Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

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• Increasingly not only measuring inputsand processes, but outcomes, performanceand development and poverty impacts(positive and negative);• Strengthening the management of knowledgeand information access around theM&E system;• Increasingly, over the course of the ANDS,seeking to strengthen linkages between theM&E system and the provincial planningprocess;• Maintaining transparency and accountabilityand encouraging support from NGOs,the Central Statistics Office and citizens inthe provision of data and analysis of findings;• Building the core institutional capacitiesneeded to sustain M&E processes, bothwithin the CMRS, as well as the CSO,NRVA and line ministry systems;• Setting service delivery benchmarks willutilize accepted international specific,measurable, achievable, realistic and timelyoutcome indicators for poverty measurement;and,• Integrating the M&E system across the entirenational budget cycle, to support thesetting of multi-annual and annual performancetargets.INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTUREThe institutional structure for monitoring willinclude a number of government, donor andnon-government intuitions, however; theJCMB, line ministries and the CSO will play themost important roles.The Role of the ANDS OversightCommitteeThe OSC will remain the key high-level governmentbody coordinating and monitoring theimplementation of the ANDS. It will approvebi-annual and annual progress on ANDS implementationreports as well as the reportsprepared for the Cabinet and the JCMB. TheOSC makes up the Government part of theJCMB.The role of the JCMBThe JCMB is the strategic level coordinationmechanism between the Governmentand the international community. It willfocus on resolving the strategic problemsarising from the implementation, coordinationand monitoring not only of the AfghanistanCompact but also the entireANDS. Co-chaired by the Governmentand the United Nations it will provide (i)high level oversight, ensuring an integratedapproach to delivery of the Compactand ANDS; (ii) directions to addressany obstacles or bottlenecks surroundingimplementation, coordination and monitoringof the ANDS; and (iii) report on theimplementation of the Afghanistan Compactand ANDS to the President, NationalAssembly, the UN Secretary General, theinternational community and the public.The Role of the JCMB SecretariatThe JCMB secretariat will provide policy andstrategy analysis/assessment, monitoring andevaluation reports to JCMB on the overall implementationof ANDS and Afghanistan CompactBenchmarks as well as supporting thework of the standing committees. It willstrengthen its capacity to provide independentanalysis to enhance the high leveloversight and problem solving role of theJCMB. The capacity of the JCMB Secretariatmust be significantly strengthened toperform these tasks.The role of the Central Monitoringand Reporting System (CMRS)The CMRS will be developed within the JCMBSecretariat and Ministry of Economy as thecentral machinery of government to supportthe monitoring and reporting process. Alongsidethe CSO, it will provide the central hub forall national monitoring as an apex monitoringbody, with a particular focus on monitoringand evaluating the impact of the Compact andthe ANDS. It will not function in isolation butwill bring together existing information fromthe CSO, consumer price indices, the NRVA,Afghanistan Financial Monitoring InformationSystem, Afghanistan Country Stability Picture178Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

(for ISAF), Afghanistan Information ManagementService, Donor Assistance Database andGeoBase, the Project and Activity Tracking systemof USAID/Afghanistan as well as sectoralministries.The CMRS will focus on data analysis and reportingof outputs, outcomes and impacts.There will be no conflict between the roles ofthe CMRS and the CSO, as they will be at twoopposite ends of the data systems. While theCSO will concentrate on data collectionthrough various means including surveys andtheir reporting, the CMRS will be collating thefiltered data produced by the CSO and willfacilitate various monitoring processes and disseminateinformation. They will in fact complementeach other. Finally, the CMRS will beresponsible for gathering information on programsfor conflict sensitivity, and to mainstreamconflict sensitivity into programs basedon criteria to be developed within the JCMBSecretariat in cooperation with the Governmentand line ministries.The Role of the Central StatisticsOffice (CSO)The CSO will remain the main provider of primaryand secondary information in relation tonational statistics, as an input to the CMRS.The CSO is currently compiling statistics onnational accounts, prices, external trade, populationand demographics for monitoring economic,financial, and structural policies as wellas other operations that will provide lots ofquality information for improving the monitoringframework. The capacity of the CSO willbe strengthened so that a meaningful statisticalsystem be put in place for providing usefuldata on various macro-economic processes andimportant sectors. It is necessary for this purposeto strengthen the collection of operationaldata in various sectors through respectiveagencies. The CSO will coordinate data collectionsystems in various ministries and organizations.The Role of NRVA and other surveysOne of the most important data-capturing exerciseshas been the NRVA surveys, from whichthe current poverty line has been calculated.Three surveys have already been conductedand provide critical information on poverty, aswell as other important sectors. The role ofthese surveys will be further expanded so thatthey can meet the immediate data needs of theother sectors. The multi-purpose householdsurveys will be conducted under the supervisionand guidance of the Central Statistics Office(CSO). To monitor the impact on poverty,the NRVA and the future household budgetsurveys will serve as the key source for monitoringfor critical poverty and social outcomeindicators and completion of the reports onpoverty situation (see appendix III).The Role of the Line MinistriesLine departments will continue to collect sectorrelevant information to monitor the output andsectoral outcome of national spending throughthe ANDS. The CMRS and CSO will workclosely with line ministries to standardizemethodological approaches to monitoring NationalPrograms. The Ministry of Economy willbe responsible for the wider inter-ministerialcoordination.The Role of Provincial OfficesThe line ministries will strengthen their provincialoffices to collect disaggregated data onall indicators to monitor progress on individualprojects at provincial, district and village level.The provincial offices and institutions of subnationalgovernance will utilize monitoring,support and reporting mechanisms to feed datato the line ministries which will assist in provincialbudgeting, planning and monitoring ofthe overall implementation of the ANDS. TheGovernor will report to the Provincial Councilson the progress of implementation of the subnationalANDS priorities and other parts of thePDPs.The Role of the National BudgetThe Budget remains the central tool of governmentpolicy. The close day-to-day workingrelationship between the MoF (AFMIS), thevarious budget entities, the CMRS and CSOwill provide vital information in setting andcosting sectoral priorities and targets to befunded through the medium term budgetframework. Annual targets will be reportedagainst the agreed sectoral baselines and thebudget hearing sessions will increasingly moveMonitoring Framework 179

• Increasingly not only measuring inputsand processes, but outcomes, performanceand development and poverty impacts(positive and negative);• Strengthening the management <strong>of</strong> knowledgeand information access around theM&E system;• Increasingly, over the course <strong>of</strong> the ANDS,seeking to strengthen linkages between theM&E system and the provincial planningprocess;• Maintaining transparency and accountabilityand encouraging support from NGOs,the Central Statistics Office and citizens inthe provision <strong>of</strong> data and analysis <strong>of</strong> findings;• Building the core institutional capacitiesneeded to sustain M&E processes, bothwithin the CMRS, as well as the CSO,NRVA and line ministry systems;• Setting service delivery benchmarks willutilize accepted international specific,measurable, achievable, realistic and timelyoutcome indicators for poverty measurement;and,• Integrating the M&E system across the entirenational budget cycle, to support thesetting <strong>of</strong> multi-annual and annual performancetargets.INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTUREThe institutional structure for monitoring willinclude a number <strong>of</strong> government, donor andnon-government intuitions, however; theJCMB, line ministries and the CSO will play themost important roles.The Role <strong>of</strong> the ANDS OversightCommitteeThe OSC will remain the key high-level governmentbody coordinating and monitoring theimplementation <strong>of</strong> the ANDS. It will approvebi-annual and annual progress on ANDS implementationreports as well as the reportsprepared for the Cabinet and the JCMB. TheOSC makes up the Government part <strong>of</strong> theJCMB.The role <strong>of</strong> the JCMBThe JCMB is the strategic level coordinationmechanism between the Governmentand the international community. It willfocus on resolving the strategic problemsarising from the implementation, coordinationand monitoring not only <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Afghanistan</strong>Compact but also the entireANDS. Co-chaired by the Governmentand the United Nations it will provide (i)high level oversight, ensuring an integratedapproach to delivery <strong>of</strong> the Compactand ANDS; (ii) directions to addressany obstacles or bottlenecks surroundingimplementation, coordination and monitoring<strong>of</strong> the ANDS; and (iii) report on theimplementation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Afghanistan</strong> Compactand ANDS to the President, NationalAssembly, the UN Secretary General, theinternational community and the public.The Role <strong>of</strong> the JCMB SecretariatThe JCMB secretariat will provide policy andstrategy analysis/assessment, monitoring andevaluation reports to JCMB on the overall implementation<strong>of</strong> ANDS and <strong>Afghanistan</strong> CompactBenchmarks as well as supporting thework <strong>of</strong> the standing committees. It willstrengthen its capacity to provide independentanalysis to enhance the high leveloversight and problem solving role <strong>of</strong> theJCMB. The capacity <strong>of</strong> the JCMB Secretariatmust be significantly strengthened toperform these tasks.The role <strong>of</strong> the Central Monitoringand Reporting System (CMRS)The CMRS will be developed within the JCMBSecretariat and Ministry <strong>of</strong> Economy as thecentral machinery <strong>of</strong> government to supportthe monitoring and reporting process. Alongsidethe CSO, it will provide the central hub forall national monitoring as an apex monitoringbody, with a particular focus on monitoringand evaluating the impact <strong>of</strong> the Compact andthe ANDS. It will not function in isolation butwill bring together existing information fromthe CSO, consumer price indices, the NRVA,<strong>Afghanistan</strong> Financial Monitoring InformationSystem, <strong>Afghanistan</strong> Country Stability Picture178<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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