Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ... Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...
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Current Situation in the SectorAfghanistan has come a long way in the last 7years. In 2000 the World Bank assessed the‘quality’ of Afghanistan’s governance institutionsas falling in the bottom one percent of allcountries. The rule of law, adherence to goodgovernance practices and respect for humanrights in Afghanistan is weak but improving.The ANDS vision for this sector is the establishmentof a stable Islamic constitutional democracywhere the three branches of governmentfunction effectively and openly, are accountable,inclusive and abide by the rule oflaw.Progress since 2001 includes the adoption ofthe constitution; successful parliamentary andpresidential elections, and progress in improvingthe livelihood and welfare of females andother disenfranchised groups. In addition, theANDS sets out a series of reforms to addressthese constraints:• Justice: The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) isstrengthening the review process for lawsand regulations and identifying areas forreform, including instituting a code of ethicsand professional standards. In March2007, the Supreme Court, the MoJ, and heAttorney General’s Office presented newcomprehensive reform strategies at theRome Conference. These include plans torestructure the institutions; develop meritbasedand transparent recruitment; promotionand accountability mechanisms forimproving professional standards, ethicsand discipline; improving the conditions ofservice for justice officials; and increasingwomen’s representation at all levels of thejustice system.• Corruption: The High Level Commissionagainst Corruption has been established toassess and analyze the factors contributingto corruption. The Commission presentedrecommendations to prevent corruptionand developed the roadmap in its document“Fighting Corruption in Afghanistan- Strategy and Action”.• Legislative Reforms: Progress is beingmade in reforming the legal framework ofthe country. Laws have been enacted topromote investment and trade. Measuresto deal with illegal drugs, corruption andmoney laundering are under review andbeing enacted. As part of the judicial reformprogram a number of other importantlaws will soon be approved.• Gender: The National Action Plan forWomen of Afghanistan is being implementedto establishing greater genderequality by eliminating discrimination,building of women’s human capital andpromoting their participation and leadership.• Governance: Public administration is generallyrecognized as being weak. The Governmentwill undertake comprehensive institutionalstrengthening and capacitybuilding within the ministries, provinces,districts, municipalities and villages. Thiswill achieve improvements in the deliveryof services to the people and communitiesliving in the provinces, districts, municipalitiesand villages.A number of constraints continue to face thesector: weak public sector capacity; a lack ofresources and unsustainable fiscal outcomes; arestrictive legislative environment that limitsprivate sector activity; limited legislative oversightand representational experience of publicfigures; extensive corruption; excessive centralization;a lack of coordinated decisionmakingacross Government; limited femaleparticipation in the Government; limited directaccountability to clients; and state capture byillicit power-holders.Policy Framework: Sector StrategyThe governance agenda addresses three majorchallenges: pervasive corruption, low publicsector capacity and human rights deprivationsfor girls and women in Afghanistan.80 percent of provinces identified reducing corruptionin public administration as a priorityduring sub national consultations.The policy framework for the proposed reformprogram to strengthen governance includes allnational and sub-national government, parliamentary,civil society and political structures.The mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues ofanti-corruption, capacity building and genderare of particular relevance to this pillar. Insummary, the policy framework for this pillarincludes the following goals:62Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

• National Assembly Empowerment: Toenhance the capacity of the National Assemblyin discharging legislative, oversight,transparency and accountabilityfunctions.• Public Administration Reform: Publicadministration reform will focus on payand grading reforms to increase competitiverecruitment, hiring of a trained andcapable public sector workforce, strengtheningmerit based appointments, conductingperformance-based reviews.• Anti-corruption: Measures to achieve areduction of corruption in the judiciary andthroughout the government will be introduced.There will be increased monitoringof corruption at senior levels. Appropriatenew applications will be introduced tolimit potential corruption. Public reportingand complaints mechanisms will be expanded.• Enhanced availability of information topublic and enforcement: Public rights toaccess to information will be increased.Sanctions will be enforced against those involvedin the drugs trade.• Enhanced participation of Women inGovernance: Fulfillment of the national actionplan for women’s rights will be implementedand affirmative action programsmade available to women.• Enhanced participation of Youth in Governance:A proactive policy to expand opportunitiesfor young people that encompassesall areas of Government activity willbe adopted.• Effective system of disaster preparednessand response: The national disaster managementand mitigation policy will be implemented.• Independent Election Commission: Thecapacity of the Independent ElectionCommission will be strengthened. A permanentvoters’ registry will be established.Regular national and sub-national electionswill be held as mandated by the Constitution.• Single National Identity Document: Toenhance public accountability and transparencya single national identity documentwill be issued.• Census and Statistical Baseline Data: Thenational census will be completed and theresults published. National economic andpoverty baselines will be established.• Geodesy and Cartography: Village andGozar boundaries will be verified andmapping exercises will be undertaken.• Land Administration: A modern andcommunity-based land administration systemand establishment of a fair system forsettlement of land disputes will be established.• Independent Directorate of Local Governance(IDLG): A sub-national governancepolicy will be developed. People’sparticipation in sub-national governancewill be increased. Provincial Councils willbe empowered. Laws on District Councils,Municipal Councils, and Village Councilswill be introduced. Regular elections ofDistrict Councils, Municipal Councils,Mayors and Village Councils will be held.Public administration will be reformed atthe sub-national level and the capacity ofthe public sector workforce at sub-nationallevel strengthened. Provincial planningand budgeting will be institutionalized.• Governance Administration: Review andassessment of the facilities in all governmentoffices will be undertaken and appropriatefacilities provided.• Communication with and within theGovernment: There will be enhanced flowof information between all government entitiesrelated to national policy, strategyand national budget procedures.• Human Rights: The realization, protection,promotion and extension of human rights,including the Action Plan on Peace, Justiceand Reconciliation will be implemented.JUSTICERole of the Sector in ANDSThe role of the Justice Sector in the government’sdevelopment strategy is to ensure improvedintegrity, performance and infrastructureof Afghanistan’s justice institutions in eachprovince; to streamline administrative structures,ensure professional integrity and improvecoordination and integration within theGovernance, Rule of Law and Human Rights 63

• National Assembly Empowerment: Toenhance the capacity <strong>of</strong> the National Assemblyin discharging legislative, oversight,transparency and accountabilityfunctions.• Public Administration Reform: Publicadministration reform will focus on payand grading reforms to increase competitiverecruitment, hiring <strong>of</strong> a trained andcapable public sector workforce, strengtheningmerit based appointments, conductingperformance-based reviews.• Anti-corruption: Measures to achieve areduction <strong>of</strong> corruption in the judiciary andthroughout the government will be introduced.There will be increased monitoring<strong>of</strong> corruption at senior levels. Appropriatenew applications will be introduced tolimit potential corruption. Public reportingand complaints mechanisms will be expanded.• <strong>Enhanced</strong> availability <strong>of</strong> information topublic and enforcement: Public rights toaccess to information will be increased.Sanctions will be enforced against those involvedin the drugs trade.• <strong>Enhanced</strong> participation <strong>of</strong> Women inGovernance: Fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the national actionplan for women’s rights will be implementedand affirmative action programsmade available to women.• <strong>Enhanced</strong> participation <strong>of</strong> Youth in Governance:A proactive policy to expand opportunitiesfor young people that encompassesall areas <strong>of</strong> Government activity willbe adopted.• Effective system <strong>of</strong> disaster preparednessand response: The national disaster managementand mitigation policy will be implemented.• Independent Election Commission: Thecapacity <strong>of</strong> the Independent ElectionCommission will be strengthened. A permanentvoters’ registry will be established.Regular national and sub-national electionswill be held as mandated by the Constitution.• Single National Identity Document: Toenhance public accountability and transparencya single national identity documentwill be issued.• Census and Statistical Baseline Data: Thenational census will be completed and theresults published. National economic andpoverty baselines will be established.• Geodesy and Cartography: Village andGozar boundaries will be verified andmapping exercises will be undertaken.• Land Administration: A modern andcommunity-based land administration systemand establishment <strong>of</strong> a fair system forsettlement <strong>of</strong> land disputes will be established.• Independent Directorate <strong>of</strong> Local Governance(IDLG): A sub-national governancepolicy will be developed. People’sparticipation in sub-national governancewill be increased. Provincial Councils willbe empowered. Laws on District Councils,Municipal Councils, and Village Councilswill be introduced. Regular elections <strong>of</strong>District Councils, Municipal Councils,Mayors and Village Councils will be held.Public administration will be reformed atthe sub-national level and the capacity <strong>of</strong>the public sector workforce at sub-nationallevel strengthened. Provincial planningand budgeting will be institutionalized.• Governance Administration: Review andassessment <strong>of</strong> the facilities in all government<strong>of</strong>fices will be undertaken and appropriatefacilities provided.• Communication with and within theGovernment: There will be enhanced flow<strong>of</strong> information between all government entitiesrelated to national policy, strategyand national budget procedures.• Human Rights: The realization, protection,promotion and extension <strong>of</strong> human rights,including the Action Plan on Peace, Justiceand Reconciliation will be implemented.JUSTICERole <strong>of</strong> the Sector in ANDSThe role <strong>of</strong> the Justice Sector in the government’sdevelopment strategy is to ensure improvedintegrity, performance and infrastructure<strong>of</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s justice institutions in eachprovince; to streamline administrative structures,ensure pr<strong>of</strong>essional integrity and improvecoordination and integration within theGovernance, Rule <strong>of</strong> Law and Human Rights 63

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