National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

National, International, Armenia, and Community News and Opinion

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12 The <strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporter | May 2, 2009<strong>Community</strong>Young Professionals prepare for Tour to <strong>Armenia</strong>NEW YORK – The Fund for <strong>Armenia</strong>nRelief (far) <strong>and</strong> the ZohrabCenter in New York City organizeda reception <strong>and</strong> presentation aboutfar’s Young Professionals 2009Tour to <strong>Armenia</strong> on Thursday, April23. The evening served as a reunionfor alumni of the program as wellas an opportunity to inform prospectiveparticipants about thetour to <strong>Armenia</strong>.The two-week trip, which is opento young professionals between theages of 23 <strong>and</strong> 40, will take placefrom June 8 to June 22, 2009. Duringtheir time in <strong>Armenia</strong>, participantswill visit historic sites such asHoly Etchmiadzin, Noravank monastery<strong>and</strong> the Genocide Memorial.They will also meet with religious<strong>and</strong> government leaders, includingHis Holiness Catholicos Karekin II<strong>and</strong> the new Minister of Diaspora,Hranoush Hakobyan.Young Professional (YP) AlumnaNatalie Gabrelian made a powerpointpresentation about her tripto <strong>Armenia</strong> with far in 2007. Formerparticipants shared their reflectionsof the trip as well. ArtoVorperian, Projects Director, wasalso on h<strong>and</strong> to answer any questionsor concerns that prospectiveparticipants had.far Executive Director GarnikNanagoulian thanked everyonefor attending <strong>and</strong> gave a brief descriptionabout far <strong>and</strong> the programsit supports in <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong>Nagorno Karabakh. The organization,which was established afterthe 1988 earthquake in <strong>Armenia</strong>,has contributed to projects <strong>and</strong>programs throughout <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong>Karabakh.“We give hope <strong>and</strong> opportunityto underprivileged people in far,remote corners of <strong>Armenia</strong>,” saidNanagoulian. “We’re trying to doour best to help people who are underprivileged,who don’t have thathope or opportunity.”Traveling to <strong>Armenia</strong> was a lifelongdesire Gabrelian. That dreamwas realized during her far trip in2007 of which she has many memorableexperiences. She provided picturesfrom her trip to the homel<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> talked about her experience in<strong>Armenia</strong> with the Young Professionalstour. Gabrelian spoke about theplaces they visited in detail, includingKhor Virab, Noravank, <strong>and</strong> NagornoKarabakh, among many otherplaces. She also gave tips to futureparticipants in a light-hearted manner,telling them to bring comfortablewalking shoes. “It was truly hardto say goodbye to good food, goodfun <strong>and</strong> good friends,” said Gabrielianconcluding her presentation.A Young Professionals alumnusfrom 2001, Rafi Hovsepian alsodescribed his experience, notingthe unique experience he had inthe countryside of Yerevan. “Theyhave a traditional <strong>Armenia</strong>n warmness,kindness <strong>and</strong> hospitality,” saidHovsepian. “When we visited thevillages in the countryside, peopledid not see us as tourists, but <strong>Armenia</strong>nsfrom other parts of the worldwho came to visit <strong>Armenia</strong> becausewe did not forget about them.”“This trip is not to show you thebest of <strong>Armenia</strong> or only what wewant you to see. We each have ourown <strong>Armenia</strong>. This is an eye-openingtrip that lets you discover or rediscover<strong>Armenia</strong>,” said Nanagoulian. 100 Years of Jamanak to be celebrated in New York, May 16-17NEW YORK – Jamanak newspaper,the oldest daily in Istanbul <strong>and</strong>the brainchild of three generationsof an <strong>Armenia</strong>n family, celebratesits 100th anniversary this year. Tohonor this significant milestone,the Krikor <strong>and</strong> Clara Zohrab InformationCenter of the Diocese ofthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n Church of America(Eastern) has organized a two-daycelebration.Diocesan Primate ArchbishopKhajag Barsamian will presideover the gatherings.Several <strong>Armenia</strong>n organizationswill be taking part in the two day observanceof the centennial includingthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n General BenevolentUnion (agbu); <strong>Armenia</strong>n-AmericanSupport <strong>and</strong> Educational Center,Inc.; Constantinople <strong>Armenia</strong>n ReliefSociety (C.A.R.S.); Essayan-GetronaganAlumni, Inc.; Forest Hills<strong>Armenia</strong>n Cultural Center; Knights<strong>and</strong> Daughters of Vartan; TekeyanCultural Association, Inc., <strong>and</strong> TibrevankAlumni, Inc.Jamanak’s achievement of a centuryof publication has significancenot only for the <strong>Armenia</strong>ns of Turkey,but for <strong>Armenia</strong>n communities<strong>and</strong> minority populations across theIstanbul’s Jamanak turned 100.world. So vital is Jamanak’s st<strong>and</strong>ingin its country of origin that10 years ago, to mark the paper’s90th anniversary, former Turkishpresident Demirel paid homage toJamanak editor Ara Kocunyan, amove that surprised many <strong>Armenia</strong>ns<strong>and</strong> Turks at the time.Mr. Kocunyan will be presentfor the centennial celebration inNew York, which will include paneldiscussions as well as a special luncheon.On Saturday, May 16, a symposiumtitled “The <strong>Armenia</strong>n <strong>Community</strong>of Istanbul: Perspectives onPast <strong>and</strong> Present,” will feature academics<strong>and</strong> scholars who will discussthe <strong>Armenia</strong>n community inIstanbul <strong>and</strong> its present situation.The Saturday program – gearedtowards people who may be less familiarwith Jamanak’s history <strong>and</strong>significance – will be divided intotwo sessions, with a complimentarylunch break in between. Partone will take place from 10:30 A.M.to 12:30 p.m.; a second panel discussionwill last from 1:30 P.M. to3:30 P.M.Panelists will include SahanArzruni, musicologist; MarleneBreu, Western Michigan University;Bedross Der Matossian, mit;Lerna Ekmekcioglu, nyu; MelissaBilal, University of Chicago;Ege Edener, nscd; Ayda Erbal,nyu; <strong>and</strong> Louis Fishman, BrooklynCollege. The program will be inEnglish <strong>and</strong> is free <strong>and</strong> open to thepublic. The panel will take place inG-Hall of the Diocesan Complex.“Jamanak represents one of themost important newspapers in theOttoman Empire. It was born in1908 after the Young Turk revolution<strong>and</strong> it did play a key role in internal<strong>Armenia</strong>n politics. The levelof the articles, editorials, <strong>and</strong> thepolitical analysis demonstrate thesophisticated genre of journalismthat existed in Istanbul <strong>and</strong> whichwas an ultimate reflection of theexisting intellectual echelon of <strong>Armenia</strong>nsociety there,” panelist DerMatossian explained.A celebratory luncheon in honorof Ara Kocunyan will take place onSunday, May 17 at 1:00 P.M. in Haik<strong>and</strong> Alice Kavookjian Auditorium atthe Diocesan Center. The keynotespeaker of the afternoon will be SimonBalian, with Hagop Vartivarianserving as Master of Ceremonies.The cultural portion of theprogram will include performancesby master pianist Sahan Arzruni<strong>and</strong> soprano Maro Partamian, aswell as poem recitations.“I am honored to be part of theorganizing committee for thisexciting two-day event <strong>and</strong> amgrateful for the enthusiastic participationwe have seen from sucha broad spectrum of individuals<strong>and</strong> organizations. This truly is atestament to the important legacyof a great newspaper,” said RachelGoshgarian, Director of theZohrab Center.The Jamanak 100th anniversaryweekend will take place on Saturday<strong>and</strong> Sunday, May 16 <strong>and</strong> 17,at the Diocese of the <strong>Armenia</strong>nChurch of America (Eastern), locatedat 630 Second Avenue (corner of34th Street) in New York City. Saturday’spanel will be free <strong>and</strong> opento the public. Sunday’s celebratoryluncheon is $40. For more information,please contact the Diocese at(212) 686-0710. Richard <strong>and</strong> Harold Hagopian, <strong>Armenia</strong>n folk music masters,will headline Festival of Nations in St. PaulSAINT PAUL, Minn. – Oud legendRichard Hagopian, accompaniedby his son Harold Hagopian,will be the featured performersat the Festival of Nations, the <strong>Armenia</strong>nCultural Organization ofMinnesota has announced. Performanceswill take place in the River-Centre in downtown St. Paul, May1 at 6:30 <strong>and</strong> 8:30 p.m., <strong>and</strong> May 2at 7:00 <strong>and</strong> 9:00 p.m. ACOM willhost a community potluck brunchfor the Hagopian family on May2 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. atSt. Sahag <strong>Armenia</strong>n Church. 203 N.Howell St., St. Paul.Richard Hagopian was born inCalifornia after his parents fled the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Genocide of 1915, settlingnear Fresno, which became the largest<strong>Armenia</strong>n community outsidethe newly formed Soviet <strong>Armenia</strong>nRepublic. He studied classical artmusic with the renowned musicianKanuni Garbis Bakirgian. For fourdecades, he was among the mostimportant collectors of <strong>Armenia</strong>nmusic. In the 1960s, Mr. Hagopianformed the Kef Time B<strong>and</strong> withBuddy Sarkissian <strong>and</strong> Khachig Kazarian.He was honored with a Meetthe Composer Grant from NY, withthe prestigious <strong>National</strong> HeritageFellowship by the <strong>National</strong> Endowmentfor the Arts, <strong>and</strong> has madetwo major recordings of traditional<strong>Armenia</strong>n music for SmithsonianFolkways; he has also performedin major venues across the USA, aswell as in <strong>Armenia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Turkey.Harold Hagopian played the <strong>Armenia</strong>ndrum with his father atage 5, then took up the violin <strong>and</strong>won the Cordellia Lee Scholarshipto pursue violin studies at the JuilliardSchool, graduating in 1989.His own record company, TraditionalCrossroads, has issued morethan a hundred releases from allover the world, working with musicallegends such as Djivan Gasparyan,the Shoghaken Ensemble <strong>and</strong>many others.Established in 1932 by the <strong>International</strong>Institute of Minnesota,the Festival of Nations bringsAmericans of all backgrounds together- native <strong>and</strong> naturalizedcitizens alike - to share the tieswith the past <strong>and</strong> take pride inthe richness of diverse cultures inthe Minnesota community. At the2009 Festival of Nations, 90 differentethnic groups from around theworld will share their foods, crafts<strong>and</strong> traditions that form the mosaicof American culture. The Minnesota<strong>Armenia</strong>n community is afounding participant of the Festivalof Nations, one of the nation’slargest <strong>and</strong> longest-running multiculturalevents.connect:festivalofnations.comtraditionalcrossroads.comRichard Hagopian. Oh yeah, we canhelp you sell itClassifieds with the<strong>Armenia</strong>n Reporterclassifieds@reporter.am818-955-8407

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