1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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UNDERGRADUATE PARTICIPATION in the Convention was excellent.Typical of the dozens of young delegates who spoke on the floorare the five pictured above (left to right): William McGlathery III, MississippiAlpha, who gave reports for the new Committee on Objectives andPerformances; Samuel Darden, Jr., Tennessee Gamma, who protested that |there was no star on the huge fraternity map to represent his new chapter,a protest which received backing from the delegates of other recentlyinstalled chapters; John Bruce, Ohio Beta, speaking in favor of ratifyingthe waiver clause; Deibert Frieze, Oklahoma Alpha, supporting the petitioning group from Mankato State; andCrawford S. McGiveran, Tennessee Alpha, who was elected chairman of the Session of the Pyx. He did an outstandingjob in conducting this exclusively undergraduate feature of the Convention.Legion in the presence of more than twentybrothers who had previously been inducted.They are Grosvenor McKee (Ohio '16), chairmanof the Educational Foundation, andGeorge K. Shaffer (Chicago '16), * A 9 historian.They were presented by Harold H. Hultgren(W & J '14), and Louis G. Tellner (<strong>No</strong>rthDakota '16), respectfully."Frozen Assets" was the subject of a stimulatingaddress by Dr. John D. Millett (DePauw'33), until recently president of Miami Universityand now Chancellor of the Board of Regentsof the State of Ohio. Always an activeand interested <strong>Phi</strong>, Dr. Millett has for manyyears served as a member of the importantSurvey Commission.Basing his remarks upon <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>'sopen motto, "We enjoy life by the help andsociety of others," Dr. Millett declared thatwe do not pay enough attention to this mottonor to our ritual and other Fraternity documents."These words ring because they werewritten in great language for <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>,IMPORTANT FEATURE of closing moments camewhen undergraduate delegates received their travel expensechecks from Assistant Secretary Frank Fawcett.like the other older fraternities grew out ofliterary societies."Discussing the words, "we enjoy life," Dr.Millett raised a question as to what we meanby enjoyment. Certainly we mean somethingmore than alcohol and sex. Declaring that"every chapter needs a working definition of"we enjoy life,' the educational leader suggestedthat such a definition should includethe joy of opportunity, the joy of learning, andthe joy of youth."The joy of learning which meant so muchto our Founders miist mean even more to ustoday," he said citing the difficulties of gainingadmission to our modern colleges aiiduniversities and added: "We cannot afford tothrow away that opportunity of learning onceit has been given us. There are no more'second chances'."Citing the joy of youth as something morethan a joy in mere indulgences, the banquetspeaker defined it as the "joy in the use ofgreat talent when we are fresh, new, andvigorous."And what do we mean by the 'help ofothers' in our open motto?" he asked.Declaring that he will be "eternally gratefulfor the help I had from others in my Fraternity,"the leader of higher education in Ohioasked, "what do we contribute by way of helpin our fraternity today? What is your chapterdoing to help others?"Every one must live in a social setting.Our obligations in college are substantial. Sooften, though, our society becomes a frozenasset."It is in a fraternal society that we can findanswers to the riddles of the world," BrotherMillett declared and, in closing stated that

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