1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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*m^^mf%«*3%;;'^*." * . • • • -'UiAPPY DELEGATES WITH TROPHIES RECEIVED AT AWARDS LUNCHEON: Bottom row (left to ^ht):rtTiUiam H. Mounger, Jr., Mississippi Alpha; WiUiam T. McGlathery, HI, Mississippi Alpha; Cliff Mowery, Texasrpsa^ Kenneth Greei, Washington Beta; BUI Vaughn, Arizona Beta; Bruce Bickner Indiana Zeta; WiUiam K.Waugh III, Kansas Alpha; Bernd Schulte, Montana Alpha; John W. Rick H, Missouri Gamma. Top row: Crawfordi. McGivaren, Tennessee Alpha; John Spem:er, <strong>No</strong>rth CaroUna Alpha; Larry V. Carlson Iowa Alpha; Larry Hehno^,[ndiana Epsilon; Tom Bertch, Iowa <strong>Delta</strong>; Louis G. TeUner, <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '16 (Los Angeles alumnus standing in[or absent undergraduate delegate); Douglas MUne, Temiessee Beta; Nick J. Dimitorff Ohio EpsUon; Mi^aelCarm^Kansas Alpha; vL Znet, Ontario Beta; Ronald B. Woodward, Washmgton DeUa; Robert MUnes, Quebec Alpha;and David B. Dickenson, Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>.Two past presidents of the Fraternity werejiven the privilege of making the scholarshipiwards (both for the academic year 1962-63,;he last year for which complete records areavailable). Dean Hoffman (Dickinson '02) presentedthe Barrett Herrick Scholarship Improvementtrophy to Arizona Beta, and O. J. Tallman(Lafayette '24) presented the George WardScholarship trophy to Kansas Alpha.President McKenzie awarded the three "bestchapters" awards. The Kansas City Trophy(for campuses having less than 1500 male students)was won by Washington Beta at WhitmanCollege. The Founders Trophy (for institutionshaving 1501 to 5250 males) was givento Mississippi Alpha. The Harvard Trophy (foruniversities having more than 5251 male students)was awarded to Texas Epsilon at TexasTech.Formal announcement was made of the"Gold Star" and "Silver Star" chapters as designatedon their chapter banners in the conventionhall. Gold Star outstanding chapters areArkansas Alpha, Iowa Gamma, Kansas Alpha,Mississippi Alpha, New York Zeta, <strong>No</strong>rthCarolina Beta, Tennessee Alpha, Texas Epsilon,Texas Zeta, Virginia Gamma, WashingtonAlpha, and Washington Beta; also, pending receiptof scholarship reports, California Gammaand Iowa Alpha.Silver stars indicating marked improvementdtiring the past year were given Arizona Beta,Colorado Beta, Kansas Beta, Kansas Gamma,Kentucky Alpha-<strong>Delta</strong>, Kentucky Epsilon, MassachusettsGamma, Missouri Alpha, MissouriGamma, Nebraska Alpha, Ohio Zeta, OklahomaAlpha, Pennsylvania <strong>Theta</strong>, Tennessee Gamma,Texas Beta, Texas <strong>Delta</strong>, Texas Eta, and Washington<strong>Delta</strong>. Manitoba Alpha and <strong>No</strong>va ScotiaAlpha were on the list subject to receipt of annual audits and Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>, Ontario Beta,and Texas Gamma were also on the SilverStar list pending receipt of complete scholarshipinformation.Convention ProceedingsTo Be A-^roWohXeA stenotype report of the 55th General Convention was made. It is now being typed andas soon as possible will be put in printed form for distribution to all general officer^'^^P"ters, and alumni dubs. A copy will be sent without charge to any <strong>Phi</strong> who requests it. WriteSe Executive Secretary, <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> Fraternity, Box 151, Oxford, Ohio if you would liketo have a copy of the Proceedings.

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