1st February 2009 - The Scindia School

1st February 2009 - The Scindia School

1st February 2009 - The Scindia School

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pg 03Every day is a new beginning. Each ray of lightbrings with it a new life and promise of variouslovely things.As infants we are so vulnerable. We depend onour parents for everything, we are whining,puking in our mother’s arm who takes the bestpossible care of us. With not a single care inthe world we remain happy and naive. Even asyoung children we have our parents constantlyby our side. <strong>The</strong>y guide us at every stepensuring that we adhere to the path ofrighteousness and honesty and stay away fromvices. However this blissful state is not eternal.We move on in life and finally a day comeswhen we have to leave mamma’s apron stringsand step out into the world.This is a real testing time for all of us as we areno longer sheltered in a cocoon. We are nowa part of this big bad world. It is now that wehave to take an oath that we would abide by allIn a materialistic world like this, friends arehard to find, let alone ‘true’ friends. Friendshipcannot be measured in material terms, it cannotbe bought or sold. Instead friendship has tobe earned. It is an unbreakable bond. Imaginea world without friends. Anybody wouldsuffocate to death. It is well said- ‘A friend inneed is a friend indeed’. You will find friendswhen you have money and intelligence, butwhen life turns you down, so do friends. <strong>The</strong>yturn their backs on you. It is then that we tendto realize and recognize who really are ourWhen there is a toss,God is the boss.When Sehwag hits a six,<strong>The</strong>re is a bit of risk.When Sachin comes to bat,All fielders run like a rat.When Dhoni hits a four,Crowds says-“one, two, three, four we wantmany more”When Bhaji spins the ball,<strong>The</strong> ball confuses one and all.When Pathan is going to ball,<strong>The</strong> wickets are sure to fallWhen Kaif and Yuvi take a catch,We are sure to win a match.<strong>The</strong> first T20 World Cup we have won,In which Dhoni shone like the sun.Jaskaran Singh Bakshi, VII AAngel vs. BeastTrue FriendshipMen In Bluethose values which our parents strived to instillin us. We have to decide whether we wish to bean asset or a nuisance, ruthless and offensiveor kind and sensitive. All of us have an angel aswell as a beast within us. It is for us to decidewhich out of the two we choose and will allowto flourish. <strong>The</strong> beast undoubtedly can be veryoverpowering but it is not invincible. Withstrength of character, strong will power anddetermination we can completely crush it.<strong>The</strong>re have been so many people who havededicated their life to a noble cause or for thebetterment of humanity. We should seekinspiration from their life and try to emulatethem. Money, friends and relations are all shortlived. <strong>The</strong> only thing that endures is the namethat we earn for ourselves and the legacy thatwe leave behind.It is for us to decide the direction of our lifewhether we want to blossom like the lotus inthe midst of mud or mix with it and perish.Sahaj Chawla, VIII Btrue friends. People, who befriend us not fortheir own gain but simply for the joys ofcompanionship can be called true friends.<strong>The</strong>re are some who claim to be our friendsbut can not really be trusted. <strong>The</strong>y deceive us,speak ill of us behind our backs, but in frontof us, they flatter and praise us. Such insincerepeople should be avoided and are a blot in thename of friendship. True friendship is to carefor your friend and to love him from the coreof one’s heart.Akash Kumar, XI CQuizFeb. 1, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 905THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’091. In which card game does James Bond takeon “le chiffre” in the movie Casino Royale(2006)?2. Which movie is the directorial debut of AdityaChopra?3. In the movie “Da Vinci Code” who has playedthe role of Robert Langdon?4. In which movie did Cameron Diaz make herdebut?5. Name any Hollywood war movie which haswon an Oscar for cinematography andscreenplay?6. On which novel is the movie SlumdogMillionaire based?7. Who is the actor of the Famous “AceVentura” Movie series?8. Who is the director of the movie‘Dasvidanya’?9. In which movie did Aishwarya Rai makeher Hollywood Debut?10. In the Spiderman Series who played therole of Mary Jane Watson?<strong>The</strong> answers will come in the next issue.Prithvi Khanna, XI CAnswers to Quiz of 15th January1. Delhi, 2. Bullfighting,3. India, 4. Scotland,5. England, 6. Dhyan Chand,7. Wilson Jones, 8. England and Australia,9. Ju-Jitsu 10. MerdekaEditor’s note :Please submit your answers to Prithvi Khannaat the earliest. <strong>The</strong> first all-correct entry willwin a chocolate.OPINION POLLDo you think Seniority hasreduced after the release of‘Code of Conduct’ ?56%No11%Can’tSay 33%YesNumber of students who voted : 61QUOTE“I cannot teach you violence, as I do notmyself believe in it. I can only teach younot to bow your heads before any one evenat the cost of your life.”-- Mahatma GandhiFORT NEWSII Karan Khanna andVivek ShakyaCartoon Making 1Senior Group :I Khagemba OkramIIIIIJivitesh MazumdarRamith Jeev Sahni andShivraj BhuyanMiddle Group :I Anish GarodiaCartoon Making 2Senior Group :I Ramith Jeev Sahani andRubal AmritII Shivam MehanMiddle Group :I Vaibhav Singh Kirar and Tuhin PandeyII Raghav Ramraika and Yugam BhimsariaIII Kanav BurmanJunior Group :I Harshiv MalikII Alok SaxenaIII Aditya Chhaparwal andRaman OkramWebsite DesigningSenior Group :I Vikram Bengani andMayank KaseraII Yuvraj GuptaMiddle Group :I Aakash Surana andKartikeya BhargavaII Umang Kedia andSiddhant JhunjhunwalaIII Naman MittalJunior Group :I Mudit Gupta and Aditya SharmaII Kanishk MahipDigital PhotoJunior Group :I Gaurang AgarwalII Rohan Khandelwal andAnirudh SindhkarIII Tushar GargResults of <strong>Scindia</strong> Biology Olympiad :I Rahul KamraII Sumon Saurabh Brahmaand Palash BhargavaKushagra Nagpal was selected for the I.P.S.E.team (under 19) and participated in the 54thNational <strong>School</strong> Games held at Kurnoor. Hehas been awarded a participation certificate.Angraaj P Choudhary was selected for theIPSC football team (under-19). Heparticipated in the <strong>School</strong> National Gamesheld at Port Blair.Prateek Bhalotia participated in the“Astronomy Quiz” organized by “AmritSmriti”. He qualified the first and the secondlevel examinations and stood 13th in the statelevel. He will be visiting the PanchmariObservatory in the month of April.

Feb. 1, <strong>2009</strong> | Number : 905THE SCINDIA SCHOOL REVIEW ’09 pg 04Astachal<strong>Scindia</strong> 111(an extract)…….the <strong>Scindia</strong> 111 was a dream event. Iwas most sincerely touched by each andeverything.My wife Mukta and I were tremendouslyimpressed by <strong>Scindia</strong> 111. What wascommendable were the following:1. CMD concept – care for minor details− People were there to receive andgreet you at the hotel.− Transport to the Fort and backwas organized<strong>The</strong> most befitting place to reflect on oneselfafter a day full of action. Meditating andreflecting after a hectic day has a soothing effecton the minds of young boys and helps to bringcontentment and inner peace.<strong>The</strong> Astachal’s magnetic charm is one of themany things which attracts the alumni to theschool. This is an unforgettable scene in theminds of all <strong>Scindia</strong>ns present and past.It is indeed laudable that we at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong><strong>School</strong> are able to maintain legacy and areequally convinced of it merits. When the kurtapyjamaclad students come and sit in theAstachal, they are not merely carrying out aroutine but are also attempting to know theirownselves by observing silence while watchingsuryaast.I feel it is one of the most awe inspiring placesin the <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong> and the view of the sunsetis new each time I visit astachal. It appears asif a painter has painted a magnificent orangesphere as it seeps below the horizon eachevening only to bring a new morning at the<strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>. We are really fortunate thatnature very graciously blesses us with such abeautiful view every evening.Mrs Supreet BakshiEven today every evening I miss the beautifulsunsets at Astachal. It was such a lovely sight.Samar Shah, Ex Ja, batch of 1961Astachal with the sea-of-whites and theorange-amber hued horizon is my mostabiding memory of the <strong>School</strong>.Donald Francis, batch of 1983<strong>The</strong> meditation in the astachal in the eveningwas so calming. It laid the foundation for mypresent understanding of God.Murari Gupta, Ex Sh, batch of 1992Astachal is and will always remain an integralpart of my entire school experience. Though Igo there daily yet each day it has somethingnew to offer. When I sit there with my eyes closedI feel a certain tranquility within me.Anish Garodia, VIII DAstachal is important after the whole day’swork. However I feel that there should be noroll call and inspection before it. It should notbe compulsory. Students should go forastachal by choice and not because they’vebeen asked to.Ayush Vaishya, VIII CIt is a great place. Seeing the sunset from theastachal is a brilliant way to end our day.Just being there brings peace to my mind andsoul. I feel relaxed and refreshed after goingthere. <strong>The</strong> blue sky, the setting sun, the chirpingbirds and the rustling of the leaves make usfeel one with nature. We also get a beautifulview of the city from there.Kartikeya K. Bhargava, IX AWe assemble at the astachal to get connectedwith the divine and think about the happymoments of the day. This is very important forthe peace of mind.Ishan Pachauri, XI DGoing to the Astachal is a very fulfillingexperience for me. While sitting there I cansense positive vibes. <strong>The</strong> two minutes of silencethat I observe there relaxes me. I feel rechargedand confident to take on the remaining daywith renewed enthusiasm.Nimish Pahuja, VIII AAstachal allows us some moments of solitudewhen we can connect with ourselves. After abusy or at times frenzied day it is here that weget the time to think of God, our family andloved ones. <strong>The</strong> beautiful view of the sunsetthat we get from there makes the place lookheavenly.Anubhav Sarkar, VIII CI’m sure Astachal is sacred not only to mebut to all <strong>Scindia</strong>ns. This is the time when wecan pray to God and thank him for all the nicethings we did in the course of the day. Manytimes during Astachal I express my wishes toGod and know that they’ll be fulfilled. I feelvery upset when I see some students behavingin a casual and non serious manner over there.I wish they realize the significance ofAstachal.Akshat Vaishya, VI BEvery time when I see the sunset at AstachalI feel I’m one with God. In the Junior <strong>School</strong>many times the setting sun is not clearly visible.I wish the place for Astachal could be changedso that we get a better view of the sun.Manu Prakash Gupta, VI BOur day begins at 6:30 in the morning andends at about 10:30 in the night. We keepmoving from one activity to the other often at amaddening pace. In the middle of all this wemanage to snatch a few calm and peacefulmoments at the Astachal. It provides us themuch needed relaxation and soothes us.Karan Dev Chauhan, VIII A2. Excellent coordination and hospitalityextended by the Gwalior based <strong>Scindia</strong>ns.3. Extremely well planned events.4. Great support extended by the Principaland the <strong>School</strong> staff.5. Superb camaraderie displayed by all theOld <strong>Scindia</strong>ns irrespective of the batch.6. Mementos organized by SOBA and thenostalgic items made available by theschool.7. A preview of the Master Plan− <strong>The</strong> idea is exciting and totally laudable− <strong>The</strong> time and place for the presentation(Astachal) was incorrect8. <strong>The</strong> improvements that have been madeto our houses.All I can say is, I wish I had school goingsons. Yes, they would have studied at <strong>Scindia</strong>.I will now wait for the grand children to arrive.I take this opportunity to thank my friendsAnil and Niraj, but for their persistence Iwould have missed this great event.I am also very grateful to all the Office Bearersof SOBA for the excellent planning andexecution of the whole event.I sum up my feelings by saying – I am indeedproud to be a <strong>Scindia</strong>n and a SOBA member.When in Bangalore, please contact us to keepthe spirit of <strong>Scindia</strong> 111 alive.Loads of love to all.Published by : <strong>The</strong> Principal, <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Gwalior Plates by : Mr Dinesh SiriahStaff Editors : Ms Puja Pant, Dr B.S. Bhakuni, Ms Raksha Siriah Technical Support : Mr Jitendra JawaleEditor-in-Chief : Prithvi Khanna Printed by : Deepak Screen and Offset Printers (P) Ltd., GwaliorSenior Editors : Vaibhav Aggarwal, Nishant Rana, Tarang TripathiAsociate Editors : Rishabh Jain, Ujjaval Agarwal, Kartikeya Bhargava, Tuhin Pandey, URL : www.scindia.eduYashraj Nain, Shashank Singh, Swarn Sadana, Taha Khan OLD BOYS’ SITE : www.scindiaoldboys.comArt Editor : Ojasvi Singh <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> | WPP : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11Correspondents : Ronit Borpujari, Nimish Pahuja, Prateek Bhalotia, Feedback : review@scindia.eduAditya Sharma, Manas Pant, Sansrisht Bhatia Price : Re. 1If undelivered, please return to : <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scindia</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Fort, Gwalior - 474 008 (M.P.)Shiv and MuktaShivanand PrasadAddress:69, 3rd Cross515 ColonyHAL 3rd StageBangalore 560 075+91 98802 15615 (Shiv)+91 98450 24889 (Mukta)

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