tcdla.com - Voice For The Defense Online

tcdla.com - Voice For The Defense Online

tcdla.com - Voice For The Defense Online

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Join TCDLA Join TCDLA Join TCDLA<strong>tcdla</strong>.<strong>com</strong>When yoo you join Te TCDLA, you be<strong>com</strong>e a part of a long historyof providing outstanding 5ervices services and assistance to criminalldefense lawyers la\l'll}'ers across acrooz the great state ofTe%31S. Texas.Join tOOay today and take advantage of numerous nuf'i"IeI"oos member benefits.Endorse a colleague or friend-encoorage friend—encourage otner.; others to be<strong>com</strong>e amember of TCDLA. Te DlA..Member Benefitsg <strong>Voice</strong> \tbice fur for the <strong>Defense</strong> Magazine hiagazineA A subscription rubscriptioo to the tile ONLY statewide magazinewritten specifically s()&Cifically for defense lawyers, published publiiShed 10times a year.g Membership ~rsh i p DirectoryA A listing of all TeDLA TCDLA members. Updated and reprintedri rrtedannually.g Te TCDLA DiscountsReceive significant discounts on CLE seminars and TCDLA TCDu\publications. publicatiOO$.g Vendor' Discounts Discounl:SReceive discounts on various goodz goods and services $ervice5 providedby numerous vendors, vendors.g Strike <strong>For</strong>ceStrike <strong>For</strong>ce assistance which <strong>com</strong>es corne; to the aid of lawyers la~in need.g Listserve ListsenJe AccessAccess to TCDLA I.Jl\, listserve, where you can exchange legalinformation and resources re;ources with other TCDLA TCDl...A members. ~ .g Website—Members Website-Members Only SectionAccess AcCE!s:; to the “members "'member.s emlyN only” section of the website,which includes ude; information iriformatioo on experts, summaries ofcases from the state stare SInd and federal COO courts, ri:5, and more.g Experts Ex~Extensive list li5i: of experts eX~ rI:$ for all 'type5 types of criminal cares. cases.g ResourcesExpansive library of research reM:!arch papers papern from renownedcriminal defense lawyers.g LegislatureOpportunities to be involved in the legislative effort. effi::rt.Resources for Texas Capital Litigators Capital Litigation UpdateU pda~ePublished 10 times a year with a “Motion NMotion of the Month” Nkmth"enclosed. Capital Resource Resoon::e Listserve UsiM!rveAccess to a listserve Ii~rve consisting of Texas-only Tex:as-on lawyers,investigators, inve5i:igators, and mitigation §FECialisl:!!; specialists woo who practice inthe capital arena. Motions hiotions Bank and ClaimsAccess Acres!; to a capital-specific motions moI:iorn; bank arid and habeas haOea!icorpus claims -fof for Sialte state and federal practice. Experts DatabaseAccess to a database of experts in irJ a wide area ofexpertise. CLE Opportunite;OpportunitesComprehensive substantive SlJooialni:ive cootinuing continuing legal education. Locating AssistanceAssistance locating capital qualified investigators andmitigation specialists. specialism.jn TCuL IMembership ApplicationTo join TCDLA you must be a member membar in pd good standing ~tooding of the State Slaw Bar ofTexas T_ engaged engagEd in the defense defen!le of criminal cases CUES (except (!eJ:W!!pt law sWd:Eoo students or affiliateapplicants). awlicam:l). An applicaJ1t applicant must mtI§t he be endorsed endorwd I:Pj by a TCDLA member. Membml Members ofthe j~diciary judiciary (except honorary members) l'm1rTJbJ.1ro) and those t!OOre regularly K1gt11larly employed in aprosecutorial pl'O!OCutorial office are a!N:l not eligible.Your memlM!t$hip membership will go into effect upon !,llpon approval rJ of application and receiptof annual membership memoorohip 00s. dues. Please Pleare allow a~low 6 to 8 e weeks week:; for confirmation coofirmation andcertificate. g Mr. g Ms. hk. g] Mn. Mrs._______________________________________First Fil'it Name Last Ltit Name Middle Initial__________________________________________________________________Law Firm__________________________________________________________________Mailing Adrlre$s Address__________________________________________________________________CityState Zip__________________________________________________________________TelephoneFax__________________________________________________________________EmailCrnmty County__________________________________________________________________Bar card Card Number NUMber__________________________________________________________________Date of Birth__________________________________________________________________Name Narrm of other local criminal bar association amxiaDJn or section rectionNominating Endorsement (must be <strong>com</strong>pleted)N. As a curreaJt current Il1I2moor member ofTCDLA. TCDLA, I believe bElieve this applicant to be a pErron person ofprofessional profei5iool1l1 <strong>com</strong>petency, <strong>com</strong>petmcy, integrity, inWgD'ity, and good moral charactlar. character._________________________________________Signature of Endorser EndMel' (must be 00 current member)______________________________________________________________________Printed Prinred Name ai of Endorser Endorrer (mus\: (must be current rurrem: lMmoor) member)Membership Category (please check one) IJ First-Time First-lime Member- — $75 per year IJ Renewing ReUlewing Membarohip Membership -— $150 per par yeillr year g Voluntary Suztlaoning Sustaining Member -— $300 per year IJ Sustaining §U$li!ining Member MEmbEr -— $200 per year IJ Affiliate Member (E;qlIlJ!rt:Ii (Experts or Legal Leplllzsi$l).arn) Assistant) -— $50 per year g Public PUblic Defender Dafundar -— $50 pElr per year IJ Investigator In'lll5tigaror -— $50 pEr}'Ellr per year IJ Law LOIW Student -— $20 per yearPayment Method (please check one) IJCheck ooclosoo enclosed (payable (payoble to TCDW TCDLA) g Vi" Visa g] Mtitercard Mastercard g] American Express O:preii5 g Discover DiocQOlS1l'__________________________________________________________________Credit CMlit card Card Number N:umberExpiration Date Dare__________________________________________________________________Name NlIma on Card CiIID'dSignatureMail h'lffiil <strong>com</strong>pleted ©IDJlIj~lfIlm ffiMm form and _ payment ~ !@ toTexas T~ Criminal <strong>Defense</strong> Deflmre Lawyers l..awyllrs MrociaOOn Association (TCDLA) rrCDl..A)1717 W. 6th 5t., St., Ste. SW. 315 • 0 M.I~tin, Austin, Texa:; Texas 78703Fax friMw to (if paying ~ItrtO'lWii:J by credit card): ~) ; 512-469-9107TAX NOTICE $36 of your annual dues drl.llE!iii ($19 if a Student Siludan'l. Member) MEmlrer) is for a one-yearsubscription $ubscription to the <strong>Voice</strong> \t!ice for the rile <strong>Defense</strong>. Dues to TCDUI. TCDLA are iU(! not dr!ductible deductible asa charitable chalritable contribution coolribullion but may be deducted di:docred a~ as an aln ordinal['( ordinary business ooloneu rezpenfa. expense.<strong>The</strong> non-deductible portion of regular regulillD' and initial inrual membership memlbenihip dues dQJIe!!i is $39 inaccordance alCCOrdaOO2 with IRC IPC soc sec 6033.Join TCDLA Today!

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