1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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NEW GENERAL COUNCIL is instaUed as final official act of the Conventionby soon-tp.retire President Sam <strong>Phi</strong>Uips McKenzie. Taking theoath of office behind him are Brothers Shepman, Brown, Smith, Biggers,and Young. At left. Jack Shepman speaks his first words as president."the function of this fraternity convention isto unfreeze otir frozen assets so that we may trulysay-'we enjoy life by the help and society ofothers'."With Chancellor Millett's challenge the biennialbanquet came to a close.One of the most popular acts of the IndianaEpsilon choir during the entire Conventioncame during the banquet. In addition to itsformal numbers, a surprise - serenade at thetables of Mrs. Frank Fawcett, recent bride ofthe Fraternity's assistant secretary, and the firstlady of *A9, Mrs. Sam <strong>Phi</strong>llips McKenzie,proved exceedingly popular with the delegatesand guests.Much of Saturday morning's final session,opened by an invocation by Mike Frost, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern'sdelegate, was devoted to a discussionof the proposed constitutional amendment topermit the General Council to authorize chaptersto initiate under stringent requirementsnon-fraternity men of the faculty or administrationor in the community of a chapterwhose help to the chapter over a period ofyears had been outstanding.This proposal provoked lively discussion.On the final vote it failed to receive the necessarythree-fourths vote.A proposal for some changes in the Fraternityritual submitted by an interim committeewas discussed, but it was voted to table theproposals and to refer the matter back for additionalstudy.At the Saturday morning session a standingvote of appreciation was given George K.Shaffer, Fraternity historian, for his contributionof new oil paintings of the Founderswhich were exhibited for the first time at thePasadena Convention.Just prior to the final acts of the Convention,the formal intallation of the new GeneralCouncil and the ritualistic closing, a thirtyminutesession of the PYX was held. This isthe traditional period when the undergraduatedelegates have complete dominion. Unless specificallyrequested to answer a question, noalumnus may utter a word during this sessionand there is no limit upon what subjects theundergraduates can discuss. Crawford S. Mc­Givaren, Vanderbilt delegate, was elected bythe undergraduates to preside over the PYXsession.About twenty-five undergraduates participatedin the PYX. Some of the comments werein a humorous vein; many were of a constructivenature. In bringing the session to aclose, Brother McGivaren expressed the appreciationof the delegates for all the workdone by the alumni to make the Conventionso successful.After completing all unfinished business."WE'RE GLAD IT'S OVER" were probably the mutualexclamations of retired President McKenzie and BUIWhitlow, hard-working chairman of the Committee onConstitution and General Statutes, immediately foUowingadjournment.

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