Marine Produce Australia: Cone Bay Barramundi Aquaculture ...

Marine Produce Australia: Cone Bay Barramundi Aquaculture ... Marine Produce Australia: Cone Bay Barramundi Aquaculture ...
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Version Author Authority Comment MPA response Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Rev3 Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA MPA Response The proponent is aware that the sampling protocol is not consistent with the operating procedure for Cockburn Sound, but is rather based on this procedure (albeit with less replication). The proponent is unable to dive safely in the waters of Cone Bay and is therefore restricted logistically. Sampling must be undertaken from a vessel using a punch corer. The proponent has undertaken to run a pilot study 1 year post proposal implementation. The purpose of the study will be to determine the extent of inter and intra site variability and determine the number of cores required to yield precise measurements. MPA Response Agreed. The proponent will develop methods for sampling such that the integrity of the core is maintained. MPA Response Agreed. The inference to sediment/water interface has been updated to read 'bottom water' measurement. MPA Response This section has been removed from the revised EMMP. MPA Response Agreed. Mangroves have been removed from the monitoring program. MPA Response Geo-referenced habitat mapping has now been undertaken. See comments above. MPA Response Agreed. This reference has been omitted from the revised EMMP. MPA Response Quantitative coral monitoring is no longer included in the EMMP. The coral health monitoring program is now based on sub-lethal qualitative indicators of coral stress.

Version Author Authority Comment MPA response Rev3 Rev4 Rev5 Rev5 Rev5 Rev5 Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica Oceanica OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA OEPA MPA Response The proponent has committed to a risk assessment of the possible adverse effects of vaccinating aquaculture stock. The risk assessment will be completed one year post proposal implementation. Nil Major changes made to EMMP in response to comments received on Rev3. (Written) Comments received from OEPA 25 November 2011 on Rev5 1. Section 3 should refer to the Environmental Values that are to be protected and the environmental quality objectives to be achieved in the waters surrounding the aquaculture facility. These are discussed in Section 1 and it may only need a reference back to Section 1. It is noted that the risks posed by this aquaculture proposal are such that if the environmental quality objectives for the environmental value of Ecosystem Health are met then all other Environmental Values will also be protected. Water quality 2. Section 4.1.4 describes the sampling regime and suggests that TSS, nutrient and chlorophyll a measurements will be depth integrated. MEB is uncertain of the logic for depth integrated sampling of TSS and nutrients and would suggest that monitoring should sample bottom waters for these indicators, although there may some argument to undertake integrated sampling in the MEPA. It is noted later in the EMMP (Table 4.2) that ammonia will be sampled in bottom waters. Further explanation justifying the proposed sampling regime is required within the context of the cause-effect pathways. The sampling regime also needs to include a discussion on whether sampling will be undertaken on neap or spring tides, what time of day (particularly relevant for LAC and DO measurements), etc. This section also needs to describe how the various samples will be taken and stored, or measured. 3. Figure 4.2 conceptualises the likely cause-effect pathways. Two additional EQS are recommended for triggering management action: (i) a coral mortality trigger as measured from the photographs; and (ii) mortality of benthic infauna in soft sediment habitats. Agreed. This section refers the reader back to Table 1.1. The following text has also been added to Section 3: ‘The EQG and EQS criteria have been set in the context of EQO 1: Maintenance of Ecosystem Integrity—as this EQO has the most stringent environmental criteria. It is noted that risks posed by this aquaculture proposal are such that if the EQO for the EV Ecosystem Health is met, then all other EVs will also be protected.’ The EMMP has been revised so that it is very clear that TSS and ammonia will also be sampled in bottom waters. It has also been revised so that specific details are given regarding the timing of sampling i.e. It is proposed that water quality sampling is conducted at monthly intervals (four times in total) between June and September to thus capture the winter-spring dry period, and then again at monthly intervals (four times in total) between December and March to thus capture the summer-autumn wet period. Sampling will be conducted on an incoming neap tide. Although OEPA comments regarding the timing of LAC and DO measurements (i.e. morning vs noon) are noted, restricting MPA staff to specific 1-2 hr sampling windows will be logistically prohibitive. Instead, the time of day (and weather conditions) at the time of sampling will be noted. This will help account for any discrepancies that may arise as a result of the timing of sampling. Specific sampling details (i.e. details of sample preservation method) are considered beyond the scope of the EMMP. MPA will prepare a separate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlining best practice sampling and preservation methods for the specified parameters. As discussed at the meeting between OEPA and Oceanica (24 November), the coral mortality EQS is already covered as part of the criteria used by the Coral Watch program i.e. a bleaching criteria is included. The inclusion of dead benthic-fauna is considered acceptable for the high and maximum protection areas, particularly with regard to potential toxicity from ammonia (Figure 4.2 has been updated to reflect this). However, the inclusion of this indicator as an EQS for moderate protection is not appropriate. As moderate protection infers small impacts to biota are acceptable, the use of observations of dead benthic-fauna should not be used as a trigger. The Inverse Simpson Index, which provide information on the likely reduction in species richness, is considered a superior EQS.

Version Author Authority Comment MPA response<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Rev3<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

Oceanica<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

OEPA<br />

MPA Response<br />

The proponent is aware that the sampling protocol is not consistent with the<br />

operating procedure for Cockburn Sound, but is rather based on this procedure (albeit<br />

with less replication). The proponent is unable to dive safely in the waters of <strong>Cone</strong><br />

<strong>Bay</strong> and is therefore restricted logistically. Sampling must be undertaken from a<br />

vessel using a punch corer. The proponent has undertaken to run a pilot study 1 year<br />

post proposal implementation. The purpose of the study will be to determine the<br />

extent of inter and intra site variability and determine the number of cores required<br />

to yield precise measurements.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Agreed. The proponent will develop methods for sampling such that the integrity of<br />

the core is maintained.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Agreed. The inference to sediment/water interface has been updated to read 'bottom<br />

water' measurement.<br />

MPA Response<br />

This section has been removed from the revised EMMP.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Agreed. Mangroves have been removed from the monitoring program.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Geo-referenced habitat mapping has now been undertaken. See comments above.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Agreed. This reference has been omitted from the revised EMMP.<br />

MPA Response<br />

Quantitative coral monitoring is no longer included in the EMMP. The coral health<br />

monitoring program is now based on sub-lethal qualitative indicators of coral stress.

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