TURBOmax VUW 282 E - Heatingspares247.com

TURBOmax VUW 282 E - Heatingspares247.com TURBOmax VUW 282 E - Heatingspares247.com

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5. Commissioning5.1 Preliminary electrical checksCheck the electrical installation bycarrying out short circuit, earthcontinuity and resistance to earth testsand a check for correct polarity.5.2 Gas supplyThe complete gas installationincluding the gas meter must beinspected, tested for soundness andpurged in accordance with BS 6891.The gas supply to the boiler can bepurged by slackening the gas servicevalve beneath the boiler (1, fig. 31).Ensure that there is adequateventilation, extinguish naked flamesand do not smoke whilst purging.After purging, the gas service valveconnection must be re-tightened andtested for soundness.(The boiler itself does not requirepurging as this will be done by theautomatic burner sequence control).5.3 Water supplyOpen all domestic hot water tapssupplied by the boiler, turn on themains water supply to the boiler andopen the mains water isolating valvebelow the boiler (2, fig. 31).Water will now flow through theboiler to the hot taps. Starting with thelowest tap supplied, turn the hot tapsoff one at a time until the hot waterpipework is purged of air.Check all hot and cold pipework forleaks.fig. 31GW 610/022

5.4 Filling the heating systemThe boiler primary circuit and theheating system should be filled usinga filling method as described inSection 3.7.2.Ensure that the boiler CH servicevalves (3, fig. 31) are open.Partially open the filling valve andallow water to enter the system.Starting with the lowest radiator, openthe radiator air release until water(clear of bubbles) is emitted.Repeat this at all radiators until thecomplete system is full, all air lockshave been cleared and the boilerpressure gauge reads 1.5 Bar.Release any air from the pump byslackening the centre screw (1, fig. 32).The boiler is equipped with anautomatic air release valve. To allowthis to vent the boiler, the cap on top(2, fig. 32) must be slackened by 1-2turns. (This cap must be left slackenedduring boiler operation to ensure anyresidual air or system gases arereleased).Check the heating system and boilerconnections are sound.fig. 32GW 634/05.5 Initial system flush ('cold')The whole of the heating system mustbe flushed out at least twice: oncecold, and once hot as instructed laterin Section 5.12.Open all radiator or heating valvesand boiler CH service valves (3, fig.31) and drain the heating system andboiler completely from the lowestpoints of the system via 1 /2in. BSPdrain taps (opened full bore to removeany installation debris prior to lightingthe boiler).Refill the heating system as describedin Section 5.4: Filling the heatingsystem.Check the operation of the pressurerelief valve by rotating the knob onthe valve.23

5. Commissioning5.1 Preliminary electrical checksCheck the electrical installation bycarrying out short circuit, earthcontinuity and resistance to earth testsand a check for correct polarity.5.2 Gas supplyThe complete gas installationincluding the gas meter must beinspected, tested for soundness andpurged in accordance with BS 6891.The gas supply to the boiler can bepurged by slackening the gas servicevalve beneath the boiler (1, fig. 31).Ensure that there is adequateventilation, extinguish naked flamesand do not smoke whilst purging.After purging, the gas service valveconnection must be re-tightened andtested for soundness.(The boiler itself does not requirepurging as this will be done by theautomatic burner sequence control).5.3 Water supplyOpen all domestic hot water tapssupplied by the boiler, turn on themains water supply to the boiler andopen the mains water isolating valvebelow the boiler (2, fig. 31).Water will now flow through theboiler to the hot taps. Starting with thelowest tap supplied, turn the hot tapsoff one at a time until the hot waterpipework is purged of air.Check all hot and cold pipework forleaks.fig. 31GW 610/022

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