North Star

North Star

North Star


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Redwood City School District<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy<br />

School Name<br />

41-69005-6115026<br />

County-District School (CDS) Code<br />

Wendy Kelly<br />

Principal<br />

Date of this revision: 10/4/2011<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of<br />

performance goals established under the California Academic Performance Index. California Education Code sections 41507, 41572,<br />

and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for<br />

programs funded through the ConApp and ESEA Program Improvement into the SPSA.<br />

The District Governing Board approved this revision of the School Plan on February 29, 2012.<br />

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School Profile and Mission Statement<br />

Mission Statement<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy is dedicated to providing a challenging learning environment that promotes excellence and motivates highly capable students<br />

to develop to their fullest potential and become successful and productive citizens.<br />

School Profile<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> is dedicated to serving the needs of high achieving and highly capable students. We work with students who have demonstrated above<br />

average intellect or academic performance. Our curriculum and educational experience is tailored to meet the needs and challenges of this unique<br />

student population. We accept students from throughout the entire attendance area of the Redwood City School district.<br />

The goal of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> is to provide a challenging learning environment that promotes excellence and motivates highly capable students to develop<br />

to their fullest potential and become successful and productive citizens. Our school focuses on the high performing child by meeting the academic<br />

needs of the whole child through differentiated instruction, enrichment of the core curriculum and enrichment classes, as well as providing<br />

instruction and opportunities to utilize and develop time management techniques, organization skills, and character education.<br />

Below is a breakdown of some important subgroups in our school population.<br />

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Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of the<br />

instructional program for students failing to meet academic performance index and adequate yearly progress growth targets. As a result, it has<br />

adopted and aligned with the district LEA goals and strategies the following school goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic<br />

performance of students not yet meeting state standards:<br />

School Goal 1: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading/English-language arts and<br />

mathematics, by 2016.<br />

1. Summary of School Data: Reading/English Language Arts<br />

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 6 of 29 4/4/12

A. Summary of Conclusions based on Results, Major Strengths and Needs in Reading/English Language Arts<br />

(Include strengths/effectiveness of current improvement strategies and strategies to address needs in order to increase student learning and<br />

achievement. Include specific student focus groups, e.g. English Learners, Students with Disabilities, Students who are Socioeconomically<br />

Disadvantaged.)<br />

Strengths Needs<br />

Grade level teams review STAR and Benchmark results at grade-level meetings and<br />

agree on instructional adjustments based on these results.<br />

For grades 3-5 Houghton-Mifflin textbooks and small books for literature circles and<br />

literacy responses. Novels are used at various reading levels for independent literature<br />

work.<br />

Accountability for student's personal best defined.<br />

Writing strategies need to be addressed school-wide.<br />

Thematic Instruction in ELA and Social Studies. The use of more rubrics within the core curriculum.<br />

Teachers are experts in different areas. Teachers share their expertise with other<br />

teachers during vertical teaming meetings by subject matter.<br />

Teachers have created a scope and sequence for teaching research skills among all<br />

subject matters in each grade level.<br />

Teachers use Academic Language throughout the class period.<br />

Teachers plan well-developed lessons aligned with state standards. Objectives are<br />

communicated to students. Instruction is targeted and purposeful. Teachers include<br />

enrichment throughout the day.<br />

Professional Learning Communities for Administrators and Teachers to discuss ELA<br />

Curriculum.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 7 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 1: Reading/English Language Arts<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

All teachers will implement Differentiated<br />

Instruction techniques in classrooms.<br />

Teachers will administer pre and post<br />

assessments regularly and use the results of<br />

assessments to plan groupings and<br />

curriculum.<br />

Staff Development meeting time designated to<br />

analyze student data, work in grade level or<br />

subject matter groups. Analysis and sharing of<br />

student data as well as meetings to discuss<br />

observations of colleagues at <strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong>.<br />

Conference attendance and workshops in<br />

Differentiated Instruction, Gifted Education,<br />

Enrichment and assessment of student<br />

learning will be made available to all staff<br />

members.<br />

Expansion of professional library of resources<br />

for teachers to check out in the area of<br />

Differentiated Instruction , Enrichment and<br />

Gifted education<br />

District Led Trainings in ELD and Response to<br />

Instruction and discussions in staff meetings.<br />

School-wide rubrics will be developed in staff<br />

meetings.<br />

Writing strategies will be discussed and<br />

analyzed in vertical teaming meetings in ELA<br />

and then shared school-wide.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

Teachers $0 Benchmark and Standardized Test<br />

data<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

Administration $0 Meeting minutes and Action Steps [X] [X] [X]<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

$5,000 annually<br />

SIP<br />

$500 annually<br />

D100<br />

Teachers will attend conferences. [X] [X] [X]<br />

Library [X] [X] [X]<br />

District $0 Change in Instructional practice. [X] [ ] [ ]<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

$50<br />

SIP<br />

Rubric building books/websites<br />

$0<br />

Staff meeting time<br />

Change in Instructional practice. [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Change in Instructional practice.<br />

Improvement in test scores for<br />

Writing Strategies.<br />

[ ] [X] [ ]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 8 of 29 4/4/12

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 1: Reading/English Language Arts<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

A description of a student's Personal Best<br />

work (eg showing thinking skills, increase in<br />

sophistication of vocabulary in essays, an<br />

example of a students' best work) will be<br />

created by each grade level.<br />

Administration will meet with families of<br />

targeted students in ELA to discuss a plan of<br />

action for the school year.<br />

Development of rubrics to analyze creativity of<br />

students.<br />

Professional Learning Communities focused<br />

on writing strategies and research skills.<br />

Teachers use State Adopted Curriculum, as<br />

appropriate, to teach standards.<br />

Students participate in a comprehensive PE<br />

program twice a week which contributes to<br />

overall good health for students.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

$0<br />

Staff meeting time<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

Change in Instructional practice.<br />

Better end product produced by<br />

students.<br />

$0 Increase in test scores and<br />

classwork and homework turned<br />

in.<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[ ] [X] [ ]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

Teachers $0 Rubrics [X] [X] [X]<br />

Teachers District funded-2 days per year per<br />

teacher.<br />

Meeting minutes, observation by<br />

Admin<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

Teachers District funded Observation by Admin [X] [X] [X]<br />

PE Teacher District/Parent Club funds<br />

$60,000/year<br />

Increase in test scores [X] [ ] [ ]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 9 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

School Goal 1: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading/English-language arts and<br />

mathematics, by 2016.<br />

2. Summary of School Data: Mathematics<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 10 of 29 4/4/12

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 11 of 29 4/4/12

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 12 of 29 4/4/12

B. Summary of Conclusions, Major Strengths and Needs in Math Summary of Conclusions, Major Strengths and Needs in Math<br />

(Include strengths/effectiveness of current improvement strategies and strategies to address needs in order to increase student learning and<br />

achievement. Include specific student focus groups, e.g. English Learners, Students with Disabilities, Students who are Socioeconomically<br />

Disadvantaged.)<br />

Strengths Needs<br />

Teachers differentiate assignments and homework based on student academic readiness<br />

levels.<br />

There is a need for students to learn how to show "thinking skills". Teachers will meet in<br />

the 2011-2012 school year to create a "Show Thinking" form appropriate for each grade<br />

level.<br />

Curriculum is compacted so there is little repetition. Students in grades 6-8 need more support in problem solving in word problems. We will<br />

create and use systematic strategies to approach word problems.<br />

Pre, post, and formative assessments are used to gather data to inform instruction. Areas of curricular concern: Factoring, adding/subtracting positive and negative integers,<br />

word problems analysis, and fractions.<br />

Projects and other types of authentic assessments are used to demonstrate student<br />

knowledge.<br />

Math Intervention Teacher and Parent Volunteers works with 7th and 8th grade students<br />

who fill gaps twice a week.<br />

Parent Volunteers work with targeted 3-8th grade students once a week during<br />

enrichment who need math support.<br />

Goal setting meetings for targeted students with Administration and Families to increase<br />

student achievement.<br />

Teachers meet to discuss strengths and needs as students move from one grade level to<br />

the next.<br />

Non-graded Summer review packet implementation. Students are assessed on previous<br />

grade level content in August.<br />

Grade level teams review STAR and Benchmark results at grade-level meetings and<br />

agree on instructional adjustments based on these results.<br />

Professional Learning Communities for Administrators and Teachers to discuss Math<br />

Curriculum.<br />

More cross curricular thematic instruction between Math and Science in grades 5 and 6.<br />

Academic Vocabulary used in all classrooms.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 13 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 1: Mathematics<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

All teachers will implement math Differentiated<br />

Instruction techniques in classrooms.<br />

Teachers will administer pre and post<br />

assessments in math regularly and use the<br />

results of assessments to plan groupings and<br />

curriculum.<br />

Staff Development meeting time designated to<br />

analyze student data, work in grade level or<br />

subject matter groups. Analysis and sharing of<br />

student data.<br />

Conference attendance and workshops in<br />

Differentiated Instruction, Enrichment and<br />

assessment of student learning in math will be<br />

made available to all staff members.<br />

Targeted students in math receive tutoring<br />

support once a week during enrichment for<br />

factoring, adding/subtracting positive and<br />

negative integers, word problems analysis,<br />

and fractions.<br />

Math Intervention class twice a week for 7th<br />

and 8th grade classes based on teacher<br />

referral and data review.<br />

Targeted students in math receive after school<br />

tutoring support for factoring,<br />

adding/subtracting positive and negative<br />

integers, word problems analysis, and<br />

fractions.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

Teachers N/A<br />

Principal will train new teachers.<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

$0<br />

Principal will allocate monthly<br />

meeting times and agendas<br />

$5000<br />

SIP<br />

Administration $7000<br />

EIA<br />

SIP<br />

Title I<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

Teachers will attend staff<br />

development opportunities in the<br />

form of workshops, conferences or<br />

observations of exemplary<br />

teaching techniques in the<br />

curriculum.<br />

Teachers attend monthly staff<br />

development meetings<br />

Teachers attend workshop on<br />

Differentiated Instruction and the<br />

needs of high achieving students<br />

at start of year<br />

$0 Post assessments, Benchmark<br />

Assessments and STAR data<br />

$5000<br />

San Mateo County Homework<br />

Center Grant, if funded<br />

Post assessments, Benchmark<br />

Assessments and STAR data<br />

Administration and staff will review<br />

attendance rates and growth via<br />

assessments.<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 14 of 29 4/4/12

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 1: Mathematics<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

Administration will meet with families of<br />

targeted students in math to discuss a plan of<br />

action for the school year.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> teachers will create and use<br />

systematic strategies to approach word<br />

problems.<br />

2nd trimester enrichment intervention for Math<br />

taught by a NSA teacher.<br />

Professional Learning Communities focused<br />

on math skills and learning processes.<br />

Teachers use State Adopted Curriculum, as<br />

appropriate, to teach standards.<br />

Students participate in a comprehensive PE<br />

program twice a week which contributes to<br />

overall good health for students.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Administration/Teacher<br />

s<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

$0 Goal planning form will direct all<br />

participants on how goals will be<br />

achieved. Quarterly meetings with<br />

student.<br />

Increase in test scores and<br />

classwork and homework turned<br />

in.<br />

$0 Post assessments, Benchmark<br />

Assessments and STAR data<br />

Teachers $0 Post assessments, Benchmark<br />

Assessments and STAR data<br />

Teachers District funded 2 days per year per<br />

teacher<br />

As observed by Admin, Meeting<br />

Minutes<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [ ]<br />

Teachers District funded As observed by Admin [X] [X] [X]<br />

PE Teacher District/Parent Club funds<br />

$60,000/year<br />

Increase test scores [X] [ ] [ ]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 15 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

School Goal 2: All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English, achieving at least one year of growth in English<br />

language development as measured by the CELDT per year of attendance in Redwood City schools, and reach high<br />

academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.<br />

Summary of School Data: CELDT<br />

AMAO 1<br />

AMAO 2<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 16 of 29 4/4/12

AMAO 3<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 17 of 29 4/4/12

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 18 of 29 4/4/12

C. Summary of Major Strengths and Needs<br />

(Include strengths/effectiveness of current improvement strategies and strategies to address needs in order to increase student learning and<br />

achievement.<br />

Strengths Needs<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> has admitted more English Learners in the past three years than before with<br />

the new Admission policy.<br />

Teachers attended Kate Kinsella workshops and included more academic vocabulary<br />

instruction within the curriculum.<br />

Many visuals are used to explain concepts.<br />

Many opportunities for oral language practice between native English speakers and<br />

Second Language Learners in the classroom.<br />

The 3rd grade Buddy Program is used to increase familiarity with school structures and<br />

philosophy, and policies. 3rd graders are matched with older grade level students.<br />

The English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) gives parents a venue to learn about<br />

school-wide practices and parent education so they can guide their students to success.<br />

Grade level teams review STAR and Benchmark results at grade-level meetings and<br />

agree on instructional adjustments based on these results.<br />

ELD training for all teachers.<br />

After school Homework Club with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy teacher for support.<br />

ELA Intervention/ELD and math intervention classes offered during enrichment for 2nd<br />

trimester.<br />

Professional Learning Communities for Administrators and Teachers to discuss ELD<br />

Strategies.<br />

Teachers need to be using Sentence Stems in all curricular areas.<br />

Teachers will provide opportunities for students to use academic vocabulary.<br />

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Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 2: Achievement of English Learners<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

Elementary teachers will focus on developing<br />

a content and language objective,<br />

comprehension question and sentence frame<br />

which will support a selected standard.<br />

Middle School Teachers will attend<br />

Professional Development Day focusing on<br />

teaching vocabulary and academic language<br />

in the specific content areas, including<br />

strategies to use during instructions to support<br />

oral language development.<br />

Teachers will continue to implement Kate<br />

Kinsella strategies to help increase instruction<br />

and achievement for grades 3-8 students.<br />

Use of District English Language Resource<br />

Teacher to support teachers in meeting the<br />

needs of English Language Learners<br />

The formation of an ELAC group which meets<br />

at a minimum 5 times a year to focus on topics<br />

such as, reviewing EL accountability<br />

information analyzing STAR, grade retention,<br />

reclassification timelines, and procedures.<br />

Professional Learning Communities focused<br />

on academic vocabulary implementation for<br />

our ELLs.<br />

Teachers use State Adopted Curriculum, as<br />

appropriate, to teach standards.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

ELD<br />

Department/Administra<br />

tion/Teachers<br />

ELD<br />

Department/Administra<br />

tion/Teachers<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

District Site administrators will monitor this<br />

via observations.<br />

District Site administrators will monitor this<br />

via observations.<br />

Teachers $0 Change in instructional practice<br />

that increase test scores.<br />

District Teacher/<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Star</strong> Teachers<br />

District Change in instructional practice<br />

that increase test scores.<br />

Administration Babysitting and Teacher stipend<br />

costs<br />

$750<br />

EIA<br />

Teachers District funding 2 days per year<br />

per teacher<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

5 meetings per year. [X] [ ] [ ]<br />

Minutes of meeting, increase of<br />

academic vocabulary in<br />

classrooms as observed by<br />

Admin.<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

Teachers District funded Observation by Admin [X] [X] [X]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 20 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

School Goal 3: Increased achievement of Students with Disabilities<br />

2. Summary of School Data: Students with Disabilities<br />

Due to low numbers of students in the group "Students with Disabilities" data is not shown. Remove the AYP graphs from this section for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Star</strong>.<br />

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The Single Plan for Student Achievement 22 of 29 4/4/12

D. Summary of Major Strengths and Needs in Academic Areas<br />

(Include strengths/effectiveness of current improvement strategies and strategies to address needs in order to increase student learning and<br />

achievement.)<br />

Strengths Needs<br />

Small social group instruction at lunch allows students to work on social skills and cues. Work with specialists at Clifford’s CASE program to learn strategies to address students<br />

with Aspergers and Autism or characteristics of these traits.<br />

Instructional aide and RSP teacher uses a push in program to assist the student on<br />

curriculum or social concepts.<br />

Classroom teachers are well versed in Differentiated Instruction strategies and are<br />

flexible teachers.<br />

Ongoing collaboration between the RSP teacher and classroom teacher.<br />

Outreach Specialist helps families and students with individual needs through a Student<br />

Study Team or 504 process.<br />

Tier 1 Response to Instruction is effective. Few cases move to referral to special<br />

education.<br />

Administration, Outreach Specialist, and special education staff meet once a week to<br />

discuss struggling students.<br />

Develop a plan to educate parents about the transition between the Clifford CASE<br />

program and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong>'s program.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 23 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 3: Achievement of Students with Disabilities<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

Special Education Teacher will focus on<br />

developing a content and language objective,<br />

comprehension question and sentence frame<br />

which will support a selected standard.<br />

Special Education Teacher will attend a<br />

Professional Development Day focusing on<br />

teaching vocabulary and academic language<br />

in the specific content areas, including<br />

strategies to use during instructions to support<br />

oral language development.<br />

All teachers will implement Differentiated<br />

Instruction techniques in classrooms.<br />

Teachers will administer pre and post<br />

assessments regularly and use the results of<br />

assessments to plan groupings and<br />

curriculum.<br />

The school will work with parents to seek out<br />

resources and information to meet the needs<br />

of each designated student.<br />

Develop a plan to educate parents about the<br />

transition between the Clifford CASE program<br />

and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong>'s program.<br />

Administration, Outreach Specialist, and<br />

special education staff meet once a week to<br />

discuss struggling students.<br />

Professional Learning Communities focused<br />

on learning processes in math and academic<br />

vocabulary.<br />

Teachers use State Adopted Curriculum, as<br />

appropriate, to teach standards.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

District Trainers/Admin District School site administrators will<br />

monitor this via observations.<br />

District District School site administrators will<br />

monitor this via observations.<br />

Administration $5000<br />

SIP<br />

School site administrators will<br />

monitor this via observations.<br />

RSP Teacher $0 Well-developed Individual<br />

Education Plans that meet the<br />

needs of special education<br />

students.<br />

RSP Teacher $250 stipend to collaborate with<br />

Clifford's teachers<br />

SIP<br />

Administration,<br />

Outreach Specialist,<br />

and special education<br />

staff<br />

Meeting minutes and a developed<br />

plan to educate parents.<br />

$0 Collaborative group of supporters.<br />

Streamlined process of how to<br />

support students.<br />

Teachers and Admin 2 days per year funded by District<br />

for release time.<br />

Minutes of meetings. Changes in<br />

instructional delivery and student<br />

outcomes.<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [ ] [ ]<br />

Teachers District funded Observation by Admin [X] [X] [X]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 24 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

School Goal 4: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics, by<br />

2016.<br />

A. Summary of Conclusions: Parent Involvement<br />

Strengths Needs<br />

Targeted students and their families attend Goal Setting meetings with Administration. Parent Education<br />

Parents attend requested Student Study Team meetings to brainstorm action items to<br />

help students' succeed.<br />

Most parents are responsive to teacher input and feedback and work together as a team<br />

for student success.<br />

Parents with middle school students and the students themselves are able to login to the<br />

Powerschool Parent Portal to check grades and attendance.<br />

Parents are active participants in their child's learning. Most parents attend parentteacher<br />

conferences.<br />

Parents spend numerous hours weekly in the classrooms volunteering for Art in Action,<br />

Marcy Cook Math, or as tutors.<br />

The Parent Club and Site Council are very active and run many of the school wide events<br />

such as Festival of Words/Numbers.<br />

Parents help teachers provide enrichment opportunities such as field trips, project help,<br />

and guest speakers, Mystery Instant Challenge.<br />

Some grade level teachers hold early conferences.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 25 of 29 4/4/12

Planned Improvements in Student Performance<br />

Descriptions of Specific Actions to Achieve Goal 4: Parent Involvement<br />

Strategy and Related Tasks<br />

What work is required to complete the<br />

action and achieve the goals?<br />

Provide parents with timely information about<br />

school programs (including Title I programs<br />

where applicable).<br />

Provide opportunities for parents to<br />

participate, including parents with limited<br />

English proficiency, parents with disabilities,<br />

and parents of migratory students. Provide<br />

information and school reports in a form of<br />

language parents understand.<br />

Provide parents with an explanation of the<br />

curriculum, assessments, and proficiency<br />

levels students are expected to meet.<br />

Work with parents as partners. Encourage<br />

and support parents to participate in the<br />

education of their children. Provide<br />

materials/training to help parents work with<br />

their children to improve achievement.<br />

The formation of an ELAC group which meets<br />

at a minimum 5 times a year to focus on topics<br />

such as, reviewing EL accountability<br />

information to do with STAR, grade retention,<br />

reclassification timeline and procedure.<br />

Person<br />

responsible<br />

Who is responsible<br />

for this action or<br />

task?<br />

Expenditures, Cost,<br />

Funding Source<br />

How will implementation be<br />

monitored?<br />

Administration None First SSC, Parent Club meetings<br />

of the year. Weekly newsletter.<br />

Administration None Information will be provided at<br />

SSC, Parent Club, ELAC meetings<br />

throughout the year.<br />

Administration None Back-to-School Night materials<br />

STAR Report reviewed with<br />

families at goal setting meetings.<br />

Administration/Staff None Parent-Teacher Conferences,<br />

Goal setting meetings with<br />

Administration and families.<br />

Assistant Principal $500.00<br />

EIA<br />

When will the action be<br />

completed?<br />

Year 1<br />

2011-12<br />

Year 2<br />

2012-13<br />

Year 3<br />

2013-14<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

[X] [X] [X]<br />

ELAC Meetings [X] [ ] [ ]<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 26 of 29 4/4/12

Programs Included in this Plan: (<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy)<br />

The School Site Council intends for this school to participate in the following programs: (Check the box for each state and<br />

federal categorical program in which the school participates and, if applicable, enter amounts allocated. The plan must<br />

describe the activities to be conducted at the school for each of the state and federal categorical program in which the<br />

school participates. If the school receives funding, then the plan must include the proposed expenditures.)<br />

State Programs Allocation<br />

[ ] Economic Impact Aid/ State Compensatory Education<br />

Purpose: Help educationally disadvantaged students succeed in the regular program.<br />

[X] Economic Impact Aid/ English Learner Program<br />

Purpose: Develop fluency in English and academic proficiency of English learners<br />

$5,074<br />

Total amount of state categorical funds allocated to this school $5,724<br />

Total amount of state and federal categorical funds allocated to this school $5,724<br />

(This does not include funds that are allocated for EL services provided at the district level for<br />

translation and interpretation, teacher training, coaching support, supplementary ELD teachers and<br />

aides, supplementary curriculum materials and parent education, all aimed at increasing the<br />

achievement of English Language Learners.)<br />

* For example, special education funds used in a School-Based Coordinated Program to serve students not identified<br />

as individuals with exceptional needs.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 27 of 29 4/4/12<br />


School Site Council Membership: (<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy)<br />

California Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the Single Plan for Student Achievement be reviewed and<br />

updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated through the ConApp, by the school site<br />

council (SSC). The current make-up of the SSC is as follows:*<br />

Name of Members Principal<br />

Classroom<br />

Teacher<br />

Other<br />

School<br />

Staff<br />

Parent or<br />

Community<br />

Member<br />

Secondary<br />

Students<br />

Pam Keller [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Jayne Sungail [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Wendy Kelly [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Tena Frazier [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Karen Gaffney [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Barbara Tanzillo [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Elaine Fuchs [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Barry Hills [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Frannie Wilson [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Brenda Pinto [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]<br />

Erik Sincoff [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Daniel Rutenburg [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]<br />

Gloria Arteaga [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ]<br />

Numbers of members of each category 1 5 6 1<br />

* At elementary schools, the SSC must be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers,<br />

and other school personnel, and (b) parents of students attending the school or other community members.<br />

Classroom teachers must comprise a majority of persons represented under section (a). At secondary schools, there<br />

must be, in addition, equal numbers of parents or other community members selected by parents, and students.<br />

Members must be selected by their peer group.<br />

The Single Plan for Student Achievement 28 of 29 4/4/12

Recommendations and Assurances: (<strong>North</strong> <strong>Star</strong> Academy)<br />

The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for<br />

approval and assures the board of the following:<br />

1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law.<br />

2. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board<br />

policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval.<br />

3. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this<br />

plan (Check those that apply):<br />

[X] State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee<br />

[X] English Learner Advisory Committee<br />

[ ] Special Education Advisory Committee<br />

[ ] Gifted and Talented Education Program Advisory Committee<br />

[ ] District/School Liaison Team for schools in Program Improvement<br />

[ ] Compensatory Education Advisory Committee<br />

[ ] Departmental Advisory Committee (secondary)<br />

[ ] Other committees established by the school or district (list):<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

Signature<br />

4. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such<br />

content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local<br />

educational agency plan.<br />

5. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed herein form a<br />

sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance.<br />

6. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: 2/29/2012<br />

Attested:<br />

Wendy Kelly<br />

Typed Name of School Principal Signature of School Principal Date<br />

Barbara Tanzillo<br />

Typed Name of SSC Chairperson Signature of SSC Chairperson Date<br />

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