Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ... Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...
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SectorAnti-CorruptionGenderCounter-NarcoticsEnvironmentRegionalCooperationCapacityDevelopmentEducationThis issue has beenaddressed with institutionalstrengtheningprograms in all Ministries.There are alsoimproved accountingprocedures and supportwith procurementthat will lower theprobability of corruption.The strategy reducesbarriers forwomen to enter theeducation sectorboth as studentsand teaching staff.There will be specificcounter narcoticsprogramsintroduced intoprimary and secondaryschool curricula.In addition an antinarcotics messagewill be built intothe sports programEnvironmental issueswill be incorporatedinto the primaryand secondarycurriculumThe education system isregionally dispersed. Theprimary and secondarystrategy has a component tosupport remote and disadvantagecommunities.The universities both in Kabuland in the provinces areto be considerably upgraded,and each universitywill be supported by a recognizedexternal university.Lack of capacity development inthe past has resulted in a failureto spend allocated funds.An inter-ministerial committeewith the education Ministries andMinistry of Finance has been establishedto solve this problem.Capacity building projects havebeen included in MoE ad MoHE.Culture, MediaandYouthThere will be institutionalstrengtheningprogram at the Ministry.As part of this, an internalaudit departmentand a computing departmentwill be establishedand there will bea review of securityprocedures.Legal and diplomaticefforts to retrieve missingartifacts will also bemadeGender will be acore issue coveredin all state ownedmedia.The Ministry willwork closely withthe Ministry ofCounter Narcoticsand seek advicefrom them aboutthe incorporationof an anti drugsmessage in allforms of media.The National YouthProgram, throughall its componentswill promote adrug-free society.Preservation andrehabilitation of historicalsites and artifactsmakes an importantcontributionto the environment.Under the YouthProgram, youth willbe encouraged tobecome invoved inenvironmental programsTourism, culture and mediacan be further developedthrough an effective andfruitful cooperation withregional partners.Regional cooperation canalso support and ensure theefforts of MoIC by strengtheningthe legal frameworkand the enforcement of thelaw in relation to archaeologicalsites to stop illicittraffic at the borders, andawareness-raising at boththe national and the internationallevel.The major capacity weakness isthe lack of qualified staff at theMinistry.The Ministry requires a computerdepartment with trained staff,software and hardware, an internalaudit department with accountancyskills, and officialswith legal skills to deal with draftinglegislation and retrieval ofartifacts138Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

SectorAnti-CorruptionGenderCounter-NarcoticsEnvironmentRegionalCooperationCapacityDevelopmentAgriculture andRuralDevelopmentAll programs withinthe Sector Strategyemphasize accountabilityand transparencyLocal governance programsreduce corruption,since the act ofcommunity ownershipand participationpromotes a sense ofobligation and accountabilitywhich iscontinually reinforcedthrough all functionsof project management.The focus on communitylevel developmentpromotesgender mainstreamingand genderbalanceddevelopmentStrategy is designedto ensure that womenhave communityrepresentation and topromote gendersensitivedevelopmentplanning, implementationandmonitoring of all projects.Involvement in income-producingactivities.Skills developmentand other capacitybuilding programswill contribute furtherto both women’sempowerment andincreasing householdincome levels.The Sector Strategyfocuses on providingviable incomegeneratingalternativesby raising theprofitability of licitcrops, promotingmarket linkages andcreating off-farmemployment.Rural communitiesare closely knit.Those communitiesisolated from governmentare moreprone to grow poppyand other illicitcrops. Those benefitingfrom integratedrural developmentprograms are lesslikely to grow poppy.Improved governancecan influenceentrenched attitudesand is therefore vitalto the enabling environmentto tackledrugs production.The Governmentwill provide capacitydevelopmentto assistcommunities tobe able to managetheir natural resourcesand implementprojectsbased on sustainableuse.Government iscurrently developingthe regulatoryenvironmentin such areas asenvironmentalimpact assessments,protectedareas managementand complianceand enforcement.Strategy is to develop institutionallinkages in the areasof collaborative research,technology transfers andtraining/skills enhancement,and the exchange ofscientific information withregard to Afghanistan’s disasterpreparedness program.AREDP will require a highlevel of regional interaction,particularly in the area ofcurrent imports and potentialfuture exports.Afghanistan’s membershipin the South Asian Associationfor Regional Cooperation(SAARC) willoperationalize a RegionalFood Security Reserve andproposed Regional FoodBankThe Center on IntegratedRural Development for Asiaand the Pacific (CIRDAP) isa regional intergovernmentalautonomous organizationestablished for the promotionof integrated rural developmentin the region.Capacity development is an integralpart of the ARD Sector Strategy.In addition to internal capacitybuilding and institutional reformboth at the central and locallevels, every program interventionin agriculture and rural developmenthas a significant capacitydevelopment component.Economical and Social Development 139

SectorAnti-CorruptionGenderCounter-NarcoticsEnvironmentRegionalCooperationCapacityDevelopmentAgriculture andRuralDevelopmentAll programs withinthe Sector Strategyemphasize accountabilityand transparencyLocal governance programsreduce corruption,since the act <strong>of</strong>community ownershipand participationpromotes a sense <strong>of</strong>obligation and accountabilitywhich iscontinually reinforcedthrough all functions<strong>of</strong> project management.The focus on communitylevel developmentpromotesgender mainstreamingand genderbalanceddevelopmentStrategy is designedto ensure that womenhave communityrepresentation and topromote gendersensitivedevelopmentplanning, implementationandmonitoring <strong>of</strong> all projects.Involvement in income-producingactivities.Skills developmentand other capacitybuilding programswill contribute furtherto both women’sempowerment andincreasing householdincome levels.The Sector Strategyfocuses on providingviable incomegeneratingalternativesby raising thepr<strong>of</strong>itability <strong>of</strong> licitcrops, promotingmarket linkages andcreating <strong>of</strong>f-farmemployment.Rural communitiesare closely knit.Those communitiesisolated from governmentare moreprone to grow poppyand other illicitcrops. Those benefitingfrom integratedrural developmentprograms are lesslikely to grow poppy.Improved governancecan influenceentrenched attitudesand is therefore vitalto the enabling environmentto tackledrugs production.The Governmentwill provide capacitydevelopmentto assistcommunities tobe able to managetheir natural resourcesand implementprojectsbased on sustainableuse.Government iscurrently developingthe regulatoryenvironmentin such areas asenvironmentalimpact assessments,protectedareas managementand complianceand enforcement.Strategy is to develop institutionallinkages in the areas<strong>of</strong> collaborative research,technology transfers andtraining/skills enhancement,and the exchange <strong>of</strong>scientific information withregard to <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s disasterpreparedness program.AREDP will require a highlevel <strong>of</strong> regional interaction,particularly in the area <strong>of</strong>current imports and potentialfuture exports.<strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s membershipin the South Asian Associationfor Regional Cooperation(SAARC) willoperationalize a RegionalFood Security Reserve andproposed Regional FoodBankThe Center on <strong>Integrated</strong>Rural Development for Asiaand the Pacific (CIRDAP) isa regional intergovernmentalautonomous organizationestablished for the promotion<strong>of</strong> integrated rural developmentin the region.Capacity development is an integralpart <strong>of</strong> the ARD Sector Strategy.In addition to internal capacitybuilding and institutional reformboth at the central and locallevels, every program interventionin agriculture and rural developmenthas a significant capacitydevelopment component.Economical and Social Development 139

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