ACE Katalog Vibrationstechnik - BIBUS France

ACE Katalog Vibrationstechnik - BIBUS France ACE Katalog Vibrationstechnik - BIBUS France
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Automation Control EquipmentIssue June 2013NEWACEolatorIsolates undesiredVibrations.Vibration Technology

Automation Control EquipmentIssue June 2013NEW<strong>ACE</strong>olatorIsolates undesiredVibrations.Vibration Technology

For support please contact theinternational help deskT +49 (0)2173- 9226-4100F +49 (0)2173- 9226-89int@aceolator.euFor local support please contact your <strong>ACE</strong> distributor on Page 64 and 65.Room for your company stamp or company sign

Our Complete Product Range3Automation Control EquipmentIndustrial Automation ControlIndustrial Shock Absorbers, TUBUS Profile Damper,TUBUS Pressing Tools, SLAB SL-030 to SL-300Industrial Motion ControlGas Springs Push Type, Gas Springs Pull Type,Hydraulic Dampers, Hydraulic Feed Controls,Rotary Dampers, TUBUS SpringVibration ControlRubber-Metal Isolators, Vibration-Isolating Plates,Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsSafety ProductsLOCKED Clamping Elements,Safety Shock Absorbers,TUBUS Single Hit DamperWe are your specialistsfor industrial damping technology<strong>ACE</strong> is the internationally recognised expert in the field of industrial damping technology – with representativeoffices in 45 countries on all continents. <strong>ACE</strong> has also been active in Germany since 1978. A team of 25 engineerswork in this country alone on further developing the product range every day.<strong>ACE</strong> customers profit from well-conceived solutions, valuableinnovations and model service for all damping technology issues.Thanks to its close cooperation with leading mechanical engineeringcompanies, the German <strong>ACE</strong> branch office has recentlyestablished itself as a pioneer of technical progress in dampingtechnology.This catalogue is a decisive step – a much expressed desire of ourcustomers: the realisation of offering everything from one sourcefor damping technology and vibration isolation.absorbers, profile dampers, rotary dampers, industrial gassprings, brake cylinders, vibration isolators, air springs and oilbrakes.The products are particularly successful with forward-lookingcompanies, because there are no better solutions available forbraking moving masses rapidly, gently and precisely or forisolating harmful vibrations.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> develops, produces and distributes a broad spectrum ofdamping products. These include industrial and safety shock<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

4ContentsGeneralContentsVibration Isolation 6Overview of products and applications 10Instructions for using the diagrams 1201 - Rubber-Metal Isolators 1402 - Vibration-Isolating Plates 4403 - Low-Frequency Air Spring Elements 54Internatioal Distributors 64Calculation sheet 66

ContentsProducts501Rubber-Metal IsolatorsLEV Levelling Mounts (height-adjustable machine feet) 16CM Cup Mounts 18COM Compression Mounts (pre-tensioned high-performance bearing surface) 22AAM All Attitude Mounts (vibration-isolating fasteners) 30SFM Stable Flex Mounts (stable machine feet) 34BM Bubble Mounts (low-frequency vibration isolators) 38UMO Universal Mounts (universal connection isolators) 40FL Flex Loc (quick fastening elements) 4202Vibration-Isolating PlatesSLAB Damping Plates 47CEL Elastomer Plates 50PAD Rugged Fibre and Elastomer Plates 5203Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPLM Pneumatic Air Spring Elements 56PAL Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level Controls 58Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

6Vibration IsolationNoise reduction and vibration isolation are becoming more and more important in our daily lives.This applies in particular to the workplace and the environments around production companies.Preventing noise emissions or harmful vibrations is therefore not only a necessity entailed by noise protectionand occupational health and safety legislation; their sources must also be localised by means of targetedanalyses in order to develop suitable improvement measures for achieving, for example, increased productionquality. A second by-product of vibrations are their effects on the surrounding production environment and anymeasuring and testing facilities that may be in use.Preventive vibration isolation leads toimproved working conditions for people and the environmentmore accurate production tolerances and thereby increased product qualitycompetitive and cost advantages thanks to lower reject rate in productionincreased production speed thanks to increased maximum machine dynamicslonger tool and machine life thanks to lower stressfaster and more accurate measuring results+aF 10-atF 2Measurement of degree of isolationIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Technical NotesEffectiveness, calibration, quick selection7Types and mode of action of vibration isolationVibration isolation is generally subdivided into source isolation and receiver isolation. In source isolation(emission protection), for example, a press or a machine is isolated from its foundation so that the vibrationsare damped to a desired extent.In the case of receiver isolation (immission protection), however, the object to be protected, e.g. a measuringtable, is isolated from the foundation. If the machinery or equipment is rigidly connected with the foundation,one can assume an almost 100% transmission of vibrations or shocks.The task of vibration isolation for machinery and equipment is to reduce the transmission of mechanicalvibrations and reciprocal forces by installing elastic, damping components.However, it is not always possible in practice to provide a desirably elastic (soft) support for all machines,foundations, measurement facilities and building parts. Users are forced therefore to aim for a viable statebetween system stability and degree of isolation.Our technicians and engineers are happy to assist you in selecting products and solutions.A machine connection as an example for sourceisolationA measuring machine as an example of receiverisolationIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

8Technical NotesEffectiveness, calibration, quick selectionEffectiveness and vibration calibrationIn order to assess the effectiveness of isolation elements for harmonic vibrations, one relates the excitationfrequency f e (machine speed in 1/s) of the isolator to the natural frequency f 0 . It may generally be assumed thatthe effectiveness of an isolation increases with the decreasing natural frequency of the system. If the ratio ɳ ofthe excitation frequency to the natural frequency of the system is larger than √2, one may refer to an isolationeffect. Furthermore, the degree of effectiveness (isolation) increases in proportion to the ratio (ɳ = f e / f 0 ).If the ratio is lower than √2, the vibrations become amplified. This is particularly the case in the resonancerange if the disturbance frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the isolator (ɳ = f e / f 0 = 1).Damping (D) plays an additional, not unimportant role in vibration isolation. When ramping up machines to theiroperating speed or when ramping down, the natural frequencies of the vibration isolation are generally passedthrough. In order not to exceed the amplitudes or limit values when passing through the resonances, sufficientdamping must be in place.Quick selectionDifferent materials can be used to isolate machinery andequipment. These differ in material, form and mode ofaction. The following quick selection will allow an initialrough estimation by showing you the effectiveness of thedifferent damping products.2Application ranges of isolatorsUnlike uniform vibrations, shocks induced by machinery,equipment or production processes differ in their timeprofile and intensity. Our application engineers are happyto assist you in selecting the right shock absorber. Inaddition, selection ranges which suit your needs areavailable on our homepage.Isolation range in Hz10100IsolatingplateElastomersupportPLM pneumaticmountsPAL pneumaticisolatorsMore complex vibration statesIn case of more complex vibration states, a prior vibration analysis is recommended. In this process,the measured time signal is transformed into the frequency range. This allows for an evaluation ofthe frequencies for which an isolation is required. The selection of isolation material is then made forthe lowest excitation frequency to be isolated.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Technical NotesDiagrams941003D=0.180D=0.1D=0.2Transmissibility2D=0.2Isolation factor [%]60401D=0.52000 1 √2 2 3 4 5Frequency ratio ɳ01 √2 2 3 4 5 6Frequency ratio ɳPAL pneumatic isolatorsPLM pneumatic mountsElastomer supportIsolating plate100100100100Isolation range10Isolation90%80%70%60%Resonance transmissibilityTransfer 1:110Excitation frequency (Hz)Isolation range10Resonance transmissibilityTransfer 1:110Excitation frequency (Hz)211 10 60Natural frequency (Hz)211 10 60Natural frequency (Hz)m/s²m/s²Signal conversion via"Fast Fourier Transformation"or "FFT".FFTIssue 06.2013Time rangetFrequency rangef<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

10<strong>ACE</strong>olators01Rubber-Metal IsolatorsLEV, CM, COM, AAM, SFM, BM, UMO, FL02Vibration-Isolating PlatesSLAB, CEL, PAD03Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPLM, PALApplication overviewIssue 06.2013TypeMachinesTransfersystemsConstructionTransportBlowerFanFoundationsControl unitsElectricalsystemsRubber-Metal IsolatorsLEVCMCOMAAMSFMBMUMOFLVibration-Isolating PlatesSLABCELPADAir Spring ElementsPLMPAL<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Product OverviewVibration Isolation11Ready-to-install isolators for your quick selectionRubber-metal isolators and machine feet are delivered ready-to-install and can beimplemented in a large number of vibration isolation applications. Frequent applicationsinclude motors, compressors, transfer systems, machines, fans and blowers.Damping technology made to measure through cutting to size andcombinationA number of applications, such as machine foundations, bearing surfaces, decouplingelements, pipelines and machinery improvements require a custom-fit solution. With itsproduct series of vibration-isolating plates, <strong>ACE</strong> offers extensive isolation possibilities.The products are manufactured and delivered according to the requests of customers eitheras standard plates or as drawn parts.Highly effective isolation – it doesn't get much lower!The low-frequency air spring elements PLM and PAL are a good choice wheneverthere is a demand for the perfect isolation of measuring tables, test facilities andhigh-efficiency machines. On request, we will perform an exact system analysis atthe site of our customers and develop the right solution.Issue 06.2013Off-roadEnginesGeneratorsCompressorsOil andgas industryAerospaceengineeringPressesMedicineMeasuringtablesTestbenchesTypeRubber-Metal IsolatorsLEVCMCOMAAMSFMBMUMOFLVibration-Isolating PlatesSLABCELPADAir Spring ElementsPLMPAL<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

12Quick selection of suitable isolationproducts made easy!The majority of isolation solutions can be found with the relatively easy use of diagrams. They allow asimple relation to be made between natural frequency, the predominant excitation frequency and thedegree of isolation to be expected.As marked in the diagrams, we recommend the use ofproducts with a theoretical degree of isolation of 50%or higher. Another rough guide value for an efficientand cost-effective vibration isolation is a ratio ofroughly 3 between the excitation frequency of theisolator and the predominant natural frequency.The quick selection guide is based on the physics of asingle degree of freedom system. With more complexand non-rigid systems and superstructures, it isalways recommended to contact a technicalconsultant or application engineer.Using the diagramExampleA user has a 1,000 kg machine with 1,800 1/min,which corresponds to an excitation frequency of1,800 / 60 = 30 Hz. Furthermore, the user would like toachieve a good isolation from the floor by using 4 CM cupmounts (250 kg per isolator).The selection is as follows:1The selection tables were prepared according to ourbest knowledge; their use excludes entitlement tolegal and warranty claims. On request, <strong>ACE</strong> offersconsultation and measurement services separately tothis approximate preselection.1 Draw horizontal line in diagram 1 at 250 kgLoad per isolator. The line intersects 3 productsas solutions, with the most cost-effective beingthe CM-VSC3-40 in this case.2 Draw horizontal line in diagram 3 at 30 Hzexcitation frequency.3 Draw a vertical line from the intersection point indiagram 1 downwards until the horizontal linepreviously drawn in diagram 3 is met.1 Natural frequencies of productsin relation to the load in kg per element(rubber-metal isolators) or N/mm² assurface pressure (damping plates).2 Spring characteristicaccording to load or surface pressure.3 Relationship diagramwith relation between excitation frequencyand the required natural frequency of anisolator in relation to the desired isolationresult.4 Now you can simply read the isolation to beanticipated: in this case it is 70%, whichrepresents a good isolation value.5 Continue to draw the horizontal line from diagram1 until it intersects the product line CM-VSC3-40in diagram 2.Here the value for the static deflection can beread on the x-axis below. In this example, thereference value is 1.5 mm.Critical performance areaIn the area shown here in red, there is either noimprovement or only a very minor improvement inthe starting vibration situation. This critical performance areaalso corresponds to the area of resonance.2Issue 06.2013

Performance DiagramsInstructions13Example Diagram80075070065060055050045040035030025031 25200Load per isolator (kg)1601401201009080706560VSC3-90VSC3-654540VSC3-403025VSC3-25Excitation frequency (Hz)150140130120110100908070605040353010 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 0.10.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.54Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)90% isolation80%70%60%50%4Issue 06.201325201816141210NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

1401Rubber-Metal Isolators

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsOverview15LEVLevelling Mounts (height-adjustable machine feet)Secure, adjustable stabilisation for all types of machines, transfer systems,assembly stations, etc.CMCup MountsFor isolating machinery and equipment. Fail-safe isolators for all axesin any installation position. Application examples: compressors,off-road vehicles, engines, fans, etc.COMCompression Mounts (pre-tensioned high-performance bearing surface)Vertically acting isolators for machinery and equipment. Applications include:blowers, compressors, motors, generators, presses, etc.AAMAll Attitude Mounts (vibration-isolating fasteners)Maintenance free isolators for decoupling parts and componentsin electronics, aerospace, the military, medicine transfer systems, etc.SFMStable Flex Mounts (stable machine feet)Extremely rugged and maintenance-free isolators, e.g. for marineapplications, for diesel generators, in power generation or in off-roadvehicles.BMBubble Mounts (low-frequency vibration isolators)For protecting small devices and electronic components, e.g. inmedical technology, aerospace, electronic systems or computers.UMOUniversal Mounts (universal connection isolators)Maintenance-free connection isolators which can be implemented bothradially and axially. Application examples: conveying systems, machineryand equipment, off-road, oil and gas industry, control systems, etc.Issue 06.2013FLFlex Locs (quick fastening elements)Simple, efficient components with versatile applications as isolatingfasteners for decoupling structure-borne sound in enclosures, housings,equipment and machinery. For application in mechanical engineering, inbuildings, vehicles, or navigation.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

16Rubber-Metal IsolatorsLEV – Levelling MountsLEVLevelling MountsHeight-adjustable machine feetHeight-adjustable machine feet from the LEV product group are maintenance-free and ready-for-installation.The precise, adjustable LEV machine feet are used whenever machines require an adjustable, stable positioning.Their function ensures the secure positioning of machinery and equipment, protecting them against damaging shocks and vibrations.LEV machine feet can be supplied in different sizes, from M10 to M24 threads, and can secure and bear loads in these sizes from 45 to5,900 kg.The selection of suitable machine feet is simply made via the given mass of the machine or plant distributed among the desired supportpoints. A weight distribution within the system must be considered in such a way that the feet are also measured with the associatedload component. If additional dynamic loads are exerted by the machine or plant, the next largest type must be chosen in a borderlinestatic load case.The mounts meet OSHA requirements for anchoring machines.PropertiesEasy to levelVibration-reducingNoise-reducingImproved product qualityMaintenance-freeCompensates for floor unevennessSpecial models available on requestSpecial vibration-isolating feet according to design and custom-made productAreas of applicationInjection moulding machinesConveyorsProduction and processing centresAssembly stationsSmall presses, etc.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsLEV – Levelling Mounts17LEV M10 to M24D H LTypeMin. loadkgMax. loadkgThreadMLmmDmmHmmLEV-52221-M10 45 230 M10 x 1.5 80 80 38LEV-52224-M12 135 450 M12 x 1.75 130 120 38LEV-52226-M20 230 2040 M20 x 2.5 130 160 41LEV-52229-M24 1815 5900 M24 x 3.0 180 230 57Standard delivery with hexagon nutInstallation sketchLock screw is secured against themachine foot after the machine has beenlevelled out.Metal housing with high load-supportcapacityNeoprene elastomer.The machine is preventedfrom moving.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

18Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCM – Cup MountsCMCup MountsThe CM cup mounts protect machinery, vehicles and equipment against damaging vibrations andshocks. They are maintenance-free machine elements.The correct function of the mounts is guaranteed even in an arduous environment due to thepretensioned, fail-safe design of the machine elements. The low-profile CMs are able to isolate machineparts from each other in an effective way. The CMs can be installed in the applications freely in space(X, Y and Z) and at any inclination. Standard CMs are manufactured and delivered with neoprene as dampingmaterial.For applications in the areas of heavy shocks (off-road) and extreme temperatures, we recommend the use ofthe CMs with high-damping silicone as damping material. Under normal loading conditions, the CMs have anatural frequency of approx. 25 Hz (please refer to the selection diagram for more exact values).PropertiesFail-safeCan be installed in all spatial axesCan be used for shear, compressive and tensile loadsAvailable with centric thread or through-holeAll metal parts galvanised, aluminium or stainless steel optionally availableTemperature range -30 °C to +80 °C for neopreneTemperature range -60 °C to +150 °C for high-damping siliconeAreas of applicationCompressors and other vibrating machinesElectronic control units and systemsCrusher plantsFans and blowers in construction machinery and in buildingsOff-road vehiclesShipbuildingAircraft constructionIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCM – Cup Mounts19CM-VSC1 / CM-VSC2 / CM-VSC3G4xCDBIAHTypeThreadGScrew-in depthmmAmmBmmDmmCmmHmmlmmWeightkgCM-VSC1-2 M6 or M8 20 60 49.5 58 5.5 28 18 0.2CM-VSC1-4 M6 or M8 20 60 49.5 58 5.5 28 18 0.2CM-VSC1-7 M6 or M8 20 60 49.5 58 5.5 28 18 0.2CM-VSC1-10 M6 or M8 20 60 49.5 58 5.5 28 18 0.2CM-VSC2-5 M10 or M12 30 76 63.5 76 6.4 38 25 0.45CM-VSC2-10 M10 or M12 30 76 63.5 76 6.4 38 25 0.45CM-VSC2-15 M10 or M12 30 76 63.5 76 6.4 38 25 0.45CM-VSC2-25 M10 or M12 30 76 63.5 76 6.4 38 25 0.45CM-VSC2-40 M10 or M12 30 76 63.5 76 6.4 38 25 0.45CM-VSC3-25 M16 19 133 108 124 11.9 63 38 1.8CM-VSC3-40 M16 19 133 108 124 11.9 63 38 1.8CM-VSC3-65 M16 19 133 108 124 11.9 63 38 1.8CM-VSC3-90 M16 19 133 108 124 11.9 63 38 1.8Difference between stationary and mobile application in theselection diagramsStationary applications are those in which the cup mounts isolate stationarymachines, plants, etc.Issue 06.2013Mobile applications, however, refer to applications in which the cup mountsisolate engines, rotors or other parts on moving vehicles. Their range ofapplication is reduced because, in addition to static load, there are additionaldynamic loads exerted by the movement which must be considered.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

20Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCM – Cup MountsCM-VSC1 / CM-VSC2Load per isolator (kg)250200160140120100908070605550454035302520161412109876543Mobile application1 2VSC2-25VSC2-40VSC1-10VSC2-15VSC2-10VSC1-7VSC2-5VSC1-4VSC1-221Excitation frequency (Hz)15014013012011010090807060504035302520181614121010 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 0.10.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.54Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)90% isolation80%70%60%50%NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCM – Cup Mounts21CM-VSC3800750700650600550500450400350300250Mobile application1 2Load per isolator (kg)2001601401201009080706560VSC3-90VSC3-654540VSC3-403025VSC3-25Issue 06.2013Excitation frequency (Hz)15014013012011010090807060504035302520181614121010 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 0.10.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.54Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)90% isolation80%70%60%50%NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

22Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression MountsCOMCompression MountsPre-tensioned high-performance bearing surfacesThe COM compression mounts are pre-tensioned high-performance bearing surface elements forvertically isolating machines and plants. These extremely rugged elastomer bearing surfaces areprimarily used in heavy-duty applications, such as in pumps and compressors.In their operating range, the COMs exhibit a low natural frequency of approx. 8 to 15 Hz and can when necessarybe coupled for certain applications, whereby the natural system frequency can be further reduced to approx. 6 to10 Hz (please refer to the selection diagram for more exact data). They are often used in situations in whichunbalanced machine parts cause shocks and vibrations which can have a negative impact on the surroundingarea. Disturbance frequencies from 900 min-1 (15 Hz) are effectively isolated. With excitation frequencies of25 Hz, the degree of isolation of the COMs is 90%. Through the use of the pre-tensioned high-performancebearing surfaces, structure-borne noise paths become interrupted, preventing the generation of resonant sound.PropertiesPre-tensioned to enhance efficiencyIsolates structure-borne noiseLow-frequency application range from about 15 HzRuggedMaintenance-freeAreas of applicationCentrifugesBlowersVibrators and crusher plantsCompressors and ventilation systemsInjection moulding systemsSwitch cabinetsMilitary and off-roadIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression Mounts232xØDMCLAWEHCOM-5250x / COM-5252x / COM-5254xTypeColour code*Max. loadkgThreadMLmmWmmHmmAmmCmmDmmEmmCOM-52501 blue 15.9 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 25.4 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52502 black 20.4 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 25.4 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52503 red 31.8 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 25.4 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52504 green 54.4 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 25.4 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52521 blue 61.2 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 31.8 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52522 black 77.1 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 31.8 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52523 red 108.9 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 31.8 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52524 green 172.4 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 31.8 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52525 grey 249.5 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 31.8 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52541 black 113.4 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 44.5 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52542 red 238.1 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 44.5 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52543 green 340.2 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 44.5 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52544 grey 499.0 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 44.5 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity. The products are marked in colour accordingly.COM-5251x / COM-5253x / COM-5255xTypeColour code*Max. loadkgThreadMLmmWmmHmmAmmCmmDmmEmmCOM-52511 blue 15.9 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 31.8 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52512 black 20.4 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 31.8 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52513 red 31.8 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 31.8 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52514 green 54.4 M8 X 1.25 79.4 44.5 31.8 31.8 60.3 8.7 4.8COM-52531 blue 61.2 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 44.5 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52532 black 77.1 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 44.5 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52533 red 108.9 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 44.5 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52534 green 172.4 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 44.5 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6COM-52535 grey 249.5 M10 X 1.5 98.4 60.3 44.5 44.5 76.2 8.7 5.6Issue 06.2013COM-52551 black 113.4 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 73 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52552 red 238.1 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 73 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52553 green 340.2 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 73 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4COM-52554 grey 499.0 M12 X 1.75 139.7 85.7 73 63.5 104.8 14.3 6.4* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity. The products are marked in colour accordingly.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

24Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression MountsCOM-5250x / COM-5252x / COM-5254xLoad per isolator (kg)50045040035030025020016014012011010090807060555045403530252015101 252544525435252552542525245254152523525225252152504525035250252501570605040305 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 20Natural frequency (Hz)80%70%60%50%0.190% isolation0.2 0.3 0.40.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7Static deflection (mm)Excitation frequency (Hz)2520153Notes10The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.5Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression Mounts25COM-5251x / COM-5253x / COM-5255xLoad per isolator (kg)50045040035030025020016014012011010090807060555045403530252015101 2525545255352535525525253452551525335253252531525145251352512525115504035302520151 3 5 7 10 12 15 13 5 7 9 11 1315Natural frequency (Hz)Static deflection (mm)90% isolation80%70%60%50%Excitation frequency (Hz)1054323NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20131<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

26Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression MountsCOM-5256x / COM-5257xTypeColour code*Max. loadkgHmmCOM-52561 black 680.4 41.3M12x1.7595.3 127 158.894COM-52562 red 1020.6 41.3COM-52563 green 1360.8 41.3COM-52564 grey 1814.4 41.3COM-52571 black 680.4 69.9COM-52572 red 1020.6 69.9COM-52573 green 1360.8 69.914.3117.59.5HCOM-52574 grey 1814.4 69.9* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.COM-5216xM12x1.75TypeColour code*Max. loadkgWmmCOM-52160 yellow 27.2 50.8COM-52161 red 45.4 50.87395.2111COM-52162 green 68.0 50.8COM-52163 blue 90.7 50.8COM-52164 red 90.7 101.6COM-52165 green 127.0 101.6COM-52166 blue 226.8 101.6COM-52167 white 317.5 101.62x10.32.438* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.WCOM-5217xTypeColour code*Max. loadkg2x11.2COM-52171 red 317.5COM-52172 green 453.6M12x1.7579.4105130COM-52173 blue 680.4COM-52174 white 1134.0* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.76.26.3541Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression Mounts27COM-5256x / 5257xLoad per isolator (kg)20001800160014001200110010009008007006005004001 252564525745256352573525625257230025052561525712001501001 3 5 7 10 12 15 1Natural frequency (Hz)5090% isolation403530252080%70%60%50%3 5 7 9 11 1315Static deflection (mm)15Excitation frequency (Hz)1054323NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20131<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

28Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression MountsCOM-5216x5004504003503002502001 252167Load per isolator (kg)1601401201101009080706055504540353025521665216552163521645216220155216110521605Excitation frequency (Hz)5045403530252015107 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Natural frequency (Hz)80%70%60%50%190% isolation31.5 2 3 4 5Static deflection (mm)NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.7Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsCOM – Compression Mounts29COM-5217x1 2120011001000900800700600Load per isolator (kg)5004504003503002505217452173200521721505217110050457 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2Natural frequency (Hz)90% isolation3 4 5 6 7Static deflection (mm)403580%3070%60%Excitation frequency (Hz)25201550%3Notes10The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20137<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

30Rubber-Metal IsolatorsAAM – All Attitude MountsAAMAll Attitude MountsVibration-isolating fastenersThe vibration-isolating fasteners (all-attitude mounts) of the AAM product group are maintenance-freeand ready-to-install isolators that can reduce vibrations and shocks in all directions.The isolation effect is achieved by a special neoprene- or silicone-elastomer.For applications in which shock absorption is particularly important, the AAMs can also be manufactured withhigh-damping silicone. The elements can be installed in all spatial axes. The AAM range is used mainly forisolating lighter electronic equipment and components.PropertiesCan be used in all spatial axes and inclinationsStandard with neopreneSpecial applications with high-damping silicone possibleShock absorption possibleAreas of applicationElectronic equipment and control unitsOff-roadMilitaryIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsAAM – All Attitude Mounts31AAM-5642x2x4.53/8" Hex535.9 45.224.9228.73.38.918.3TypeColour code*Max. loadkgAAM-56423 grey 1.4AAM-56424 red 2.0AAM-56425 yellow 3.2AAM-56426 green 4.5* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.Damping Material: SiliconeAAM-5220x4x4.3 1/2” Hex34.9 44.528.6 code*Max. loadkgAAM-52205 red 6.8AAM-52206 green 11.3AAM-52207 yellow 15.9AAM-52208 blue 22.7Issue 06.2013* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.Damping material: Neoprene, silicone alternatively available<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

32Rubber-Metal IsolatorsAAM – All Attitude MountsAAM-5220x251 220Load per isolator (kg)15141312111098765452208352207252206522051Excitation frequency (Hz)18015014013012011010090807060504035302520181614121010 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40Natural frequency (Hz)90% isolation80%70%60%50%30.10.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 1.5 2Static deflection (mm)NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsAAM – All Attitude Mounts33AAM-5642x51 2432.5256421-60Load per isolator (kg) 06.2013Excitation frequency (Hz)18015014013012011010090807060504035302520181614121010 11 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40 50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 1.5 2Natural frequency (Hz)Static deflection (mm)90% isolation80%70%60%50%3NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

34Rubber-Metal IsolatorsSFM – Stable Flex MountsSFMStable Flex MountsStable machine feetThese rugged, fail-safe isolators of the SFM product group are maintenance-free, ready-to-installmachine elements. Neoprene is used as the standard damping material for these extremely effectivefasteners.The isolators are used in marine applications and for diesel generators. The SFMs are available in three sizes forapplications from 50 kg to 1,000 kg. Their longitudinal rigidity exceeds their transverse rigidity by a factor of 2.5.Under a working load, the SFMs have a natural frequency of only 8 Hz.PropertiesFail-safeLow natural frequencyRuggedVersatileMaintenance-freeAreas of applicationPower generationOff-roadDiesel and marine applicationsIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsSFM – Stable Flex Mounts35SFM-52010-xx / SFM-52011-xx / SFM-52012-xxFIMCDHGBEATypeMax. loadkgThreadMAmmBmmCmmDmmEmmFmmGmmHmmImmSFM-52010-45 49.9 M12 38.6 20.1 100.1 119.9 59.9 14.2 14.0 10.9 14.0SFM-52010-55 65.8 M12 38.6 20.1 100.1 119.9 59.9 14.2 14.0 10.9 14.0SFM-52010-65 99.8 M12 38.6 20.1 100.1 119.9 59.9 14.2 14.0 10.9 14.0SFM-52010-75 120.2 M12 38.6 20.1 100.1 119.9 59.9 14.2 14.0 10.9 14.0SFM-52011-45 149.7 M16 50.0 27.9 140.0 182.9 74.9 13.0 30.0 13.0 20.3SFM-52011-55 210.9 M16 50.0 27.9 140.0 182.9 74.9 13.0 30.0 13.0 20.3SFM-52011-65 299.4 M16 50.0 27.9 140.0 182.9 74.9 13.0 30.0 13.0 20.3SFM-52011-75 449.1 M16 50.0 27.9 140.0 182.9 74.9 13.0 30.0 13.0 20.3SFM-52012-45 349.3 M20 72.6 41.9 182.1 228.1 112.0 18.0 34.0 18.0 26.7SFM-52012-55 519.4 M20 72.6 41.9 182.1 228.1 112.0 18.0 34.0 18.0 26.7SFM-52012-65 703.1 M20 72.6 41.9 182.1 228.1 112.0 18.0 34.0 18.0 26.7SFM-52012-75 997.9 M20 72.6 41.9 182.1 228.1 112.0 18.0 34.0 18.0 26.7Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

36Rubber-Metal IsolatorsSFM – Stable Flex MountsSFM-52010 / SFM-520111 21000800700600500400300250Load per isolator (kg)20015010090807060504052011-7552011-6552011-5552011-4552010-7552010-6530252052010-5552010-451510505 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6Natural frequency (Hz)Static deflection (mm)90% isolation4080%302570%60%50%Excitation frequency (Hz)2015103NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.5Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsSFM – Stable Flex Mounts37SFM-520121 2100080070060050040052012-75Load per isolator (kg)300250200150100908070605052012-6552012-5552012-45403025201510505 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6Natural frequency (Hz)Static deflection (mm)90% isolation4080%302570%60%50%Excitation frequency (Hz)2015103NotesThe diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20135<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

38Rubber-Metal IsolatorsBM – Bubble MountsBMBubble MountsLow-frequency vibration isolatorsThe BM low-frequency vibration dampers are used to isolate small devices, electroniccomponents and control units.BMs are mainly used in vertical compressive stresses under load. They efficiently protect electronicor medical equipment against damaging vibrations and shocks.6.352x4A35.9 42.716.522.9BM-5064xBM-5068x31.80.819PropertiesGood shock absorptionLow natural frequencySmall, light designTypeColour code*Max. loadkgAmmBM-50640 yellow 1.8 4.3BM-50641 red 2.9 4.3BM-50642 green 5.0 4.3BM-50643 blue 6.8 4.3BM-50644 white 8.2 4.3Areas of applicationMedical technologyComputersElectronic equipmentAerospaceBM-50680 yellow 1.8 6.5BM-50681 red 2.9 6.5BM-50682 green 5.0 6.5BM-50683 blue 6.8 6.5BM-50684 white 8.2 6.5* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity.The products are marked in colour accordingly.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsBM – Bubble Mounts39BM-5064x / BM-5068xLoad per isolator (kg)1098765432.521.510.71 2506445068450643506835064250682506415068150640506800.40.170605 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 20Natural frequency (Hz)0.190% isolation0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.54Static deflection (mm)5080%403070%60%50%Excitation frequency (Hz)2520153Notes10The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20135<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

40Rubber-Metal IsolatorsUMO – Universal MountsUMOUniversal MountsUniversal connection isolatorsUMOs (universal mounts) are two-part isolators for connecting machines or plants withbordering components, such as cabins or housings.The UMOs can be installed in any spatial position and effectively decouple two components from each other.A galvanised metal limiting sleeve is vulcanised into the elastomer cylinders. The UMOs can be used withinthe wide temperature range of -30 °C to +80 °C.PropertiesAny installation position, all spatial axes and anglesSimple designFail-safe with the use of stop washersOil, fuel and solvent-resistant neopreneSpecial design in high-damping silicone possibleAreas of applicationMachinery and equipmentConveying systemsCompressorsGeneratorsShipbuildingConstruction machinesAgricultural machinesOff-road vehiclesTransport industryIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsUMO – Universal Mounts41UMO-600xxStop plate (optional)Axial loadMounting flangeCRBRadialloadG1/G2AEC = Mounting hole in flangeR = Required radiusDFF = Length in installed conditionTypeAmmBmmCmmDmmEmmFmmG1mmG2mmRmmUMO-60011 - 60015 9.9 19.8 19.0 31.8 12.7 31.8 9.4 0.75UMO-60021 - 60025 13.5 33.3 31.8 47.5 19.8 49.3 12.7 14.2 1.5UMO-60031 - 60035 16.3 39.4 38.1 64.3 22.9 62.2 19.1 22.4 2.0UMO-60041 - 60045 23.9 58.4 57.2 88.9 25.4 73.2 25.4 28.0 3.0UMO-60051 - 60055 26.9 64.8 63.5 124.0 31.8 85.9 25.4 28.4 3.0Load with plate thickness G1Load with plate thickness G2TypeColour code* Shore (+5)axialkgradialkgfeHzT1NmaxialkgradialkgfeHzT2NmUMO-60011 yellow 35 20 10 15 10UMO-60012 red 45 40 15 15 10UMO-60013 green 55 65 20 15 10UMO-60014 blue 65 115 25 15 10UMO-60015 white 75 140 30 15 10UMO-60021 yellow 35 30 20 15 13 60 25 12 14UMO-60022 red 45 55 40 15 13 80 30 12 14UMO-60023 green 55 75 60 15 13 110 40 12 14UMO-60024 blue 65 120 80 15 13 175 75 12 14UMO-60025 white 75 175 130 15 13 285 125 12 14UMO-60031 yellow 35 40 30 15 19 95 40 11 22UMO-60032 red 45 70 50 15 19 160 65 11 22UMO-60033 green 55 105 75 15 19 220 100 11 22UMO-60034 blue 65 150 110 15 19 390 175 11 22UMO-60035 white 75 230 165 15 19 600 315 11 22UMO-60041 yellow 35 70 50 15 25 125 60 10 28.6UMO-60042 red 45 100 100 15 25 230 105 10 28.6UMO-60043 green 55 140 140 15 25 350 155 10 28.6UMO-60044 blue 65 180 180 15 25 530 265 10 28.6UMO-60045 white 75 265 265 15 25 950 440 10 28.6Issue 06.2013UMO-60051 yellow 35 70 70 15 25 515 110 10 32UMO-60052 red 45 100 100 15 25 875 155 10 32UMO-60053 green 55 140 140 15 25 1170 275 10 32UMO-60054 blue 65 215 215 15 25 1600 400 10 32UMO-60055 white 75 300 300 15 25 2065 640 10 32* The colour code is for identifying the loading capacity. The products are marked in colour accordingly.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

42Rubber-Metal IsolatorsFL – Flex LocFLFlex LocsQuick fastening elementsFLs are removable quick fastening elements for vibration isolation and shock absorption as wellas the isolation of structure-borne noise. Their extremely simple design is so selected that onlyone element can be used to effectively decouple two components from each other by tighteninga fastening screw.Standard metric screws (M3 to M8) can be used to tighten the connecting elements; no additional specialtools are required. The FL elastic fasteners can be fixed via the screw connection into blind holes to connectpanel elements to existing structures, for example. The inner threaded insert serves as an expansionelement for fastening. The EPDM material used is resistant to ozone, oil and most acids. Standard FLs areavailable in 5 sizes from M3 to M8.PropertiesEasy handlingEfficient decoupling of housingsNo special tools necessaryIsolates structure-borne noiseFail-safeResistant to oil, most acids and ozoneAreas of applicationMachines and assembliesTiling, sheets and flangesAttachments to buildingsVehicles and transport industryConstruction machinesIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Rubber-Metal IsolatorsFL – Flex Loc43FL-Q-xMBC 1EALSheet assemblyBlind hole assemblyTypePressurekgShearkgPressure / ShearkgThreadMAmmBmmC 1mmEmmLmmP 2mmT I 3NmT II 4NmFL-Q-3 5 2.5 1.0 M3 9 6.7 7.2 0 -0.3 2.5 +0.4 0 11.5 +1 -0.5 0.6 - 2.5 0.4 - 0.5 0.3 - 0.4FL-Q-4 7 3.5 1.0 M4 12 8.5 9.3 0 -0.3 3.0 +0.4 0 14.5 +1 -0.5 0.8 - 3.3 0.4 - 0.6 0.4 - 0.5FL-Q-5 10 5.0 1.5 M5 15 9.8 10.2 0 -0.3 3.5 +0.4 0 18.0 +1 -0.5 0.8 - 4.3 0.6 - 1.0 0.5 - 0.6FL-Q-6 14 7.0 3.0 M6 18 12.0 12.7 0 -0.3 4.0 +0.4 0 21.0 +/-1 1.5 - 5.0 2.3 - 3.5 0.7 - 0.9FL-Q-8 28 14.0 5.0 M8 24 16.0 16.5 0 -0.5 5.0 +0.4 0 27.0 +/-1 1.5 - 6.5 3.0 - 4.0 1.6 - 1.81 Corresponds to mounting hole2 Sheet thickness3 Tightening torque T I (Drawing 01)4 Tightening torque T II (Drawing 02)Sheet assemblyDrawing 01 Drawing 02Blind hole assemblyPIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

4402Vibration-Isolating Plates

Vibration-Isolating PlatesOverview45SLABUniversal Damping PlatesFor application on foundations for plants and machines, compressors,in pump stations, generators, for insulations, measuring tables,buildings, etc.CELLow-Frequency Damping PlatesFor use in foundations, buildings, transport routes, bridges, stairs,test benches, pump stations, generators, compressors, machines,etc.PADRugged Fibre and Elastomer PlatesFor isolating and protecting foundations, e.g. of presses,plants, machines, as well as for use in pump stations, cranerunways, bridges and heavy-duty applicationsIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

46Vibration-Isolating PlatesIntroductionVibration-isolation madeto measureVariable, flexible, custom-madeVibration-isolating <strong>ACE</strong> plates are used whenever an adjusted isolation of vibrations and structure-borne noise isrequired.The right damping solution for standard applications can be simply found by using the selection diagrams (following pages).The right material type can be identified independently of the load via the desired damping in relation to the excitation frequency.The ideal plate size can be quickly calculated on the basis of the load area.A rough preselection of suitable plate materials can be made by consulting the permissible surface pressures of different platematerials.Application range according to surface pressureCEL-3002.07CEL-2001.38SLAB-720 0.5SLAB-600 0.3SLAB-450 0.13SLAB-275 0.055SLAB-210 0.028SLAB-170 0.01100,511,5 2Recommended application range in N/mm²The SLAB and CEL plates can either be ordered in their standard size or cut according to customer request. We require the desiredspecifications and quantities for calculating the required parts.The custom-cutting of the plates allow the realisation of almost any shape and solution. In addition, various plates can be layered, gluedand combined with reinforcing plates (steel) or sliding layers (PTFE).The PAD product group is made from fibre-reinforced plate material used for very high loads of up to 13.8 N/mm².Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Vibration-Isolating PlatesSLAB – Universal Damping Plates47SLABUniversal Damping PlatesSLAB damping plates of model series SL-170 to SL-720 are universally applicable elastic PUR materials which aremanufactured according to a patented formula and can be used for a large number of applications.The plates with standard sizes of 170 kg/m³ to 720 kg/m³ serve asstarting materials for the vibration isolation of different applicationsin industry and construction. The static and dynamic productproperties are used as the basis for the selection of the mostsuitable damping solution.The material determination (see selection diagram) is used tomake the preselection of the correct damping material, afterwhich, in a second, easy step, the suitable dimensions of thesupport are determined. SLABs are delivered as pre-fabricatedstandard plates or can be freely cut from the raw material (rolland plate material).Standard SLABs are supplied in material thickness of 12.5 mmand 25 mm. On request, the sizes of delivered plates can be cutfreely from the standard 800 x 1,500 mm stock. Sample plateswith dimensions 220 x 150 mm and the respective thicknessesare available for test purposes and small applications, withmaximum machinable dimensions up to 5,000 x 1,500.PropertiesCan be cut to many different shapes (water jet cutting)Can be combined to any desired isolation packagesOn-site vibration measurement and selectionSpecial dimensioning software, no additional costs for designingHighly damping PURIssue 06.2013Areas of applicationFoundations of plants and machinesCompressorsPump stations and generatorsPipeline isolationTest benches, measuring tables and their foundationsBuildingsStaircase bearing surfaces<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

48Vibration-Isolating PlatesSLAB – Universal Damping PlatesSL-170 / SL-210 / SL-2751 26055Static load limit SL-275504540Load (N/mm²) x 0.0013530Static load limit SL-2102520151050SL-275-12SL-210-12SL-275-25SL-170-12SL-210-25SL-170-25Static load limit SL-17010 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)18016090% isolation140Excitation frequency (Hz)120100806080%70%60%50%Notes40The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.200Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Vibration-Isolating PlatesSLAB – Universal Damping Plates49SL-450 / SL-600 / SL-7201 2605550Static load limit SL-72045Load (N/mm²) x 0.0140353025Static load limit SL-6002015Static load limit SL-4501050SL-720-12SL-600-12SL-720-25SL-450-12SL-600-25SL-450-2510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 0.2 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)18016090% isolation140Excitation frequency (Hz)120100806080%70%60%50%Notes40The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.2013200<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

50Vibration-Isolating PlatesCEL – Low-Frequency Damping PlatesCELLow-Frequency Damping PlatesCEL damping plates are produced from a special nitrile rubber which damps atlow-frequencies.The damping plates can be custom-cut and glued together to form multiple layers dependingon the application. The tried-and-tested CEL damping plates are used in the field of machineand plant engineering. Here the plates take charge of isolating the floor or foundation to theplant or machine. Damaging vibrations are prevented, increasing production or measuringquality.PropertiesCan be combined to form any desired isolation packages or glued togetherOn-site vibration measurement and selectionSpecial dimensioning software, no additional costs for designingAreas of applicationFoundations of plants and machinesCompressorsPump stations and generatorsPipeline isolationTest benches, measuring tables and their foundationsBuildingsTransport routes, bridgesStaircase bearing surfacesIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Vibration-Isolating PlatesCEL – Low-Frequency Damping Plates51CEL-200 / CEL-3001 22.5CEL-300-1 CEL-300-2 CEL-300-4 Static load limit CEL-300CEL-300-1 CEL-300-2 CEL-300-42.0Load per isolator (kg)1.5Static load limit CEL-200CEL-200-1 CEL-200-2 CEL-200-41.00.5CEL-200-1 CEL-200-2 CEL-200-4025010 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Natural frequency (Hz)3Static deflection (mm)20090% isolationExcitation frequency (Hz)15010080%70%60%50%Notes50The diagrams represent a simplified form of thepreselection. Liability and compensation claimsare excluded.Issue 06.20130<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

52Vibration-Isolating PlatesPAD – Rugged Fibre and Elastomer PlatesPADRugged Fibre and Elastomer PlatesThe PAD fibre and Elastomer Plates combine the positive properties of isolating elastomerbearing surfaces with the reinforcing effect of fibre inlays.The PADs are rugged damping plate for use in heavy-duty applications, e.g. under crane runways, in steelconstruction, pipeline construction and the coal, iron and steel industry. Due to their physical properties,the PAD plates provide outstanding damping against shocks and impacts and isolate vibrations andstructure-borne noise.Depending on the shape and selected dimensions, PADs can withstand compressive loads of up to69 N/mm². In general, the maximum surface pressure is 13.8 N/mm².PropertiesRuggedCan be custom-cutLow creep tendencyThickness: 1,185 kg/m³Areas of applicationFoundations of presses, plants and machinesImpact platesPipelinesConveying systemsPump stations and generatorsCrane runwaysBridgesHeavy-duty applicationsIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Vibration-Isolating PlatesPAD – Rugged Fibre and Elastomer Plates53Selection and calculationDue to the layered structure, the material exhibits excellent compressibility.This allows spring deflections to be reached without material flow (custom-fitinstallation complying with defined dimensions possible). The excellentmaterial properties are also apparent in the very good creep behaviour underload. For example, under continuous static load, the material only exhibits acreep tendency of approx. 5%.Depending on the application, the PADs can be custom-cut to meet customerspecifications and be used as supports, discs and sleeves with an isolating/damping effect.As with a conventional shock absorption application, theselection of a suitable material thickness and material dimensionsis based on the consideration of the kinetic energy in the systemin relation to the desired damping value. The hysteresis curve forthe respective material is then taken as the basis for selecting thecorrect material dimensions, such as the length, width and heightof the damper.To measure the kinetic energy, we suggest you to try our shockabsorption calculation software which we offer on our websitefree of charge. No need even to register, you can easily enter therequired values here and obtain a suitable solution recommendation.We will show the diagrams required for a graphic-based approachin the next issue.NotePADs consist of organic material subject to batch-basedfluctuationsOur in-house and field application technicians are happyto assist you with this as with other issues.PADs meet the following military specifications: MIL-C-882and MIL-E-5272A.The PADs are resistant to most oils, water vapour, water, mouldand brine. Their operating temperature range is between -55 °Cand +95 °C.The hardness of PADs is 90 ±5 shore A.Issue 06.2013The standard plates are available in different thicknesses,graduated between 1.6 and 25.4 mm. Other thicknesses areavailable by combining the standard thicknesses via gluing.A combination with steel plates or PTFE plates asequal layers is also available on request.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

5403Low-Frequency Air SpringElements

Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsOverview55PLMPneumatic Air Spring ElementsFor an efficient isolation of measuring equipment,high-speed presses and machines.PALAir Spring Elements with Automatic Level ControlsIsolation against disruptive vibrations and level-adjustmentfor test and measuring equipment. Isolating at extremelylow-frequencies, these components are used in the automotiveindustry and in aerospace engineering.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

56Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPLM – Air Spring ElementsPLMAir spring elementsPLM air spring elements offer low-frequency vibration and shock isolation for measuring stations, coordinatemeasuring machines, fans, air compressors, motor and generator units, high-speed presses and more.The PLM air spring series comprises low-frequency vibration and shock isolators which reduce undesirable vibrationswhile simultaneously levelling the supported devices.When used as a vibration damper, the internal airchamber already guarantees a significant isolatingeffect from 5 Hz upwards. In an optimally loadedcondition, the natural frequency is 3.0 Hz. PLM airspring elements also isolate in a pressure-free state.PropertiesLow natural frequency of 3 HzEasy level control via integrated valveHeight regulation control on requestRatio of horizontal to verticalnatural frequency 1:1Areas of applicationMeasuring tablesTest benchesHigh-speed pressesProduction plantsThe vertical natural frequency of the elastomer body is approximately 10 Hz,meaning that disturbances above 14 Hz are isolated.The ratio of vertical to horizontal natural frequency is roughly 1:1 with highhorizontal stability.For applications with shock or impact loads, the elastomer wall design of thePLM air springs offer high dynamic spring deflection. If one wishes simultaneouslyto retain the low natural frequency of 3 Hz, the use of external arrestorsis recommended in order to prevent the air springs from breaking through.The PLM design features a vulcanised thread insert, by means of which the airsprings can be inflated either with a standard tyre valve or a pneumatic fitting.Special connections are not necessary.The isolators are delivered with a valve. They are inflated and levelled manuallywith the aid of hand pumps or adaptors connected to an air supply. If a compressedair fitting is mounted on the air springs, they can be connected to thecontrolled air supply system. This facilitates the pressurisation and the levelcontrol. In the event that no level control valve is used, a control unit can beprovided to regulate the pressure and the height of the air springs linked toeach other.In addition, the PLM air spring elements can be supplied with automatic levelcontrol valves for height regulation. Each master isolator has a built-in levelcontrol valve which functions as a load detector and position sensor.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPLM – Air Spring Elements57PLMCFGDxEABHIBATypeAmmBmmCmmThreadDEmmFmmGmmHmmImmMax. bearing loadkgPLM 1 76 60.5 6.9 M10 12.0 73 25 65 3.2 45PLM 3 106 89 6.9 M12 13.5 105 56 65 3.2 135PLM 6 130 108 7.4 M12 13.5 127 60 90 3.2 250PLM 12 175 152 7.4 M12 13.5 171 100 90 3.2 550PLM 24 254 216 14.2 M16 19.0 245 138 90 4.8 1100PLM 48 343 305 14.2 M16 19.0 338 190 90 4.8 2200PLM 96 470 406 20.6 M24 22.4 468 267 90 6.4 4400PLM 192 610 508 20.6 M24 22.4 610 400 90 6.4 8800Any number of parallel air springs can be added in order to increase theloading capacity of the overall system.Our technicians are happy to assist you in the selectionprocess and provide any support you require.Selection and calculationThe best isolation values can be achieved for the use of PLM air springs whenthe maximum load of the individual air spring elements is utilised to the fullestextent possible.In standard applications, it is sufficient to select PLM air spring elements onthe basis of the weight of the machine or plant to be isolated. If the maximumisolation effect is to be realised, additional weights (steel or e.g. graniteplates) may have to be added so as to achieve the maximum permitted loadrange and thus the ideal isolation effect.NoteWhen commissioning, please ensure that pressureis first applied on the PLM air spring elementsbefore they are filled to the desired operatingpressure (max. 5 bar for sizes 1 and 3;max. 6 bar for the remaining sizes) using thevalve.Issue 06.2013A separate usable control unit can be used to checkthe operating condition and adjust to the desiredamount.<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

58Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level ControlPALAir Spring Elements withAutomatic Level ControlsAir spring elements of the PAL series offer superior low-frequency vibrationisolation for measuring devices, electron microscopes, MRT equipment,coordinate measuring machines and precision manufacturing machines.PAL air spring systems use level-controlled air springs. These isolators are ideal forconditions which require a constant level and vibration isolation at the same time.The PAL isolators meet all important requirements for measuring devices, electronmicroscopes, measuring stations and precision manufacturing machines.Standard PAL isolators have a natural frequency of up to 1.7 Hz – depending onthe height of the isolator. Even lower natural frequencies (up to 0.5 Hz) are possiblefor isolators manufactured according to customer specifications.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level Control59PropertiesHeight-adjustableLow-frequency isolation, natural frequencies of up to 0.5 Hz possibleAreas of applicationTest and measuring equipmentAircraft and automotive test benchesFoundation bearing surfacesIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

60Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level ControlExtremely low-frequency-calibratedprecision isolators for use in highresolutionmeasuring and testingsystems.A complete PAL system consists of at least threemaster isolators for a 3-point level control. Eachisolator has a built-in level control valve whichfunctions as a load detector and height control. Anynumber of slave isolators can be added in order tobear the overall weight of the equipment.The scope of supply of a system contains a controlunit, automatic level control valves, pneumatic linesand all the additional pneumatic accessories requiredfor a complete system installation.PAL air springs react quickly to changes in load orbalance, with deviations from a preset position beingautomatically readjusted.The performance of an air spring system is always acompromise between natural frequency (isolation),the resetting accuracy of the level control valve andthe control setting time.The control setting time is defined as the timerequired by the isolation system to reach a presetreference value again after a defined disturbance.The disturbance can be caused by environmental factors or inherent machineforces, such as the movement of the measuring bridge of a measuringmachine.The control setting time is minimised with an optimal damping effect and anadequate flow through the valve. Long control setting times are not acceptablefor air springs, as this can induce errors in repeat accuracy in the case ofprecision measuring devices and positioning machines as well as lower partthroughput rates.Depending on the application, <strong>ACE</strong> offers many different level control valves.The decisive variables for designing an acceptable solution are the valveflow-through and rigidity, as well as accuracy characteristics. Reset accuraciesof +/- 0.15 mm or +/ 0.025 mm are available. The valve flow-through andrigidity are selected on the basis of the air spring design and the damping.PAL-3 to PAL-9Small sizePAL-18 to PAL-1000Large sizePAL-5.5-2.5with level control valve PALV 5-5The figures are not tothe same scale.Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level Control61PALL(D1)ATTENTIONREMOVESHIPPINGSCREWSHD1D2TypeD1mmD2mmH (pressureless)mmH (max. Stroke)mmLmmMax. bearing load*kgSpecial designonly on requestPAL 18-6 165 152 153 160 234 800PAL 21-6 200 150 153 163 270 950PAL 21-12 200 200 305 315 270 950PAL 36-6 220 190 153 163 290 1630PAL 55-6 260 230 153 163 330 2500PAL 55-12 260 260 305 315 330 2500PAL 75-6 300 265 153 163 370 3400PAL 133-6 380 350 153 163 450 6030PAL 133-12 380 380 305 315 450 6030PAL 255-6 530 470 153 165 600 11 560PAL 255-12 530 460 305 317 600 11 560PAL 416-8 640 585 203 215 710 18 200PAL 1000-6 950 910 153 178 1 020 42 000PAL 1000-18 914 914 450 475 990 42 000PAL 3-2.5 80 80 64 70 157 126PAL 5.5-2.5 100 100 64 70 177 238PAL 9-4 130 130 94 98 207 385PAL 9-6 130 130 153 159 221 385* At a maximum operating pressure of 7 barIsolation propertiesNoteThe maximum permissiblehorizontal movement of the PAL airspring elements can be limited to3 mm, if necessary.Natural frequencyPAL xx-6HzPal xx-12HzDampingPAL xx-6%Pal xx-12%vertical 2.5 - 2.7 1.5 - 1.7horizontal 2.0 - 4.5 2.0 - 4.5vertical (adjustable) 6 - 20 6 - 20horizontal 5 - 6 5 - 6Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

62Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level ControlDesign service and analysisLow-frequency vibrations and strong shocks and forcepeaks influence the accuracy, production quality andproductivity of high-performance and precisionmachinery.The specifications for the maximum permissibleaccelerations and vibrations are often prescribed bythe manufacturers of testing, measuring andproduction machines. Our expert team is happy toassist you with analysing the site conditions andselecting the right isolators for complying with therequired system parameters.Application examplesOn request, we execute highly precise measurementson site and document the respective target and actualconditions or develop suitable system solutions withour customers. Requirements and solution modelsmay vary widely from case to case.Our technicians are happy to assist you in theselection process and provide any support yourequire.Measuring tables, example: coordinate measuring machineTest benches, example: street simulation test benchIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Low-Frequency Air Spring ElementsPAL – Air Spring Elements with Automatic Level Control63PALAir Spring Elements withAutomatic Level ControlStructurePistonLevel control valveDamping chamberMembraneSpring chamberIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

64Distributors Worldwidein Countries without <strong>ACE</strong> FacilityARGENTINACAMOZZI NEUMATICA S.A.Prof. Dr. Pedro Chutro 30481437 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTel.: +54-11 49110816Fax: +54-11 TECNOLOGIA HIDRAULICA S.A.Velez Sarsfield 1321B1824ACK Lanus oesteBuenos Aires, ArgentinaTel.: +54-11-4249-5770Fax:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4000Fax: on request)BELARUS<strong>BIBUS</strong> (BY) COOO8th Per. Ilyicha 13a, office 2.1246013 Gomel, BelarusTel.: +375-232 39 09 02Fax: +375-232 37 10 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comBELGIUM<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +32-(0)11-960736Fax: +32-(0) on request)BRAZILOBR EQUIPAMENTOSINDUSTRIAIS LTDA.Rua Piratuba, 1573, Bom RetiroJoinville-SC (South Brazil)CEP 89.222-365, BrazilTel.: +55-0800 704 3698 / 47 3435 44 64Fax: +55-47 3425 90<strong>BIBUS</strong> BULGARIA LTD.Tzvetan Lazarov Blv. 2, floor 2, 1574 Sofia, BulgariaTel.: +359-297 19 80 8Fax: +359-292 73 26 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comCHILETAYLOR AUTOMATIZACION S.A.A.V. Vicuna Mackenna, # 1589 Santiago, ChileTel.: +56-25 55 15 16Fax: +56-25 44 19 65www.taylorautomatizacion.clCROATIA<strong>BIBUS</strong> ZAGREB D.O.O.Anina 91, 10000 Zagreb, CroatiaTel.: +385-1 3818 004Fax: +385-1 3818 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comCZECH REPUBLIC<strong>BIBUS</strong> S.R.O.Videnska 125, 639 27 Brno, Czech RepublicTel.: +420-547 125 300Fax: +420-547 125 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:MN–SYSTEMS, S.R.O.Na Honech I/5538, 760 05 Zlín, Czech RepublicTel.: +420-734 200 172Fax: +420-246 013 198www.mnsystems.czDENMARKAVN AUTOMATION A/SBergsoesvej 14, 8600 Silkeborg, DenmarkTel.: +45-70 20 04 11Fax: +45-86 80 55 88www.avn.dkFINLANDNESTEPAINE OYMakituvantie 11, 01510 Vantaa, FinlandTel.: +358-20 765 165Fax: +358-20 765 7666www.nestepaine.fiMOVETEC OYHannuksentie 1, 02270 Espoo, FinlandTel.: +358-9 5259 230Fax: +358-9 5259 2333www.movetec.fiFRANCE<strong>BIBUS</strong> FRANCEZI du Chapotin, 233 rue des frères Voisin69970 Chaponnay, <strong>France</strong>Tel.: +33-4 78 96 80 00Fax: +33-4 78 96 80 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comGREECEPNEUMATEC INDUSTRIALAUTOMATION SYSTEMS91 Spirou Patsi Street, Athens 11855, GreeceTel.: +302-1 03412101 / 3413930Fax: +302-1 03413930HUNGARY<strong>BIBUS</strong> KFT.1103 Budapest, Ujhegyi ut 2, HungaryTel.: +36-1265 27 33Fax: +36-1264 89 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:DUNA CONSULTING KFT.Gábor Áron u. 18.2013 Pomáz, HungaryTel.: +36-1 433 4700, +36-30 26 36 576Fax: +36-1 264 8900www.acegazrugo.huIRELANDIRISH PNEUMATIC SERVICES LTD.5A M7 Business ParkNewhall, Naas, Co. Kildare, IrelandTel.: +353-45-872590Fax: +353-45-872595www.irishpneumaticservices.comISRAELILAN & GAVISHAUTOMATION SERVICE LTD.24, Shenkar Street, Qiryat-arie 49513PO Box 10118, Petha-Tiqva 49001, IsraelTel.: +972-39 22 18 24Fax: +972-39 24 07 S.R.L.Via Chambery 93/107V, 10142 Torino, ItalyTel.: +39-011-70 00 53 / 70 02 32Fax: +39-011-70 01 41www.rti-to.itJORDANATAFAWOK TRADING EST.PO Box 921797, Amman 11192, JordanTel.: +962-64 02 38 73Fax: +962-65 92 63 25LITHUANIATECHVITASDubysos g. 66A, 94107 Klaipeda, LithuaniaTel.: +370-46 355 494Fax: +370-46 355 493www.techvitas.ltLUXEMBOURG<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +32-(0)11-960736Fax: +32-(0) on request)NETHERLANDS<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +31-(0)165-714455Fax: +31-(0) on request)Issue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

Distributors Worldwidein Countries without <strong>ACE</strong> Facility65NORWAYOLAER AS.Dynamitveien 23, Postboks 133, 1401 Ski, NorwayTel.: +47-64 91 11 80Fax: +47-64 91 11 81www.olaer.noHYDNET ABTurebergsvagen 5, 191 47 Sollentuna, SwedenTel.: +46-8 59 470 470Fax: +46-8 59 470 479www.hydnet.sePAKISTANJ.J. HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICSHotel Metropole Bldg., Room 127, 1st FloorClub Road, Karachi, Pakistan 75520Tel.: +92-2 15 66 10 63Fax: +92-2 15 66 10 65POLAND<strong>BIBUS</strong> MENOS SP. Z.O.O.ul. Spadochroniarzy 18, 80-298 Gdańsk, PolandTel.: +48-58 660 95 70Fax: +48-58 661 71 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:F.H.U. ELMATIC S.C.ul. Lubicka 20, 87-100 Toruń, PolandTel.: +48-56 659 15 49Tel./Fax: +48-56 659 16 INDUSTRIAL S.L.Alameda Fernao Lopes 31ATorre 2 - Miraflores1495-136 Alges (Lisboa), PortugalTel.: +351-21 410 12 57Fax: +351-21 410 56<strong>BIBUS</strong> PORTUGAL LDARua 5 de Outubro, 50264465-079 S. Mamede de Infesta, Porto, PortugalTel.: +35-122 906 50 50Fax: +35-122 906 50 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)ROMANIA<strong>BIBUS</strong> SES S.R.L.Pestalozzi 22, 300155 Timisoara, RomaniaTel.: +40-256 200 500Fax: +40-256 220 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:D.C. COMPANY S.R.L.Dragos Voda nr. 43, 300351 Timisoara, RomaniaTel.: +40-722 145 213Fax: +40-356 800 513www.ewarehouse.roRUSSIA<strong>BIBUS</strong> O.O.O.Izmailovsky prospect 2, letter A190005 St. Petersburg, RussiaTel.: +7-812 251 62 71Fax: +7-812 251 90 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:TEHINNOVATIONKrasnodonskaya street 19, office 17109386 Moscow, RussiaTel.: +7-495 222 06 01Fax: +7-499 786 42 56www.tehinnovation.ruSLOVAKIA<strong>BIBUS</strong> SK S.R.O.Trnavska cesta, 94901 Nitra, SlovakiaTel.: +421-37 7777 950Fax: +421-37 7777 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:PNEUTRADE S.R.ORybárska 8, 949 01 Nitra, SlovakiaTel.: +421-37/65 24 338Fax: +421-37/65 55 933www.pneutrade.skSLOVENIAINOTEH D.O.O.K Zeleznici 7, 2345 Bistrica ob Dravi, SloveniaTel.: +386-02 665 1131Fax: +386-02 665 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comSOUTH AFRICAPNEUMARK CONTROLS94A Crompton Street, Pinetown, 3610South AfricaTel.: +27-31 701 0421Fax: +27-86 551 INDUSTRIAL S.L.Paseo Sarroeta 420014 Donostia-San Sebastian, SpainTel.: +34-943 44 50 80Fax: +34-943 44 51<strong>BIBUS</strong> SPAIN S.L.Avda Ricardo Mella, 117 D, 36330 Vigo, SpainTel.: +34-986 24 72 86Fax: +34-986 20 92 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)SWEDENHYDNET ABTurebergsvagen 5, 191 47 Sollentuna, SwedenTel.: +46-8 59 470 470Fax: +46-8 59 470 479www.hydnet.seSWITZERLAND<strong>BIBUS</strong> AGAllmendstrasse 26, 8320 Fehraltorf, SwitzerlandTel.: +41-44-877 50 11Fax: +41-44-877 58 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comTURKEY<strong>BIBUS</strong> OTOMASYON SAN. VE Tic. LTD. STI.Necatibey Cad. No:49 Kat:234425 Karakoy/Istanbul, TurkeyTel.: +90-212 293 82 00Fax: +90-212 249 88 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)Gas spring & HB damper specialists:POVVER PNÖMATIK A.S.Necatibey Cad. No:44 Kat:234425 Karaköy/Istanbul, TurkeyTel.: +90-212 2938870Fax: +90-212 2936877www.powerpnomatik.comUKRAINE<strong>BIBUS</strong> UKRAINE TOVMashinobudivnykiv Str., 5AChabany, 08162 Kiev Region, UkraineTel.: +380-44 545 44 04Fax: +380-44 545 54 distributor for gas springs and HB dampers)For gas springs & HB dampers please contact:<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 15, 40764 LangenfeldGermanyTel.: +49-2173-9226-4100Fax: +49-2173-9226-89www.ace-ace.comIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .

66This service is free of charge for youFax your inquiry form to +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89Calculation sheet for your applicationsWe would be happy to send you a design proposal for your application. In order to obtain a better picture of your application before establishingcontact, we would like to ask you to send us the following basic information.Please send us a sketch or drawing so that our application technicians understand the case. For the drawing, please use the designated fieldor send us a dimensioned sketch with a copy of the calculation sheet to You can also simply use our calculation sheet designationDescription of the applicationPlease enter the technical data for the calculation hereExcitation frequency / speed Hz or 1/sWeight of system in kgWeight distribution centric (please indicate in sketch) excentric (please indicate in sketch)Machine dimensions (mm) length width heightNumber of support points (quantity)Dimensions of the support points (mm) length width diameterDesired degree of isolation 50% (basic isolation) 60% 70% 80% 90% (very good isolation)Environmental influences media temperature miscNeed / year (quantity)Contact DetailsCompanyNameDepartmentStreet/PO BoxPostcode/CityCountryTelephoneSketchE-MailPlease copy, complete and fax to <strong>ACE</strong>+49 (0)2173 -9226 -89or use our Calculation Form on Websitewww.aceolator.euBox for your sketchIssue 06.2013<strong>ACE</strong> Stoßdämpfer GmbH . P.O. Box 1510 . D-40740 Langenfeld . T +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 4100 . F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 89 .


Sales LocationsGERMANY<strong>ACE</strong> STOSSDÄMPFER GMBHAlbert-Einstein-Straße 1540764 Langenfeld, GermanyT +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 10F +49 (0)2173 - 9226 - 19www.ace-ace.deGREAT BRITAIN<strong>ACE</strong> CONTROLS INTERNATIONALUnit 404 Easter Park, Haydock LaneHaydock, WA11 9TH, U.K.T +44 (0)1942 - 727 440F +44 (0)1942 - 717<strong>ACE</strong> AUTOMATION CONTROL EQUIPMENT PVT. LTD.Kaydon House, 2/396 A, Mookambigai NagarKattuppakkam, Iyyapanthangal, Chennai - 600 056, IndiaT +91 44 - 24768 484F +91 44 - 24766 811/ 911www.acecontrols.inJAPAN<strong>ACE</strong> CONTROLS JAPAN L.L.C.City Center Bldg. II 2fl, 3-1-42, Chigasaki-minami, Tsuzuki-kuYokohama, 224-0037, JapanT +81 45 - 945 - 0123F +81 45 - 945 -<strong>ACE</strong> CONTROLS (SUZHOU) CO. LTD.Building 7 East, No. 369 Lushan Road, SuzhouJiangsu Province 215129, P.R. ChinaT +86 512 - 8860 6699F +86 512 - 8860<strong>ACE</strong> CONTROLS INTERNATIONAL INC.23435 Industrial Park Dr., Farmington HillsMichigan 48335, USAT +1 248 - 476 0213F +1 248 - 476

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