The clients haven’t stopped talkingabout the down home CaroTranshospitality.Western Russia.Thanks to the helpfrom the Wim Bosman team in StPetersburg, we were introduced toAlexander Kosachev. Alexanderand his wife were planning toemigrate to the USA from StPetersburg and he was interestedin career opportunities withinCaroTrans. Soon after securing hisgreen card, Alexander joined theteam at the Phoenix BranchManager meeting and started withCaroTrans within the next week.Alexander has a wealth of tradeexperience having worked atseveral logistic firms in Russiaduring the past eight years.He is responsible for helping theteam develop and grow our servicecapabilities to the Baltics andthroughout Russia.Welcome Alexander !Similar to our development inChina, building our service toRussia will require perseveranceand clear market focus as we takeadvantage of future opportunities.OrangesSeveral of the more than 1500 buckets of oranges delivered toclients during April. This year was a record with over 30,000oranges given to clients in the bright white CaroTrans buckets.<strong>Team</strong> Member PortalIt is important to not lose sight ofthe fact that we are part of anexciting organization whichprovides opportunity, security anddevelopment throughout each teammember’s working career.<strong>Team</strong> member benefits playan important role in the recruitmentand retention of quality teammembers. Accessibility to essentialbenefit information is important forthe team and spouse/partner.We have just released the new<strong>Team</strong> Member Portal available viaCONNECT to all US based teammembers 24/7.

33Ben & Michael... Always looking for potential business opportunities...Yum Yum Noodles, Myanmar’s largest instant noodles manufacturerQingdao team Birthday celebration. What are the oddsof 5 team members all in one office all celebrating birthdays!L-R: Eva Jiang, Lucy Chen, Fred Wang,Amanda Liu, Jessica Wang.Often, to be able to betterunderstand these new markets andto establish our business plan forthe region, we have the opportunityto visit these amazingly interestingcountries, purely for businesspurposes of course... One recentexcursion saw Ben Fitts from ourNew Zealand Air & Ocean team joinus with a delegation of businesspeople from New Zealand inYangon, the capital of Myanmar...We are not yet ready to open abranch in Yangon, but it is definitelyon our future location list.But as we have said many times itsnot all hard work... As you can see,our young Qingdao team were rightinto ‘birthday’ celebrations recentlywhen not one, but four of the teamall celebrated their birthdays in onemonth. Well done team. Adding tothe event was the fact than LucyChen, our senior accounts teammember for mainland China wasvisiting the branch and she alsojoined in the celebrations.a high level of personal service toour internal team as well as ourcustomers. Within Mainfreight, theconcept of team work and passionis in our DNA, and building closerelationships with our family aroundthe world is key to this success.In an effort to help our teamscommunicate better, we havestarted an English LanguageEducation Scheme for our Chinateam members. This program wasfirst trialled in our Ningbo office andafter a successful implementationhas now moved to our largest officein mainland China, Shanghai. Weintend to put this program in placethroughout all our offices inMainland China.The year is almost half gone, andhas proven to be a challenging oneto date. We look forward to the restof <strong>2013</strong> with great enthusiasm andoptimism...Onwards and upwards, there are nolimits to what we can achieve aslong as we work as a TEAM.Until our next <strong>Team</strong> Board Report,from all the team in Asia, we wishall the Mainfreight family aroundthe world a smashinglysuccessful year.To achieve constant andsustainable success we need tolook for ways to grow and improveour day to day activities. We oftenask ‘what can we do better’, andchallenge ourselves to findanswers. For our team in Asia, asour global business grows, oftenagainst difficult economicconditions, we see that what wecan ‘do better’ here in MainfreightAsia is to improve ourcommunication skills and maintainTop Row L-R: Doris Bao, Titi Gong, Cherry Wang, Suki Zhang, Sohie Wang,Seven Shi, Joki Tan, Evoone Tang, Andy LiuBottom Row L-R: Benny Tang, Johnny Zhao, Ricky Zhou

35Mainfreight AutomotiveMainfreight Rotterdam has started offering Automotiveservices in partnership with Direct Express Inc in the USA.We handle the transportation of vehicles from USA(Los Angeles, Houston, Jacksonville and New York) to Europeand arrange temporary storage in our warehouses. We alsooffer a door-to-door delivery option into Europe.It is our job to ensure that these vehicles and parts arrivefrom the USA in good condition and are transported to theirfinal destinations in Europe. Classic cars, modern cars,motorbikes and camper vans are transported in a standardshipping container with a special suspension system inside.The metal racking system to stow the cars in the container isan environmentally friendly option compared to stowing usingtimber.Recently a team member from Direct Express Inc has flownover from the USA in order to demonstrate the use of themetal racking system to the team members of Mainfreight inRotterdam.G’day mates! Ceryl vanHasselt reflects on hisAustralian adventureA year flies by and I am at the endof my time Down Under atMainfreight Logistics Australia.I was given a very warm receptionby the close-knit ‘Mainfreightfamily’, which certainly made mefeel at home. The branch whereI spent the majority of my time(Moorebank) has developedenormously in a year. In thebeginning, approximately 35% ofthe warehouse was still empty,while we now sometimes wonderwhere we can place all of theincoming pallets. Healthy profits arereported every week, and last weekwe achieved the best audit score ofall of the branches, with 95%! Theaudits at Mainfreight are veryprestigious and are part of thecompetition for the Branch of the<strong>Year</strong> award. The list of points ofattention is endless, which is whywe are very happy with the scorethat we have strived so hard to earnas a team.The last period was focusedprimarily on learning, not only aboutthe culture and IT systems ofCeryl van Hasslet and his Australian team members.Mainfreight, but also about allprocesses within Logistics. I havebecome familiar with all Logisticsprocesses – unloading containers,order picking, stocktakes,replenishment, admin, setting upproductivity measurements, costpricecalculation, etcetera. Lesseveryday jobs were also part of thework, such as painting forklift trucksin Mainfreight blue, teaching Excelto the team and mopping pathsafter the sprinkler installation hadgenerously decided to share 10,000litres of water with us ...I would like to take this opportunityto thank all of my “MainfreightBrothers & Sisters” who havehelped in what was an unforgettableyear for me and also theWim Bosman Training andDevelopment <strong>Team</strong> that spent agreat deal of time on makingarrangements.

38Specialized ContractRenewed for 4 More <strong>Year</strong>sSpecialized and Wim Bosman haveextended their contract for four moreyears. Eugene Fierkens, GeneralManager Specialized Europe,expressed his satisfaction about thequality and flexibility of the offeredservices. All attendees at the signing ofthe new contract were praised for theirhard work the last year and this hardwork has been rewarded with thiscontract renewal. Congratulations!Mark Newman, CEO Wim Bosman Europe (left) and Eugene Fierkens,General Manager Specialized Europe (right).Mainfreight MovesAirfreight Office toSchiphol South-EastThe airfreight office of Mainfreight B.V.has moved to Schiphol South-East.Located in the Dutch ‘heart’ of airfreightMainfreight’s customers will experiencemany benefits in terms of quality andspeed of services.Schiphol is number three on the list ofEuropean cargo airports with regularcargo flights. The Netherlands can, withits favourable geographical location andcargo from all over the world, offerexcellent connections. Schiphol has anintricate hub and spoke network.“We are now not only between all theairline handling companies, we have adirect connection to our warehouse, wesee our airfreight physically arrive, butwe also play to our growth last year andpossible growth in the next few years,”says Mike Ligthart, Branch ManagerMainfreight Schiphol South-East.Teaching children about road safetyLast week, Gerry Helmink, Administrator at the Evening Desk in‘s-Heerenberg went to primary school ‘De Woelwaters’ in Ulft (NL).During the traffic week he gave explanation to kids from Group 7and 8 about specific transport issues, such as the dead angle androad safety.Some facts and figures about Schiphol:• 3,974,443 passengers in March<strong>2013</strong>• 136,663 tons of freight in March<strong>2013</strong>• In March <strong>2013</strong>: 68,302 tonsincoming freight and 68,361 tonsoutgoing freightAir freight is an important part of thetotal supply chain solution ofMainfreight. Also from Schiphol South-East we maintain close contacts withmany airlines and our internationalnetwork of offices and agents. TheMainfreight team is very eager toprovide our customers the best qualityservice.

39Our <strong>Team</strong> – Martin DevereuxI’m confident many of you readingthis will be scratching your headwondering where the year hasgone. Christmas and the neverendingsummer, or winter, are butdistant memories and we arealready staring down the barrel ofthe silly season.Across our business we now havefully operational training teamsworking in four regions: Europe,Australia, New Zealand and theUSA. Whilst each of these teamsis in a different stage of theirdevelopment they all share thesame motivation of developing ourteam and therefore our business.We are working hard on developinga common language with our salesand our leadership training. OurAustralian and New Zealand salesteams are all currently learning fromthe same framework anddiscussions are underway with ourUSA and European teams to extendthis in those regions also.Australia TMS CourseBack Row (L-R): John Richardson (TMS Facilitator), Corey Braid - MFAO Sydney,Kris Williams - Chemcouriers Sydney, Grant Draper - MFAO Australia, Colin Vearer -Chemcouriers Brisbane, Mike Reid - MFT Sydney, Steve Phillips - MFT AdelaideFront Row (L-R): Kris Maddaford - MFL Prestons, Paul Fraser - MFL Brisbane,Ogi Vuksanovic - MFAO Brisbane, Steve Butler - Owens Brisbane, Samantha Ward -Training <strong>Team</strong>, Ashley Taylor - MFT Brisbane, Peter Robinson (TMS Facilitator)Likewise our leadership frameworkis taking a similar structure globally.Other than Outward Bound we arealso delivering a commonleadership programme throughTMS (<strong>Team</strong> Management Services).We have worked with TMS in NewZealand for over 13 years but wenow work with them in Australia,shortly in the USA and potentiallyin Europe next year. These twoprogrammes complement ourcurrent <strong>Team</strong> Leader training whichis now in operation in New Zealand,Australia and the USA. Asia andEurope are the next areas for ourteams to focus on developing.New Zealand – Rachel HustlerIt has been another busy butrewarding time where the trainingteam have been delivering to allNew Zealand branches AndrewCoulton’s forklift roll over story. Thesessions are geared towards raisingawareness and taking ownership ofNew Zealand TMS CourseL - R: Peter Robinson (TMS Facilitator), Trevor Mitai (Chemcouriers Auckland),Rhys Stunell (MF Logistics, Westney Road, Auckland), Megan Stallard (MFT Wellington),Matt Dalton (MFT Wellington), Tracy Curtis (Daily Freight Auckland), Mike Munns MFTAuckland), Louise Warren (OT Auckland), Charles Simpson (MFT Masterton), Elaine Wong(MFAO Christchurch), Giovana Tabarini (MFAO Perishables Auckland), Shane Williamson(MFAO Tauranga), Joylene Malofie (OT Auckland), John Richmond (TMS Facilitator)health and safety in our workplaceregardless of which area of thebusiness the team are in. Our goalis to get all team identifying andfinding solutions to dangers in theworkplace.These sessions have been wellreceived and our teams are startingto understand the impact they canhave as individuals on making theirworkplaces safer. It has been veryrewarding seeing our teams identifyissues and then develop the

41USA - Raewyn GlamuzinaHere in the USA, our trainingprogramme has been focused onthe following:Mainstreet, our new domesticplatform which is set to go live June10. Led by John Eshuis, his teamhas worked tirelessly for manymonths behind the scenes, whichhas culminated in recent video,webinar, face to face and Q&Atraining sessions for our Domesticteams. This has all been critical asour team build up knowledge of,and confidence in, the use of andunderstanding Mainstreet to ensurea successful roll-out.Cargowise. Mark Neumann hashad an integral training role asMainfreight Air & Ocean USA beganoperating under the globalCargowise single database system.Mark recently spent a week inMelbourne with Rob Cotter and histeam as they continue to developglobal uniformity in the use ofCargowise. Currently Mark isworking on training in GlobalWorkflow Milestones and OrderManagement that will continue toenhance the service we offer ourlocal and global customers.Audits. Our Air & Ocean audit isnow underway after some revision.Domestic Induction and Mainstreet international guests enjoy lunch in CarsonChanges have been made to ensurewe concentrate on measuringprocesses and safety issues thatare relevant and important.Our Domestic audit is currentlyunder review to align with our newoperating system Mainstreet.We will utilise the audit results astraining needs analysis as we strivefor continuous quality improvement.Graduate Recruitment. Wecontinue to see great interestshown in our graduate programme.As we welcome our new teammembers it has been fantastic tohear how our unique culture, ourability to offer true careeropportunities and our graduatewebsite has made us stand outfrom the others. We need tobecome more visible, increase ourbrand awareness and become anemployer of choice. To this end wecontinue to form strongrelationships with local colleges andbegin to attend on-campus events.Early May saw the introduction ofour first <strong>Team</strong> Leaders workshopheld in LA. Over two days our teamengaged in discussion, workedtogether in break-out groups anddeveloped their plan of actiontowards becoming a great teamleader. The feedback received wasextremely positive; our next coursewill be Chicago in August.We continue to provide our group“Welcome to Mainfreight” and“Easy to do Business With” trainingsessions as we travel. I look forwardto seeing you soon!Europe – Anke CaspersIn developing our teams in Europewe use the FARE approach. Lasthalf year this has resulted in thefollowing activities.Find: we are known by peopleinterested in entry level careeropportunities. Our efforts topromote these career opportunitieshave seen our team attend careersevents, participate in internshipsand apprenticeship and also hostorganised in-house days in‘s-Heerenberg and Ostend to seewho we are and what we’re doing,Attract: we offer guaranteeddevelopment. Empowered byour “promote from within” cultureour management trainees haveparticipated in a two-day leadershipexperience involving internal andexternal coaching and project work.Whilst not new to our business thisis seen as a differentiator bypotential team members.Retain: we have a strong learningenvironment and this year havedelivered, and supported, personaldevelopment training, forklift andhazardous goods training, systemstraining and also leadership trainingfor our Branch Managers. At thisstage this has been a focus for ourNL managers but we anticipate theinvolvement from other Europeanmanagers in the future.Energize: we challenge personalboundaries and have encouragedour team to continue their learningand development. So far this yearwe have seen six of our teamexperience Outward Bound, haveactively involved our teams onstructural changes within ourbusiness and worked very hardto aid them in learning about ourunique culture.We will strongly move forward withour mission: to empower leadersbuilding high performing teams thatdeliver outstanding results.

42Working Abroad – Some Insights from our <strong>Team</strong> Working Away from HomeEurope Exchange: “Amazing Experience” – Akash VarmaI have just returned back home toNew Zealand after an exciting yearwith the Logistics team in Ostende,Belgium. The experience was a realeye opener especially consideringthe size of the Daikin account andthe service that we provide forthem.It was awesome working within adifferent culture and being involvedin some exciting projects over thepast 12 months. The variation ofwork was challenging. I worked onredesigning warehouse layouts,making processes more efficient,leading within the team in theoperation and being involved in aWMS changeover. It allowed me toachieve one of my goals of gettinga real understanding of how thingsoperate in the MARC CS systemand in Wim Bosman Logistics. Theteam I was involved withexemplified the Mainfreight mantraof hard work, with an unbelievableattitude and working at times crazyhours “to get the job done”.Akash at Nou Camp Barcelona FCI was lucky enough to get sometravel in and visit some amazingcities during the exchange. A fewhighlights include visitingMarrakech, Berlin, Barcelona,Disneyland Paris and watchingManchester United play at OldTrafford.The team in Ostende were fantastichosts and a great group to workwith. I would like to thank themagain for their hospitality and forreally making the exchange one ofthe best experiences of my life. I amnow ready to join back up with theteam in New Zealand and applywhat I have learnt from the pastyear. I would recommend theopportunity to anyone interested inimmersing themselves in a newculture and team environment, withthe proviso that it is definitely not aholiday.Lucy Partridge – European Training <strong>Team</strong>I am wearing my moon helmet, eating the unknown andnavigating my way around this unfamiliar terrain. Oh no,wait – it’s just another day in Europe! I have been here sixmonths now but sometimes feel like I am on another planet.A planet where you can get into the wrong side of a car anddrive to a new country. A planet where it’s ok to havechocolate pastries for breakfast and a planet where theterm ‘sweet as’ means nothing.So this means adventure. There is adventure in the smallestthings – going to the supermarket used to take me anhour while I searched through the unfamiliar brandsand figured out what the Dutch word was foreverything. There is adventure is going to new placesso easily and wandering through their streets. There isadventure in sampling some of the 75 different beerseach café seems to have! And then there isCargowise – the adventures of training Russians,Parisians, Belgians and Nederlanders – each withtheir own processes, regulations, values andapproaches. The adventure so far has beenan awesome ride – bring on the summeredition!Lucy Partridge fits the clog!Despite the commonassumption, no one wearsclogs!Lucy in Paris

43Technology – Kevin DrinkwaterOne of the highlights of the year todate was one of our former IT teammembers winning the <strong>2013</strong>Australian Branch of the <strong>Year</strong>Award. Wayne Harris was a longtime team member of IT, firstlybased in Auckland from 2000and then in Melbourne whenhe transferred to theAustralian IT team in 2003.Wayne was looking for newhorizons and it wassuggested that his sharpanalytical brain might besuited to our Logisticsbusiness. So after a bit ofconsideration, and might I saydoubt about the ability totransfer from bits and bytes,to cartons, pallets andracking, Wayne took on a 3month trial move to get afeel for life in logistics. Hesucceeded with flyingcolours and was sosuccessful at picking upthe concept he wasquickly thrust into the roleof branch manager at NoblePark – a branch which was,at best, limping along. Thatwas 18 months ago and the branchhas had such a turnaround in morale,performance and profitability that thisyear they won the most covetedaward against all Australian branches- the Australian Captains Bat, theTrophy for Australian Branch of the<strong>Year</strong> - a well-deserved BOTY win.Our IT teams take great pride andsatisfaction in Wayne’sachievements.It also serves as a lesson that any ofus can succeed in any part of thebusiness with the right attitude. Sincethe beginning of IT in Mainfreight wehave had a large proportion of theteam hired from within the operationsof the businesses. This has given usa wonderful advantage, as so manyof the team know what it is like toactually do the jobs that many of oursystem users are undertaking.This however is the first time thatanyone, other than perhaps myself,has gone from IT back into thebusiness. I would like to think thatthere will be more of our IT team thatwill be attracted back to the businessL - R: Wayne Harris is congratulated by Kevin Drinkwater (left)and Rene Van Houtum GM of Logistics Australia, after beingpresented with the Australian Branch of the <strong>Year</strong> Trophy for <strong>2013</strong>.side. There are great advantages foreveryone when this happens as youtake a great understanding of oursystems to many within the businessand you get to understand more ofthe business.So let’s not think of going into IT asa one way street!This is also worth considering if youare one of our grads or anyone whois highly motivated towardsadvancement – a spell within the ITteam will be very beneficial for youas you progress in the business. Forthat reason it is our intention to havetwo rotating graduate positionsavailable within the New Zealand ITteam and one in Australia for aminimum term of six and up totwelve months.And talking of graduates, I recentlyhad the pleasure of speaking at aDriving Force forum. These forumsare organised and hosted by the NewZealand training team and held on aregular basis. They are attended bymany graduates but are open toanyone in the organisation whowants to know what is going on and/or advance in their career atMainfreight. We had a great turnoutand lots of good questions. Weencourage other countries to invitesomeone from your IT team topresent from time to time.We have been impressed bybranches which takesimilar initiatives andrecently presented at oneof CaroTrans LosAngeles’s lunch and learnsessions. It is a good chancefor the team to be updated onthe direction and latestinnovations in outtechnologies plus it givesthem the opportunity to tellsomeone from IT about anyissues they may have with thesystems.Whatever the session it neversurprises me how often teammembers bring up issues thathave not been notified to IT orremain unresolved. Wereally want to know thethings that are inhibiting, ormaking you less efficient, inyour jobs. Most of the timeissues boil down to two reasons –either the system needs to beimproved or the training needs to beimproved. So if you have any issuesplease ensure the appropriate personin your branch and/or IT is aware of itand you get feedback as to where ithas been placed on the priority list.If you don’t get that feedback fromyour IT team, in a reasonabletimeframe, you are welcome to let meknow.Do remember that we have a largenumber of young people in ourbusiness who have significantly moreunder-utilised intellectual capabilitythan many of us. We need tostimulate them more mentally bygiving them some projects toundertake, individually or in teams,outside their normal duties ofloading, picking orders, customerservice and sales. AustralianLogistics has adopted this approachrecently and some of the ideas thathave come out of these exerciseshave resulted in significantimprovements and cost savings.

44Server Replacement in New Zealand CompleteOur entire central computinghardware, which serves Australia,New Zealand and other parts of theMainfreight world, was replacedduring a period of three monthsbeginning last Christmas, with nodisruption to the business duringnormal working hours!A big vote of thanks needs to goto David Hall and his team forexcellence in planning andMainchain GlobalAs the balance of our Group’scustomers and revenue movesmore to the Northern Hemispherewe are presented with biggerchallenges in how to deliver ourtechnologies.The centralisation of Cargowise,our Air & Ocean system, toChicago, was the first initiative inthis area. The first six months of itsuse has proven what a successfulstrategy this has been.We have now turned our attentionto globalising Mainchain, ourcustomer portal that is used all overthe world, to ensure customersexperience the best possible speedexecution, in what amounts to theequivalent of open heart surgerywhile the patient continues to walk,run, jump and do everything elsethey are used to doing. And at theend of the operation they suddenlyhave boundless extra energy andbrain capacity!Disaster Recovery has been testedwith the new equipment andworked successfully.when they look at their information.As the main operational databasesholding this information are in thecountry where the customer resideswe have had to take the oppositeapproach to Cargowise anddecentralise Mainchain.The first stage in this is to havethree instances of Mainchainrunning around the world – thecurrent one in New Zealand will besupplemented by servers in Europeand the USA. This will mean thatcustomers will be sent to theclosest server wherever they log onfrom. So not only will a Europeancustomer use the Netherlandsbased server but an AustralianDave and his team have onlyachieved this success throughworking an incredible number ofhours during weekends and atnight. We relied a lot more on ourown team to do the implementationthis time, which has given themvery valuable experience andimproved their skill levels.Well done!customer visiting Europe willautomatically be directed to theNetherlands server to give themthe best speed.This strategy is important as Europeand the USA have the fastestgrowth rate of new Mainchain usersand it is proving to be competitiveedge in these markets – evenagainst our largest competitors.Overall we now have over 14,000registered Mainchain users and wehave over 5,000 customers loggingon to it on a daily basis. It ispleasing to know that a conceptdevised in 2002 continues to bean enabler for our customers.Our Online Face - Brett HorganEvery month our sites and portals worldwide receive over 240,000 visits from customers looking to find out moreabout what we can offer them, or to use our online tools. These customers and potential customers see us onlinemore often than any other way. So it’s crucial that we treat our online presence as the face of our business.Mobile Responsive DesignThe way we use the web haschanged dramatically in recenttimes. Now with thousands ofwebsite visits from mobile deviceseach week, we need to make surewe are easy to deal with even onthe smallest screens. To improvethis experience for these customerswe’ve used a design principle called“Responsive Design”. The pagedetects how big the customer’sscreen is and automaticallyrearranges the content to fit - themenu collapses down and the sidecolumns will stack on top of eachother to make more space for thecore content. Next we’ll makeimprovements for wide screenusers.Web Layout Tablet Layout Mobile Layout

45SpeedWe’ve made an effort to reduce thetime that customers have to wait forpages to load. With on-goingrefinement our page load times arenow 40% faster than last year!Mainfreight Automotive andOnline ShoppingOur Kiwishipping / MainfreightAutomotive business offers retailcustomers a means to importgoods and vehicles from the USwhere they can take advantage oflower prices or greater selection.There is much online business to begained here and we have createdwebsites for both Automotivewww.mainfreightautomotive.co.nz &www.mainfreightautomotive.com.auand online shopping withwww.shopus.co.nz to target thegrowing number of onlinepurchases being shipped from theUS.Online Booking and EstimateImprovementsOur Cash Sale Online Booking andEstimate feature had a majorupgrade in 2012 after a lot ofresearch and customer feedback.It’s a tough act to balance ouroperational needs with ease of usefor a customer who may becompletely unfamiliar with freight,but we now get very positivefeedback from users. Since theupgrade we’ve been fine tuning itwith a bigger goal in mind, andsoon this will be available inAustralia too.EuropeWorking with our brothers andsisters in Europe we’re currentlyworking on getting more of ouronline resources onto the samebase technology. Soon you’ll beable to check out:www.mainfreight.eu andwww.mainfreightautomotive.eu.Email NotificationsWe’ve just kicked off a project toupgrade the emails that our varioussystems send out. These go tocustomers, receivers, our own teamand third parties to alert them ofdelivery status, as packing slips,issue notification and dozens ofother purposes. For a long timethese emails have been fairly plainand not all that clever when itcomes to wrong addresses etc.We’re tackling this with an overhaulthat will put out consistent, nicelybranded (for every brand) emailswith all sorts of clever unsubscribeand contact options to be reallyeasy to deal with.Brand SitesChemcouriers and Owens websitesare on their way for Australia andNew Zealand! We are creating newimages for the site and are intent onworking closely with the branchesto come up with the right content.While the look and feel of thesesites is important, it is the words onthe page that are the effective salestools and useful resources for ourcustomers.Chemcouriers siteBusiness Driven and SalesFocussed ContentWith an emphasis on driving saleswe now deliver customers to ourcontact information over 50,000times a month. On a day to daybasis this mainly revolves aroundthe content of the websites –making sure the pages areconstructed in such a way as torank well in search engines,presenting a compelling sales pitchto readers and providing anappropriate call to action for eachservice (contact details/book onlineetc.).If you’ve ever thought that ourcustomers are missing out onlineplease email us your ideas atwebmaster@mainfreight.comAddress validation for online customersNext 6 monthsAnother big second half of the year lies ahead for the IT team. We have already proven we are more than up to it!Thanks once again for some incredible efforts.

46EU Infrastructure Update - Steven DepuydtThe last couple of months we moved a lot of team members:• The Netherlands: We movedalmost 180 team members fromthe forwarding department in‘s-Heerenberg (due toreorganization).• The Netherlands: On March27th we moved our Airfreightteam members to a new officeon the airport of Schiphol.• Belgium: We moved the teammembers from the forwardingdepartment in Oostende (due toreorganization).• Belgium: In August, BelgianAirfreight team members willmove to a new location.• France : We moved the teammembers from the forwardingdepartment in Paris (due toreorganization).• France: From April 1st we havea new Airfreight branch on theairport of Charles de Gaulles inParis.• Finland: We moved our officefrom Hamina to Kotka.• Russia: <strong>Team</strong> members inSt Petersburg moved to a newoffice (in the same building).• Poland: Recently, we went twiceto Poland. First to have a lookwhat and how we can connectthese two branches to ournetwork. Since then Emile andJelmer have visited again torenew the network infrastructure.This is the first step to takethese branches on board. In thepast they had their own non-Wim Bosman network.As expected, the team carried out extensive testing at each of the sites to ensure there were as few problemsas possible with all the changes. Going above and beyond the call of duty, at times their testing was extendedto include the cafeteria and cafes (in France)and the local vodka (in Poland).Such dedication is truly admirable!It certainly wasn’t the easiest year tobe travelling around. We have just had oneof the roughest winters in years with somevery low temperatures and also a lot of snow.Check out these photos!Ready Fire AimThat’s the book title of the newMainfreight history to be publishedin August – marking the Company’s35th anniversary.This is the story of how ourcompany was built on the beliefthat With Passion Anything isPossible. Go anywhere as longas it’s forward. In the process werevolutionised transport in NewZealand and then took our messageto the world.Ready, Fire, Aim contains a muchreduced and revised version ofthe earlier history, With PassionAnything is Possible and then goeson to trace the company’s growththrough acquisition. From theearly days there was a vision toexpand but as Mainfreight could notafford to buy flourishing, profitablebusinesses we bought ones in needof radical surgery.And did it all go smoothly?Of course not.This is a book that makes it clearReady, Fire, Aim is no mere slogan.It is a Mainfreight way of life laidbare by a thorough examinationof success and failure; thedevelopment of our unique culture;and what is described as thesingle most empowering momentto date - to think of ourselves as aone hundred year company. Nowanything is possible.Written by Keith Davies, whoauthored the earlier edition,the book is described bypublisher Random House as ‘anilluminating, entertaining wartsand-allexploration of Mainfreight’sremarkable journey from a smalltransport company at the bottomof the world to a truly successfulglobal logistics company’.Ready, Fire, Aim is the story ofhow we, the men and women ofMainfreight, did it.The book will be distributed to allteam members and will also be onsale in New Zealand bookshopsand online as an eBook.

47SERVICE ACHIEVEMENTSThe following members of our team have celebrated, or will shortly celebrate 20 years or more with us:Mike Tapper 45 years Daily Freight, AucklandKen Ganseberg 40 years Daily Freight, ChristchurchFrans Larue 40 years Wim Bosman Logistics GeleenDavid Priestley 40 years Daily Freight, WellingtonPaul Dieker 35 years Wim Bosman Transport ‘s-HeerenbergCarl Howard-Smith 35 years MainfreightFons Keijser 35 years Wim Bosman Transport ‘s-HeerenbergBruce Plested 35 years MainfreightAla Aiono 25 years Mainfreight Metro WellingtonAlan Allport 25 years Mainfreight TaurangaHedy Berntsen-Hendriksen 25 years Wim Bosman Forwarding ‘s-HeerenbergCharlie Camenzind 25 years Mainfreight Hamilton Owner DriverRob Cotter 25 years Mainfreight IT MelbourneMarcel Destreel 25 years Wim Bosman Logistics GeleenMarcel Duvigneau 25 years Wim Bosman Forwarding ‘s-HeerenbergJohn Kawau 25 years Mainfreight AucklandSue Moses 25 years Daily Freight AucklandAllan Murray 25 years Chemcouriers AucklandAllan Niethe 25 years Mainfreight AucklandFrank Overgoor 25 years Wim Bosman Forwarding ‘s-HeerenbergGuido Roes 25 years Wim Bosman Overslag ‘s-HeerenbergBarbara Vincent 25 years Mainfreight WellingtonMike Dunn 20 years CaroTrans CFS AucklandGlenn Eranger 20 years Mainfreight DallasDeborah Hendrix 20 years Mainfreight DallasNick Hyde 20 years Mainfreight TaupoPat Kirwan 20 years Mainfreight PhoenixMary McCloughen 20 years Owens AucklandAlby Mahuika 20 years Mainfreight Wellington Owner DriverRoger Mortier 20 years European Freight Services bvba OstendKerryn O’Neill 20 years Mainfreight NapierCatherine Simmons 20 years Mainfreight Air & Ocean TaurangaEric Taylor 20 years Mainfreight Logistics Hemmant BrisbaneFranck van der Heyde 20 years European Freight Services bvba OstendWim Verpoort 20 years European Freight Services bvba OstendEstelita Vincent 20 years Mainfreight Transport Clayton MelbourneRob Williams 20 years Mainfreight AucklandAnita Seegers 20 years Wim Bosman Forwarding ‘s-HeerenbergAngelique Stefas-Vinkenvleugel 20 years Wim Bosman Forwarding ‘s-HeerenbergThank you for your loyalty, dedication and hard work. What an achievement!

48BereavementsDave LeonMainfreight PerthDave Leon, one of our much admired ownerdrivers, passed away on Thursday 22ndMarch after a short illness. Mainfreight Perthis coming to terms with this loss of such agregarious gentleman, someone who alwayshad a joke, no matter how bad it was; couldhave you enthralled with one of his manyhistorical stories; loved speaking French tothe office ladies and he will be sadly missedby all of our team members.Au revoir cher ami.Robin JagoMainfreight Palmerston NorthOwner driver Robin Jago passed away inlate May. Robin was a Mainfreight ownerdriver for 25 years and loved what he did.He loved his trucks and his team, the gearalways looked like it was boughtyesterday. He always loved having a bit offun and we will all miss him, the depot iscertainly a little emptier without him here.Rest in peace, mate..

49Mainfreight ExcellenceEach year we hold meetings for ourSales teams and Branch Managersin our various countries/regions ofthe world, and as part of this wehonour outstanding performance bygiving various awards for salesachievements (with the ultimateaward being for Salesperson of the<strong>Year</strong>) and for the best performingBranch of the <strong>Year</strong>.In the past these achievementshave been highlighted in theindividual business reports, but ourultimate goal once all our regionsare following a similar methodology,will be to then crown an overallBranch of the <strong>Year</strong> for the globalbusiness – a spectacular goal forany of our 226 brancheseverywhere in the world!And so, we have collected theaward winners here together in onesection – Congratulations to all ofyou. Your efforts and successesare inspirational and are what makethis Company special!New ZealandBranch of the <strong>Year</strong>Branch of the <strong>Year</strong> in New Zealand was awardedto Mainfreight Wellington – a fantastic result for theWellington team who have only been in their newpurpose-built facility since the end of 2011.Franchise of the <strong>Year</strong>Our four New Zealand franchise operations - inGisborne, Greymouth, Timaru and Cromwell - allcompete fiercely for the honour of being awardedFranchise of the <strong>Year</strong>. This year, for the third yearin a row, Mainfreight Gisborne (Dave & ElaineMcLauchlan) hastaken the prize –a fantasticresult.Nathan McEldowney, Mainfreight Wellington Branch Manager,with the well-earned award of New Zealand Branch of the <strong>Year</strong>and a swag of Pledge plaques for the many Wellington brandsCarl George presents Dave “Kooka” McLauchlanwith Franchise of the <strong>Year</strong> awardSalesperson of the <strong>Year</strong>Hamish Quinn is proof that with passion and the right attitude,anything really is possible. Hamish is extremely passionateabout our business and our customers. Building on hisextensive operations background, he has developed his salesskills and knowledge across our service offering and is nowregarded as a “trusted advisor” to many customers. His abilityto relate to a wide range of people has resulted in him growinghis existing customer base and developing significant newbusiness for the Mainfreight Group.Other Sales AwardsDomestic (Transport and Logistics)• Most Call Numbers:Henry Whyte, Mainfreight Christchurch – 1,683• Most Billed Sales:Ryan Smith, Owens Auckland – $1.1 millionAir & Ocean• Most Call Numbers:Paul Lowther, Air & Ocean Auckland – 1,041• Most Billed Sales:Sonia Taylor, Air & Ocean Christchurch – $1.4 millionHamish Quinn, New Zealand Salesperson of the <strong>Year</strong>with the Jonathan East Memorial Award

51Mainfreight USA – Sales Person of the <strong>Year</strong>Mainfreight USA held our national sales conferencein Scottsdale, Arizona from April 28-May 1. Werecognized Brian Heidrich from our LAX branch assales person of the year. Brian was also recognized forreaching the Million Dollar Elite group. Seven teammembers reached this level – Alan Nadeau- Dallas,Mark McCrory- Houston, Mike Pilgrim - Houston, ScottEranger- Dallas, Tom Zalesky-Dallas and Peter Burke -NSC and Brian.CaroTrans Branch of the <strong>Year</strong> AwardGrant Morrison at CaroTrans Los Angles and his teamdelivered a solid performance this year and led thecompany in revenue, margin and profit growth. Salesare up 14.2%, total gross margin is up 15.3% andprofits jumped 56.9%. Well done team !!!Congratulations to Grant and the entire Los Angelesteam…this is the second year in a row to capture thetitle!!L-R: Robert Angstadt, John Hepworth, Brian Heidrich, TomValentineCaroTrans Los Angeles <strong>Team</strong> with their coveted awardSalesperson of the <strong>Year</strong> Award – CaroTransAlice Macgregor of the CaroTrans Los Angeles branch waspresented with the “CaroTrans Salesperson of the <strong>Year</strong>” for2012/<strong>2013</strong>. Such an achievement does not come easily,and we commend Alice for the hard work and passion shehas delivered as a key member of the CaroTrans USA teamsince relocating from Christchurch three years ago.Alice is not new to winning awards and showing hercommitment to excellence. In 2009, Alice received the“Salesperson of the <strong>Year</strong>” for Mainfreight New Zealand,while working out of the Christchurch office.Other CaroTrans Sales Awards:• Revenue Increase AwardRyan Cantwell from the Cleveland Branch• Most calls recorded in On SaleMercy Bitong from the Los Angeles BranchAndrew Dickie presents Alice Macgregorwith her awardEuropeDuring the Europe Branch Managers Meeting in Februaryvarious prizes were awarded, including the prize for thebest European branch and the European sales person ofthe year. The branches that achieved their targets for 2012were also recognised.• European Branch of the year 2012:Mainfreight Airfreight Schiphol - Mike Ligthart• European Sales person of the year 2012: Nick VerweyCongratulations target achieved 2012Wim Bosman Transport Netherlands: Bertil ter MaatWim Bosman Logistics Geleen (NL): Rob ZonneveldWim Bosman Logistics Genk (BE): Rob ZonneveldMainfreight Airfreight Schiphol (NL): Mike LigthartONCE AGAIN: CONGRATULATIONS!The winners L-R: Bertil ter Maat, Nick Verwey, Mike Ligthart,Mark Newman and Rob Zonneveld

Annabel Mahnke (Director Mexico Business, Mainfreight USA)with NZ Prime Minister, John Key during his state visit to Mexico CityNathan McEldowney, Mainfreight Wellington – alwaysready to expand his business in new directions…Thomas Akolo from Bromley School– recipient of the Mainfreight ‘Excellencein Attitude’ award for his schoolBearded Blossom aka Stuart Adam Thorn(Mainfreight Wellington)

Each of our new facilities that opens is graced with a plaque,with wording chosen by the Branch – this one is Palmerston North’sHidden talent! Carl George drew this for his sonLuca recently - owner drivers will be lining up!Jaques Niati, WimBosman Paris –congratulations onmaking it onto theLegends Wall!

Please accept my sincere thanks for the delivery of the ANZ bank containers to Marton.From: Graeme ASent: Thursday, 30 May <strong>2013</strong> 8:25 a.m.To: Mike SwindellsCc: Wayne EllisSubject: Marton DeliveryHello Mike and Wayne,I think the drivers put in an extraordinary effort, in spite of the snow and cold, to get thesefrom Auckland to Marton in time, via Hawkes Bay! That’s real Kiwi’s for you.Everything arrived in good condition.Please let the guys know we are very grateful.b/rgds,Graeme AFrom: Mitch GregorSent: Thursday, 30 May <strong>2013</strong> 17:14To: AKL01 SalesCc: Don BraidSubject: FW: ApplesSee guys… read the great feedback below. Your tickets that you got were worth it!Thanks for this… never underestimate the goodwill this creates for our company.MitchFrom: Don BraidSent: Thursday, 30 May <strong>2013</strong> 17:02To: Mitch Gregor (MFT AKL)Subject: Fwd: ApplesMitch,This would be one of a number we have received regarding the attitude and appearance ofour guys,Jonny and team, can you pass on our thanks and appreciation for their professionalismincluding howthey deal with the boys in blue... we should look after that by the way.CheersDonFrom: BruceDate: 30 May <strong>2013</strong> 3:18:37 PM NZSTTo: Don BraidSubject: ApplesHeh DonAlready munching into my second apple of the day, like a lot of people I guess, every year Iask myself why can’t we buy apples like this in the supermarket? Seems mankind are closeto discovering the God Particle or Dark Matter, but they can’t figure out how to get fresh, tastyfruit into the Supermarket, go figure.Thanks again and the bucket will go on the yacht where it will give years of faithful service. Idid wonder about mentioning if you could get buckets with the lip not quite as sharp, as theyhave been pressed into service when the toilet isn’t usable but I appreciate that is a degree ofrefinement which would be probably lost on the majority of apple recipients.Ended up having a nice chat to Johnny Davison and his mate whose name I have sadlyforgotten who were on the delivery. What outstanding people, very personable and terrificMainfreight representatives. They really appreciate the opportunity that Mainfreight has giventhem and you just know they will repay it tenfold.Bruce

From: Susan SSent: Wednesday, 1 May <strong>2013</strong> 12:41 PMTo: FX DirectSubject: Feedback regarding delivery of paperGood AfternoonThis is also an opportunity to pass on feedback regarding the Fuji Xerox paper deliveryperson to our office at 151 Queen Street you`re Owner Driver Chang Wan Kim O/D 6825.He is amazing! He delivers to all four of our floors, is friendly and obliging and works withincredible speed and efficiency. We are very pleased to be working with him and highlyvalue the effort he puts in each time he is on site at our Queen Street office.Thank youSusanFrom: Rodney TSent: Tuesday, 16 April <strong>2013</strong> 07:06To: Grant Smith; David Tolson Mitch GregorSubject: Fw: Exceptional ServiceWhat a neat story - exceptionalFrom: Sharon WSent: Monday, 15 April <strong>2013</strong> 04:45To: ShonaSubject: Fw: Exceptional ServiceDear Shona,Thank you for taking the time to forward us your feedback regarding the service provided on Saturday.This was achieved with all <strong>Team</strong>s involved working together to provide you a solution on theday: Mainfreight, Call Centre and our Albany Home Store.At Farmers, we work hard to provide “exceptional service” to all of our Customers and in regards to thisdelivery, it is great to know that the communication between all areas involved ensured a solution for you.I have ccd in all areas that worked to provide you the service so that TMs involved will be acknowledgedand made aware of your “great feedback”.Kindest regards,Sharon WFrom: ShonaSent: Sunday, 14 April <strong>2013</strong> 11:12To: Sharon WSubject: Fw: Exceptional ServicePlease pass this message on to all concerned.I am just writing to thank your Company [and its workers] for the exceptional service we received thisweekend. Our daughter was moving house and asked us to wait at the new house for the new bed andcouches she and her flatmate had bought from Farmers Albany Home Store. The delivery men wereprompt, friendly and efficient. To our horror, the new bed base was too big to fit up the staircase. However, the helpful delivery men suggested we try an obtain a split base for the bed.So daughter [Jen Schroder] got on the phone using an 0800 number and was able to arrange for a splitbase to be delivered. To our amazement, this came in a smaller van with two other delivery men an houror so later. Once again, so helpful and efficient. They not only took in the split base, but set the bed upand took away the large base that wouldn’t fit. To our surprise, both teams took away all the packagingwhich was so appreciated as we already had a ton of packaging of our own.Your extremely efficient staff helped to resolve a minor crisis for us with a minimum of fuss and I cannottell you how grateful we are for all their help.Jen’s flatmate [who bought the bed] is a radio DJ and will be retelling this story on his radio show onMonday.Many thanks once againShona S

From: Brett HorganSent: Thursday, 21 March <strong>2013</strong> 15:25To: Nikki Cooper; Carl George; Nathan McEldowneySubject: Facebook MessageFeedback on facebook.com/mainfreightKim HExcellent customer serviceHi thereI wanted to pass on how wonderful your Wellington based team are. This morningI went to drop off a large chair in three packages, as I now 40 weeks pregnant thiswasn’t an easy task. I got to the front door and the sign said to head to receptionupstairs, I turned around to head back to the car to call my husband to say I can’t dothis (everything gets a bit much when you’re this pregnant!). A team were in a meetingdownstairs and one of the guys followed me out to the car and said to leave the chairpackages and the ladies upstairs will help then someone else will unload the chair.I got my 2 year old out of the car and headed up stairs. I was greeted by friendly facesand my wee boy got to watch the trucks being loaded from upstairs in the office, hethought it was great. Everything was handled so efficiently and nothing was aproblem. I then drove around to have everything unloaded.As far as customer service goes you’re team are outstanding!Many thanks, the help I received really made my day.Kimlike · comment · shareFrom: Glenn ReedSent: Wednesday, 6 March <strong>2013</strong> 1:28 PMTo: MFD MELSubject: FW: The staff at Clayton branchFantastic work team. Not often we get the compliments so please all take the plaudits andpat yourselves on the backThank youGlenn(PS – no I don’t know this lady nor did I ask her to write this)From: Heather CSent: Wednesday, 6 March <strong>2013</strong> 13:02To: Glenn ReedSubject: The staff at Clayton branchDear Sir, I just wanted to write to say how impressed I was at how helpful your staff wereyesterday when i came in to collect my little shed. From the lovely lady at reception, throughto your warehouse staff and your forklift driver, they were all wonderful to deal with.The whole place seemed to have a very positive atmosphere and I would like to extend mycompliments on how great they all are.Kind Regards,Heather Campbell

From: Fiona McareeDate: 12 March <strong>2013</strong> 9:32:10 PM NZDTTo: Don Braid, Kevin DrinkwaterSubject: Thank youI know that Alan has emailed you, but I want to say thank you too. Thank you for being such animportant part of our Bairds family, and for making us part of the Mainfreight family. I know that Ispeak on behalf of us all when I say how proud we are, to be part of Mainfreight.I invited a friend today, who had never been to our school before. I always bang on to her about howgreat our school is, and how amazing you guys are. She was really emotional today when she saw itall in action. Like us, it has made her question why more companies are not doing what Mainfreightdoes. Thank you for wrapping your arms around our school and helping us to make it great for ourchildren.Kevin, I wish you could have seen and heard our parents when you announced the scholarships.Mainfreight have now made possible the opportunity of a very bright future for our children, and ourparents truly got the significance. I have thought of a few students myself!Thank you for the last 20 years. I’m very excited about the next 20!Take careFiona(Please pass on to Bruce as I don’t have his email)From: Vicki PSent: Thursday, 14 February <strong>2013</strong> 17:05To: Mitch GregorSubject: Great ServiceDear MitchI wanted to write and say how very impressed I have been with the service Lee Tuimauga has given meover the last few days.A quick history of my situation. I arranged collection of a fridge and bike for last Tuesday, 5th February.However, the booking was never actually loaded, so the collection was finally made on Thursday 7th. Iwas told at this stage that it would leave Auckland that day for arrival in Christchurch by Tuesday 12th. Iphoned Mainfreight on Tuesday to check and was told that it did not actually leave Auckland untilMonday 11th February. You can now understand how frustrated I was becoming by being let downtwice by Mainfreight. At this time I was put onto Lee who immediately recognised what had happened,listened to me and then went about making this problem go away. She emailed “Howie” in Christchurch,copying me into the email and I was kept up to date all through the procedure. Lee did tell me that itwould be either Friday, 15th or even Monday 18th that the packages would be delivered. I received amessage from my son in Christchurch this afternoon and told that everything had been delivered and allin good shape.I was thrilled to get this message and I just wanted to say thank you to Lee for making this work. Shereally understood the situation and put me at ease. She is obviously someone who takes pride in her joband I am very grateful for that. She managed to turn a negative situation into something extremelypositive but most importantly she listened and made a big effort to put everything right.She certainly deserves a big pat on the back and recognition.Once again thanksKindest regardsVicki P

From: Bob DSent: Tuesday, January 29, <strong>2013</strong> 4:02 PMTo: Michael lin; Vicky ZhaoCc: Tom ValentineSubject: Thank youDear Michael and Vicky,Thank you for meeting with me, Wade and Peter last Tuesday. I really enjoyed our timetogether.The lunch was fantastic! We are so fortunate to have the two of you looking out for ourbusiness in Qingdao. I am enjoying the tea every evening (out of my new tea pot that Ireceived as a Christmas present.)Whether here in the States or in China, Mainfreight always treats us as though we are muchmore important than we deserve.Thank you, again, and best regards,BobFrom: Oscar RossiniSent: Friday, February 01, <strong>2013</strong> 8:22 AMTo: Shane MichalickSubject: Fwd: Thank youFyiSubject: Thank youFrom: Rick ETo: Johanna Toro, Lauren Queli,Oscar Rossini,Craig MeadorGood morning all – First I want to thank you for the wonderful lunch yesterday. The food wasdelicious and company was excellent. I waited until this morning to send this because I wastrying to organize the flood of thought and emotion going through my mind right now. It didn’t doany good. So, let me try to express my thoughts on our Mainfreight relationship. In my career Ihave dealt with many fine companies who have served me well. And yet there is something veryspecial about our partnership. The service and willingness to go the extra mile that I haveexperienced with Mainfreight are unmatched in my 45 year career. It is somehow amazing thatthis grew out of sales person coming in to my place of business and saying “ Hi My name isLauren Queli and I represent Mainfreight. I don’t have an appointment but can you give me a fewminutes of your time?” It was fortunate for both our companies that she decided to cold call onme, and that she was so knowledgeable. I have enjoyed the help of a very special contact atMainfreight. Johanna is without a doubt the most attentive and helpful representative I have everbeen blessed with. She would stand out even more if she were not surrounded by so many likeminded people. Every company I have ever dealt with has come in and told me “Our commitmentto service is unmatched in the industry”. Mainfreight is the only one who was able to maintainthat level of service throughout the relationship. I applaud the company’s vision and theirunwavering determination to make sure they provide everything that they promised. As I getready to take a step back and begin to slowly extricate myself from the day to day business, I lookback at a long and varied career and feel very fortunate that we had the opportunity to partnerwith a company like Mainfreight. You are outstanding. Thank you again for everything.FondlyRick

From: Jessica HSent: Wednesday, 19 June <strong>2013</strong> 13:01To: Hy Goh (Mainline Singapore); Stephanie Goh (Mainline Singapore)Subject: MFIAS - Mainline GlobalHi StephanieJust want to say a million thanks for your patience and superbcustomer service. You have been a great help to resolve and clear thegoods that were stuck at custom.JessicaFrom: Alan WSent: Friday, March 15, <strong>2013</strong> 09:53 PMTo: Stephen MonaghanSubject: AcknowledgementDear StephenNine days ago we needed a large parcel transported semi- urgently to Wellington.Thanks to your co-operative and friendly staff the parcel was tracked and delivered undamaged tothe correct address on time.If your organization has a customer service award system, can I please nominate both Kate andJeanette to be joint winners for their exceptional patience, effort and cooperation.Thank youRegardsJaneen and Alan WFeedback posted on WebsiteI just wanted to say thanks to your Levindriver on 25 March who was fantastic whendropping off big insulation bales at my elderlyfather’s place before I went down at Easter toinstall them. The driver was fast and reallyobliging, and did a great job. Please pass onour thanks.Rob HFeedback on facebook.com/mainfreightRobyn SWe received a delivery today of a new lounge suite. Deliveredby Northland Mainfreight team. And I have to say they wereAWESOME! Not only did they deliver when they said theywere going to but unpacked and assembled the suite leavingus with a complete and operating suite. This was all donequickly and I thought they were great. Thank you so muchMainfreight for great service.....not something we see everyday!like · comment · share

Asia Australia New Zealand Europe USAwww.mainfreight.comwww.facebook.com/mainfreightBruce Plested received his 35-year Service Certificateat the New Zealand Branch Manager’s meeting in MarchCONGRATULATIONS BRUCE!PEFC/01-31-224PEFC CertifiedThis product is fromsustainably managedforests, recycled andcontrolled sourceswww.pefc.orgThe Mainfreight <strong>Newsletter</strong> is printed with mineral oil free soy-based inks on Alpine Glosspaper produced from renewable forest resources managed under the Programme for theEndorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and is manufactured under the ISO 14001Environmental Management System in an elemental chlorine free process.

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