1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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80 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964PROVINCE PRESIDENTS: Top row—James Carrie, Beta; Tom Cartmel, Kappa; Fred Hoar, Omicron South; TomTriplett, EpsUon South; Ed Love, Mu West; Jim Buffington, Psi. Middle row-Hal Pride, Xi; BiU Connell, <strong>Theta</strong>;Carl Neu, Pi <strong>No</strong>rth; Verlin Jenkins, Sigma; Clyde Raynor, Tau; Howard Young, Rho South. Bottom row— H. E.EmswUer, Zeta; Glen Cary, Nu; Homer Gibbs, Eta; Marv Perry, <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth; Harry Meir, Gamma; and Doug<strong>Phi</strong>llips, Omicron <strong>No</strong>rth. Missing when picture was taken: Allen Wood, Alpha; Wade Weatherford, <strong>Delta</strong> South;John Jackson, EpsUon <strong>No</strong>rth; Don Koskinen, Iota <strong>No</strong>rth; Walt Draper, Iota South; Ted Maragos, Lambda; BillWhitlow, Mu East; and H. L. Stuart, acting president of Upsilon. Charles Wickes, Pi South, and John Harding, Rho<strong>No</strong>rth, were not in attendance, the latter because of iUness.fare, or for sharing and promoting intellectualand physical advancement, is any less now thanit was 116 years ago."The yearning to achieve the sharing ofideals, to develop loyalties in human affairs, toengage in intimate rejoicing at victories andbemoaning at losses of various kinds, that yearningseems as likely to stimulate gregariousnessnow as it ever did," declared Dr. Cheadle.Turning then to the current criticism of fraternities,the <strong>Phi</strong> educator said: "We find agood deal of comment to the effect that fraternitieshave served their purpose and nowwe need to replace them with agencies morevitally concerned with, or at least compatiblewith, intellectual pursuits. There^ is much thatis unfavorable to fraternities being bruitedabout."After summarizing many of the current criticisms,the Chancellor declared, "But much as Iam disturbed about failures of fraternities andsororities, much of what I hear I consideras rubbish. Fraternities and sororities certainlyhave not greater or more frequent failures thanany other social group I am aware of, but theydo stand in exposed places—ready-made targetsbecause they are organized targets."Urging fraternities to realize that they dohave special privileges on the college campusand thus special responsibilities and "that youmust consciously organize yourselves to dischargethem effectively," Dr. Cheadle warnedthat "Fraternities do not live in a vacuum; themanifestations of their verities and principlesof brotherhood must be judged in relation towhat surrounds them currently. They must repeatedlyexamine themselves to determinewhether in each succeeding epoch of our society'sevolution, they are gearing their operationsso as to cope siiccessfully with their obligations.''Closing his address with a reaffirmation of hisfaith in * A 9, the California Chancellor said,"I am fully confident that our Fraternity willcontinually strengthen itself by continually reaffirmingthe basic reason for its existence. "Thatreason is to provide a means of furthering inthe finest sense the brotherhood of young menwho have a high regard not only for socialvalues, but for moral, spiritual, and intellectualones as well."Make the ritual a meaningful reminder ofthe essential nature of our Fraternity. Rereadthe Bond and live it in today's world," theChancellor admonished.With his closing words, "Hail to * A 9—mayit long and honorably live," the entire audiencerose to pay tribute to a masterful presentationof the cause of the college fraternity and to theforceful statement of this outstanding educatoras to steps the Fraternity must take to overcomesome of the current criticism.Emphasis upon the traditions of * A 9 thathave lasted throughout the decades was evident

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