More Color More Color - O scale trains

More Color More Color - O scale trains

More Color More Color - O scale trains

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Proto48 ModelingGene DeimlingModel railroading like much of lifehas experienced an explosion of informationthat has greatly improved thequality and accuracy of our models.Today, we have kits and ready-to-runcars and locomotives that more closelyadhere to prototype dimension, paintcolor and lettering schemes.Proto48 is the extension of this trendas applied to traditional O <strong>scale</strong>. It maybe helpful if I start out this column witha bit of history behind the Proto48movement.In the 1960’s a small group of modelersdecided to change the fundamentalrelationship of wheel contour and gaugein an attempt to create a more realisticmodel that would operate better andmore reliably than the traditionalNMRA O gauge standard. The focuswas on the joint operation of On3 modelswith exact <strong>scale</strong> wheels on the sametrack as NMRA contour O wheels. Thechange entailed the adoption of a <strong>scale</strong>replica of the AAR standards used byfull-sized railroads. The wheel profilewas changed to a <strong>scale</strong> 5.5" in widthwith a <strong>scale</strong> flange depth of approximately1". The gauge was corrected to aprototypically correct 4'8 1 ⁄2" rather thanthe traditional 5' gauge used by modelerssince the <strong>scale</strong>’s inception. To moreaccurately identify this subset of O<strong>scale</strong>, the new standards were referredto as 1 ⁄4"AAR <strong>scale</strong> or gauge.The first 1 ⁄4"AAR models were convertedO gauge or were built fromscratch. The early conversion workrequired considerable skill to machinenew wheels and tires or cut down the old44 • O Scale TrainsNMRA standard wheels and re-gaugedthem. You could not buy track gauges,profiling tools to cut the wheel shape oreven a set of published standards.The 1 ⁄4"AAR movement continuedthrough the 1970’s and into the 1980’swith little or no change. In 1984, animpromptu meeting was organized duringthe 1984 O Scale Convention inBurlingame, Calif., to establish a set ofstandards and to get them adopted bythe NMRA as an alternative to 5' gauge.One of the objectives of this movementwas to adopt new terminology to differentiatefrom previous efforts.The term Proto48, or simply P:48was determined to more fully expressthe movement as a concept rather than agauge differentiation. It was understoodto mean accurate <strong>scale</strong> dimensions inmodeling. This brings several aspectsinto the fore that often times are neglected.Track and roadbed become modelsrather than simple guideways. Detailslike tie plates along with rail joints,anchors, fishplates, and track bolts addto the visual experience. Switches couldbe detailed with <strong>scale</strong> bridles, frogs,guardrails, and by all means, flangewaysmade proportionate.These same ideas can be carried overto the rolling stock. Many commercialkits contain parts that are grossly oversizedwhich detract greatly from the finishedproduct. Scale hardware appliedto cars greatly enhances the visual credibilityto any model. If one desires tomodel dual gauge, there will be a visibledifference between O gauge and P:48.Proto48 would include On3 as a renditionof 3-foot narrow gauge and On2 as2-foot narrow gauge. Meter gauge andvarious broad gauges can also bereferred to as P:48 in the <strong>scale</strong> proportions.The naming convention used wassimilar to the P4 (4mm <strong>scale</strong>) movementin England. The NMRA subsequentlyadopted the standards finallyrecognizing a movement started 20years prior.Today, Proto48 is firmly establishedas an alternative to O gauge. A widerange of products is offered increasingthe pleasure of accurate model buildingand operation. You can purchasewheels, trucks, flex track, <strong>scale</strong> turnoutkits, diesel conversions, and evenProto48 steam locos. It is possible tomodel in Proto48 without even owninga lathe or the knowledge on how tooperate it. Firms offering this servicecan convert even steam locos. Protocraftand NWSL have developed drop-ingeared wheelsets to convert P&D,Weaver, Car Works and Atlas diesels.A visit to the Proto48 website willgive you more details about wheel andtrack standards, suppliers, photos ofmodels and some useful tips for modelersof any <strong>scale</strong> or gauge. The site isnamed the Proto Journal and can befound at http://www.protojournal.comWhile Proto48 may not be for everyone,it does offer an alternative to modelerto more accurately model prototypetrack and wheels. The concept of accuratemodeling can be applied to anygauge or <strong>scale</strong>. It just depends uponyour interest.◆

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