Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

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• In the area of culture, legal and policyframeworks, such as those guaranteeing respectof cultural rights for all Afghans, areweak and not comprehensive.• Most media infrastructure and equipmentfor both print and broadcast media are outof-dateor have been damaged or deliberatelydestroyed. State-owned media needsto be reformed in order to ensure that itpromotes democratic values and is editoriallyindependent of influences from variousinterested factions.• Media legislation that will provide an environmentin which a free, independent andresponsible media can operate has beendrafted. It will be passed through Parliamentin 2008. Despite some setbacks, theGovernment is determined that the freedomsthat have been introduced will remainand will be protected by appropriatelegislation.Policy framework: sector strategyCultureThe objective of this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to establish a system that documentsand safeguards Afghanistan’s history and culturefor the benefit of future generations. Majorgoals include:• Establish an accessible and well maintainedcultural artifacts data base;• Plans will be accepted, and donors will beidentified, to establish regional museums;• Maintain Kabul museum and take measuresto establish thematic museums such asethnology, anthropology, science and technology,handicrafts and community museums;• The cultural artifacts collection held by theMinistry will be expanded;• Take appropriate measures to promote liveculture (Music, Poetry, Arts, Theater &Dance)In the longer term goals will include the establishmentand expansion of museums as well asthe protection of historical and heritage sites.For detail information refer to volume 2MediaThe contribution of this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to ensure an independent, pluralisticand accessible media for Afghan men andwomen throughout the country which it ishoped will promote an open and democraticsociety. The objectives with respect to mediaare:• To establish legislation that will provide astable and predictable environment inwhich a largely private sector, independentmedia can operate;• Media will be employed as an educationaltool in addition to entertainment.Expected outcomes for the media sub-sector inthe short term will include:• New Media legislation will have beenpassed and Government and the Ministrywill successfully administer this legislationin an open manner;• A country-wide coverage of public Afghanmedia (radio and television);• An increased number of hours of publicbroadcasting, and improved quality ofprogramming;• Press freedom has been declining drasticallyin Afghanistan over the past 4 yearsand so the need to promote and protect theindependence of the media as well as ensurepress freedom is extremely important;• Press freedom is a fundamental aspect of ademocratic society therefore the Governmentwill work to reverse setbacks and ensurethat press freedom be protected bothin legislation and in practice. For detail informationrefer to volume 2YouthThe contribution of this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to instill in young people a sense of confidencein a stable, prosperous and productivefuture in the country. In addition a Joint NationalYouth Program is now in the process ofbeing implemented. This program has beenproduced with inputs from eight Ministries ofthe Government of Afghanistan and sevenUnited Nations agencies is designed to increasethe participation of youth in governance, re-122Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

covery, and peaceful development of the country.It provides young women and men withenhanced capacities, education, and recreationand employment opportunities.The Joint National Youth Program containsfour main components:• Strengthening the capacity of the Governmentto respond to the needs of the youthof the country;• Promoting non-formal education, increasingawareness and developing skills (literacy,leadership, strategic planning, conflictresolution, peace-building, etc.) in youngpeople so to provide better quality of lifeand livelihood opportunities;• Engaging youth in governance, developmentand social-political processes at local,district, municipal, provincial and nationallevel, ensuring the participation of youngwomen and men in democracy and advocacy;and• Promoting voluntary efforts for peace anddevelopment and establishing a youth volunteercorps for the country. For detail informationrefer to volume 2The most important projects to support thesub-sector strategies included the development,maintenance and expansion of the databasethat documents the collection of artifacts heldby the Ministry; and the passage of the newMedia legislation and its implementation aswell as the implementation of the Joint NationalYouth Program.SOCIAL PROTECTIONCurrent situationImproving social protection is vital to reducingpoverty and increasing the livelihood of theAfghan people, particularly the poor and mostvulnerable. This sector strategy is critical to theGovernment’s ongoing poverty reduction efforts.The programs highlighted below form akey part Government’s approach to achievingthis; alleviating the impacts of poverty and improvingthe welfare of the country.The Afghan Constitution defines the role ofsocial protection and obliges the Governmentto take necessary measures to support the mostvulnerable. Since 2001 progress has beenachieved in number of areas: cash transferbenefits have been established (martyr’s familiesand disabled) as the main instrument ofsocial support for the victims of the war; regularsupport to orphanages has been providedfrom the Core Budget; the MoLSAMD has establisheddepartments in all provinces andstrengthened its capacity for targeting and cooperatingwith the NGOs and the donors. Intotal, some 2.5 million people have been coveredwith some type of public arrangement forsocial protection.The pension system has been strengthened:Although highly dependent on budgettransfers, the basic pension scheme for civilservants and military personal has been established.The number of pensions paid has steadilyincreased from around 10,000 to more than50,000 (in 2006). The MoLSAMD’s PensionDepartment receives technical assistance forfurther improvements and the MoF has intensifiedits effort on collecting pension contributions.The capacity of ANDMA to coordinate disasterpreparedness and response has improved aswell. Basic risk vulnerability studies have beeneither completed or initiated. The links withsub-national structures have been established.The Emergency Budget for Disastrous Situationshas been established under the President’sauthority and a number of interventionsfor risk mitigation have been made.Despite the progress in the strengthening ofsocial protection, important challenges andconstraints remain, including security issuesand low mobilization of the domestic revenues.A further constraint is limited coordinationwithin the Government and with the donors,which leads to duplication of efforts and inefficienttargeting.The ANDS Risk and Vulnerability Assessmentsindicate that the Afghan people are vulnerableto number of risks:Security and economic risks: The continuedinsecurity has led to the loss of lives and forcedpeople to migrate. Afghanistan is one of themost heavily land-mined countries. In 2006,landmines killed or injured an average of 61people per month. The latest survey (NRVAEconomical and Social Development 123

• In the area <strong>of</strong> culture, legal and policyframeworks, such as those guaranteeing respect<strong>of</strong> cultural rights for all Afghans, areweak and not comprehensive.• Most media infrastructure and equipmentfor both print and broadcast media are out<strong>of</strong>-dateor have been damaged or deliberatelydestroyed. State-owned media needsto be reformed in order to ensure that itpromotes democratic values and is editoriallyindependent <strong>of</strong> influences from variousinterested factions.• Media legislation that will provide an environmentin which a free, independent andresponsible media can operate has beendrafted. It will be passed through Parliamentin 2008. Despite some setbacks, theGovernment is determined that the freedomsthat have been introduced will remainand will be protected by appropriatelegislation.Policy framework: sector strategyCultureThe objective <strong>of</strong> this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to establish a system that documentsand safeguards <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s history and culturefor the benefit <strong>of</strong> future generations. Majorgoals include:• Establish an accessible and well maintainedcultural artifacts data base;• Plans will be accepted, and donors will beidentified, to establish regional museums;• Maintain Kabul museum and take measuresto establish thematic museums such asethnology, anthropology, science and technology,handicrafts and community museums;• The cultural artifacts collection held by theMinistry will be expanded;• Take appropriate measures to promote liveculture (Music, Poetry, Arts, Theater &Dance)In the longer term goals will include the establishmentand expansion <strong>of</strong> museums as well asthe protection <strong>of</strong> historical and heritage sites.For detail information refer to volume 2MediaThe contribution <strong>of</strong> this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to ensure an independent, pluralisticand accessible media for Afghan men andwomen throughout the country which it ishoped will promote an open and democraticsociety. The objectives with respect to mediaare:• To establish legislation that will provide astable and predictable environment inwhich a largely private sector, independentmedia can operate;• Media will be employed as an educationaltool in addition to entertainment.Expected outcomes for the media sub-sector inthe short term will include:• New Media legislation will have beenpassed and Government and the Ministrywill successfully administer this legislationin an open manner;• A country-wide coverage <strong>of</strong> public Afghanmedia (radio and television);• An increased number <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> publicbroadcasting, and improved quality <strong>of</strong>programming;• Press freedom has been declining drasticallyin <strong>Afghanistan</strong> over the past 4 yearsand so the need to promote and protect theindependence <strong>of</strong> the media as well as ensurepress freedom is extremely important;• Press freedom is a fundamental aspect <strong>of</strong> ademocratic society therefore the Governmentwill work to reverse setbacks and ensurethat press freedom be protected bothin legislation and in practice. For detail informationrefer to volume 2YouthThe contribution <strong>of</strong> this sub-sector to the ANDSwill be to instill in young people a sense <strong>of</strong> confidencein a stable, prosperous and productivefuture in the country. In addition a Joint NationalYouth Program is now in the process <strong>of</strong>being implemented. This program has beenproduced with inputs from eight Ministries <strong>of</strong>the Government <strong>of</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong> and sevenUnited Nations agencies is designed to increasethe participation <strong>of</strong> youth in governance, re-122<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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