1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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•OWERFUL TESTIMONY to the life-long attraction'hi <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> has in the Uves of its members is to>e seen in the presence at the Convention banquet ofIt least twenty happy Golden Legionnaires (picturedibove), men who have been <strong>Phi</strong>s for fifty or more'ears. This picture was taken foUowing induction intohe select circle of Brothers George K. Shaffer andJrosvenor S. McKeencluding the highly controversial membership:lause action upon which has already beenreported.Immediately following the morning session,delegates and guests met in the Viennese RoomEor the traditional Awards Luncheon, the sessionat which the various Fraternity trophies,iwards, and citations are made to the winningchapters and honored individual <strong>Phi</strong>s. WendellNiles (Montana '27), popular radio and televisionpersonality, was toastmaster for theluncheon. After entertaining the luncheongroup with a series of jokes, barbed gibes, andvaried pleasantries, Brother Niles introducedthe members of the Fraternity assigned tomake the various awards.Tom Harmon (Michigan '41), former AU-American football star and an internationallyknown sportscaster, barely arrived in Pasadenain time to keep his engagement at theluncheon. He had been in Japan making finalplans for his radio-television coverage of the1964 Olympic games there, and in a brief addresstold of some of the preparations beingmade in Japan for this international sportsevent. He also made the presentation of thesports trophy which he established in 1956 in appreciationof the contributions of the late GrantlandRice (Vanderbilt '01), long the nation'sforemost authority and best-seller author inthe field of sports.The complete list of * A 9 award winnersas announced at the special Thursday luncheonappears on pp. 94-95 of this issue.A battery of specially chartered busses werelined up in front of the Huntington-Sheratonupon the adjournment of the Awards Luncheonand the convention guests were transportedto Disneyland for an afternoon and eveningof fun, play, and relaxation. This feature ofthe Convention was made possible by the generosityof the greater Los Angeles <strong>Phi</strong>s. Theweariness of the returning guests as the bussesdeposited them safely at the hotel shortly beforemidnight gave ample evidence of theextent to which all had participated in themany thrilling and delightful experiences tobe had in Disneyland.Taking priority at the Friday morning businesssession was the election of the 1964-1966president and General Council members. PresidentMcKenzie reported the results of thenominating committee's actions which hadbeen posted for the required 24-hour periodand called for the nomination of the variouscandidates in alphabetical order.Past President Clem Bininger placed innomination the name of Donald DuShane andbrief seconding speeches were made by PPGCEmmett Junge; Psi Province president ClydeRaynor (Davidson '41), David DeMeyer, WashingtonState; Ken Green, Whitman; DonKoskinen (Lawrence '50), president of Iota<strong>No</strong>rth; Lee Edstrom, Lawrence; and Tom Lingo,Oregon Alpha.Jack Shepman's name was placed in nominationby TTed Maragos (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '55),Lambda Province president. The followingbrothers gave short seconding speeches: GaleAhrens (Cincinnati '55) Ohio <strong>Theta</strong> advisor;John Bruce, Ohio Beta; John Cosgrove (PennState '05), Finance Commissioner; HarryLamon, Jr. (Davidson '54), Atlanta AlumniClub; Gary D. Garrison, Centre; Marvin Perry(Maryland '53), president of <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth Province;James Pace, Arkansas; and Howard Young(Southwestern '46), president of Rho SouthProvince.There being no further nominations for thepresidency, delegates voted in secret and mera'bers of the Wardens Committee, under thechairmanship of Verlin P. Jenkins (Akron '24),Sigma Province president, supervised the collectionof the ballots and made the officialcount which resulted in the election of BrotherShepman as president for the new biennium..Amid the applause of the delegates. BrotherShepman in a few informal remarks expressedhis deep appreciation for the confidence placedin him and made a plea for the cooperationand assistance of all <strong>Phi</strong>s during the comingbiennium.

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