Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...


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CHAPTER 5SECURITYSecurity in all parts <strong>of</strong> the country is essentialfor economic growth and poverty reduction.The ANDS long term strategic vision for theSecurity sector is to ensure security <strong>of</strong> state,persons and assets through the provision <strong>of</strong> acosted, integrated and sustainable national securityinfrastructure and law and order policy.The Government has developed the NationalSecurity Policy to be implemented through theSecurity Sector Reform (SSR) program. Thiswill strengthen and improve coordinationamong the Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF), ISAF/NATO, CSTC-A. While continuedinternational support is vital, the Governmentaims to assume an increasing share <strong>of</strong> thesecurity burden – the Afghanization <strong>of</strong> thecountry’s security activities. However, <strong>Afghanistan</strong>still faces a number <strong>of</strong> serious challengesbefore it can assume full responsibilityfor its own security. Terrorism, instability andweak capacity <strong>of</strong> governance are preventingthe Government from establishing effectivecontrol in some areas, particularly in the southand south-east. The large-scale production <strong>of</strong>narcotics continues to provide funds to thesegroups. Unexploded ordinance remain a significantthreat, with some five thousand citizenseither killed or wounded in mine explosionssince 1380 (2001). Currently only two <strong>of</strong>the country’s 34 provinces are completely clear<strong>of</strong> land mines.The “Afghanization” <strong>of</strong> the country’s securitywill require: (i) comprehensive security sectorreform; (ii) a new division <strong>of</strong> labor betweenthe international security forces and the AfghanNational Army (ANA); (iii) a reassessment <strong>of</strong>the design, composition and size <strong>of</strong> the army;(iv) accelerated training for the <strong>of</strong>ficers; and (v)an intensified national recruitment drive.CURRENT SITUATION<strong>Afghanistan</strong> currently faces a whole range <strong>of</strong>security threats. To counter these threats andensure national interests the Government plansto strengthen the military, economic and politicalties with its regional and international partners.The security objectives are aimed at protectingthe country’s independence, establishinga democratic and economically stable society,free <strong>of</strong> corruption. Implementing developmentpolicies outlined in ANDS can only bepossible if there is peace and security in thecountry because security and sustainable developmentinevitably go hand in hand.NATO is currently the major force throughwhich the International Community is providingsecurity assistance to <strong>Afghanistan</strong> with theInternational Security Assistance Force (ISAF)in cooperation with the Afghan Government.The Government aims to secure stronger commitmentsfrom NATO whilst building the capacity<strong>of</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s national armed andother security forces. The Government is intenton building administrative capacity, investingin human resources development and justicesector, and spurring private sector developmentto help improve <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s internalsituation. An educated and prosperous societyis less likely to be influenced by conceptsspread by extremist elements. A strong NationalSecurity Structure will facilitate development<strong>of</strong> <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s economy, social fabricand thus will enhance national unity andpeaceful coexistence.Terrorism and illegally armed groupsThe major challenges to stability are terrorismrelated,due to the revival <strong>of</strong> the Taliban in thesouth and southeast. The Government’s securityforces and their international partners willfocus on fighting terrorism, illegally armedSecurity 53

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