1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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CONVENTION V.LP.s (top to bottom): H. Lee Hansen,who did a great job of covering the Convention withhis camera, congratulates President Jack Shepman. Atthe Awards Lundieon the conversation was undoubtedlyconcerned with sports. as Tom Harmon and Dr. JohnDavis, Jr., ScroU expert, sat together. At the banquetHal Minnich, chairman of the Walter B. Fahner EndowmentFund Trustees, and P.P.G.C. Pete Stuart enjoytheir private joke, and at bottom, a couple of guyswith long convention ladders, P.P.G.Cs Emmett Jungeand Jake Tallman, have their little joke also, as P.P.G.C.George Housser Ustens in.beautifully stocked stores in the hotel arcadeattracted the attention of the ladies.Many ladies of the Los Angeles <strong>Phi</strong>s wereresponsible for seeing that the visiting ladieshad an enjoyable time in Pasadena, amongthem Mrs. Fred Hoar, Mrs. Stanley Brown,Mrs. Wesley Case, Mrs. William Handy, Mrs.Leonard Hurst, Mrs. J. S. Stoddard, and Mrs.Edward Williams.ConventionChucklesWhile the serious nature of a General Conventiondoes not lend itself to much comedyduring the business sessions, from time to timean unexpected remark will cause the conventionhall to become uproarious in laughter.For instance coming only a few daysafter the nationwide television of the DemocraticNational Convention , g when on theopening day the representative of the convention'sObjectives and Performance Committee,Brother William T. McGlathery III,delegate of Mississippi Alpha opened his reportby saying:"First of all, brothers, I want to thank themembers of the Credentials Committee forseating the Alabama and Mississippi delegations."or J . . the words of the Santa Barbara, Chancellor,Dr. Vernon Cheadle in his address ofwelcome when in listing some of California's"unusual virtues—or at least characteristics—and there are many, some of them glamorous,too," he added: "You will recall, for example,that the strapless bathing suit was designedright here in southern California."or , , .when the revered Canadian P.P.G.C,George Housser, took the microphone to protestthe president's announcement that "neverin modern times have as many as four chaptersbeen granted at a single convention bysuch a heavy vote." "In 1930," boasted BrotherHousser, "our convention took in AlbertaAlpha, British Columbia Alpha, Manitoba Alpha,<strong>No</strong>va Scotia Alpha, and Maryland Alpha."In justifying his original statement. Brother(Continued on page 94)

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