Science Framework, part 1 - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

Science Framework, part 1 - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

Science Framework, part 1 - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

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13do science. In self-contained classrooms,teachers incorporate sciencecontent in reading, writing, and mathematicsas directed in the Reading–Language Arts <strong>Framework</strong> andMathematics <strong>Framework</strong>. In de<strong>part</strong>mentalizedsettings (middle and high schoollevels) science teachers need to includeessay assignments and require that students’writing reflect the correct application<strong>of</strong> English-language conventions,including spelling and grammar.Organization <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Framework</strong>The <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> is primarilyorganized around the <strong>Science</strong> ContentStandards. The framework:• Discusses the nature <strong>of</strong> science andtechnology and the methods bywhich they are advanced (Chapter 2)• Describes the curriculum content andinstructional practices needed formastery <strong>of</strong> the standards (Chapters 3,4, and 5)• Guides the development <strong>of</strong> appropriateassessment tools (Chapter 6)• Suggests specific strategies to promoteaccess to the curriculum for studentswith special needs (Chapter 7)• Describes the system <strong>of</strong> teacher pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment that needs to be inplace for effective implementation <strong>of</strong>the standards (Chapter 8)• Specifies the requirements for evaluatingscience instructional resources,including investigative activities, forkindergarten through grade eight(Chapter 9)• Provides information on pertinentrequirements <strong>of</strong> the California <strong>Education</strong>Code regarding science educationin this state (Appendix)The science standards are embeddedin Chapters 3, 4, and 5 and are gradelevelspecific from kindergarten throughgrade eight. The standards for gradesnine through twelve are organized bystrands: physics, chemistry, biology/lifesciences, and earth sciences.Chapter 1Introduction tothe <strong>Framework</strong>Notes1. <strong>Science</strong> Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.Sacramento: California De<strong>part</strong>ment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong>, 2000.2. Glenn T. Seaborg, “A Letter to a Young Scientist,” in Gifted Young in <strong>Science</strong>: Potential ThroughPerformance. Edited by Paul Brandwein and others. Arlington, Va.: National <strong>Science</strong> TeachersAssociation, 1989. The late Dr. Seaborg was chair <strong>of</strong> the California Academic StandardsCommission’s <strong>Science</strong> Committee that created the <strong>Science</strong> Content Standards for CaliforniaPublic Schools.3. Reading/Language Arts <strong>Framework</strong> for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through GradeTwelve. Sacramento: California De<strong>part</strong>ment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong>, 1999, p. 2.4. Mathematics <strong>Framework</strong> for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.Sacramento: California De<strong>part</strong>ment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong>, 2000.5. Mathematics <strong>Framework</strong>, p. 13.6. These criteria are available on the Web site.Click on Criteria Category 2, third bullet.7. Reading/Language Arts <strong>Framework</strong>, p. 3.

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