Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...


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SectorAnti‐CorruptionGenderCounter‐NarcoticsEnvironmentRegionalCooperationCapacityDevelopmentRefugee,Returnee &IDP’sIn the design <strong>of</strong>reintegrationprogram componentssuch asland allocation,shelter and housing,attention willbe paid to anticorruptionmeasuresby providingfull transparencyon beneficiaryselection processes.Special attentionwill be paid toprotect children,women and theelderly duringthe return process.To improve rehabilitationandreintegrationinto societylarge number <strong>of</strong>drug users willbe among thereturnees.Environmental issues will meritgreater focus, especially in view <strong>of</strong>the additional strains on urbanand municipal infrastructure andservices occasioned by possiblereturn <strong>of</strong> further 3 million personswhich will put additional pressureon natural resources;As the refugee return increases,the Government will need to payparticular attention to the potentialfor conflicts over land andaccess to natural resources (land,pasture, water, forests) especiallyin ethnically mixed provincesThe Government will aimto conclude and implementregional and bilateralagreement on populationmovements andmigration;Plan to better communicateto the neighboringcountries the Governmentpolicies and programsfor repatriation <strong>of</strong>the refugeesThe capacity for Inter‐ministerialcooperation will need to be improved.The refugee return is notresponsibility <strong>of</strong> MoRR only.Capacity for program preparationand implementation will also needto be improved, especially for immediateresponse to IDPs crisis.The draw down <strong>of</strong> funds from Ministry<strong>of</strong> Finance has been slow. Aprogram/project implementationunit (PIU) has been establishedwithin MORR to assist with the LandAllocation Scheme.PrivateSectorDevelopment142Removal <strong>of</strong> nuisanceprocedures,licensesand taxes willreduce corruption.Making administrationmorepredictable sothat laws are followedand administrativediscretionis reducedwill also help..Economicgrowth will providea strongbase for increasingdemand forfemale laborand increasingtheir role in allaspects <strong>of</strong> theeconomic life <strong>of</strong>the country.Also programsthat will providewomen withgreater accessto training andcredit facilitiesand will encouragethe womenownedand operatedbusinesses.Increased demandfor laborand increasedinvestment opportunitiesinlegal private sectoractivity providesan alternativeto the incomesthey arenow making inthe illicit narcoticstrade.<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)Increased formalization <strong>of</strong> firmsincreases the likelihood that environmentalregulations are adheredto.Efforts at developingcloser regional cooperationwith neighboringcountries will help expandmarkets for theprivate sector and contributeto the success <strong>of</strong>the private sector developmentstrategy.Open domestic marketswith a strong privatesector will further increaseintegration astrade, transport, communicationand otherlinks are made withneighboring countries.Government, donors, the privatesector and NGOs will provide additionalsupport to increase the skills<strong>of</strong> the Afghan workforce. This willhelp assist both government andthe private sector.

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