1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 79SECRETARIAL STAFF occupied seats directly belowpodium and facing delegates ready to attend to anydetail. On delegates' left were Alumni Secretary Ray E.Blackwell and Field Secretaries John Diehl and JimTunnell (top picture). Below, the three on delegates'right. Executive Secretary Bob Miller, Assistant SecretaryFrank Fawcett, and Field Secretary Devon Weaver.Two bottom pictures show Miss Eva Hudson, GHQoffice manager, who was in charge of registration, andMrs. Charles Rumpler who, at time picture was takenwas helping Chairman Bill Whitlow of Committee onCode assemble copies of proposed constitutional changes.1932-1934, arrived later and was also formallypresented to the Convention.Dr. Bininger, the Convention Chaplain, gavethe invocation following the singing of "GodSave the Queen" and the "Star Spangled Banner,"traditionally an emotionally packed reminderof the fact that * A 9 is an internationalbrotherhood.Welcome speeches are customary, indeed almostmandatory, at conventions but seldomdoes an address of welcome become one of thehigh spots of a total program such as the addressof welcome given the assembled <strong>Phi</strong>s byDr. Vernon I. Cheadle (Miami '31), Chancellorof the University of California at Santa Barbara.After greeting the convention guests on behalfof the 5,000 <strong>Phi</strong>s living in CaKfomia, Dr.Cheadle paid tribute to the influence of * A 9in his life."<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> meant much to me in myundergraduate days at Miami University," theChancellor declared, explaining that "after along six or eight months in Oxford, my attachmentto Ohio Alpha opened up a period ofenormous interest to me socially and fraternally.Coming as I did from a small town hundreds ofmiles away, I was certainly a prime example ofone who could benefit greatly from fraternityrelationships. And I did; *A9 helped me in"all the ways that we speak of when we rushcandidates for membership in our fraternity."The speaker then outlined in a forceful measurecircumstances in later life, as a graduatestudent, a university professor and as an administratoron a campus "exploding in ntimbersof students" when he has had to "thinkhard about fraternities" and summarized hisrecent thinking by declaring, "Gentlemen, Isuppose that in many matters I am consideredliberal, whatever that means, but I am conservativeenough to think that my original ideasabout fraternities were not wrong.""I cannot believe that the great human needfor companionship, for sharing friendship, forbelonging to some closely knit social group, forcombining efforts to advance our common wel-

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