1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for SEPTEMBER, 1964 67nouth (Va.) U. S. Naval Hospital,Kfay 29. A native of Nashville, Tenn.,le attended Vanderbilt University bebreentering the U. S. Naval Acadanywhere he was graduated in 1926.le spent several "years aboard vari->us warships in Central Americanvaters and along the West Coast ofhe United States. In 1932 he retiredrom the Navy and entered businessn Panama where he was engaged insxtensive export-import business ineveral Central and South American:pun tries.Brpther McClelland returned tpictive duty with the Navy in 1942ind saw duty in Brazil and in Cubaind in 1946 was awarded the Legipn)f Merit fpr his wprk in Cuba andlisp was decprated by the Cubanravermnent.John W. Mulford (Colorado Colege'26), board chairman of GrayVlarine Motor Co., died in a Detroit(Mich.) hpspital, June 2. A nativeOetroiter, Brother Mulford. whileitill in school, organized his ownjrinting firm which he headed for)5 years b^ore selling it in 1953. In1928, he started an airline service in:he West and for his contribution to;he early development of Americaniviation, he was given a merit award)f the American Legion in 1954. Helad a lifelong interest in boats. He)perated the former Seaway Line,arrying passengers and freight on:he Great Lak« and also operated1 passenger service from Jacksonville,'la., to Nassau in the Bahamas folowingWorld War II. Brother Mulbrdbecame vice-president of GrayMarine Motor Co. in 1939 and waslead of the firm from 1942 to 1959.t is now a division pf Cpntinentalfptprs Cprp. He was president of theifational Association pf Engine andSpat Manufacturers for three termsnd in 1960 the association estabishedthe John W. Mulford PerpetualTrophy in his honor. He made hislome in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.* * *Douglass Paul Teschner (Dartaouth'46) died, February 1, of inuriessustained in an automobile acidentseveral days previous while onbusiness trip near Keene, N.H. Helis executive vice-president of thelenry L. Hanson Co., Worcester,dass,, tppl manufacturers. He servedfith the Navy during Wprld War II.* * •Eugene £. dwell (Washingtpn '22)ied in California, March 5. Duringis undergraduate days, he served asjotball manager in 1921-22. Brothertlwell owned and operated the Inde-EUGENE E. OLWELLWashington '22pendent Distributing Co., a producebrokerage firm in Seattle, for 25years before moving to the MissionSan Jose area in California in 1948where he was a strawberry and poletomato grower.Among the survivors is a brother,Murray M. Olwell (Washington '24),Seattle, Wash.Joseph Rae Grafi (Dartmouth '09)died at his home in Winnetka, 111.,Dec. 19, 1963. Upon graduation fromDartmouth, he attended Harvard andColumbia University law schools. In1920 he joined the Chicago Title andTrust Co. and in 1924 was made acorporation executive and took thisposition in the Central Chicago TrustCo. in 1935. He was an accountant,general sales manager and director ofsales for over twenty years with thePure Oil Co. He was a Mason and aGolden Legioimaire of $ A 8.* * *Kenneth O. Shrewsbury (Amherst'14) died in Washington, D.C, February21. He received his law degreeat Harvard law school in 1917. Afterserving as a pilot in World War I, hewas one of eight Americans who volunteeredfor the Koskiusko Squadron,helping Poland fight Russia in 1919-20. In 1921 at a special ceremony inWashington, he was awarded the Po-Beg Your PardonApologies are due Brother CarlA. Brown (Alabama '01) whosename appeared in the ChapterGrand, May, 1964. Through a mixupin the postal department of Birmingham,Ala., the erroneous noticeof his death was received. BrotherBrown is in a nursing home in Birmingham.lish Virtut Militari Medal by formerPolish Premier Jan Paderewski. Returningto service for World War II,he served until 1946 as colonel in theJudge Advocate General's Division.Betweeii wars, he was a member pf thelaw firm of McClellan and Shrewsburyin New York City and after 1946was legal consultant for the VeteransAdministration in Washington, D.C.He was a Golden Legionnaire of theFraternity.* * *Roland WendeU Harrison (S.M.U.'21) died at Foley, Ala., February8. In school work all his adult life,for the last seventeen years he hadbeen vice-president and Dean of Facultiesof the University of Chicago.He retired from that position in June1963 when he moved to Foley.Morris Frank Hanson (Iowa '29)died in College Hospital, Des Moines,Iowa, April 12. An insurance salesman,he had resided in Des Moinesfor fifteen years and previously hadlived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Clovis Cornwall (Georgia Tech '60)died in an accident near Lps Banps,Calif., April 17. He was emplpyedby Morrison Knudsen Co. in LosBanos. As an imdergraduate. BrotherCornwall served as president ofGeorgia <strong>Delta</strong>.Byron Blair (Ohio '26), a Chillicothe(Ohio) attorney, died in a Chillicothehospital April 7.John Van Fleet Pixler (Miami '12)died in Worthington, Ohio, July 22,1963. He had retired from teachingmathematics at <strong>No</strong>rth High School inColumbus, Ohio. During his undergraduateyears. Brother Pixler servedas president of Ohio Alpha, was abaseball player, and was a memberof $ B E. He was a Golden Legionnaireof the Fraternity.* * *Ward Guest (Cincinnati '17) diedin Chicago, 111., where he had madehis home for some years, early inJune, 1964. He was a Golden Legionnaireof ^ A 9.* * *Dr. Edmund Ralph Carman (Lombard'19) died in a Maripn (111.)hospital April 10. Brother Carmanwas affiliated with the Purdue chapterwhile an imdergraduate andplayed on the Purdue football team.He received his MS>. from WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, and prac-

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