1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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!iih«ii!!'^2.iSERENADES. Hanover Chorus as it sang "TeU Me WhyShe Wears His Pin" to Linda FaWcett, recent bride ofAssistant Secretary Frank Fawcett, at the banquet. Seatedwith the Fawcetts (at right) are Ted Maragos and Mrs.Robert J. (Jerri) MUler. Following the banquet, in hotelpatio the Chorus, holding lighted candles, serenadedwives of several general officers (below).•Ysession which after an invocation by the EastTexas Alumni Club delegate. Earl Huffior(Southwestern '12), was devoted chiefly to theimportant responsibility of voting upon peti*-tions for new chapters.Prior to the presentation of petitions forcharters, the Convention heard and adoptedthe final report of the Committee on Objectivesand Performance. It declared in part:"We would express our gratitude for theinternational brotherhood of *A9 and sayto you that the brotherhood we have lived andexperienced at this Convention has truly beeninternational in fact and in spirit."We are appreciative of the orderly procedureat the Convention."We are deeply grateful that we have ameans whereby chapters in Jeopardy throughno fault of their own may remain in ourFraternity. We cherish the hope and we expressthe conviction that this means providedwill not, in the slightest degree, tarnish thetraditional goal of our beloved Fraternity ofbuilding young men in collegiate institutionsupon the principles of Christianity for thegreater pilgrimage of life."Gerald H. Cummings (Michigan '42) madethe presentation address for Alpha <strong>Delta</strong> ofGeneral Motors Institute of Flint, Michigan.Brother Cummings has served as advisor tothis group of petitioners. Seconding addresseswere made by Verlin Jenkins, president of», •'»«. ••"VAN HEFLIN, Oklahoma '32,star of movies, stage, and television,was most popular figureat banquet table. During theevening he signed many autographs,as he did (at right) forExecutive Secretary Bob MiUerand P.P.G.C. Emmett Junge.Above, our devoted Conventionphotographer, H. Lee Hansen,reverses the order of severalhundred shots and gets into apicture himself.

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