Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Enhanced Integrated Framework ...


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External sectorExports are unlikely to increase substantiallyfrom the current very low base. <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’sexports are currently dominated by low valueaddedagricultural exports and carpets. Scalingup the export base would require significantFDI (Foreign Direct Investment) inflows. Underthe current situation, FDI is concentrated in thetelecommunications sector and the financialsector, which are not export-oriented industries.Large scale exploitation <strong>of</strong> copper, naturalgas, petroleum and precious minerals will helpin the medium and long term, although investmentsin this sector are relatively lumpy.The Current Account Balance, excluding the reexport<strong>of</strong> goods, is likely to decline over theprojected phase. This is largely due to an anticipateddecline in the imports-to-GDP ratio,particularly for manufacturing consumedgoods. In the outer years, local products andservices are expected to become a more significantfactor in <strong>Afghanistan</strong>’s economy.FINANCING THE ANDSThe Government has determined sectoralbudget ceilings that reflect priorities establishedin the ANDS (see Table 4.9). This reflectsthe Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance’s adoption <strong>of</strong> asystem <strong>of</strong> program-based budgeting that is designedto achieve the country’s developmentneeds. It is based on levels <strong>of</strong> domestic anddonor financing in previous years and projectionsfor future revenues.This process is an integral part <strong>of</strong> the Government’sMedium-Term Fiscal <strong>Framework</strong>(MTFF) and the preparation <strong>of</strong> the budget.From 1387 (2008/09) onward the MTFF and thebudget will be based on the prioritization establishedin the ANDS and the utilization <strong>of</strong>resources for the implementation <strong>of</strong> ANDSthrough the budget.These sectoral expenditure ceilings reflect thefact that security will remain the highest priority.Over the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the ANDS, securityspending is expected to total $14.2 billion. Thefunding for this sector is expected to come primarilythrough international assistance. TheGovernment estimates that in future years, theneed for security assistance will decrease as thethreat declines. However, given the uncertainnature <strong>of</strong> the instability facing <strong>Afghanistan</strong>, theGovernment envisions the possibility <strong>of</strong> potentiallysignificant revisions to the financing envelopefor the security sector.Table 4.9. Overall Financing Envelope for the ANDS 1387-1391 (2008-2013)13872008/09US$m13882009/10US$m13892010/11US$m13902011/12US$m13912012/13US$mTotalUS$mCore + External Budget FundingDomestic Revenue 887 1,104 1,351 1,611 1,911 6,864Total Assistance from Donors* 6,513 4,960 4,814 4,398 3,908 24,593Total Funding* 7,400 6,064 6,165 6,009 5,819 31,457Budgeted Core + External ExpenditureSecurity 3219 2585 2679 2790 2906 14179Infrastructure 1781 3093 3681 4180 4451 17185Agriculture and Rural Development 829 921 916 909 912 4486Education and Culture 742 893 980 1077 1181 4872Good Governance and Rule <strong>of</strong> Law 374 558 640 685 728 2985Health & Nutrition 325 465 530 563 595 2478Economic Governance & PSD 237 215 230 244 260 1186Social Protection 192 359 394 421 449 1815Others (Sub Codes) 205 198 185 170 157 915Total Expenditure 7,903 9,286 10,236 11,038 11,637 50,100 36* Based on discussions with donors and the 1386 (2007) financial review36 The level <strong>of</strong> expenditure in Table 4.9 is based on an assumption regarding the amount <strong>of</strong> financing which will be made available at theforthcoming ANDS donor conference in Paris. The macroeconomic framework which currently underpins the ANDS does not assume asimilar scaling-up <strong>of</strong> donor assistance and is therefore not entirely consistent with Table 4.8. Following the donor conference, the macroeconomicframework and the ANDS expenditure ceilings will be updated to reflect the actual level <strong>of</strong> donor assistance.50<strong>Afghanistan</strong> National Development Strategy (ANDS)

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