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NewsDemonstrating impactHow <strong>Macmillan</strong>’s Service Development Teamscan support you during a post or service changeThe current health and social careclimate continues to be challenging.Many organisations are undertakingreviews and service reconfigurationto support the changing demands ofservices. As a result, some <strong>Macmillan</strong>posts are at risk. <strong>Macmillan</strong> believesit is important that any changescontinue to improve care and supportfor people affected by cancer, andare not short-term actions to achieveefficiency targets.Providing evidence<strong>Macmillan</strong> services need to show thatthey are of a high quality and arecost effective. To support <strong>Macmillan</strong>professionals to do this, we havedeveloped a series of ‘impactdocuments’ that summarise the best,current evidence relating to various<strong>Macmillan</strong> roles and services. Thesewill support you in communicating thevalue and benefits of the service youprovide. It's a good idea to gat<strong>here</strong>vidence to support your role as earlyas possible, regardless of its status.Working togetherMDMs will monitor posts that havebeen identified as ‘at risk’. The MDMwill work with the partner organisationto identify the issues and providesupport and evidence around theproposed changes. T<strong>here</strong> may be avariety of solutions, but whatever thecircumstances, MDMs and ServiceDevelopment Teams work on a caseby-casebasis to achieve the bestpossible outcome.You can find details of yourlocal MDM and <strong>Macmillan</strong>'s impactdocuments at macmillan.org.uk/serviceimpactKeeping <strong>Macmillan</strong> involved<strong>Macmillan</strong> aims to ensure thatservices for people affected by cancercontinue to be delivered to the higheststandard, by professionals with theright skills and training. It is importantthat we are involved in discussionsabout any changes to a <strong>Macmillan</strong>post or service. We can only providesupport when we are made aware ofpotential plans to change a service.T<strong>here</strong>fore it is essential that you makeyour local <strong>Macmillan</strong> DevelopmentManager (MDM) aware of:1 Changes to yourmanagement structure.2 Organisation reviews that includeyour service or post.3 <strong>Macmillan</strong> post(s) within yourservice that are frozen whena colleague leaves.4 Discussions relating to the use ofthe <strong>Macmillan</strong> title.5 Discussions relating to achange in working conditionsor service agreement.6 Discussions relating to thesustainability of a post or service.Case studyA team of three <strong>Macmillan</strong>professionals were under review ina trust facing financial challenges.<strong>Macmillan</strong> provided support in anumber of ways:• The local MDM was involvedin the review process withthe trust.• Discussions were held betweenthe MDM and the director ofservices to ensure the trust wasfully informed of the impactthe service had for peopleaffected by cancer, the extentof <strong>Macmillan</strong>’s prior servicesupport, and the originalservice agreement.• Evidence of the service impactwas presented by the team withsupport from the MDM.• The trust, <strong>Macmillan</strong> and theteam worked together to lookat new ways of working toincrease Quality, Innovation,Productivity and Prevention(QUIPP) within the service,and how the service mightcontribute to the TrustCQUIN (Commissioningfor Quality and Innovationpayment framework) andQUIPP agenda.• The MDM advised the team onhow to collect comprehensiveevidence of user experienceand service quality and presentit in a compelling way.OutcomeTwo of the three posts kept thesame grades at the end of t<strong>here</strong>view. However, the professionalshad accepted new ways of workingthat they felt would improve servicedelivery in the future. The thirdpost, which was vacant, underwenta grade change to provide a teamwith mixed skills.www.macmillan.org.uk/macvoice 11

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