Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...


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dearth <strong>of</strong> well qualified individuals. Increasedinvestment is crucial for the demand for laborto increase. This requires higher rates <strong>of</strong>growth, broad investment to increase and productivityto be higher. With increased investmentin many areas <strong>of</strong> the economy, there willbe high demand for well qualified Afghans.There is an urgent need for qualified teachers,trainers, doctors, pr<strong>of</strong>essors, for those with therequisite skills for planning and implementingimproved water management practices, forqualified pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in the Civil Service, forskills needed in the management and development<strong>of</strong> mineral resources, for meeting themanagement and safety needs <strong>of</strong> a growingcivil aviation sector, for managing and maintainingan expanding road system, for work inregional trading enterprises centered in <strong>Afghanistan</strong>,in developing, energy resources,working in Independent Power Producers, andin managing and improving electricity transmissionand distribution systems, developingcommercial agriculture, and working in operationsto assist the poor and most vulnerableeither within or outside government. If theANDS educational strategy is successful in addressingthe quality shortcomings in the publiceducation system and expanding the scope forprivate education, the expected growth <strong>of</strong> theeconomy will create the demand for well qualifiedAfghans emerging from the educationalsystem. Care will need to be taken to assurethat existing but less qualified employees in thepublic sector do not block the way <strong>of</strong> betterqualified applicants for these jobs, althoughthese existing employees should also be giventhe opportunity to develop the needed skillsthrough in house capacity development programsand through ‘educational leaves’ to upgradetheir skills.There are other sub-sector policies coveringareas such as Sport and the Afghan Academy<strong>of</strong> Science.• In sports policy there will be an effortmade to encourage private sector support.Provided funds are available, there is aprogram to build sports complexes andstrengthen sports through provincial sportsdepartments and sports improvement programsin capital and provinces. The antinarcoticsmessage will be promotedstrongly through sports activities.• The Academy <strong>of</strong> Science will be strengthenedand supported so as to use the resourcesand talents <strong>of</strong> the academy to assistwith the restoration and development <strong>of</strong><strong>Afghanistan</strong> societyIntegration <strong>of</strong> the PDPs: At the provincial anddistrict level Provincial and Development Plans(PDPs), have been developed through a subnationalconsultation process. These Plans ensurethat the priorities in the ANDS reflect thebest interests and most urgent needs <strong>of</strong> thepeople. The most urgent provincial needs ineducation, health, and transport have beenidentified and will be integrated in the sectorstrategies. A problem in the education sectorhas been direct provincial infrastructure aid bycountry donors, such as construction <strong>of</strong> provincialagricultural colleges, that is not sustainablebecause the provincial recipient does not havethe funds to finance the running costs, includingas salaries and equipment, which are essentialto enable this type <strong>of</strong> infrastructure aid tomake a contribution to provincial development.For detail information refer to Volume III ProvincialDevelopment Plans.Institutional Arrangements: Education servicesare delivered by a number <strong>of</strong> governmentinstitutions. The Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education ismandated to deliver primary and secondaryeducation, including general education, <strong>Islamic</strong>education, teacher education, technical/vocationaleducation and literacy. TheMinistry <strong>of</strong> Higher Education is responsible forall tertiary education while the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Laborand Social Affairs is mandated to delivervocational training.CULTURE, YOUTH ANDMEDIARole <strong>of</strong> the Sector in ANDSThe ANDS strategic vision for this sector is topreserve and protect the cultural heritage <strong>of</strong><strong>Afghanistan</strong> and hand it on to new generationsto foster cultural creativity and to establishmedia that are independent, pluralistic andaccessible to women and men throughout thecountry thereby promoting an open and democraticsociety, young people (male and female)to be confident that they have a stable,120<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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