National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | May 2, 2009 7<strong>Community</strong>Onstage at Lincoln Center, agbu Dance Ensemble will mark 40 yearsNEW YORK – The agbu AntranigDance Ensemble is celebratingits 40th anniversary in 2009 <strong>and</strong>, tomark the milestone year, the groupwill present a new program duringa special night of celebration atLincoln Center for the PerformingArts on Saturday, November 28.Known for its many years offirst-class <strong>Armenia</strong>n dance performances,the agbu Antranig DanceEnsemble has found a way to staytrue to the origins of <strong>Armenia</strong>n folkdance while also exploring variationsof the art form <strong>and</strong> alwaysupdating its repertoire for contemporaryaudiences.Established in 1969, the AntranigEnsemble was initially underthe direction of Sarkis Paskalian<strong>and</strong> later Ohan Armoudian, whofor the first time brought traditional<strong>Armenia</strong>n dance to thestage for <strong>Armenia</strong>n-American audiences.In the 1980s, under theleadership of R<strong>and</strong>y Sapah-Gulian,the group moved to themedproductions, experimenting withthe art form of folk-ballet in suchshows as The Wedding of Antranig<strong>and</strong> one of their classics, The EternalFlame.The 1990s <strong>and</strong> early 2000s havebeen marked by the direct influenceof contemporary dancefrom <strong>Armenia</strong> through the choreography<strong>and</strong> training of GagikKarapetian. A leading <strong>Armenia</strong>ndance artist <strong>and</strong> choreographer,Mr. Karapetian annually trains theEnsemble <strong>and</strong> has helped ArtisticDirector Joyce Tamesian-Shenloogiancreate the group’s pastfive stage productions.This year’s new production willbe no different. While keeping elementsof true native <strong>Armenia</strong>ndance from a variety of historicregions, the show promises toinclude many of the high-energy,deeply emotional <strong>and</strong> intricatelychoreographed pieces Antranig audienceshave come to expect fromthe New Jersey–based Ensemble.The group will make a numberof New York–area appearancesthroughout 2009 <strong>and</strong> expects to announceits tour plans later this year.ayf members demonstratein New York’s Union SquareFor forty years, the agbu AntranigDance Ensemble has dazzledaudiences around the world withits full-length productions, exemplifyingthe rich <strong>Armenia</strong>n danceculture. Through a variety of folkdances from different regions in<strong>Armenia</strong>, vibrant costumes <strong>and</strong>exceptional choreography, the Ensemblecontinues to perpetuatethe <strong>Armenia</strong>n heritage in supportof agbu ’s mission.connect:antranig.orgagbu AntranigDance Ensembleperforms oneof its signaturedances.In Southern California, <strong>Armenia</strong>nsgather to commemorate the GenocideDemonstratorstaped bodyoutlines onthe pavementas a symbol of<strong>Armenia</strong>n liveslost in 1915. Theafternoon alsosaw an emotionalperformancefrom the Yeraz<strong>Armenia</strong>n dancegroup, whichattracted a largeaudience.ayf activists <strong>and</strong> sympathetic byst<strong>and</strong>ers h<strong>and</strong>cuffed themselves together,chanting “Blood is on Turkey’s h<strong>and</strong>s” <strong>and</strong> “Human rights is why we fight.” Continued from page 1day we celebrate the realizationof the dream of the victims of theGenocide through the accomplishmentsof our lives.” He continued,“The Los Angeles <strong>Armenia</strong>n communitymust strive to be a churchlovingcommunity, deepening intheir hearts the faith of our forefathers,continuing to enrich theirlives with the building of schools<strong>and</strong> community centers, preservingtheir language <strong>and</strong> culture, butabove all being true, dedicated, lawabiding,<strong>and</strong> exemplary citizens ofthe United States of America.”Archbishop Derderian concluded,“For our fallen ancestors the PromisedL<strong>and</strong> was Hayastan. For us thePromised L<strong>and</strong> is the <strong>Armenia</strong>nChurch, <strong>and</strong> the holy traditions ofour nation <strong>and</strong> forefathers.”The Montebello memorial, thefirst to be built honoring the victimsof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocideon public l<strong>and</strong>, has served as thegathering ground for thous<strong>and</strong>s of<strong>Armenia</strong>ns in the Los Angeles areato commemorate the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide.At the TurkishConsulateLater, the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Youth Federationconducted its annual humanrights demonstration at theTurkish Consulate. The <strong>Armenia</strong>n<strong>National</strong> Committee reportsthat over 10,000 activists took tothe streets to voice their outrageover the Turkish government’sconstant denial of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide. The demonstrators alsoexpressed disappointment in PresidentBarack Obama for not usingFrom left: Abp. Moushegh Mardirossian, joined by California Assembly AssistantMajority Leader Paul Krekorian, Los Angeles City Council President Pro TemporeWendy Greuel, <strong>and</strong> Rep. Adam Schiff. Photo: Nora Yacoubian.the word genocide in his statementon <strong>Armenia</strong>n Remembrance Day.That evening, a commemorationceremony was held at the Alex Theaterin Glendale featuring performingartists <strong>and</strong> government leaderswho voiced their support for recognitionof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide<strong>and</strong> an end to the denial of thiscrime by the Turkish government.Rep. Schiff <strong>and</strong> Mr. Krekori<strong>and</strong>elivered remarks at the event.Glendale City Council member AraNajarian served as emcee, whileformer Los Angeles Times reporterMark Arax delivered the keynoteaddress. Various dignitaries <strong>and</strong>public officials were also presentduring the ceremony.A week of remembranceOn April 19, a blood drive was heldat St. Mary’s Church in Glendale.On the same day, an event tookplace at the University of Las Vegas<strong>and</strong> a “Walk to Remember was heldat the St. Mary Church in OrangeCounty.On the 21st, an event was heldat the Pasadena Jewish Temple &Center, <strong>and</strong> the Los Angeles CountyBoard of Supervisors commemoratedthe Genocide.On April 22, a school assembly atGlendale High School was dedicatedto remembering the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide.On the 23rd, a general assemblyat John Muir Middle School waslikewise dedicated to rememberingthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide.On April 24, Los Angeles CityCouncil held a commemoration, <strong>and</strong>events were held at Fresno City Hall,UC San Diego, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Armenia</strong>n<strong>Community</strong> Center in San Francisco.Likewise, a commemorative eventtook place at Wesley Bolin Plaza inPhoenix, Arizona, the <strong>Armenia</strong>n<strong>National</strong> Committee reported. Oh yeah, we canhelp you sell itClassifieds with the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporterclassifieds@reporter.am818-955-8407INVEST IN MANHATTAN REAL ESTATEARCH. RLTR. SEEKS $1-$4 MIL CAPITALFOR MORTGAGES/CONDOS & A $6 MIL BRIDGE15% INT. ON 50% LTV SEC’D W. $25 MIL. R. E.JT. VENTURE $500M 22 UNITS E. RIVER VIEWSUP TO $100% RTN OR PRESELL AS “ARMENIA HOUSE”212 7774476/ F. 8554 NYHAROUT@YAHOO.COM

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