1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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Postmaster; Please send noticeof undeliverable copies on Form3579 and send to <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>Fraternity, Oxford, Ohio.THE COLLEGE FRATERNITY SECRETARIESASSOCIATIONCode oj Responsimlitiesfor Every College Fraternity MemberJoining a fraternity gives tlie new member certain desirable privileges. Among theseare the backing of his Brothers in all his college activities, and the creation of a bondof fellowship with each man who wears the same badge—from whatever chapter he maycome, whereever he may be met.At the same time, undergraduate membership involves definite obligations, for a fullfour years, or until a degree is received. These should be made clear in advance, so thatthey will be unhesitatingly fulfilled by the individual throughout his academic career.For this purpose, the College Fraternity Secretaries Association has prepared andapproved the following Code of Responsibilities:* SCHOLASTIC RESPONSIBILITY. The well-being of theChapter, the Fraternity, and the entire College FraternitySystem depends upon achieving and maintaining a highdegree of scholarship. It is the duty of every member togive his best efforts to his studies, to enhance the academicrecord of his Chapter.3^ CHARACTER RESPONSIBILITY. TO the college administrationand the public, the moral conduct and personalbehavior of each member affects the total Chapter image.This makes it imperative for the individual to act at alltimes according to the highest standards of integrity,propriety and good taste.3f: LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITY. Since the continued existenceof the Chapter requires a regular succession ofleaders, it is the obligation of every member to preparefor positions of service and authority—not seeking anyoffice but being ready to accept when needed, and toserve to the best of his ability at all times.>f: OBEDIENCE RESPONSIBILITY. Policies and regulationsare established by the College and the Fraternity for thegood of all. It is incumbent upon every member to complywith all such rules and practices—including those relatingto hazing, drinking and social affairs. Every membershall attend all Chapter meetings and official functionsunless excused from doing so, because of circumstancesbeyond his control.* FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Each member shallpromptly meet all bills presented to him for Fraternityexpenses in conformity with Chapter requirements; heshall avoid incurring debts with other members or withlocal merchants which cannot be, or are not, paid whendue. Members shall reside in and eat all meals at theChapter house when such facilities are available.THE ASSOCIATION has provided each member fraternity of the NationalInterfratemity Conference with this Code of Responsibilities, and has resolvedthat each Fraternity, either through its official magazine columns orby bulletins from its Central Office, urge its chapters and local InterfratemityCouncils to impress continuously upon their members—and especially uponall rushees—the importance of fulfilling these responsibilities.Above Code of Responsibilities, prepared by the CFSA, is recoinmended to allchapters of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>. Follow its precepts in discussing fraternity withrushees and in establishing principles of sound chapter regulation.

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