Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...


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This requires integrating and upgrading existingprivate and public sector networks and investingin essential infrastructure projects thatshorten trade distances, reduce costs and increaseproductivity, encouraging entrepreneursto expand private sector activity.In implementing the ARDZ, the Governmentwill:• identify and map agricultural growthzones;• quantify the necessary factors required foraccelerated growth within each zone;• identify key competitive product valuechains and the connector firms that drivethese value chains;• develop plans to extend the reach <strong>of</strong> agriculturalzones into more remote rural areas;• ensure rural development activities arenational in scope and linked to the agriculturalgrowth zone plans; and• mobilize private sector investment and operationsas the key element in the success<strong>of</strong> the agricultural growth zone initiative.To date, five distinct agricultural growthzones have been identified:• a North Western Zone centered on theprimary market town <strong>of</strong> Mazar-i-Sharifthat includes ten secondary market townsand which is well positioned to take advantage<strong>of</strong> trade linkages with the CentralAsian <strong>Republic</strong>s;• a North Eastern Zone centered on the primarymarket town <strong>of</strong> Kunduz that includesseven secondary market towns and which,with the new bridge at Shirkhan, is wellpositioned for trade with Tajikistan and,with good road connections to Urumqi,with China;• a Central Zone centered on the primarymarket town <strong>of</strong> Kabul that includes thirteensecondary towns and which is linkedwith the important market center in Jalalabadand the regional market in Peshawar,Pakistan;• a South Eastern Zone centered on the primarymarket town <strong>of</strong> Kandahar and whichincludes four secondary towns (one <strong>of</strong>which is the important agricultural productiontown in Lashkargah) and which islinked to the regional market in Quetta,Pakistan; and• a Western Zone which is centered on theprimary market town <strong>of</strong> Herat and whichincludes four secondary market towns andwhich has linkages to markets in andthrough Iran.As part <strong>of</strong> the ARDZ, the Government hasbegun the process <strong>of</strong> establishing the ExecutiveManagement Unit with Presidentialauthority to coordinate and develop afive year action plan and organize the necessaryfunding and commitment from lineMinistries and donors so as to establish aprogram implementation plan. This unitwill ensure critical infrastructure, such aspower, water, transportation links, telecommunications,financial services andvocational programs are available. TheUnit will work with relevant Ministries toensure priority is given to providing servicesin these zones. (See ANDS VolumeTwo for more details)Expected OutcomesThe Agriculture and Rural Development expectedoutcomes are as follows:• Strengthened Local Governance: Functioningformal and informal local governance,including social and economic activitiesimplemented and maintained by communitiesthat contribute to the human capitaldevelopment and improved livelihoods.Improved management <strong>of</strong> local natural resourcesincluding clarifying the legal status<strong>of</strong> natural resources, roles <strong>of</strong> both communitiesand institutions in governance andmanagement will help ensure food security,contribute to poverty alleviation andimprove both ecological integrity and thenatural resource base.• Poverty Reduction and Food Security: TheNational Food Security Program (NFSP)will increase household food security andnutritional status while contributing to nationalfood security and economic growthin rural areas.92<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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