Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

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• Prioritized projects will be aligned withministries’ national programs. This will enablea more transparent provision of servicesand a more clearly defined implementationand monitoring mechanism.• The prioritization process will assist ministrieswith effective resource allocation andprovincial projects highlighted as the mosturgent should be seen as priority action bythe ministries.OUTCOMES FROM THEPROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENTPLANNING PROCESSOne of the most valuable outcomes of the subnationalconsultations was the clear indicationthat the 34 provinces have different developmentpriorities. As outputs, the PDPs haveformed an integral part of Government policyformation, prioritization, sequencing andneeds- related resource allocation. In addition,two national overriding considerationsemerged as critically important to any intervention:the importance of preserving the country’sIslamic religious principles, culture and lifestyleand ensuring equity of access to resourcesand intervention.Security emerged as a top priority in two thirdsof the PDPs; most strongly in the south and theeast of the country. In these regions, security isperceived as the fundamental basis on whichall other development depends.disabled people; (vi) poor access to electricitycited in 80 percent of the PDPs; and (vii) corruptionwithin the public administration (mentionedin 80 percent of the PDPs, particularlywithin the security services).PRIORITIZATION OF THEPILLARSUsing qualitative information from the PDPsthe ANDS pillars have been prioritized. Thishas been illustrated in two ways. Figure 2.3shows the proportional representation of prioritieswithin the top five sectors across the 34provinces. Unsurprisingly, with 80 percent ofthe population relying on some form of agriculture,it has appeared as a national priority. Sectorssuch as health and social protection arealso one of people’s top priorities. In order, thekey priorities are:• Agriculture• Security• Education• Governance• Health• Private sector• Roads• Infrastructure (energy and water) and socialprotection.Key issues identified by stakeholders 13 include:the (i) lack of access to clean drinking water inall provinces, for both domestic use andthroughout institutions such as schools andclinics; (ii) improvement of provincial roads, 83percent referring specifically to the need fortertiary road services, to improve communicationbetween villages to district and provincialcenters; access to basic services such as schoolsand clinics; (iii) improvement in the presentlow quality services emerged as a key prioritythroughout the country, especially with respectto poorly trained teachers and doctors; (iv) lackof alternative livelihoods to poppy cultivation;(v) lack of vocational training for returnees and13 For a detailed breakdown and analysis of provincial priorities,sequencing and integration into Sector Strategies see Volume iiiof the ANDS.22Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

Figure 2.3. Proportional representation of sectors across all 34 provincesTable 2.4 shows the top priorities for provinces,shown for all 34 provinces. Thus in 17 out of 34provinces security can be seen as the absolutenumber one priority. Roads is shown as a subsector since people articulated this as a separaterequirement from other infrastructure development(health is not mentioned because althoughit appears numerous times in the topfive priorities for provinces, it is not consideredthe top priority in any province).Table 2.4. Sectors/pillars and the number ofprovinces in which they are a top prioritySector or Pillar No. of provincesSecurity 17Infrastructure 5Education 4Employment 3Roads 3Agriculture 2Governance 1Figure 2.5. Top priorities of provinces – primary rankingThe Participatory Process 23

• Prioritized projects will be aligned withministries’ national programs. This will enablea more transparent provision <strong>of</strong> servicesand a more clearly defined implementationand monitoring mechanism.• The prioritization process will assist ministrieswith effective resource allocation andprovincial projects highlighted as the mosturgent should be seen as priority action bythe ministries.OUTCOMES FROM THEPROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENTPLANNING PROCESSOne <strong>of</strong> the most valuable outcomes <strong>of</strong> the subnationalconsultations was the clear indicationthat the 34 provinces have different developmentpriorities. As outputs, the PDPs haveformed an integral part <strong>of</strong> Government policyformation, prioritization, sequencing andneeds- related resource allocation. In addition,two national overriding considerationsemerged as critically important to any intervention:the importance <strong>of</strong> preserving the country’s<strong>Islamic</strong> religious principles, culture and lifestyleand ensuring equity <strong>of</strong> access to resourcesand intervention.Security emerged as a top priority in two thirds<strong>of</strong> the PDPs; most strongly in the south and theeast <strong>of</strong> the country. In these regions, security isperceived as the fundamental basis on whichall other development depends.disabled people; (vi) poor access to electricitycited in 80 percent <strong>of</strong> the PDPs; and (vii) corruptionwithin the public administration (mentionedin 80 percent <strong>of</strong> the PDPs, particularlywithin the security services).PRIORITIZATION OF THEPILLARSUsing qualitative information from the PDPsthe ANDS pillars have been prioritized. Thishas been illustrated in two ways. Figure 2.3shows the proportional representation <strong>of</strong> prioritieswithin the top five sectors across the 34provinces. Unsurprisingly, with 80 percent <strong>of</strong>the population relying on some form <strong>of</strong> agriculture,it has appeared as a national priority. Sectorssuch as health and social protection arealso one <strong>of</strong> people’s top priorities. In order, thekey priorities are:• Agriculture• Security• Education• Governance• Health• Private sector• Roads• Infrastructure (energy and water) and socialprotection.Key issues identified by stakeholders 13 include:the (i) lack <strong>of</strong> access to clean drinking water inall provinces, for both domestic use andthroughout institutions such as schools andclinics; (ii) improvement <strong>of</strong> provincial roads, 83percent referring specifically to the need fortertiary road services, to improve communicationbetween villages to district and provincialcenters; access to basic services such as schoolsand clinics; (iii) improvement in the presentlow quality services emerged as a key prioritythroughout the country, especially with respectto poorly trained teachers and doctors; (iv) lack<strong>of</strong> alternative livelihoods to poppy cultivation;(v) lack <strong>of</strong> vocational training for returnees and13 For a detailed breakdown and analysis <strong>of</strong> provincial priorities,sequencing and integration into Sector Strategies see Volume iii<strong>of</strong> the ANDS.22<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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