National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | May 2, 2009<strong>International</strong>April 24 commemorated around the world<strong>Armenia</strong>ns throughout the globecommemorated the 94th anniversary ofthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide in unprecedentednumbersRequiem service at Aleppo’s <strong>National</strong> Cemetary. Photos: Venus.Requiem service <strong>and</strong> wreath layingin AleppoA requiem service was held atAleppo’s <strong>National</strong> Cemetary, ledby Archbishop Shahan Sargsianof the Berio Diocese, to honorthe 1.5 million <strong>Armenia</strong>ns whoperished 94 years ago during theGenocide.In the evening of April 24, at theYesayan center, there was a specialevening dedicated to the martyrsof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide.Gevor Kharibjanian, representingthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Embassy,made a speech.On April 25, the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Embassyorganized the official wreathlaying at the Genocide memorialat the <strong>National</strong> Cemetery.Taking part in this ceremony werePaying homage.ambassadors representing othercountries, leaders of the <strong>Armenia</strong>ncommunity as well as representativesfrom Syria‘s Christiancommunities.fAn April 24 like no other in IstanbulAccording to Nouvelles d’Armenie,about 20 people, mostly employeesof the newspaper Agos, visited the<strong>Armenia</strong>n cemetery in Balik in Turkey’scapital Istanbul on April 24.There, they laid a wreath on thetomb of slain journalist HrantDink <strong>and</strong> the monument dedicatedto the memory of the martyrsof the Hamidian massacresof 1894–96.Accompanying the <strong>Armenia</strong>nswas Turkish publisher RagipZarakoglu <strong>and</strong> a Kurdish journalistfrom Van. The editorial staff ofAgos paid tribute to the memoryof Hrant Dink <strong>and</strong> the victims ofthe 1915 Genocide, including themassacres of Adana in 1909.Visibly moved, the editor of thenewspaper’s <strong>Armenia</strong>n edition,Sarkis Seropyan, spoke, recallingthe historic character of thevisit, which is unprecedented inthe history of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n communityof Constantinople.“We wanted to show that Hrant<strong>and</strong> all our martyrs are remembered<strong>and</strong> that Istanbul <strong>Armenia</strong>nsremember their history.Today we are gathered together incommunion with Hrant, keepingin mind that he was the 1,500,000plus one martyr of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nnation,” said Seropyan.A young employee of Agos reciteda prayer for the repose of thesouls of the martyrs before singingHayr Mer (Our Father).Mr. Zarakoglu photographedby the tomb of the great poetMissak Medzarentz, said, “I donot want to miss this opportunityHrant Dink’s grave in Istanbul.to commemorate the victims, myfriend Hrant, the victims of Adana<strong>and</strong> 1915.”More than a regular commemoration,like those which took placethroughout the globe, the intimateceremony was marked bythe memory of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n intelligentsiabeheaded here in thesame city 94 years ago. In an unprecedentedmove, the newspaperAgos, in its Thursday morningedition, published the completelist of <strong>Armenia</strong>n intellectuals whowere rounded up on April 24.Later that afternoon a culturalevent took place at the initiativeof several democratic <strong>and</strong> leftistTurkish intellectuals, which paidtribute to great figures of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nnation massacred by orderof the Young Turkish governmenton April 24 1915. fGenocide commemoration ceremony held in BelgiumOn April 24, commemoration ceremonieswere marked in Brussels.Sourb Mariam-Madlen <strong>Armenia</strong>nApostolic Church held a requiemservice for the souls of the martyrsof the Armenain Genocide.Taking part in the requiem was<strong>Armenia</strong>’s Ambassador to BelgiumVigen Tchitejyan; <strong>Armenia</strong>’sambassador to NATO SamvelMgrtchian; representatives of<strong>Armenia</strong>’s diplomatic corps, the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Committee of Belgium<strong>and</strong> representatives of Belgium’s<strong>Armenia</strong>n community.Following the service, participantswalked toward the GenocideMemorial which is located in oneof the central squares of Brussels,where they placed flowers <strong>and</strong>wreaths.Michel Mamuryan, presidentof the Brussels’ <strong>Armenia</strong>n Committeeaddressed the participants,The small <strong>Armenia</strong>n communityof Chile held Genocide commemorationceremonies on Sunday,April 19. Over 100 people, includingmany children <strong>and</strong> teenagerscame to the capital Santiago toattend the ceremony which beganwith a religious service led by FatherJorge Abed, whose mother is<strong>Armenia</strong>n.After the playing of the nationalanthems of <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Chile,Vice-Admiral Hernan Couyoumdji<strong>and</strong>elivered a moving speechon the history <strong>and</strong> meaning of<strong>Armenia</strong>ns in Chile rememberThe Russian-<strong>Armenia</strong>n Association<strong>and</strong> the <strong>Armenia</strong>n RevolutionaryFederation’s Hay Tad officein Moscow jointly organizeda rally in the KrasnopresnenskayaZastava square in Moscow withthe slogan, “The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocideis a Crime Against Humanity.”Hundreds of Russian-<strong>Armenia</strong>nsparticipated.Taking part in the protest rallywere representatives from othercommunities, including the JewishPan-Russian OrganizationPresident Roman Spector; Memberof the Kurdish <strong>National</strong> CongressMerab Shamov <strong>and</strong> vicepresident of Moscow’s Greekcommunity Albert Yanokov. Allthe genocide. He stressed theimportance of being united <strong>and</strong>active <strong>and</strong> the special role of theyouth.Several special guests were inattendance, including former UNrepresentative to <strong>Armenia</strong> KaticaCekalvic; Elizabeth Markarian,whose husb<strong>and</strong>, Sergio, is the directorof the prestigious footballteam from the University of Chile;dancer <strong>and</strong> dance instructor AstghikAharonian of the MunicipalTheater in Santiog, accompaniedby her son Pablo.fLeft: YuriNavoyan,director ofARF HayTad, Moscow.Right: Russian-<strong>Armenia</strong>ns at arally in Moscow.representatives stated their supportfor the reinstatement of historicaljustice for the <strong>Armenia</strong>npeople. They stressed that thecondemnation of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide is an issue for all of humanity.<strong>Armenia</strong>ns representing differentcommunity organizations operatingin Russia made speechesto the assembled participants ofthe rally.The meeting concluded with aspeech by the Deputy Speaker ofthe Russian Duma, president ofthe Liberal Democratic Party ofRussia, Vladimir Zhirinovski whostated that the Genocide perpetratedby the Ottoman Empire isPresident ofthe BelgianSenate Arm<strong>and</strong>De Deckerat memorialservices forthe <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide.which included president of theBelgian Senate Arman de Deker;Senator George Dalman who is amember of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n-Belgianparliamentary group; SenatorAlen Desteks; Isabel Duran, vicepresidentof the Ecolo politicalparty; deputy mayor of Brussels;representatives of Belgian’sTutsi <strong>and</strong> Jewish communities<strong>and</strong> others.Following these ceremonies,the <strong>Armenia</strong>ns marched towardthe Turkish Embassy to protestagainst Turkey’s denial of the Genocide<strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> justice. fYoung <strong>Armenia</strong>ns in Chile remember.Protest rally at Turkish Embassy in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>sThe <strong>Armenia</strong>n <strong>National</strong> Committee(ANC) of Netherl<strong>and</strong>s organizeda protest rally in front of theTurkish Embassy in the Netherl<strong>and</strong>son April 24.On the evening of April 23, morethan 100 young people lit c<strong>and</strong>leseach of which symbolized 10,000victims. After the prayer the participantspaid tribute to the memoryof the victims with one minuteof silence. Afterwards the c<strong>and</strong>leswere arranged on the ground toread 1.5. In front of the TurkishEmbassy in the Hague the demonstratorsplaced posters dem<strong>and</strong>ingrecognition of the Genocide.The ANC of the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s saidthat according to tradition, April24 protest rallies are held in frontof the Parliament of the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s.In Almelo’s <strong>Armenia</strong>n ApostolicChurch a requiem servicetook place.During the commemorationceremonies organized in the <strong>Armenia</strong>nChurch, members of theDutch Parliament, representativesof all the factions of the Almelotown council, the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Consulin Holl<strong>and</strong>, well-known academicians<strong>and</strong> cultural figures tookpart.fProtest rally in Moscow condemns the GenocideIn solidarity with the <strong>Armenia</strong>ns.one of the blackest pages of mankind’shistory.This was the first time that a rallywas organized in Moscow. In previousyears, Russian <strong>Armenia</strong>ns hadonly organized a picket in front ofthe Turkish Embassy. f

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