Syllabus - Mrs. Holliman's Opus-9th Grade Lit/Comp

Syllabus - Mrs. Holliman's Opus-9th Grade Lit/Comp

Syllabus - Mrs. Holliman's Opus-9th Grade Lit/Comp

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FULTON COUNTY GRADING SCALEA = 90 and aboveB = 80 – 89C = 70 – 79F = 69 and below*** Please note that Fulton County does not acknowledge the use of Ds in their grading scale.Make-up WorkIt is each student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to absenteeism. Students are allowed the same number ofdays to complete the make-up work, as he or she is absent. For example, a student absent for two days has twodays to complete the make-up work. Students with unexcused absences can make up the work within the same timelines,but will receive a grade of no higher than 70. Refer to student handbook for a list of excused absences.Late workStudents should make every effort to pass work in on time. Late essays, projects, or homework are unacceptable. For each dayan assignment is late, the grade will drop 10%. For example, if an assignment is due on Monday, it is worth 100% (full credit).If it is turned in on Tuesday, the highest possible grade will be 90%, and so on.Major Assignments: Throughout the year, students will receive a minimum of 6 assignments that they will have 4-6weeks to complete. THESE ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE.RecoveryAny student with an average of 70 or below by two weeks before the end of the 6 or 12 week grading period may be eligible for a recoveryplan designed to provide an additional opportunity for mastery of the course objectives. It is the student’s responsibility to request arecovery plan from the instructor. The components of recovery are listed below:1. All assigned work must be completed in order for a student to be eligible for recovery (i.e. no zeros in the grade book).2. Students should make an appointment to request recovery by completing and submitting a “Request for Recovery” form to the teacherwithin three days of learning of the 70 or below grade.3. The nature of the recovery assignment is to be determined by the teacher and may consist of a test, research project, report, etc. designed toshow the student’s mastery of the course objectives.4. The highest grade that can be earned on the recovery assignment is a 70. This grade will be used to replace the lowest test grade thestudent has earned to date.5. Recovery work must be completed in the time period designated by the teacher.6. No recovery assignments will be made during the last two weeks of the semester.Homework: You must have your homework to me BY THE ASSIGNED DATE AND TIME (NOT in your locker or athome or in a car) in order to receive an “on time” grade.Cheating and Plagiarism PolicyHONOR CODEThe Westlake High School Honor Code is in effect at all times. Cheating will not be tolerated!Cheating is defined as giving or receiving information in any form that is related to a gradable experience including the use ofsources of information other than those specifically approved by the teacher either during or outside of class. Students arerequired to sign honor pledges as applicable for major tests, projects, and/or papers.Examples of Cheating include, but are not limited to:Plagiarism – using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation; using the work ofanother student (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition, or project); using excessive editingsuggestions of another student, teacher, parent or paid editor.Looking on someone else’s paper during a test or quiz.Cheat sheets of any kind.Knowingly accepting or giving information concerning the contents of a test or quiz.Changing the appearance of computer printouts.Allowing another student to complete WebAssign or other web-based activities using your name and logininformation.Students guilty of cheating will receive a grade of “0” on the assignment or test. The assignment may not be made up(students having zeros are not eligible for recovery). Violations may be considered by faculty in making future

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