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Product News & ReviewsReview: SGL Lines Reading Class G-3Pacific and Passenger Cars.SGL Lines, 4017 Cory Lane, ChesapeakeVA 23321 ph/fx 757-465-5566Reviewed by Harry Heike, Jr.Brief HistoryThe Reading G3 was the last Pacificbuilt in the United States. There werenine of these built, engines #210 thru219. These engines differed from theReading G-1 and G-2 Pacifics in thatthey were heavier with a larger boiler, acenter boxpok driver, Worthington typefeedwater heater, shrouded check dome,semi-streamlined shrouding, and fireboxcovers. These engines ran from1948 to 1958 when they were allscrapped.The series 2000 passenger carsreferred to as Turtleback Blimps were ofthe PBT class rebuilt from the PBMcoaches. They ran from 1948 to 1981 onthe Schuylkill and the King Cole, twoReading name <strong>trains</strong>. They also ranfrom Philadelphia to New York on themain line <strong>trains</strong>. They also saw use onSEPTA (South Eastern PennsylvaniaTransportation Authority) lines. Someof these cars remain at the DanburyRailroad Museum in Danbury, Connecticut.The Models: G3 PacificOriginally conceived as three railprojects, great pains were taken to makeboth these models correct and to <strong>scale</strong>so that two railers would not be disappointed.Some examples for the G3 arethe unique ribbing pattern on the stack,correct shape and size for the checkshroud, the forward leaning sand dome,the correct the ride height so that the firebox skirts were in correct alignmentwith the trailing truck. Many photographswere studied to get these detailscorrect. A detail such as the distancebetween the window top and the onsetof cab roof curvature has been incorrectin Reading models in the past. Otherdetails which were added are the rearcab stiffener with vents and a rear cablight. Lettering and striping were decidedupon after much research to assureprototypical accuracy.The overall impression of the G3model shows a great fidelity to the prototype.The cab interior is very completefor a model in this price range andincludes all of the major details. Theoverall dimensions agree very closelywith the only check print available atreview, which was a Wyswesser printfrom Ready Model engineers dated1948. Wheelbase, wheel and driverdiameters agree with the dimensionsgiven in the Wyswesser prints.The finish is matte black and I couldnot find any particulate matter anywhereon the engine or tender.The engine has a very smooth, quietdrive consisting of a Pittman 9000 seriesmotor geared through a belt to a paralleldrive rod and transmission mount on thethird driver.The tender is accurate in dimensionas well and the tender trucks are verycrisp cast side frames.I was impressed with the quality ofthe lost wax castings. One detail which Idid point out as lacking was the uniqueReading handrail stanchion. It is myunderstanding from SGL that this partwill be available as an aftermarket addondetail. Another detail which I foundlacking was the bolt detail on the stackflange. SGL also informs me that anupgraded stack could be available as anaftermarket item if modelers so desire.The G3 is an excellent model thatlooks and runs well.Series 2000 Passenger CarsThe passenger cars, to me, are morestriking and more impressive than thelocomotive. These cars have superb rivetdetail, both throughout the roof, and thesides. The strap rails are detailed bothvertical and horizontal.The window dimension and spacing,rivet spacing and location all agree withthe check prints which were again byWyswesser. The end doors operate onall four corners and have a very sturdyspring loaded hinge. I could not get oneto fail. The underbody detail is somewhatsparse, however, that detail whichis present is well executed. The cars arefully skirted. The skirt is carried aroundto the ends as in the prototype.The cars are equipped with a highquality removable rubber diaphragm.SGL has indicated that an a upgrade kitwill include the proper Reading strikerfaces and elliptical springs. I have seenthese and they are of excellent quality.The cast trucks are a composite typeof sideframe. They have full non-functionalspring detail.And now for the surprise... these carshave a full interior with a checkerboardfloor. They also come fully lighted withhigh quality, high intensity overheadlighting. The windows have shades andthe name car, Wall Street, has both sideand top shades. The windows have the16 • O Scale Trains

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