Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases - Integrated Pest Management at the ...

Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases - Integrated Pest Management at the ...

Fungal Leaf Spot Diseases - Integrated Pest Management at the ...

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Table 1. Continued- 8 -<strong>Fungal</strong> Trees infected General symptomsRhytismaSeptogloeumSeptoriaTaphrina(leaf blister or curl,TubakiaVenturiaBoxelder, holly, maple, tulip tree,willowAlder, elm, hackberry, hazelnut,maple, oak, poplar, willowAlder, apple, ash, aspen, birch,boxelder, buckeye, chestnut,cottonwood, crabapple, dogwood,hawthorn, hazelnut, hickory,hophornbeam, maple, mountainash, oak, pawpaw, pear, pea tree,pecan, London plane tree, plum,poplar, prickly ash, redbud,Russian olive, sassafras,sweetgum, sycamore, willowAlder, amelanchier, apricot, aspen,birch, buckeye, cherry,cottonwood, elm, hawthorn,hazelnut, hophornbeam, hornbeam,horse chestnut, maple, oak, peach,pear, plum, poplar, willowAsh, chestnut, maple, oak,sassafras, sweet gum, tupeloApple, apricot, ash, aspen, birch,cottonwood, crabapple, hawthorn,maple, mountain ash, oak, peach,pear, plum, poplar, willowOval to irregular, yellow-green spots th<strong>at</strong> become shiny, coalblack, thickened, raised, and often wrinkled.Small, circular to irregular, white or gray to brown spots developin <strong>the</strong> leaves.Small, circular to angular, white, grayish, tan, brown, or purplishspots, commonly with a dark border. Dark specks (pycnidia) aresc<strong>at</strong>tered in <strong>the</strong> centers of older lesions. Spray applic<strong>at</strong>ions arerarely, if ever, needed to control hop tree, horse chestnut,magnolia, leaf spot diseases caused by species of Septoria.Small, circular to angular, white, grayish, tan, brown, or purplishspots, commonly with a dark border. Dark specks (pycnidia) aresc<strong>at</strong>tered in <strong>the</strong> centers of older lesions. Spray applic<strong>at</strong>ions arerarely, if ever, needed to controlMinute, oval to irregular, dark brown to black sooty spots between<strong>the</strong> veins th<strong>at</strong> may merge to form large, irregular dead areas.Dull, smoky gray spots th<strong>at</strong> become velvety, olive green to olivebrown, <strong>the</strong>n dark brown to black, infected leaves commonly wi<strong>the</strong>rand drop early.aFor complete inform<strong>at</strong>ion on synonyms of fungal names see Hawksworth et al, (1981) Dictionary of <strong>the</strong> Fungi, 7 th ed, and <strong>the</strong> taxonomicmonographs it cites.

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