National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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Number 112May 2, 2009the armenianreporter<strong>Armenia</strong>ARF leaves <strong>Armenia</strong>n government, citingdisagreements on Turkey policyThe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Revolutionary Federation(Dashnaktsutiun) on April 27withdrew from <strong>Armenia</strong>’s governingcoalition, citing “insurmountabledisagreements on matters ofprinciple” regarding <strong>Armenia</strong>’s foreignpolicy, Vincent Lima reports. A<strong>Armenia</strong><strong>Community</strong><strong>Community</strong>party declaration referred specificallyto the timing <strong>and</strong> substanceof a joint statement of the foreignministries of <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Turkeyon the eve of April 24.See story on page 16mRichard Hovannisian: “I consider a jointhistorians’ commission a dangerous trap”Historian Richard Hovannisian ofUCLA, met with Tatul Hakobyanof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter on April24 in Yerevan. They discussed thejoint statement issued by Turkey<strong>and</strong> <strong>Armenia</strong> on April 22 <strong>and</strong> theTwo sons of Musa Ler share a historyIt was hearing the distinctive <strong>Armenia</strong>ndialect of Musa Ler thatmade Manug Aydin turn around in1984. It was the beginning of a longfriendship with Guydzag Boyadjian.The two men grew up in separateSts. Tarkmanchatz School was builtin 1929 under the patronage of PatriarchYeghishe Tourian to satisfythe educational needs of the <strong>Armenia</strong>ncommunity of Jerusalem. Theschool has played a dominant role inthe life of the <strong>Armenia</strong>n communityof Jerusalem. On April 20, the 80thThe AGBU Antranig Dance Ensembleis celebrating its 40th anniversaryin 2009 <strong>and</strong>, to mark the milestoneyear, the group will present anew program during a special night<strong>Community</strong>worlds but were both descendantsof the survivors of the resistanceat Musa Ler. Richard Tedesco recountstheir story.See story on page 6mJerusalem <strong>Armenia</strong>n school turns 80, celebratesOnstage at Lincoln Center, AGBU Dance Ensemblewill mark 40 years this November<strong>Community</strong>Turkish proposal to form a bilateralhistorians’ commission. Prof. Hovannisiancalled the proposal a dangeroustrap.See story on page 17manniversary for the establishmentof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Secondary Schoolof Sts. Tarkmanchatz was celebratedin Jerusalem with the attendance ofmore than 300 alumni, communitymembers, guests, <strong>and</strong> pilgrims.See story on page 14mof celebration at Lincoln Center forthe Performing Arts on Saturday,November 28.See story on page 7mYoung Professionals prepare for Tour to <strong>Armenia</strong>The Fund for <strong>Armenia</strong>n Relief (FAR)<strong>and</strong> the Zohrab Center in New YorkCity organized a reception <strong>and</strong> presentationabout FAR’s Young Professionals2009 Tour to <strong>Armenia</strong>on Thursday, April 23. The eveningserved as a reunion for alumni ofthe program as well as an opportunityto inform prospective participantsabout the tour to <strong>Armenia</strong>.See story on page 12mIn Times Square, <strong>Armenia</strong>nsremember the Genocideby Taleen BabayanNEW YORK – An unprecedentednumber of <strong>Armenia</strong>n-Americansconverged in Times Square on April26 to commemorate the 94th anniversaryof the <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide.Under a bright sky, the enthusiasticaudience listened attentively to anassemblage of prominent speakersurging them to carry on the fightfor <strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide recognition.The gathering was being heldfor the 24th consecutive year.“We will continue to light thetorch of truth until Turkey recognizesthe Genocide,” proclaimedthe senior Democratic senatorfrom New York, Chuck Schumer.He was one of several elected officialswho protested Turkey’s denialof responsibility for the <strong>Armenia</strong>nmassacres <strong>and</strong> expressed solidaritywith the <strong>Armenia</strong>n-American community.While <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Turkey jointlyheld out the prospect that Turkeymay one day open the border with<strong>Armenia</strong>, which it closed 16 yearsago in an act of overt hostility, <strong>and</strong>agree to establish diplomatic relations,<strong>Armenia</strong>n-Americans gathered<strong>and</strong> confirmed their solemncommitment to the memory of theIn Southern California, <strong>Armenia</strong>nsgather to commemorate the GenocideMONTEBELLO, Calif. – On April24, a rally was held at the <strong>Armenia</strong>nMartyrs Monument in Montebello.A joint celebration of the DivineLiturgy with the participation ofthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Apostolic, Catholic,<strong>and</strong> Evangelical Churches was heldin the vicinity of the monument.Thous<strong>and</strong>s of faithful, communityleaders <strong>and</strong> the consul generalof the Republic of <strong>Armenia</strong> in LosAngeles were joined by elected officialsfrom various cities in theregion, the state of California, <strong>and</strong>the U.S. Congress to commemoratethe 94th anniversary of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide. The gathering wasorganized by the <strong>Armenia</strong>n GenocideUnited Commemoration Committee.Archbishop Hovnan Derderian,Primate, delivered the sermon whileArchbishop Moushegh Mardirossiancelebrated the Divine Liturgy,assisted by clergy from <strong>Armenia</strong>nApostolic, Catholic <strong>and</strong> EvangelicalChurches.After opening remarks emceeArdashes Kassakhian, whois Glendale’s city clerk, invitedspeakers to offer comments onthe occasion. Los Angeles mayorAntonio Villaraigosa, Los Angelescity controller <strong>and</strong> Councilmember Wendy Gruel, Rep.Adam Schiff, state Sen. CarolLiu, state Assembly member PaulKrekorian, <strong>and</strong> Consul GeneralGrigor Hovhannissian wereamong the guests <strong>and</strong> speakersat the commemorative event inMontebello.Archbishop Derderian began hissermon with the following wordsfrom the American prophet Rev. Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. “I just dovictims of the first genocide of the20th century.Rep. Pallone speaksThis unique event, held in the heartof Manhattan, serves as a publicforum for U.S. elected officials <strong>and</strong>leaders to call for justice for thevictims of the Genocide, which wascarried out by Ottoman Turkey.An agbu aya scout at his post next to the monument at Bicknell Park.Homenetmen Scouts also assisted in scouting duties for the commemoration.Photo: Nora Yacoubian.God’s will.... I have seen the PromisedL<strong>and</strong>. I may not get there withyou. But I want you to know tonightthat we as a people will get tothe Promised L<strong>and</strong>.”“We will continueto light thetorch of truthuntil Turkeyrecognizesthe Genocide,”Senator ChuckSchumer(D.-NY) toldparticipants inthe Times Squarecommemorationof the <strong>Armenia</strong>nGenocide. Photo:Taleen Babayan.Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D.-N.J.), co-chair of the House <strong>Armenia</strong>nCaucus, said it was importantfor everyone to be involvedin Genocide recognition <strong>and</strong> to doeverything to bring the Republicsof <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Nagorno-Karabakhcloser to the United States.Continued on page 15 mThe Primate, characterizing the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide as a new beginningfor <strong>Armenia</strong>ns, said, “To-Continued on page 7

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