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Table 5.1. Integration of the Cross Cutting Issues into the Security SectorAnti-Corruption Gender Equality Counter-Narcotics Environment Regional Co-operation Capacity BuildingPrograms within the SectorStrategy emphasize accountabilityand transparency.By Jaddi 1392 (end-2013),corruption in the governmentat all levels especiallyin security and, customswill be significantly reduced.A monitoring mechanismto track corruption at highplaces, including the securitysector, will be put inplace by Jaddi 1387 (end-2008).By Jaddi 1387 (end-2008),the Government will establishand implement a publiccomplaints mechanism.This will include complaintsagainst the securityforces or the security sector.Targeting corruption isvital for security reasons:Narcotics traffickers thrivein insecurity and absenceof governance; corruptionat the highest levels facilitatefor narcotics trade thatspur anti- governmentelements.Increase the number of qualifiedfemale staff throughoutthe security sector.Promote gender mainstreamingand gender-balancethroughout the security sector.Increase awareness of genderand rights, raising women’sdecision-making role and ensuringthat women have equalemployment opportunitieswithin the Sector.Recognize in all policies andprograms that men andwomen have equal rights andresponsibilities through thesecurity sector.Ensure that monitoringmechanisms are in place torealize goals for gender equality.This calls for setting indicatorsto monitor improvements.Ensure reduction of violenceand harassment againstwomen in the workplace, byimplementing specific training,units/programs (e.g. referralcenters) and effectivecomplaint and redress mechanisms.The international forces inAfghanistan must cooperatewith the Afghan NationalArmy (ANA) to facilitate forAfghan counter-narcotics operations.Afghan security forces provideforce protection and law enforcementfor eradication andinterdiction operationsEradication of poppy cropsneeds to be enforced, in particularwhere those who benefitare using the profits for antigovernment activities.There is a need to enhanceborder control to crack downon drug trafficking.By Jaddi 1389 (end-2010), theGovernment will increase thenumber of arrests and prosecutionsof traffickers and corruptofficials with the help ofthe security sector.Increased security is needed toguarantee alternative livelihoods.Capacity for eradicationmust similarly increase.Improved securitywill ensuresustainable developmentwithminimum negativeimpact toenvironment.Implement DIAGand mine/UXOclearance programsto enhancesecurity thatwould allow forextensive land tobe taken backinto use for farmingand development.Stabilitythroughout thecountry isneeded to preventnatural resourcesfrombeing degraded.Establish and developgood international relationshipsbased on mutualrespect, noninterference.EnhanceAfghanistan’s activeposition as a positiveand effective member ofthe UN.Enhance cooperativeborder managementwith Afghanistan’sneighbors to crackdown on illegal bordercrossing and trafficking.Regional cooperation toimprove security willlead to overall stabilityin the region.Multilateral and bilateralagreements reachedwith the countries of theregion and further effortsto promote regionalcooperationwould contribute to thestability in the regionand enhance the pace ofeconomic developmentin Afghanistan.Reforming defense and the securitysector is a priority of the AfghanGovernment to strengthen Afghancapabilities and transform the Afghansecurity forces into effectiveand modern force, confirming tointernational standards.MoD reform and reconstruction aimto rehabilitate a strong defense sectorto protect national security and to beable to begin assuming primary responsibilityfor Afghanistan’s securitywith a gradual withdrawal ofinternational security forces.Intensive field and operational trainingis and will continue to furtherenhance the capabilities of the ANAand ANP.Capacity and budget needs of theANA and the ANP will be underconstant review. There is a need forovercoming financial challenges andinsufficient funds to realize capacitybuilding of the security strategy.Specific capacity development programswill be required for preparingthe security forces for counter narcoticsoperations.Special programs will be developedfor developing gender sensitive securitysystem internally as well for externalinteractions.60AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (ANDS)

CHAPTER 6GOVERNANCE, RULE OF LAW & HUMAN RIGHTSThe goal for the Governance, Rule of Law andHuman Rights is strengthen democratic processesand institutions, human rights, the rule oflaw, delivery of public services and governmentaccountability.Improving governance is essential to the attainmentof the Government’s national visionand the establishment of a stable and functioningsociety. The government’s guiding principlesfor improving governance are openness,participation, accountability, effectiveness, efficiency,coherence, equity, inclusiveness, justiceand rule of law applied at all levels of the government.The government will act as a policymaker, regulator, enabler and not a competitor,of the private sector. The main priorities forthe governance sector are (i) to increase thepace and quality of public administration reform;(ii) strengthen sub-national governancestructures; (iii) reform legal and courts processes;and (iv) strengthen parliamentary andlegislative processes including holding free andfair elections.While much has been achieved in strengtheningthe formal and informal structures of governanceand rule of law, as well as extendinghuman rights, considerable challenges stillstand in the way of achieving the goals underthis pillar. These include: (i) the existence ofmultiple, parallel structures of state and nonstategovernance entities; (ii) confusion overcentre/sub-national governance entities; (iii)weak public sector institutions and underdevelopedgovernance and administration capabilities;(iv) high levels of corruption; (v) fiscaluncertainty; (vi) weak legislative developmentand enforcement; (vii) weak parliamentaryoversight; (viii) weak community and civil societyinstitutions; (ix) ineffective and poorlydefined justice system; (x) gender inequality;and (xi) underdeveloped human rights enforcementcapacities.Three sectors are contained under this pillar:Governance, Public Administration Reformand Human Rights, Justice Sector and ReligiousAffairs. Sub-national consultation andthe Provincial Development Plans (PDPs) wereinstrumental in developing the sector strategy.GOVERNANCE, PUBLICADMINISTRATION REFORMAND HUMAN RIGHTSRole of the Sector in ANDSIn the Afghanistan Compact, the Governmentand the international community reaffirmedtheir commitment to certain benchmarks onPublic Administration Reform, Anti-Corruption, The Census and Statistics, NationalAssembly, Elections, Gender, Land Registration,Counter- Narcotics and Human Rightswithin the specified timelines. Functional institutionswith trained staff will be established ineach province to implement appropriate legalframeworks and appointment procedures. TheGovernment will also establish a fiscally andinstitutionally sustainable administration forfuture elections and prioritize the reform of thejustice system to ensure equal, fair and transparentaccess to justice.The strategy includes out efforts to reducegender inequality. Institutional and administrativeframeworks will be established at the localgovernment level that will enable women toplay an important role in decision making(such as the CDCs established under the NSP).The Constitution allows limited decentralizationspecifying that a Provincial Councils (PC)with elected members are to be formed in everyProvince and, that District, Village and MunicipalCouncils and Mayors are to be electedthrough, free, general, secret and direct electionsevery three years.Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights 61

Table 5.1. Integration <strong>of</strong> the Cross Cutting Issues into the Security SectorAnti-Corruption Gender Equality Counter-Narcotics Environment Regional Co-operation Capacity BuildingPrograms within the SectorStrategy emphasize accountabilityand transparency.By Jaddi 1392 (end-2013),corruption in the governmentat all levels especiallyin security and, customswill be significantly reduced.A monitoring mechanismto track corruption at highplaces, including the securitysector, will be put inplace by Jaddi 1387 (end-2008).By Jaddi 1387 (end-2008),the Government will establishand implement a publiccomplaints mechanism.This will include complaintsagainst the securityforces or the security sector.Targeting corruption isvital for security reasons:Narcotics traffickers thrivein insecurity and absence<strong>of</strong> governance; corruptionat the highest levels facilitatefor narcotics trade thatspur anti- governmentelements.Increase the number <strong>of</strong> qualifiedfemale staff throughoutthe security sector.Promote gender mainstreamingand gender-balancethroughout the security sector.Increase awareness <strong>of</strong> genderand rights, raising women’sdecision-making role and ensuringthat women have equalemployment opportunitieswithin the Sector.Recognize in all policies andprograms that men andwomen have equal rights andresponsibilities through thesecurity sector.Ensure that monitoringmechanisms are in place torealize goals for gender equality.This calls for setting indicatorsto monitor improvements.Ensure reduction <strong>of</strong> violenceand harassment againstwomen in the workplace, byimplementing specific training,units/programs (e.g. referralcenters) and effectivecomplaint and redress mechanisms.The international forces in<strong>Afghanistan</strong> must cooperatewith the Afghan NationalArmy (ANA) to facilitate forAfghan counter-narcotics operations.Afghan security forces provideforce protection and law enforcementfor eradication andinterdiction operationsEradication <strong>of</strong> poppy cropsneeds to be enforced, in particularwhere those who benefitare using the pr<strong>of</strong>its for antigovernment activities.There is a need to enhanceborder control to crack downon drug trafficking.By Jaddi 1389 (end-2010), theGovernment will increase thenumber <strong>of</strong> arrests and prosecutions<strong>of</strong> traffickers and corrupt<strong>of</strong>ficials with the help <strong>of</strong>the security sector.Increased security is needed toguarantee alternative livelihoods.Capacity for eradicationmust similarly increase.Improved securitywill ensuresustainable developmentwithminimum negativeimpact toenvironment.Implement DIAGand mine/UXOclearance programsto enhancesecurity thatwould allow forextensive land tobe taken backinto use for farmingand development.Stabilitythroughout thecountry isneeded to preventnatural resourcesfrombeing degraded.Establish and developgood international relationshipsbased on mutualrespect, noninterference.Enhance<strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s activeposition as a positiveand effective member <strong>of</strong>the UN.Enhance cooperativeborder managementwith <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’sneighbors to crackdown on illegal bordercrossing and trafficking.Regional cooperation toimprove security willlead to overall stabilityin the region.Multilateral and bilateralagreements reachedwith the countries <strong>of</strong> theregion and further effortsto promote regionalcooperationwould contribute to thestability in the regionand enhance the pace <strong>of</strong>economic developmentin <strong>Afghanistan</strong>.Reforming defense and the securitysector is a priority <strong>of</strong> the AfghanGovernment to strengthen Afghancapabilities and transform the Afghansecurity forces into effectiveand modern force, confirming tointernational standards.MoD reform and reconstruction aimto rehabilitate a strong defense sectorto protect national security and to beable to begin assuming primary responsibilityfor <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s securitywith a gradual withdrawal <strong>of</strong>international security forces.Intensive field and operational trainingis and will continue to furtherenhance the capabilities <strong>of</strong> the ANAand ANP.Capacity and budget needs <strong>of</strong> theANA and the ANP will be underconstant review. There is a need forovercoming financial challenges andinsufficient funds to realize capacitybuilding <strong>of</strong> the security strategy.Specific capacity development programswill be required for preparingthe security forces for counter narcoticsoperations.Special programs will be developedfor developing gender sensitive securitysystem internally as well for externalinteractions.60AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (ANDS)

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