1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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68 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964ticed. medicine in Carbondale, 111. Hewas past president of the JacksonCounty Medical Society.Dr. Herman M. Williams (Randolph-Macon'31), associate professorof education at Colorado State College,died in Denver General HospitalJune 22, 1963. Brother Williams,who held his M.A. and D.Ed, degreesfrom the University of Virginia, hadthirty years of educational service inVirginia before joining the ColoradoState College faculty in 1959.Nelson I. Mixer (Colby '08) diedin San Clemente, Calif., his home.May 13. He was a fifty-year Masonand it Golden Legionnaire of $ A 9.Aubrey W. Stoutenburg (Ohio '24)died in Cleveland, Ohio, spring,1964. He was a life-long residentof <strong>No</strong>rwalk, Ohio, and as an architectdeveloped <strong>No</strong>rwood Heights in <strong>No</strong>rwalk,Highland View at Lakeside, andmany other homes in the area. He wasa Mason, a member of the Elks Lodge,and a member of the First MethodistChurch.* * *Harvey Stephen Kelly (Syracuse'99) died in Lakeland, Fla., June 6,1963. He was a Golden Legionnaireof * A 0.Dr. Charles Francis DeGaris (Washington-St.Louis '12), Oklahoma City,Okla., died April 30, 1963. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.Frank Munroe Eliot (Washington-St.Lpuis '08), <strong>No</strong>rth Marshfield, Mass.,died, January 16. He was a GoldenLegionnaire of the Fraternity.WUliam B. McSorley Jr. (Washington-St.Louis '17), retired vice-presidentof Huttig Sash & Door Co., St.Louis, Mo., died in St. Louis inMarch, 1964. He was a GpldenLegipnnaire pf 4> A 9.Robert Eugene Smith (Franklin '24)died at his home in Bradenton, Fla.,June 10, 1963.* * *Sidney Donald MUIer (Maryland'31) died in Baltimore, Md., hishome, Oct. 4, 1963.Ellsworth Fredrick Ireland (Cincinnati'23) died in Cincinnati February17.* * *William John Fritz (Case '09) diedin Brookville, Md., his home. May22, 1962. He was a Golden Legionnaireof * A 9, having received hiscertificate in 1955.James Garfield Porter (Knox '07)died in a Salt Lake City hospitalFebruary 17. A resident of Utah since1903, he was a railroad clerk withthe Union Pacific for 47 years untilhis retirement in 1952. He was aGolden Legionnaire of the Fraternity.Harvey Austin Magill (Miami '10)died in Santa Barbara, Calif., February27. A former resident pf Tacpma.Wash., he had served as principalpf the Willard GrammarSchool. He was a successful gardener,specializing in chrysanthemums whichbrought him show prizes. He was aGolden Legionnaire of * A 9.Lindsey Staley (Washington State'27), Pullman, Wash., businessman,died in Pullman, June, 1964.Glen Gorrell McConnell (Dartmouth'U) died in Fort Myers, Fla.,March 20, while on vacation. Hemade his home in Troy, N.Y., wherehe was president of the George R.McConnell General Insurance Co.He was a member of the RotaryClub, the Episcopal Church, and wasa Golden Legionnaire of $ A 9.IN COELO QUIES EST

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